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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. Hacking.... hummm.... Why would sombody want to teach you? -Mark
  2. Welcome to Otakuboards. The site does have a set of very basic rules that are strongly inforced. You might want to check these out by clicking 'Rules' under 'General' which is located on the toolbar. -Mark
  3. Well if your 'Back' then you should know the rules already.... But just in case you don't rember...then click Rules under 'General' in the toolbar. Welcome Back? -Mark
  4. If you changed the color of the text so it would be easier on the eyes to read....then it would be much better. -Mark :ball:
  5. I like them... A little choppy for me...But I dig 'em. P.S. I made you a balmung banner in the request fourm... -Mark
  6. I cant really see the picture. You might want to consiter using a lighter background... -Mark
  7. Thats more of what I was going for. So I'll take that as a complement ^^; I like the Symplicity of the banner/avatar... -Mark
  8. You my friend are a very skilled at making banners. It looks beautiful except for the fact that it dosn't have a boarder. 9.999/10 -Mark
  9. Okay. It is colored smoke. I really like the look and feel of this banner. So will you fellow members please rate it. -Mark P.S. I made and Avatar to match...So please rate both of them.
  10. MarkM

    My Banners!

    There very good for MS paint. You might want to consiter putting a boarder around them. -Mark
  11. The Pokemon threats are 'read only' in the Anime Archives. If you want to start a new topic regarding pokemon, then it should go in the Anime Lounge. If the topic is about somthing that has already been posted in the Archives...then it will most likely be closed.. So, do some research on the pokemon threds and then start talking pokemon. Hope I helped.. -Mark
  12. MarkM


    View from heaven.... :Looks up: I'm ashamed to forget my favorite song by Yellowcard... Download View from Heaven fo sho! -Mark !SQUEE! I'm seeing them in a month :sticks out tounge:
  13. MarkM


    There is already a threat about yellowcard...but anyway. I'd suguest the songs Inside Out, Only One, Way Way, and Miles Apart. If you like yellow card you might want to give Brand New and Taking Back Sunday a listen. -Mark
  14. There not very good, but hey I tried. Its only letting me upload 5 files... -Mark They are all from kingdom hearts: 1. Riku 2. Unknown ememy 3. Sora 4.Goofy 5. Rikku I'll add more soon.. -Mark
  15. Here's my crack at it. I hope you like it. -Mark
  16. Well, I fooled around with Kenshin images for a little while. So here are 4. I hope you like at least one of them. Tell me if you want somthing different. -Mark
  17. Here is my crack at it. If you don't like it then just PM me and i'll make the nessary changes. -Mark
  18. I changed the font color and used a slightly different part of the image. I think it looks much better. -Mark
  19. This is my newest banner and avatar set. It is from Final Fantasy XI. I didn't spent do much time on it, and am just wondering what everyone thinks about it. -Mark
  20. I admire people that arn't afraid to be themselfs, no matter what the circumstances. Lets just face it, that is a quality that most do not have the courage to do. People want to 'fit in' with a certin crowd. It happens to the best of us... -Mark
  21. Hello and welcome to Otakuboards. I would highly advise you to look in the 'General' section of the toolbar. And click 'Rules'. I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but this is spam and will be closed very soon. I also know Kitty. -Mark
  22. There putting Astroboy on...You can't get more childish than that. I gave up on Toonami a long time ago, so I can't say that im suprised that there going towards a new audience. -Mark
  23. Personally I think that Mr. Cheney has done a surpurb job. He's like the person thats running the country that nobody talks about. As for the election, I dont really keep up with that stuff. -Mark
  24. All I have to say it that if you did not think he would use 9/11 in his ad's then your far to simple minded. One question, what was the two things that happend when bush was in office? IRAQ AND 9/11. So I cannot say it was a shock for me to hear about this. You dont see clinton permoting himself with pictures from his affair. -Mark
  25. You could always call her. Then you can find out what really happend, and then stop the rumors from spreading. For all you know, there could have not even ben a despute. -Mark
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