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Everything posted by IkkiMechaPilot

  1. Whats the standard size of a page of manga? Or what are common sizes.
  2. I havent beat the game yet but i know all the unlockables and unless you have like 6 months of free time dont borther they just get you some other lame characters that die in seconds against enemies in like level 3
  3. Come on do you expect me to exibit perfect grammar and spelling and capitalization at three in the morning on a suger high and practily asleep on my desk? i dont capitalize cause for now life is finite and i dont wanna waste it plau it doesnt realy matter here.
  4. Ok i use to have some of the realy old mega man games but i lost them and i was wondering if anyone could list all the megaman games from after 1990 cause im interested in getting some since im not picky about graphics. mainly i wanna know about ps, ps2, cg, and gba games.
  5. so who out there owns a street bike and what type is it and stuff? im buying my brother's street bike from him soon and its pretty nice so i figured id ask about street bikes here.
  6. Man the whole idea of curfews is stupid i mean its not hard to break curfew as i have done when visiting cousins in other places. but what i think is worse is bounderies some people have to stick to. i mean i use to have to make up excuses to go to the park but then again it was about 2 miles away so i would always tell my mom i fell asleep in a tree cause ive done that before... oh yeah i do that alot and especialy on days i dont wanna walk home for lunch i just climb a tree and sleep in it. but boundaries are stupid and i was always a good kid but then one day me and my friends got on the skytrain and went to vancouver so i guess thats the day i broke out of my good-kid cocoon and since then i havent ever thought twice about going anywhere and some times i even go into alberta and thats like 200 km away. but now im getting my bike licence and my brother is selling me his street bike for 100 so i bet ill be going where ever i want when ever. and since hes getting a new street bike anyways ill probably go race him all over the province.
  7. yes we know what makes stuff alive... take a bio class and you will learn it. and infinity is graspable by the concept itself cause its just infinity. it actualy harder to grasp how tiny an atom is cause think about how many cells there are in your body then think about a cell consisting of about as many atoms at a comparative ratio. also if earth was spare sun materiel how does that work? the sun is made of mydrgeon and gasses in fussion status not metals and miquids and all the stuff earth is made of and the sun is just made of the elements its made of so thats the end of that. it doesnt come from infinity cause that just makes no sence. i suggest you think of infinity as a concept and not try and see it in your minds eyes cause that might hurt you and no one wants you to have brain damage.
  8. At my highschool japanese is big so its hard to get into the class meaning i wont be in it till next semester but for now a friend is teaching me dutch ive been learning some japanese from another friends and i applied to take german is early collage classes so im hoping to get into that cause i love words too and cause ive learned so much english in my 17 years of reading to many books that i think ive just about learned all the english there is to learn. also since i like words and languages i have made up several laguages myself but realy its pointless cause no one but me can speak them and no one is likely to.
  9. azurewolf is right you gotta actualy think in school unless you are a genious and can learn from short complicated explanations but not many people are like me so you gotta pay attention and try and out wit the teacher and that strict assed teacher deserves to be stabed to death in my opinion cause not allowing certain normal words to be said is called unlawful censoship which is illegal and you should go to your pricipal about the text book thing cause your teacher is obviously on a power trip and needs to be stoped. for me school is just blah cause its not hard and i dont learn from long explanations so it is bad for me to pay attention all the time so i doodle and design and hit on girls all class and do some work sometimes if theres nothing else to do. and since this is my 69th post i feel obligated to say something stupid... i am the most prestigiogs panty theif in the world! oh and please queen asuka dont kill me for that.
  10. If i go to long i seriously go nuts and get sick. its sorta sad but i think its just my subconssious mind clinging to something thats fun and artistic at the same time.
  11. What episode is it where they are walking in the mountains the whole time cause i was down at my grandmas and saw that one and it was kinda annoying that i had to see the episode that was probably the most boring.
  12. What is the transformation thingy they do? is it like genetic or are they aliens or something cause it looked pretty tripy when i first watched and then again today when i watched it and i havent had a good sugar high in like a week.
  13. I wasnt saying it must be true i was just saying 9999 doesnt make it fake so im sorry i worded that so bad. Also can someone tell me the new pcs in outbreak cause someone said there were olny two and i got balmung and the girl but i havent gotten far so are there any others?
  14. Yeah i beat skeith with sanjuro justa cause i like sanjuro and also i heard that its better to use kite as your healer and have two good attackers and sanjuro was my best attacker so i kicked skeith's skinny *** with sanjuro and kite realy since blackrose just kept whining about her status ailments.
  15. Hows the animation and how many episodes are there and what japanese company made it? And what genre of anime would it go into?
  16. Outlaw was awesome but its good they took it off the air cause i watched it 6 times through on CN when i was living in the states and i wish there would be a sequal but unless there was a big big push for it it wont come. so i guess we wont see another one... but i still wanna see the hotsprings episode yet i dont have a good job right now and unless i cant get the biologist's assistant job at the fish farm i wont be buying outlaw on dvd any time soon.
  17. I saw a preview and it looks good and i might be able to rent it so i hope its good.
  18. Ive never had a curfew and my mom is all a good parent so yeah i go out when ever i want and stuff but 6:30 is lame thats like before i eat when i got out to eat.
  19. Well i want this game alot cause i loved the original and ive been excited for like a year now since hearing about an FFT2 on some other boards somewhere i forgot but then i heard it was olny for GBA and i was pissed i mean i dont have a GBA and thats like nintendo when fft was on PSZX which is sony and i thought they were like rivals so now i gotta go put out 80 bucks for a GBA and another 40 for the game just so i can play it.
  20. I hated those stupid sphere trials and i got stuck on the second one so i cant realy say anything other than i liked the sphere grid and i enjoyed the cut scenes for their good 3D graphics.
  21. Sounds awesome but ps2 games are on dvds and dvds can have any number of layers so i guess discs with 3 times the normal space that are olny half the size have to be damned thick or must be some sort of new technology.
  22. I remeber whatching four OVAs a while ago and loving them but im not sure if they are part of all the samurai X or not so i know theres the 96 episode show but what else is there to slear up my confusion.
  23. haha yeah i hate rachel and i olny give her stuff for the stupid affection rating and i wanna kick nuke's *** so bad but still with his powerful healing i use him alot if not to much and elk is such a wuss i wanna tape him to some obstacle in the field and then lead monsters to him.
  24. has anyone heard of this anime? i just rented the first 8 eps and watched 4 of them but i cant watch the rest tonight cause i got other work to do. So far ive gathered that there was some sort of supernatural test that caused some sort of massive explosion and the UN thought it was a weapons test so they are trying to ivade and take over the country where it happend but when they tried to take the capital all their forces where destroyed mysteriously and a private company has loaned the Un forces TA or Tactical Armor a sort on walking talk that totaly outrank any other form of tactical attack platform. So has anyone else seen it? anyone know how many episodes there are total?
  25. Ok ive been into anime a long time but since i dont have a job and realy havent had a good one i have just kinda shirked all the mainstreamness and got bootlegs and stuff but since now im getting a job and i have better acsess to the net and extra money i want to know if there are any anime magazines i can pick up to find out about new anime coming out and all that.
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