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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. I have neopets my sn for it is alvanisme
  2. MarkM

    so sad

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megabakin [/i] [B] Good attempt at making me feel insignificant in my judges. However, it failed. And before you go attempting the aforementioned assualt, know that I was judging it to be the year 2000. Have a nice day. [/B][/QUOTE] That just shows you are the iddiot everyone clames you are. Seriously what kinda person dosn't even know what year it is cummon,just admit it that you cant count worth ****. I fell very sorry for your firend!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raptor Zero [/i] [B]Penny arcade is hiliarious:laugh: It always cheers me up(Um I've been dead for a while:rolleyes: ) [/B][/QUOTE] "cool stay that way" umm i'll get around to that site
  4. Have a good time and stay out of trouble in the big big world all on your own!!! member dont talk to stragners jkjk byebye i'll miss you!
  5. I totally get enugh i execrsize everyday
  6. Wow on whole year!!! OMG let be get a camra...Give me a break i've been here under a different name since v.2 so save it!
  7. MarkM


    To the person who made this thread okay well ladies and gentlemen we have the big man on campus here now. Shame shame one post and he got banned. The "big man" is probally an 13 year old punk who thinks gay people are different. Well sorry to burst you bubble but go suc* yourself because how can you be strait or gay when you cant get anyone. Do you think anyone would like you for the things you have said here.....NO. So here is a little advice GET A LIFE! BTW just to add TN is one of the best mods here and has made alot of good choices for the boards...but banning you...has to be the best choice of all!
  8. Were did all yu gies go on spring break? I went to florida to a place were kids can drive around on golf caart path and go re ever they want ! My step grand parents live there so i've been there alot ! So im just wondering were did you all go?
  9. thats pretty fun i will have to try that!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Evil-Sheep [/i] [B]James, mind explaining again what's the difference between V4 and the default? guess i'm using the default right now :D Edited after realising myself: Oh my god the V4 one is like.. totally psycheledic! how can you guys even see with it? default for me.. even after understanding what's V4 :D [/B][/QUOTE] why donange it and find out o_O anyway i use defult and when i geoard i change it to v4 :)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Run a virus scan, then do a scan disk, then if that doesn't work, take it to a computer place... reboot before you do anything though, if you haven't already, sometimes that will fix any problem. Also you may want to try just hooking up a new keyboard. BTW Ice D. that was some pretty nifty translation... I looked at it and my head spun around 3 times... [/B][/QUOTE] emmm there is nothig left i can say tn sumed it all up translation for you (jkjk lol)mmm thr noti lt i ca ay t smd t all p. JK welcome o the boards but yes you might need a new keyboard!
  12. that proves you like otaku cloud lol. i dont do anything strange in my sleep i just well sleep!
  13. i have never seen the movie i will hve toget around to that ;)
  14. this board is not going down any time soon. James tell me pweese:raspberry
  15. MarkM


    JSRF is the best game ever!!! If you get one game this year get JSRF!!!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Well I would simply write a letter telling her that you miss her. Tell her that you wish to talk to her. Ask her what is wrong. If she has an e-mail address simply e-mail her. If just is on AIM, IM her. Saying the sam thing I said. Or if you get a chance talk to her mom. Tell her what you want to tell your best friend. Ehich is what I said earlier. Hope that helps a little. [/B][/QUOTE] that is what i would do
  17. Tell a parent or a teacher or sumthing dont let your friend go like that!!!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I constantly dream tha I can fly but i am not very good at it....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I have had dreams like that... they freak me out!
  19. My parens let me do pretty much anything. Within reason of corse. -hot head
  20. hey there!!! Well i have never heard of the tradeing cards but i will keep a look~e~see out for them. If i see any i will give you a holar! :toothy: hot head :toothy:
  21. [COLOR=skyblue]Well I play many sports. Swimming,Tennis,B-ball,ect. I like all sports![/COLOR] :toothy: -Me :toothy:
  22. It is the meening of the word that makes it bad. How some people use the word could be different but that dosn't matter. The meening is bad and thats what makes the word bad.
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