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    Shadow Syeren

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  1. Hush up ;( Peoples opinions change over time, and now that i have had more time to embrace it, my opinion changes ;(
  2. **** this **** is bad, its just an abuse of photoshop filters with no real layout or consideration of concept =/ And the kid who gave this 10/10 s moronic, that would mean it would completly alter the digital art community as a whole, and it most certinatly hasn.t
  3. Hmm, does Apprentice do matchlogs? If not, it won't be used. If it does though, and both users have it and would prefer to use it, then they may. As for the signing up, it would seem that most people are blind in this thread =/ I will put a form up on the site which should be up in the next three days. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple][b]Edited post- for some reason, the text had duplicated itself o_O; -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR][/b]
  4. XD YGO Forums is a piece of ****, dungeon is okay but not my scene. As for Realms, i am a top ranked member there and my deck is in the top 10 there 0_o; So hush the **** up while you back the **** up kid ;(
  5. Yes, we are using YVD, only a few more days left for sign up. And Altron, compared to me, you are nothing. You are a no one on the two major yu-gi-oh tournaments, so hush up.
  6. The matches will be held whenever you and your opponent are on, i expect the tournament to last a month ;)
  7. Well, i would most certinatly put full commitment behind it for the time it is up. All that is needed is people, and the matches wouldn't all have to take place at the same time, so you wouldn;'t have to be commited on being on at a certain time. Solo, if you are intrested in co-running this with me, simply PM me, and we will discuss things on there.
  8. First of all, hello members of the otaku boards ^.- Well i am trying to set up a Tourney to see how all the OB members fare against each other, the tourney will be fully supported if the Required amount of members are met. The tournament will be conducted via the YVD software. YVD is program which allows players to duel online, it has all the data you will need to build a deck that would work in the english game. The program is also rather small and does not require much processing power, all you need is an internet connection. If there are 16 entrants, the tournament would be in the Swiss format. This is where everyone will face everyone, and the player who wins the most duels/matches will win the tournament. If there is 32 players or more, we shall do a Knocko Out tournament which will have a winner and a losers bracket. The tournament will be conducted using the official rulings on the cards and seems as the tournament will hopefully begin on the 1st of september, we will probably be using the yet to be released restrictions. If i get enough feedback on this, i will build a site with all the tournament rulings, player contact information and tourney match reports. Downloads: [url]http://xerocreative.com/index.php?goto=yvd[/url] - Yu-Gi-Oh Virtual desktop [url]http://visionzero.net/tournyrules.pdf[/url] - the official rulings on all the cards. Required: If you are intrested, please leave your contact details in your posts. Questions: Just simply post them in this thread and i will do my best to help out.
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