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Everything posted by VashieGanbaruwa

  1. So Naoko Takeuchi worked hard and i love how it all started with Codename:Serraa V
  2. i just saw it today i really like it! It was kinda sad but i like that in an anime. I don't really know names but i like the sister.
  3. Any one but me love this anime? I hate the dub but the japanese virsion is great so is the manga. SerraaStarS is my favorite season becuase my Yaten is in it.(yes im a Yaten fan and member of TSAG{The Starlights Are Girls}) Its a great story and Usagi is often looked at like she is a crybaby and a klutz, but if you watch the show enough you'll see that she is very strong and won't let anyone die(exp.The Dissipering Stars! The Death Of Uranus And Neptune-Usagi's Love! The Moon Light Illuminates the Galaxy!) and no Uranus and Neptune [U]are not cousins[/U] My favorite character is Michiru of course thats why im a member of HAMAL(Haruka And Michiru Are Lovers). And i love Rei in the manga she is so different in attude. any way thats my view id love to hear yours!
  4. ive only heard one song and it was too rock for me but my sister liked it so i bought her the CD
  5. I love inu-yasha i have 2 mangas and the artbook im a big Rumiko fan! but i think Urusei Yatsura was her best inu-yasha is the second:)
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