tattoi nobori
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Everything posted by tattoi nobori
[quote]I mean, what other cartoons get banned just becuase they talk about WW2 and what happened over there?[/quote] It never got banned (as far as I know) but Astro Boy was created under similar circumstances... I read once that one of the reasons Osamu Tezuka created our favorite boy robot was to give a friendly face to the technologies that Japan would use to rebuild after WW2! Specifically, he gave Astro Boy a tiny nuclear reactor for a heart to help re-introduce the idea of nuclear power as a useful tool, and not just as a terrifyingly powerful weapon! (As most Nipponese understandably thought of it.) He would later write a darker but similarly-themed manga, Metropolis, that borrowed ideas, architecture, and themes from pre-WW2 Germany, and Marxist Moscow. Anyway, all that to say that I'm a huge fan of Tezuka's, so I pick Astro Boy(!) as my favorite cartoon of all time! ?_?
Joe Madureira rocks, definitely... He's on my top-three list of X-Men artists, even if he does go a bit overboard on his female character's... *ahem* assets. For all-time favorite artists, I'd have to go with Rick Leonardi! His pencils in Spider-Man 2099 were just inspired... Of course, I'm hugely enthusiastic about Hirokai Samura. For writers, I like Frank Miller, Jeff Smith, and again, Hirokai Samura. ?_?
A better choice would perhaps be to register a MyOtaku.com account, and set up to have the little "Visit MyOtaku" button displayed under your avatar. (Ah, the joys of v6.5! ?_?) btw, whereabouts in Alpharetta? I grew up in south Atlanta, and lived in Alpharetta for about three years.
Time in Dimensional Terms (Theories Inside)
tattoi nobori replied to Corey's topic in General Discussion
[quote] tattoi, if you could post more information on the tesseract item I would be much appreciated. It intruigues me. [/quote] Oops! I guess I haven't been back to this thread in a while... Sorry about that! Tesseract is another name for a hypercube, or 4th-dimensional cube. There are a few pretty cool [url=http://pw1.netcom.com/~hjsmith/WireFrame4/tesseract.html]sites[/url] with Java hypercubes running, but another way to visualize it is to project it into the plane. Check out the attatched image, which is an illustration of a normal, 3D cube being projected into the plane. It's a simple but powerful concept, the ability to place your [i]n[/i]-th dimensiontal geometry between a light source and plane, and trace the edges when you have a symmetrical view projected into the plane. (I sincerely apologize for the glaring error in perspective, but there's no [b]way[/b] I'm drawing that dumb cube again! ?_? The mis-placed point is inside the silhouette of the cube on the right-hand side, and it belongs on the projection line second from the right. Crap. I should have re-drawn it...) Anyway, notice that the center point in the projection actually represents [b]two[/b] points in the cube, because for symmetry's sake, we've rotated it so that it stands on a corner, relative to the table. So, if you can imagine symmetrically projecting an [i]n[/i]-th dimensional hypercube for [i]n[/i]=4-7, you'd get figures like the ones in my post above! I hope that helps... Let's keep this thread running, I love talking about this stuff! ?_? -
Whats more important: Booksmarts or Commonsense
tattoi nobori replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in General Discussion
Ideally, I guess a good mix of both... But I'd settle for a terabit ethernet connection jacked into my pre-frontal cortex, with the other end going through a time warp, and plugging into the 'net fifty years from now. Then I'd just need to get some common sense! ?_? -
I have to say, it's a pretty cool game! I don't mind the slow parts, but then, I knew what it was going to be like before I got it. Actually, I think [url=http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2003-05-26&res=l]Penny Arcade[/url] has it about right... ?_?
Gaming Backwards-compatibility: Playing import PS1 games on PS2?
tattoi nobori replied to tattoi nobori's topic in Noosphere
Well, thanks for the info, both of you! I'm pretty sure I don't want to open up my PS2, so I'll probably get a swap disc if I can find one for it. (Be kinda cool if somebody made a mod chip that popped into that little SCSI port on the back... oh well.) BTW, your avatar is significantly... scarier, Semjaza! They both look like Mike Allred's illustrations, though I can't place them? -
Anime Question bout Spike Spiegel *spoilers*
tattoi nobori replied to Cmndr.Bradley's topic in Otaku Central
wow... Are you *sure* you want to ask that question? I mean, jeez... If I hadn't seen the end of the series, I would beg, borrow, or steal that disc, before I went looking for spoilers! Or... wait, are you asking for interpretations of the last episode, which you've already seen? Pls clarify! ?_? -
Hi all! I was wondering if anyone knew how I could play an imported [url=http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/best/bebop/index.html]game[/url] made for the PlayStation, on my PS2. If I get a mod chip, will I have to send my PS2 off to get it installed? (I'm not exactly an adept with the soldering iron. ?_?) Alternately, I suppose I could get a boot-swap disc; but will either solution allow me to play import PS1 titles? Thanks in advance!
I've read some of the new TMNT comics, and I really like 'em! It's a bit odd to see a comic property that I grew up with handed over to a completely different crew, but so far they're doing a good job with it... I was disappointed that Eastman and Laird weren't going to be involved but..! Such is life. (singing) Of the half-shell, were the heroes four... ?_?
I'm looking for the lyrics to "23 Hanashi", the song that plays at the end of session #23, Brain Scratch. It's the one that builds for a little over three minutes with random instrumental noise, then fades to a very nice ~1:30 falsetto vocal track. It sounds Latin at first, then at the very end I can pick out the words, "...to guide my steps tonight." Any thoughts?
[QUOTE]The collected books have every story in the comics, don't worry you haven't missed anything.[/QUOTE] *whew!* that's cool, i can deal with that... I wish I could afford to buy the individual comics, but..! Such is life. ?_? You know, I kind of feel the same way about Mugen no Jyuunin as I did when I first started collecting Bone! With both series, I'm almost hesitant to show it to anybody, or at least, I'm very selective about who I show it to; because I feel like if they don't get it, then I've failed in some way and they've missed out on something wonderful... Anybody else feel like that?
665, have you been collecting the individual comics? And what do you mean, 'tip of the iceberg'? I was under the impression that the TPB's collected all the issues; I gonna cry if I have to go buy [i]more[/i] comics just to get the whole story! ;_;
Anime What Anime has the best opening theme?
tattoi nobori replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
Yoko Kanno rocks my world... I'd have to say that Tank!, the opener for 'Bebop, tops my list. Actually, the rest of the soundtrack is pretty amazing too! I have the CD-Box, which is three cd's of soundtrack, and one of the Seatbelts playing live, and it's awesome! There's some screamin' monster horn players in that band... ?_? I also like the openers for Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Heat Guy J, and Gatekeepers 21. (Now -there's- a series I can get into; schoolgirls with exploding cellphones? Heck yeah! ?_?) -
Well... I can't really argue with your *ahem* logic... But you'll certainly never find her between DRI and the 'Pistols in my cd case! ?_?
Back when I had a real job, before the dot.com bust, all I did was buy CDs. So I have quite a few, about 60% of which actually still get rotation every couple of weeks. Lessee, numbers... I have two of the big Case Logics, so that's 264 that get listened to, and I have a Uhaul box full of jewel cases, the stuff I never get around to. I don't really have any burned CDs except the comps that I make for myself out of my collection... (what a boy scout! ?_?)
Well, that was... profound, Blastmon. ?_? I love Blade of the Immortal! I got into it when I found a beat-up copy of the "Heart of Darkness" trade paperback lying around, and immediately went and tracked down the rest of the series. I've been collecting the TPB's, but what with school and all, it's slow going. Ah, the joys of being a broke college student. ?_?
Rock on! I love Megatokyo, I've been reading it on the web for a long time... Just picked up the dead-tree edition vol. 1 today, and I think the second one's coming out pretty soon! The 3v1L, it's too much... ?_?
Writing Quotes:: What is your favorite Quote?
tattoi nobori replied to AutoKill's topic in Creative Works
"Like every other creature on the face of the earth, Godfrey was, by birthright, a stupendous badass... Everyone and everything that wasn't a stupendous badass was dead." Cryptonomicon, Page 1. -
Telekinesis..is it real or just a big fake?
tattoi nobori replied to eX_mErcAnerY's topic in General Discussion
At this moment, I am assembling a large cobweb inside Yalborap's computer case. Mote by mote, it grows! Tremble in fear at my psychic powers... ?_? -
I don't see anything wrong with girls playing in the NFL, if they can hack it. Then again, that would have to be one burly girl! ?_? Wait, no, I take it back... I think girls should be allowed to drive the bulldozers that tear down NFL stadiums to make room for motorball! Jashugaaaaan!!
Time in Dimensional Terms (Theories Inside)
tattoi nobori replied to Corey's topic in General Discussion
Pretty heavy topic... cool! [quote] I want pure scientific discussion. Also keep in mind that this is pure theory.[/quote] I think first off, we should clarify some definitions. Science is the overservation, identification, and description of phenomena. A theory is a statement [i]devised to explain[/i] phenomena. By these definitions, your post is a theoretical exploration, not a scientific exegesis. I would normally let it go, but you made a point of requesting (and then, seemingly, countermanding that request) that discussion be limited to that of a purely scientific nature. Anyway, onward! ?_? One common misconception relating to [i]n[/i]-dimensional thinking (where [i]n[/i]>0) is that when we "reach" [i]n[/i]>3, time travel becomes possible. Apparently, this is based on Einstein's musings that time is the effect of our 3D universe passing through a fourth dimension. Consider also that Einstein regarded time as relative. Without an absolute measure of time, the idea of time travel is questionable at best. To extrapolate this further and make assumptions regarding the fifth, sixth, and higher dimensions is quite incorrect! By strictest definition, the fourth dimension can be thought of as anything quantifiable. It could be time, as you speculate, or it could be peanut butter! ?_? However, most serious discussions on the subject treat it as an extension of, or new direction in, cartesian space. One thing we do agree on is the appearance of the most commonly referenced fourth dimensional figure, the hypercube, or tesseract. (The figure below is the graph of the tesseract symmetrically projected into the plane.) [IMG]http://mathworld.wolfram.com/himg3906.gif[/IMG] Obviously, it's not very helpful to just throw that up and say, "See! There it is..." The problem for anyone trying to visualize [i]n[/i]-dimensional figures for [i]n[/i]>3 is that we are constrained to a 3D world, so the tools at hand are lacking. It's harder still on a computer monitor, because we're trying to display [i]n[/i] dimensional geometry on a 2D medium! The best method I've found for visualization is projections of figures into the plane. (In this case, the monitor.) Consider the following series of projections, which depict [i]n[/i]-dimensional hypercubes, for [i]n[/i]=2-7. [IMG]http://mathworld.wolfram.com/himg3909.gif[/IMG] Beautiful! The figures get more complex, and more beautiful, as [i]n[/i] climbs. Unfortunately, they also become amazingly difficult to imagine. However, among certain high-level geometry geeks, there is talk of an [i]n[/i]-dimensional space where [i]n[/i] is infinite, called Hilbert space, that displays as a flat surface! (Too much, too much! ?_?) Well, I guess I've gone on long enough. Anyone else want to weigh in? -
I'm not going to get elitist here, but I was into FOW [i]way[/i] before they were sharing airtime with Simple Plan! -_o
In no particular order: [b]Stiff Little Fingers - Kicking up a Racket[/b] Just a fun, fun song... ?_? [b]Fountains of Wayne - Sink to the Bottom[/b] Boils down everything I miss about mid-90s alternative rock into one song. I love it! [b]Seatbelts - Tank![/b] Bloody fantastic. The Seatbelts have one of the best horn sections I've ever heard! [b]Five Iron Frenzy - Every New Day[/b] One of my favorite new-ska bands. Good message in this song... [b]Hum - The Pod[/b] Another one of my favorite 90s bands. One of the best songs to snowboard to, ever!
I'm currently quite fond of the Seatbelts, but then, I'm a baka otaku Bebop geek. ?_? Yoko Kanno rocks my world!