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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. Buu uses gotenks as a warm up....lol
  2. DB-GT i think then finish up DBZ later....
  3. They cant regenarate....cuz when he got blown up the namek from exploding he had to be saved and have macanical parts put on his body.
  4. Downlad the eps. off KaZaA....but if u have a mac then i would sudjest using Morpheus. There good quality and when ur done just delete them. BTW they only take a 1 and a half minutes to downlade with cable or DSL.
  5. I like english.....but i watch japanise for the good fights...so u could say i like both.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]If I remember correctly, Turles is a lower class Saiya-Jin who looks like Son Gokou, I believe all lower class Saiya-Jin's look like Son Gokou, why, I cannot remember, lol [/B][/QUOTE] Correct....he is in the 1st DBZ movie the tree of might....he get betten by goku in a last ditcxh effort of a sprit bomb. anyway he is just another lower class sayjin like goku...however they are not related. So in other words...that site sucks!
  7. Well were i live there is a japanise channel (thats right all japanise all the time lol) anywho its on there at 11:00am and 10:00 pm so i can watch it there. Eather that or i just downlad it off KaZaA. But i mostly watch English downloads anyway.
  8. I agree Zidane. Anywho i think ssj3 is good but its not as strong as vegeto. Vegeto could have killed buu with know problem....but he has an lets say attitude....so it never happened.
  9. I hate im...but in the begining of the buu saga when he is friends with buu....well i guess he is okay.
  10. Buu is cool....but i must say i like his dog Bee a lil more lol. anyway he is okay....i still think tapion and goten own u all!
  11. Tn, this is one of those times when u siese to amaze me! well that answers that question for the 20,000th time (LOL)
  12. MarkM


    really if u listen to his lyrics....there pretty amazing....btw im not saying i hat marshall.....i like his music, But i dislike what he stands for. Also im talking about the movie gies...not why u hate him!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zidane11 [/i] [B]It's never right ot cuss at someone. Besides, teachers are the authority at school so you should try and be more considerate. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree....swearing ins't the answer....you should have spoken to the teacher about it after class. p.s. Noodlez....im ur age...we had the video in 5th....and we have the class this year(7th grade).....just to throw that in there.
  14. MarkM


    I dont know about u gies but i like eminem (slim shady). Are you gies gunna see his new movie???? Im gunna try to get permiere tickets.
  15. I put togher a heavy arms custom...painted it and everything...it was exactly like the one on tv....the next day it fell of my desk and my mom threw a way the whole right leg...so now i have a heavy arms cusotm with one leg...lol. Well i was mad so i can see your point!
  16. Do what u fell is right....there short and sweet!
  17. I have been getting into RPG's its sounds very fun and i know about it...so count me in please!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Love for one's self (not in an arrogant or egotistical way). You can't get too far without that.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree....as usual....he always says it before i do :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:
  19. i would do everything that i was afrade to before...and would say thing s that i wouldn't say before...so i could die with everything done and said...
  20. I've gotten my wallet stolen...i didn't really care cuz i only had 30 $ in it. But some kid tryed to steal my pokemon cards on year i fliped and beat him up (not litterly lol)...then my brother go on him...but if that happened to me i would have hunted him down and beat the crap out of him
  21. I have played the Claronet and the Saxaphone....i dunno why....im gunna start playing the electric gutar
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B]Tsunami . . . Great. I kill people with water. Aren't I just the greatest. "Water at its worst." Geez . . . :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I did it twice and I got that and Thunder...wicked!
  23. Okay hello i need to find somone who goes to a school (not in america). Were doing this project and we have to send mail to some school out the the usa . so if your instersted in helping me out...then i would need you social studies teacher or language arts teachers name. and your schools adress (zip code and country and all that good stuff) Thanks sooo much to anyone that will help.... p.s. anyone who has questions type it here i will be on the boards all night so ask and they will be answered!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Isn't cheating always dangerous? [/B][/QUOTE] seriously....but member once a cheater always a cheater:nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:
  25. Well i read a coupple pages in the offical X-box mag so im coming from that....
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