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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. fast and the furious atmit it that was a bad AZZ movie it was asome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. MarkM


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gachi [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]...and, to me, AOL is just plain evil. [/COLOR] :p [/B][/QUOTE] i like aol and aim
  3. ya i could be name:kaneda lil helper job/stats:help kaneta duh
  4. dont know the story plot or charters but i could help u get picks to put around the site and i geuess i could get an cursor of him and some backround music if ya want
  5. tell me what u want i can find ne thing on the internet + i know some good sites for that
  6. abou twenty now that im back
  7. madmax not to be mean or ne thing but u r anoying
  8. Originally posted by No-Name ok, first, teletubbies wood kick *** if they put swearing and blood into it. i mean, it wood be hella funny ya if u think that is funny the um what to say 1 min serching for the right word um NO
  9. y but thats not all we should do if ur over 17 maby u should donate blood or find other ways to help so thing will get better soon hopefully
  10. trunks goten or gohan would kill them with ease but vegeta for my answer
  11. brepbung attack (vegeta sajinsaga) mesinco final flash and of corse kamahamaha
  12. here is another Q how do u attach links
  13. in 4th grad every 1 was into it but that was a horable sag ne ways yes no 1 knows now that i like it i would be made fun of sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad but i dont get why it is a free contry
  14. gbgt is more hahahah like db i guess i like those a lil but i like the bang bang ko +kamahamahamah =dead ya like dbz best hehehe
  15. good drawings but wait ya there good drawings i could draw better but i cant attach it to a post and i dont have a scanned that works right now so y should i talk good job and welcome to the otakuboards
  16. MarkM


    i agree with that japinies rules but dubbed stinks big time they wannted to change it so it would be viewable on tv here but they went to far no forget that they went farther and changed it way too much so it sucks and much was lost in translation lik it would sound so much better if they said great say-jin man than great say-in man and u can tell the voice change big time and like in the cell saga the chibi cells don't blow up the earth they probaly thought that was bad for kids to watch so the made it look like ssj2 gohan could take them with ease i meen common all the sagas have changed for the worse by far the suck a lil now because of kids watching violence on tv omg it is so anoying so they even took out full episodes to edit it for cartoon net and messed them all up
  17. MarkM

    Best hair

    his hair is osom right befor his hair turns yellow
  18. i will try to scan one of my pic's on here some time there asom
  19. MarkM

    Best hair

    1.furtuer ssj trunks or chibi trunks 2.furtuer ssj trunks or chibi trunks 3.furtuer ssj trunks or chibi trunks done
  20. i just downloaded hollywood nights and ok it is a contry song omg help ya u need help have u ever here pop or rap ne way i like tennage dirtbag
  21. get a goped those rock (shame they are aganced the law were i live ) but i will never ride a moter bike im my life time
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