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Everything posted by IkkiMechaPilot

  1. So what does everyone think of this game? any one beat it yet? Im stuck in one of the ruins so if anyone has gotten pretty far do ya think you could help me out here. I think its the third dunngeon you get to once you have the entire party so ill have to find out but if you can help just post here or send me a message at droza_atono on yahoo or at [email]droza_atono@yahoo.com[/email] for email or msn messenger.
  2. I have a white tiger. And two cats. I love cats.
  3. I have plans for a light blue tattoo thats a bit hard to descride on both my wrists but im working on some drawins of them that i can upload once i get a scanner and some odd triangles on my cheeks. This is a little off toppic but i also am looking into having wing bioenginered and attached to my back and ill probably see about havning them partialy coloder by some permanent means.
  4. Samurai siply because i am a samurai althought there are some damn good ninja weapons. Being a samurai has improved my life im in good shape im fast and good at defending myself and its just fun to be so good with a sword.
  5. Hmm... ive always been underweight but my genes are realy messed up so i dont mind it. Im actualy filling out as of late so ive like 130 now but im 5 11 and im growing more than an inch a months so i guess my weight is just keeping a constant to height.
  6. OK well i have to say ive never realy had a problem with teachers but thats probably cause i find it funny when teachers are total asses. So i dun remember teachers' names much but i had one teacher that would come up and smash your desk realy hard if you fell aleeps, one teacher that would throw erasers at your head if you fell asleep, one teacher that would throw pens and pensils at you if you fall asleep, and a load of other teachers that would do other things if you fell asleep. Also as subs come ive had every kind of bad sub you could think of and then some. But i just sleep, doodle, and read manga, in class anyways. without the teachers bothering me so i realy kinda like school.
  7. Ohh crap i just deleted my own helpfull message. :: kicks himself in the ***:: Anyways here it goes again. For the Boundless, corrupted, fort walls area the rock heads are the hard part not the boss. For the rock heads where there are three at once kill the face monster with them first so hes out of the way and then use any wood skills on the rocj heads plus staccado is a good skill when your at full health. Have a ton of health drinks for healing and dont use repth it will be a waste of sp. I would run to one side of the room and then when they come at me go after one hitting him as hard as possible and then i would run to the other side and heal then run back and hit the same guy untill hes dead. Now i might have had to run to the other side of the room alot more than twice toi kill each so dont think you can waste him in two attacks. Also data drain ASAP and just leave the data drained monster and go after the others. Now i got to the stairs to B4 and warped out cause i was sure i couldnt live through the rest of the dungeon and then i went off to level up alot so it wouldnt be so hard which helped and i also grabed 30 health drinks for the trip.
  8. I havent seen much but from what my friends say it sounds good and id like to get it on dvd but i just cant afford it. At [url]http://www.discountanimedvd.com/[/url] they have the box set for $200 but i go there for other anime since there are some nice deals there.
  9. Dang that kink isnt working for me you think you could give me another link or something? I realy wanna see what episode two is gonna be like.
  10. Yeah i got this game a while back for like $15 canadian but im stuck somewhere i have no idea where cause i ahvent played it in a while but if you are still into it email me or something cause mabye you can help me out.
  11. Yep infection comes first. It was a pain in the ** for me to find when i finaly got some money so i bought mutation first but i didnt play it and now i have infection.
  12. Well like trowa just kind of gets to be the pilot in wing there is the same thing in MSG and i bet stuff like that happens in other series.
  13. OK well i decided to make this a new topic cause it would make it simpler to have it as its own topic. So here we can list areas in different categories and the first few categories i will suggest are jungle areas places to find monsiurs lvl. 1 or 2 and where to find grandpas lvl. 1 or 2.
  14. Weird is there an actual age you have to be to buy mature games? Ive never heard of that and ive been buying mature games since i was like 13 and i looked like i was 10 or something. Ive always looked alot younger than i am i mean im 17 and i look mabye 14 so its would realy piss me off if they said i couldnt buy it just cause of a flipin rating. I mean not letting me buy mature games would make me more likely to blow up the school and stuff.
  15. OK im too lazy to read all this but i just got infection two days agao and its awesome but the snake boss was easy i just stayed to the side and staccatoed the snake and repthed elk and kite and elk didnt die once! But i dun like useing elk in the event dungoens cuase hes a pain untill hes powerful. but im about halfway through and i have mutation also plus both the infection and mutation guides if anyone wants any info.
  16. WEll i posted this idea on the gundam.com board in hopes i would get better replies since its mainly a gundam forum but ive gotten alot of discouraging repies so i think they might remove it but here is a link anyways. [url]http://www.gundam.com/mb/index.cfm?fa=view_topic&ForumAction=ViewTopic&postid=1123573[/url]
  17. Sadly i cant get a credit card yet so i can get any since there arent any stores around here that sell anime. My solution is to save up untill i can get a CC and then ill buy it near the end of the month and have to money before hand. So far i have like 800 canadian saved but with the rate bettering for canadian im sorta glad i havent bought any although i think if you got the conections buying anime out of japan using yen gotten at a good rate would be the best way to get it since its not too much realy. I have to say one day i want to have a vast colection of anime and manga but for now im poor since i dont have a job. My solution; olny buy the cheaper box sets of show i like that usualy arent too long episode wise. I recomend [url]www.discountanimedvd.com[/url] cause there are some amazing buys and alot of the mainstream and subbed anime you hear so many good things about.
  18. Well here in my city next to the major city vancouver theres plety of people that like anime but theres no mob which is good because you dont have to worry about some discusion coming up in class or at school (which i say is bad because those who dislike anime dont understand it or dont know what it is shouldnt be involved in an anime discusion) even though there is a manga club at my school, that im not joining for the fact im not the best at drawing anime and because its mainly asian that can be pretty rasist about anime. But there is a convention here annualy which is growing rapidly even though i just learned about it a few days after it was over :(( so i would say anime isnt too big or too small yet if it could be used as a unifying factor it would be nice to have some new blood.
  19. My mom realy has no idea what i do, i mean im not out of the house or anything but still i keep to myself and such. I dont realy wanna tell her about anime due to some of the mature stuff like the partial nudity in Evangelion or anything else so i just dont talk to my mom about it. I realy dont think i talk to my mom about anything other than word definitions, food, and my other more normal hoddies such as trail biking and making models from sratch.
  20. OK i make a topic like this on the great gundam.com message boards and it seemed a 50 50 division between liking it and hating it so i hope i get some better responses here. My idea is to make [I]Druable[/I] , cleanable, and non-movement hampering Ms costumes much like cosplay and wear them and play a sort of painball. I mean we cant make MS now or for a long time so this is the next best thing plus i think if we had meets all over the world it could catch on big time cause paintball is cool :) but paintball dressed like a giant robot is just awesome :excited:. You could even build a motorized guntank with shoulder cannons so realy think of all the different MS and how cool they are. Sadly since the costumes wouldnt be the easiest to make it would take a while to reddy for this so we need to think about it and such for the future but we might just wanna choose two factions to start out with at first that way it would be a heck of alot easier to know who your ememies are so i suggest feddies and zeon.
  21. I'd say go check out 0083 its pretty good and keeps up alot of destruction like wing and 0080 is short artistic and has a killer battle at the end thats alot like the wing gundams. Also ive heard good things about SEED and the trailer was awesome.
  22. Umm... i feel stupid asking this but what is a newtype exactly?
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