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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. TN I dumped her on my on free will after my friend told me what she said...Then I went on trillian and It has all my comvos saved and thats how I knew what he said.... edit: He was alos supid enough to tell me he was on my SN...
  2. Well I wouldn't even one to this guy Eric's house anyway It was ovios that Sarah wanted to spent time with him...I would have just said no.... also I would have calle herback after waiting for her to drive you told her to go back to drivers training, then waked home!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pyro_kai [/i] [B] and most of my friends are also bi. [/B][/QUOTE] Why did you say that.... That just caught my eye and im wondering why you said it. you should talk about your friends about how good of a friend they are...not about them in a way that they cant control.
  4. okay before I start off let me comment ... If there wornt different kinds of people in the world then the world would be boring and kind of pointless. Everyone has there own way of thinking and how they like things... That is how the world keeps getting more intersting. Anywho I have lots of friends and some of them like anime some dont be we all have somthing simalar in common. Or we just enjoy eachothers company!
  5. I have 0 regrets of my actions...and things that others have done to me... I dunno why!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Um, from reading the conversation, I cannot see any reason WHY you would want her to be your girlfriend. Forget about her. You always have porn. [/B][/QUOTE] Wrist cutter Im 13...
  7. For fonts defentally think of Comic sans (its the best!)
  9. Well the other day my friend got on my Sn and this is the convo (im Mark) My friends Mike)She is roxy89se)Also some things are said because she has a Mr. T buddy Icon(LOL) MrPiCkLeS002: hey babe roxy89se: hey babe roxy89se: is this mike z? MrPiCkLeS002: im sooo mad at him roxy89se: is he @ ur house? MrPiCkLeS002: i dunno roxy89se: mark or mike!! MrPiCkLeS002: poo MrPiCkLeS002: mr. T roxy89se: who is it?? roxy89se: answer right now! MrPiCkLeS002: i dunno MrPiCkLeS002: i pitty the fool MrPiCkLeS002: who dont use 1- 800 collect MrPiCkLeS002: sry its mike MrPiCkLeS002: and ike MrPiCkLeS002: are you there roxy89se: really is it? MrPiCkLeS002: no MrPiCkLeS002: its mark im sry roxy89se: mark god damn it roxy89se: sheesh MrPiCkLeS002: thats not very nice little miss poo poo MrPiCkLeS002: i am a homo roxy89se: can tell MrPiCkLeS002: a homophobis homosexual MrPiCkLeS002: homophobic roxy89se: y wouldn't you just tell me? roxy89se: wats homophobic? MrPiCkLeS002: no but really its mike your talking to MrPiCkLeS002: now its mark roxy89se: stop confusing me MrPiCkLeS002: whaaa MrPiCkLeS002: whaaa MrPiCkLeS002: ok MrPiCkLeS002: ok MrPiCkLeS002: its mike now MrPiCkLeS002: very sry about that roxy89se: better be roxy89se: so whos lookin at the screen roxy89se: like whosin the room? MrPiCkLeS002: just me, marks on the shitte MrPiCkLeS002: shitter MrPiCkLeS002: are you gonna dump him MrPiCkLeS002: while hes on the shitter MrPiCkLeS002: or is he gonna dump o nyou roxy89se: im gonna dump him roxy89se: he is so mean to me MrPiCkLeS002: no but im jk he is right next to me roxy89se: im starting to remember how bad he treatedd me while we were in school roxy89se: mike i hate you MrPiCkLeS002: jk jk MrPiCkLeS002: he is really gone roxy89se: omg MrPiCkLeS002: what roxy89se: i swear ill hate you if yer lieing MrPiCkLeS002: should i tell him or not roxy89se: no i duno roxy89se: no for now Session Close (roxy89se): Mon Aug 05 22:35:48 2002 Session Start (AIM - MrPiCkLeS002:roxy89se): Mon Aug 05 23:06:31 2002 MrPiCkLeS002: There roxy89se: shut the hell upd roxy89se: leave me alone roxy89se: i hate you MrPiCkLeS002: luv you do MrPiCkLeS002: lol roxy89se: im not going out with you roxy89se: leav me alone turd MrPiCkLeS002: I know I was just messin MrPiCkLeS002: I havn't had anyone call me a turd sins Kindergarden roxy89se: i dont gvie a **** MrPiCkLeS002: Do you know what I didn't want to ask you out ever I was forcer MrPiCkLeS002: *forced roxy89se: leave me alone roxy89se: u weren't forced MrPiCkLeS002: your Icon is pissing me off and so is your friend Soccer Kiki! MrPiCkLeS002: ya I was roxy89se: no u could have just said no i dont like you or something like that MrPiCkLeS002: i tryed and you told me to get a clue or w/e Well she took everything in offence somehow and dumped me on my other Sn ( It happened in the middle of the convo) Now she blocked me and my friend told her It was me.. So she is only mad at me...what should I do?
  10. My friend says milk like Melk and Bagel lake Baggal! It makes me laugh every time!
  11. Well I would like to.....But im to buisey being a Mod at the gamerz-fourms(for link look at sig) (there i Moderater about 7 foums) anywhoIt takesalot of work. But james you can bet that I ill be a member at Shine Get .Com .
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D*Star [/i] [B]What are your 3 strongest points, and 3 weakest points? *No need to put yourself down too much* My strongest points are.. *I'm loving, caring and loyal to my family and friends *I'm smart. *I'm a competitive person, sometimes that may be bad but most of the time it does me good. My weakest points are... *I sometimes lack ocnfidence *I've got a MEAN temper when I'm pushed so far *My feelings are hurt easily. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats exactally what I would say....seroiusly word for word :bluesweat
  13. All parents are like that they just cant except change form the way they like there things (shirts,pants,ect ) I just deal with it. Allso just to add shits arn't $80 at abercrombie they are more like $20!
  14. I think everyone wonders the same thing in this crazy world...
  15. Serious Punk or Limp Bizket and linkin park.
  16. Well the situation is way more complacated than that... But I can see were your coming from.
  17. Thanks... I dont think you will realise how much I mean that though. That brightened up my day. Thanks!
  18. Well I say check it out with the docter!
  19. Ya.... My step mom just wasn't quite sure if she wanted to spen the rest of her life with my dad. And a whole bunch of §h!t happend with my step sisters dad that kinda effect her. But we just got back from Atlantis(A resort in the Bahamas :) ) And were moving in together very soon. So im very happy about that.
  20. 1-7. No 8. Yes Im hopeing to in High school!:)!
  21. Well this probally wont help at all... But my parents did get devorced(my dad almost twice :( ) Anyway It will all work out in the end! Also If you need to talk to me about anything feel free to just come out and tell me.
  22. I agree on some notes but on most I dissagree. Also I was very shocked to see the name of this thread...All countrys arn't perfict. So I could say ' The trouble with the british'(or what not) and no matter what the thread would say pretty much the same thing!
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