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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. i will have to check the site out i have no idea what u gies aRE THALKING BOut i will check it out and then i will know what u gies are talking bout!!!
  2. look around your day will come
  3. nice pic that is all im gonna say and just for the recoard ??????????????????????????
  4. they are like crickets (they make pretty much the same sound) but u can only hear them is some places.
  5. i agrrie with matt D. and worlock thats a good thought but that is not how u realy feel everybody is afrad os smoething so siit it out worlock i dossen't matter here nobody even knows who u r
  6. kuja u should take a few posts away from your self case that is spam on a didderen't note i've got a long way to go till i get the 500 point dang
  7. i only had between 200-300 cause i hade 3 acounts so lets make it 350
  8. that was a lil befor my time so i dono what u gies r talking about but they should bring it back so i can watch it and know what u gies are talking about
  9. MarkM


    yo to every body im back i hope the otaku gets back to normal i used to be the otaku wizeman but not no more
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