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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. well... 25.00 Australian dollars = 1,643 Japanese yen 25 dollars is what I would give him. But if you want more converts of money go here [URL]http://www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll[/URL]
  2. MarkM


    My friend is obsessed with X-man comics! he has like all of them...LOL...I read a coupple of them thry were...FUN!
  3. well good luck with your girl! ;)
  4. well Mabye i should try this airsoft thing...
  5. I cant really control my dreams. But on the same day every year I get the same dream about this guy out to kill my dad and me. It's like the Saga contenues each year. mabye I should make a movie about it...
  6. MarkM


    I dont really read comics. But every once in a blue moon i might pick up a DBZ one, from a random store near by.
  7. I agree Money is goooooooooooood!
  8. Neptune because she is the HOTTEST of all of them!
  9. Thats really cool. Have fun(I know you will)!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][img]http://www.coasterforce.com/images/millenium.jpg[/img] [color=deeppink]Ehehe...'nuff said? Okey...maybe not. But that's the Millenium Force at Cedar Point. It's so fast that I was literally drooling at the end of the ride from my mouth getting so dried out :blush:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thats my fav also.
  11. The only thing I have droven off road was a mopet and a 4x4 what was pretty tite!
  12. This has been on the news for quite a while and yes she is going to jail for it!
  13. Well you just have to make sure it dosn't happen again
  14. Thats stinks big time!!! well I didn't do o hot on my report card I got al A's on everhing execpt spanish **shuttes** and I got a D+ that is the worst i've ever done so my parnts juttold me to stuy tie as hard for it next year :)
  15. Not really here because I dont live o the ocean. But I have Driven My grandparents boat (A Cigerret Boat :) ) And thats really fun!
  16. [size=1][color=red]You have no place telling someone what is and isn't spam. -Justin[/color][/size]
  17. Well recently my friends and I have gotten some soap shoes whitch i think are pretty cool. But some people dont agree with my friends and I. So I was just wondering what others think about these shoes???? Also please tell me [B]REALLY[/B] what you think because I would really, like to know what people think. -me ;)
  18. Soccer is a weard sport. There for i dont watch it!
  19. For those of you watching the playoffs who do you think is going to win??? I think the Redwings are (i live in Michigan).
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]doc martens....BAH. Prep shoes in my eyes. I wont be surprised if i end up with a pair. [/B][/QUOTE] HEY THERE is nothin wrong with doc martins!!!! They are the coolest ;)
  21. Mine is My little Cousin. Got he is anoying. And all he cares about is Pokemon! ERRRRR
  22. well if its a concert like Cloricus said. its not scary it will be over before you know it.
  23. Ya there are a few people at my school that ca get pretty anoying. So i know wha you meen!
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