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Everything posted by IkkiMechaPilot

  1. At my school there is a manga club and an anime club but they are just a bunch of wannabe otakus so i wont go. i just stick to all the anime and manga clubs im in on the net and stuff.
  2. Natsume kicks *** but how long did it take you to beat skeith i mean not a one of my charas got data drained cause i fraged skeith in like 3 minutes and i was olny at levels 28 29 and 31. But yeah shes killer although i dont use her on dungeons any higher than her level now cause in outbreak there are some cheap monsters and stuff plus my balmung and nuke are high assed levels.
  3. its dot hack people it better make it or ill lose even more faith in the human race and i gotta buy a deck cause tcgs are fun i still play mtg some times although i always win. 67002 wins and im still not bored of it
  4. Dont call me a noob i just havent seen the series yet and im olny on outbreak and i dont go looking for into on sites im to lazy.
  5. Um its not fake obviously and 9999 is not infinity ya know...
  6. well yes any sort of motion suits and stuff would be expensive to deveop but i think sony or some other big companies are edging towards it cause when you think about it the 128 bit consoles are very powerful when it comes to graphic so in my opinion some better graphics arent gonaa satisfy me for a ps3 so what i am thinking is a ps3 would have some more integrating technology like motion gloves or such. so when you think about sony as a massive company making the technology instead of just a single game company it makes alot more sence in that many games could use it cutting down the cost as to research markup on each game and why would you wanna but an expensive peripheral for just one game albeit an awesome one. also about the pervertedness its likely there would be blocks or usch things as non-adaptive dynamic meaning the skirt wouldnt be able to be lifted and would be restricted in side to side and back and forth movement. what i think would be best is if some sort of online ps2 version of the world be put out and some of the cost could go to the development of the peripherals and once they become available you could trade your game in and pay a little to get the upgraded version and then get the peripherals. also as for a sort of perfect motion suit it would be best to make some sort of liquid filled capsule in which you float with a breathing apparatus and such so you could run and stuff.
  7. player killers arent some sort of human monsters. the act of killing doesnt always suggest a bad bringing up or anything and in most cases in a non-serious enviorment such as a game the act of killing is self-expression. when they come out with the world for all of us to play online ill be a player killer just for the fact killing others is expressive of me. and ive had a good unbringing but i see killing as ok in certain circumstances. also to kill a player in a game where your chara is reincarnated is much like defeating an enemy in battle in real life cause if you think about it taking a game chara to within an inch of their life and then letting them go is like beating someone just to beat them. so the expression killing people is fun in relation to games and such is not some sort of monsterous attitude but more of an expression of anticipated selfexpression.
  8. Ok what i was told is sora tried to double cross some sort of program but it got him and turned him into skeith then once you defeat skeith the program locking sora in the skeith monster is unlocked and then when you go into that level 70 dungeon in outbreak you go find the skeith staff and i think it awakens sora and he becomes unlocked and thats about as far as i go.
  9. for me it had to me robotech before i ever knew realy anything cause i was like 4 and jim i watch sailor moon all the time after all its decent anime.
  10. Well for spike didnt vcious just stap him and the the top of the building blew up cause i think he could survive that stabing wound since im real and ive survived worse without immediate medical attention but mabye parts could be taken from vicious and spike to make one person or something. Also i was think more along the lines of a second series follow the lives of other bounty hunters or make a few 4 episode OVAs following other small groups of bounty hunters. EDIT: Argh i just remembered that the scene where spike shoots vicious and vicious stabs spike wans the end so i feel stupid... *runs off to go cheat the system to make money and buy anime*
  11. I found a seriously glitched area! Check out phelta lonely oblivious fort walls there are olny two levels to the bacement and the gott statue treasure holds a stormlordhelm and two yellow candies. Its not corupted either so im wondering now.
  12. Oooo movies are good Well i would have to have a list cause even though alot of anime series have movies already most anime series should have more movies IMO. So i would say Evs should have a movie about the first and second impact, rurouni kenshin would be fun with another OVA although ive olny seen the OVA and like 7 episodes, cowboy bebop could use another movie mabye about say other bounty hunters or many some OVA series with a whole bunch of new bounty hunter teams, and not that last but last for now i would say .hack could use a few movies or just a couple more OVA series cause from what ive seen it could vary alot yet still be similar enough to get a grasp of the entire idea without needing to see a bit of each series.
  13. Grr i dont know all of those well but i want to point out that the angels realy werent villian although they represented evil entirely they were soldiers of god so i dont think they had a choise. But thats just my opinion so think what you think.
  14. Thanks thats alot of good info now i just gotta find 1 and 2 and the buddy system in 3 is so annoying.
  15. I like all three of those banners and i think out of all the banners ive seen your are the best. I cant get a flipin tablet now cause the olny on at future shop is like $150 and i cant afford it so i guess i wont be gettin a banner any time soon Or for that matter a new original ava. On a side not if the banners are all the same size they all have the exact same abount of color because they all consist of the same amount of pixels there fore what you people realy mean to say is the second one has more colors thatn the first but im just realy bored now so dont take offence.
  16. I like the first one best but then again i like blood used in ways other than purly violent work so i guess thats why. And whats wrong with gettin a bit of blood on her face? Not like human blood is an acid like other creatures' blood.
  17. Argh! after such a battle getting infection i bought mutation to keep from having the same problems and im almost taped out on money now! Grr im going to put out like 300 resumes tomarrow and hope my neo humanness doesnt prevent me from getting a decent job. All this and i was planing on spending what money i have left on GTO dvds a future shop.
  18. I just got this game today and i was wondering what systems are 1 and 2 on and how old are they about? so im just starting this game and its confusing for me now but im sure ill get the hang of it.
  19. Ok i have one theroy that i doubt everyone will see as a working theroy at least at first but here it is; the mental facilities of a child are much more powerful than an adults yet a child isnt realy for combat simply cause they are still mentaly developing while a teen is still young enough to have a high mental capacity while they are developed enough to deal with battle and secondly they still have their youth in that they have faster reaction times and are less likely to have any sort of physical problem. This theroy isnt put into words well right now but ill try and work on it when its not 4 in the morning.
  20. Ok i havent seen the series or anything but from what ive heard didnt the series happen before the games? And if so then tsukasa couldnt have been level 99 because in infection orca and balmung are "the most powerful characters in the world" and orca is olny level 50 so thats my speculation.
  21. OK im not sure what you people will think of this but i looks 'otaku' up in my japanese dictionary and its say "otaku 1. pron. you (polite) 2. n. your house; your home." so i started wondering are there two meanings for otaku or is this some joke some japanese person started a long time ago? anyways just thought id mention it fellow houses :D
  22. oo i can think of the worst due to a few recent accidents ive been in. I realy dont remember much of my childhood so i cant tell whats the worst ive done to my brother in the past. Well when we were biking in the arly summer i was following down a trail and he stoped without telling me to stop and i rammed right into her pushing him over the side of a small cliff, i wailed him in the head with a wooden baseball bat and broke it, i got mad at him for putting mustard in my ears and swung my sword at him cutting nicely into his nose, i whailed him in the back with my sheathed sword and almost shattered a few ribs, and i droped out of a tree and landed on his shoulder realy messing it up. I guess im pretty violent to my brother but he is still a good brother.
  23. Thats just amazing! All at once i want to cry worship it and smash my head into my desk. I mean im like the best pensil shader in my area but damn thats just way beyond me then again i shade with mechanical pensils most of the time. Its just great.
  24. My school district has been thinking it over and the compromise that was reached was that if we were gonna have uniforms the students would get to choose them. Turned out the teachers and PTA didnt totaly like what we picked ^_^ so i guess we won. I have to say i dont realy care cause i like wearing whatever i can that resembles some sort of cloths in anime but wearing uniforms would screw the social higherarchy up realy bad and that would be some great funn.
  25. Hmm.... Olny three? Well i would have keitaro's life, the neue ziel MA, and kenshin's sword skills. Iwonder how that would work out...
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