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Everything posted by MarkM

  1. Its all good here,James meh man!
  2. I have GTA on my computer...im gunna play it now...fun fun...
  3. e-cake...sounds like one of those games that help people get there post count up...just post its the only was it will happen not by playing a lil game like this...but if im wrong then YUMMMMMM!!! **thinks about cake** **we have a frozen Dairy Queen cake down staris...runs gets a slice runs back yummmmm**
  4. Shave my head....how bout no...i would die before that happens i like my hair long and thats it!!!
  5. In Chiago a day or two ago a 1st base coach was beaten by 2 fans that jumped on the stands...so all the baseball players beat the §h!t out of the two guys...what do you think about this???
  6. Wing Gundam...grow your freaking hair back out...dreads are so tite! try spiking them it looks cool...lol
  7. well happy birthday to ya...and enjoy driving
  8. well im the third most popular boy in my grade....im not lieing...not to brag or anything...
  9. This exact thing happened to me last week lol. anywho just nevt project get a nice long peace form a good play(if you can simg try west side story)that will turn heads) then you will be picked or will get your chance so dont worry it will work out!
  10. Im wondering if anyone else thinks that this will turn out into a sweet game...its getting massive reviews...so what do yall think??? P.S. this is the 1st post or thread in this fourm...Im sooooo special!
  11. glad to know somone else shairs my pain
  12. Dont you hate it when you get a hair cut and the lady cuts it WAY to short for your likeing.... i happened to me today and I am just wondering if this happens to anyone else.
  13. ohh book i was like what... but i have read Moby dick and oliver twist theryre pretty good books!
  14. I dont unless its for school or sumthing...
  15. who is this dickens charater????
  16. Yes i agree that people do act differently on the indernet...My friends will say things that I know they wouldn't say inperson but online they will say stuff.
  17. I would ask Anna or Rosie from the band play to go out with me **there HOTT!** **:love: Daydreaming:sleep: **
  18. Look they killed a lot of people and thats just ummmm NOT COOL! Do you know what i say to them!:butthead:
  19. Mike my friend has west nile....he is okay...im kinda scared about west nile now!!!
  20. SSJ dont juge people before you now them... Sure she isn't perfict but she would help someone out when there trying to talk to someone about somethign instedof trying to make a joke about it.... I have some advice for you... Take a Hike!
  21. I have have thought about it a couple times....
  22. I live in michigan soim not scared....
  23. she just said that.... she diddn't meen it thats what she is saying to everyone now!
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