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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. My good friend Mike's mom. I will go over there and end up talking to his mother about everyting for hours. She's helped me along so much, shes great.
  2. I snowboard and ski, i have done both my whole life and there has never been any tension.....
  3. 49% of the worlds population is homosexual....so thats saying that they cant get marrired in america iths Bull***t!!! what makes the oter 53% so da*n special..... its sooo stupid!
  4. i do beleve there are ghosts...but in a different way. I think that ghosts are fragments of a memory that apear in you mind at the place were the event happend. SO i dont think ghosts haunt people or try to scare them but just remind them of the good times that they had with that person..... p.s. when ever you think of ghosts you hear theings and freak. you also theink you see somthing but its not really there. Thats what makes scary movies so...scary. My sister still thinks there is a well under our basment after seeing the ring HAHAHA
  5. ****MEGA SPOILERS*** Well i just finished the book and [spoiler] Siris does die in a battle with a deatheater inside the ministry of magic. Hwever you do think hagrid is going to die for about half-way through. we also learn much about harry.[/spoiler] It is a very good book i highly sudjest you pick up the book!
  6. Their biggest mistake was gamecube and zelda the windwaker....
  7. Since you havent done it in a while you might want to try that 'Got 2 Be' hair gel that has color. That way you will see what it would look like before you accually do it, i would base my disision around that. P.S. NOBODY TRY SUN-IN!!!!!!
  8. ummmm....intersting topic keyblade. Well i think it would have to be gettig hit by a car at a young age when nobody was around. It wouldn't kill you on impact (unless it was going fast) but you would eventually die. Or getting stabbed would be my second choice.
  9. I think that [spoiler]Ansm[/Spoiler] is the one with the hooded swetshirt. And that Riku and Sora were united and out to stop him. p.s. The Final Mix Tralier(deep Dive) and the one on just kingdom hearts (not FM) for KH2 are both on kazaa or Morpheous.
  10. Personaly i think that Tommy Boy is the funny'st movie on this earth! but thats just me...
  11. MarkM


    i have had and 'E-Girlfriend' but i slightly know her because we have meet in real life. But i consiter otakuboards kinda a third home...were my friends are (well the ones i have never really meet).
  12. Second Times are usually better in my oppion, i think you should give Zach one more chance.But its your personal choice, if you still have feelings for him then go for it, but if not...then dont.
  13. Look i hate sadam and Osoma as much as the next guy, but Osoma is supporting us in Iraq. They found another tape of his. It said that he wanted his people (supporters) to help with the war in Iraq. But put that aside, i beleve that Osomas much smarter than saddam. Osoma respects his people, Sadam kills them, Sadams two sons rape them! But i beleve Sadam is dead, and Osoma is alive
  14. I've gone only once. Since i live in Michigan its quite a long way away. Since i went when i was young i dont rember much... but i do go to Cedar Point every year.
  15. Skateboarding: Falling and finally doing one trick for the sake of being able to do it. the problem: you will never be able to do the decent trickes again. short and simple. In my eyes that is Skateboarding... EDIT: and no i dont do skateboarding... and started grinding, made one once-The Trainer
  16. Power Rangers are still on TV, geeezzz i havent watched that show since i was four. How many seires are there. Huh what a surprize
  17. Well my friend and I are going to the mall today after tennis. Should he exchange it at EBX to get a PS2, or should he just wait on the PS2 and preorder Zelda: The Wind Walker???? Tell me your feelings about the subject. I think that he should throw away GC because its a piece but that just my view.
  18. Im wondering what different peoples thoughts are about theses isues George W. Bush is talking about( I will post my opinion later) -hothead
  19. MarkM


    You shouldn't be afraid to confront her friend if you want to talk to this girl that badly. One conversation wont kill anyone ya know
  20. cough cough...avril..cough cough heres wut i thin about her sk8er boi::butthead:
  21. Its that time of year again were people go up in the attic and get the lights and decorations. So has your family gotten out the chirstmas tree yet?????
  22. Volleyball is an overall good sport and its fun to play. but unfourtunly they dont have a guys team @ my school. But the girls start sooner or later.
  23. MarkM


    Simple, many people like to get their shopping done earily. example: My Grandma got her's done!(she always has it all wrapped by the end of thanksgiving) and its a good thing she did because she broke her arm yesterday (cant drive,shop,or wrap :( ) kinda ironic if you think about it.
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