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Everything posted by demonchampion

  1. no the celebi was not raised by the gameshark, that is just where i got the celebi, and the alakazam was only raised to lvl 75 cause it was getting boring using the rare candies(i am the owner of the alakazam, i battled using my two gba's and the silver and gold version) and celebi was still weak though
  2. ok thanx, but the item duplication trick dus help out alot, o and i do have a celebi in g/s but really it aint all that strong
  3. I already had a mew anyways, is there really such thing as mewthree????? every time i go to like a place infested by pokemon luvers people are always talking about how there friends are going to trade it to them or how they already have one for completeing part of the game or by sum how getting both mew and mewtwo to have like a mewthree egg
  4. sorry but thats how it is unless the gameshark version of celebi is weaker
  5. my celebi had all of his stats maxed and alakazam did not and alakazam had been raised by rare candys, and it had none of its stats maxed
  6. There is no point in trying to get celebi, i have one at level 100 and it is still weak, my friends level 75 alakazam EASILY defeated it
  7. brock beat him by using the water sprinklers on the top of the gym to soak brocks onix then pikachu used thunderbolt against onix [color=indigo]Deleted your other two posts, which were right next to this one. If you want to add something, please just use the Edit button, as posting twice or more in a row is against the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules[/url]. - Desbreko[/color]
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