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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]I would have done the same cause i kinda have a short temper so [SIZE=3]GOOD JOB![/SIZE] :D [/B][/QUOTE] im always pissed off for some reason (even my dad calls me hot head) well if that were me....lets just say that guy would be on the ground in two seconds good job icey thats the right thing to do
  2. there kinda scary :worried: :worried: :nervous: :nervous: :toothy: :toothy:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]oh oh what time did you go? i love swimming could never break the damn 2 mins in the 200 free... thou i did in fly :) somehow im faster at fly haha anyway yea what was your time? and um... trust me if the other guy didnt care take it and run ;) u at least offered right[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] i totally agree. BUT 2 MINUTEs not to brag but im i can swim that in about 1:30 with ease. But i have been swimming my whole life.but i dunnow what to tell ya u tryed the right thing and a juge's dissition is final :toothy: :toothy:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B]Do you watch the Olympics?If you do what do you watch?Figure Skating,Snowboarding,Luge Racing,Speed Skating,etc. [/B][/QUOTE] i watch all those the mens half pip was crazy. But i have seen most of the events. "turns on olympics" WOW there alot better than me lol. But yea i watch them :D :toothy: :toothy:
  5. my day was okay. Looks like yours was ummmmm intersting. But atmit it that must of been fun and funny. well anywho i had fun but not as much as you LOL. Well i hope you dont get into any truble. peace out:p :toothy: :toothy:
  6. me and my family were talking about this at dinner. And my step sisters b/f has been curling. The puck ways 45 pounds and the ice, well they do some thing to it to make it weard, it has like pepples of ice on it. and the have throw these heavy stones and curve them and everything. OF CORSE ITS A SPORT! :toothy: :toothy:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]In a perfect world there would be no hatred and you could tune into whatever you wanted to and never worry about dying or anything and we could find love whereever we were and we wouldnt be in depresion ever... and there would be any typos... :rolleyes: Whats your perfect world? [/B][/QUOTE] that would be nice. But not likly we all make mistakes. and thats why its impossible. but it is nice to think about :toothy: :toothy:
  8. MarkM


    How are your posts different form others. like i have two toothy smilys returned from the sentence/paragraph. am i alone or do others do crazy things like this in there posts? :toothy: :toothy:
  9. andrew renolds is da bomb and i dont skate board i do everything else though :toothy: :toothy:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I think our nations anthem should be Last Resort by Papa Roach....I guess peopl have just lost their will to live...its very depressing...*goes off singing Last Resort with his right hand over his heart* [/B][/QUOTE] woh im listen to that song and just as i read it i put my right hand over my heart lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is to said about people though :toothy: :toothy:
  11. ok which do u perfer coke or pepsi :confused: :excited: :cross:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I don't really like valentines... and I have no one so, yeah I pretty much loathe it.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] me to :bawl: but itsstill i think it is oka¥ i gunna go see my g-ma today
  13. im gunna have to see it now that you gies are so into it so im looking foward to it :toothy: :toothy:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zora [/i] [B]That must suck. :laugh: I am getting braces in the summer though. I have heard they suck and people wanna rip em' off. Good luck to me. :tasty: :demon: :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] same with me :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  15. thats a deep poem but yet when i hear it it makes me feel like i know u it is extreamly good post more pleese :toothy: :toothy:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]i like it ^-^ if you make more post it up, continue [/B][/QUOTE] yes give me more poems cuz u should become a poet :toothy: :toothy:
  17. can i be hummmmmmm majin gotenks :toothy: :toothy:
  18. ok what are your v.4 otaku revolutions mine are become an otaku and get a sweet avvy (this is kinda like new years):toothy: :toothy:
  19. your absoulty right :toothy: but that is tuching:bawl:
  20. MarkM


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Dude I love it! You all wouldn't belive the time I had waiting for it! I was there EVERY step of the way! From clicking the post reply button on a forum then getting the message that its coming, to having the one minute left countdown! If you don't belive me, check my siggy! It has every single message that came up! :D Go JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [/B][/QUOTE] yo i was there to btw how was dinner adam lol but hay there her bte dbzman nice siggy:toothy: :toothy:
  21. MarkM


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Well, I have to say I love the new design, as well as some of the new staff members.(lol) James, you really topped all the older versions with this one. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] we all know u love the staff :toothy: :toothy:
  22. MarkM


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]I just want to mention that some design aspects will change over the next week. We will also revamp avatars and smileys and repair general errors. Please don't report these to staff -- I assure everyone that they'll be fixed. In the meantime, enjoy the new forums. :)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] sweet um u might not need this but this is a site with like all the smilys known to man [URL=http://www.mysmilies.com/?archive=index]http://www.mysmilies.com/?archive=index[/URL] p.s. dont yall just luv the silver thing i luv it
  23. MarkM


    v4 started up 7:09 my time (usa/canada) i luv it how bout u:toothy:
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