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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. All i want for christmas is: an IPOD a new cell phone (samsung A600) a Tiffanys name bracelet DDR ultramix for x-box more video games (Budokai 2 :) ) and a few pairs of Mavi jeans... I know im getting all of this so...yeah (parents being devorced have its benifits lol)
  2. Wow...you all have alot of time on your hands to be working out that much. My workout you ask...Dance dance revolution, i do like 30 songs a day. I also play tennis and swim every week. But i guess that could be just what works for me...
  3. I have a Fender Acustic....i took lessons for like two months....then quit it was acually a great instrument
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B]My dad's name is Turner, and he is the "Food Service Manager" at Sacred Heart School, my old elementary/middle school. [/B][/QUOTE] Hummph...you must live very close to me, seeing that the school is right down the street form me... My father is a Accountant and my mother is a princapal..
  5. take a free tests at colorgenics....always helps me understand my mixed feelings.... here is the basic one:[URL=http://www.colorgenics.com/index.cfm?pageview=test_8cube]Here[/URL]
  6. Also, anyone who still buys Abercrombie is a little behind in my opinion haha...I mean look at their stock, nobody is buying there anymore. -rttocs7 wow....need I say more. I can't and never say I hate all preps. A prep is a hard working youth who wears a certain type of clothing and does well in school. Many of them annoy me. -IQ2 And people who dont bother to do there work and present themselfs as best they can annoy me! I think i was called 'preppy' about 19 times just today. Alot of people are sterotypical...and baby girl i have jeans like that lol. Sure mabye i am a prep but i have many friends that do not dress the same as me but thats fine with me. rttocs7 i have never before this in the last 3 years i have been here seen the word 'prep'..... i'll post a picture tomarow...yall can decide prep or not...because personally i dont care what anyone says about me. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=4]Standing up fo' da 'preps'[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. I don't beleve i had any barbies....nor did my brother so I never got to have any 'barbie fun'...
  8. Thats to bad...I have never broken any bones so i do not know the pain you went thouugh. I hope your a fast healer and you feel better soon
  9. Befre i post my comment on this im wondering while reading this...if they can have babys wont they need hip surgery so they can support it? I think it is peoples 'RIGHT' to do what they wan with their own bodys so it's not for anyone to say whats wrong or right. It's more a question of would you or wouldn't you.
  10. linkin park is a great band. I dont own any of there cd's...i was thinking about buying one of them today at the music store (how ironic i come home and there is a thread about it) but yeah numb is my number one song right now...
  11. MarkM


    i like them. my favorate songs would have to be clinteastwood and 19-2000...acually i lived on 19-2000 for about a year...so yeah good band.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Molleta [/i] [B][color=green]Everyone keeps talking about suicide, but if I understand the original post, you are afraid of being murdered. This is rather distressing, really. I do not know you, but I am slightly frightened for you... Things that keep me going?? There isn't much, really...except, what else do I have to do? If I get bored this easily during life, what does eternity hold for me? You may be a, "bad person" you may have hurt people...guess what, me too. I bet we swap trade some stories.... I bet a lot of people here have done things that have hurt someone, although I realize not to the extent that you are alluding to. My point is that this man is an immediate threat to your person, go away, now! Visit some relative on the opposite coast, drive off into the sunset. Are you really that apathetic about yourself and the people around you or the ones that care about you to not try and avoid this? That, my friend is blatant laziness. Not to mention, if he were to succede in this endeavor, you would be silenced, and perhaps he would go free and therefore he could hurt more people in the process. You are obviously not just protecting yourself in the long run. If court procedings are already started and you are obviously, by the post, important to the case, the police and the prosecuting attorney will try and give you protection, approach them about it. Have I given you any food for thought? I hope so, because this is a really long post, and I don't want it to have no point...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lifes a fricken grandfather clock... you screamin' for attention....
  13. MarkM


    Ironically my friends dad comited suacide just the other day. He took a hose and put one end in his ezhaust pipe and the other in his car window and gassed himself. I was feeling bad for the girl, until she started using it to make herself popular. She also told me friend TJ to "Go find his mom" (Tj was Adopted and has never meet his 'real' parents before). So i'm not really conserning myself with her dads death. Other than that i know of nobody that has been murdered or anything else
  14. Midland mall is in Midland....right next to saganaw. My anut lives there.
  15. If I go out with my friends or listen to music, it helps but dosn't come close to solving the problem. Also my confort food is Chocolate ice cream...i've been like living off it latley... EDIT: Oh crap i did spell stressed wrong...:cussing:
  16. If you saw an anime charater out of a cartoon it would be compleatly bazarre....well i would advize that that person cut the anime for a while. How many times has this even happened?
  17. I have been very stessed latley because of school, parents, friend, and other crap. So im wondering what people here do when they are stressed so they can just relax. I've been all up tight and am haveing trouble coummunicating with people the way i used to. So I am in need of some help here so I can go back to normal. Thanks yall, Mark
  18. i live in michigan...but highly doubt i will come to this shindig.....hummm good idea though.
  19. ahh...paranoid parents!!! im still under ther mature teen catagory on aol..so i go on internet explorer and use aim. my dad trusts me, but wont change it back not that i care though....
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Senor Ding Dong [/i] [B]My mom went to school with Kathie Lee GIfford.......does that count? [/B][/QUOTE] kathy lee gifford lives down the street from my grandparents lol. other than that i have no knowlage of anyone im related to, let alone met that is famous....
  21. im dissapointed nobody posted the toy that was also on desplay at the toyko game show. It was sora in a new out fit holding two keyblades mikceys and his own (you can tell by the red and blue bands) There is also a duel weilding keyblades in a picture Semjaza Azazel posted. KH II looks promising. KH2 has EVERYTHING to do with deep dive! "you look just like him"-unknown....there is sombody that looks like sora in like 5 pictures. Sombodys hypothesies isn't a reliable source. Also the game is in early devolpment(listed above) so its implssible to tell.
  22. Underage drinking is become a problemin my life. Im 14 and a couple of my friends got wasted last night! Im wondering what everybody thinks about underage drinking. i think its not cool, itsw not fun, and its a waste of time and money, but i would like to know other peoples comments on this.
  23. when ever dealing with problems i usually turn to music. im also haveing a tough time right now so im currently learning how to play 'the scientist' by coldplay on the piano. its going okay. so when ever im felling down i just think about playing it. i fell so bad for you it must be unbareable! but hang in there things will probally never be the same but that dosn't mean they have to be bad. Your son will be dearly missed and will be in all our prayers. Im sorry ladym it must be hard to even talk about it so i will refrain from saying more. Hang in there, Mark
  24. OMG they should sue the man show for saying boob! what the heck....i pitty that coupple ....Damn Parnoid parents.....
  25. MarkM


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I also have a case of social anxiety disorder, which really isn't a phobia, more of a chemical inbalance or something... [/B][/QUOTE] Zoloft fixes that :p ......consult your doctor...lol but i have a fear oh hights which to me makes it more fun to go on roller costers and crap. so yeah....
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