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Everything posted by RogueA007

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]Ahh, [i]Who Framed Roger Rabbit[/i] totally freaked me out. I was pretty young when I watched it, and I've never done well with movies that are even remotely scary ... but that one definitely gave me nightmares for a while. I'm not sure why, I think it was that green stuff in the vats. And it just didn't strike me as a very nice movie. [size=1]But the winner for me remains [i]The Emperor's New Groove.[/i][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] No, Who Framed Roger Rabbit isn't a very nice happy-go-lucky movie. That's why it got rated PG, as well as released through what was Disney's "more mature" film company, Touchstone Pictures, the weirdo storyline. And the fact that toons could get killed and a guy getting murdered put it there as well. And how could I forget Emperor's New Groove?? I love that movie, David Spade and Patrick Warburton just make it all that funny...and whoever does that evil lady's voice.....Eartha Kitt I believe....:babble:. The animation style is pretty cool too, kinda got that South American touch. But that's about it for me in recent Disney movies aside from maybe.....Lilo and Stitch which wasn't half bad and Brother Bear.
  2. The "rushed" feeling mainly comes from my tablet. I'm still trying to get the hang of drawing with it, as it's not exactly the same to me as drawing with pencil and paper. It's harder to get a straight and even line for me due to the pressure sensitvity of Wacom tablets. *Has a halfway heavy drawing hand....nice when it comes to making bold lines but sucks when it comes to rough sketching. Then add the tablet's sensitvity that's a lot greater than a normal pencil and it gets worse..:eek:* It also contributed to the proportion and CG being a bit off. I did rush with the Naruto one sorta (Just a quick little doodle there.),but the Kakashi one took me at least a good 4 hours to get it to that look, which I'm still not too pleased with. If I redrew that using pencil and paper it would have looked a lot better, but the point of these drawings were to practice using my tablet and other programs I was shaky at. Practice makes perfect I suppose when it comes to CGing and drawing using tablets.:bash: And the background on Kakashi's picture....meh...I did mention that I need to relearn Bryce....I was sorta aware that it didn't look like a bridge, I'm not sure anymore what it really looks like, and I need to relearn how to use Bryce again. I was just giving an excuse incase anybody asked me "What the is that background?":whoops: :laugh:
  3. I chose Gundam Wing, because that was also one of the first animes I got into *Aside from DBZ and Samurai Pizza Cats. XD* but I am also upset on how you left out Robotech/Macross. Classic robo anime there. And also I like the original Gundams better than anything after Wing. The original storyline was a lot better than Gundam Wing's.
  4. Heh,I remember that moment from the show with Naruto imagining how he would become Hokage.....lol.....XD. Cute banner. I also like the Iruka one. The moment before he shot off a spurt of blood at Naruto's Sexy no Jutsu....wonderful. It's nice how you integrated the typical personalities or dreams of the Naruto characters into the banners. You may want to put anti-aliasing onto the fonts of your banners though....as they're a bit jaggy.
  5. Hah, another Disney freak here. Shame what's happening to the Disney Company as of late due to *cough*Michael Eisner*cough*. My favorites: Lion King: The movie that made me want to pursue animation as a hopeful career, and until lately, work at Disney Feature Animation (Until they started laying people off......now, nope, will go someplace else.). Great story too. I saw it like 5 times when I was a kid, and have plenty of merchandise on it. XD And those people who complain about it being a ripoff of Kimba, yes, that's true, but stop putting it down just because of that. It's great in it's own aspect too. Who Framed Roger Rabbit: The combination of animation/live action of course. Too bad it's getting slammed again by Gary Wolf (The author of the Roger Rabbit book.) Aladdin: Robin Williams was awesome in that movie. Also I love any characters that were animated by the great Andreas Deja, and he did Jafar in this movie (He also did Gaston in Beauty and the Beast and Scar in Lion King.). TRON: Cult classic. The computer animation is ancient but at the same time kinda intriguing to think about an age where I didn't exist in. >_>
  6. I actually like the new TMNT a tad better than the old one....it's a bit closer to the original Mirage Comics more than the old one. After all, Baxter wasn't a fly in the Mirage Comics, and April wasn't a reporter, and Krang and them never existed in the original comics (Not including the Archie ones, which they did exist in.)..... XD The animation is rather nice too. Then again, I was into Sonic the Hedgehog and all those ABC Saturday Cartoon shows when I was a kid, not the CBS ones (TMNT originally came on CBS I believe.). I got my TMNTness from the Archie, Mirage, and Image Comics that you could see at this one old comic book museum in Northampton, MA (Also where Mirage Studios is!) called the Word and Pictures Museum long ago. Yah. Have a autographed TMNT #2 (Original Mirage series, first print) that I won from there. ^^
  7. Hehe, I stare at the artwork I already stared at cuz I scanned it. Anyways....C&C time. 1st picture: Mei is drawn pretty good, got a nice pose going there. On you....eyes don't normally poke out of the face like that on manga style figures. On realistic style figures, sure they can a tad on certain face turns (But the eyes are so small anyways on those poses.). The arms crossed are a bit weird. On Kitty Lynn, the arms and the position of her face. It looks kinda like she's got no neck there. Necks are an extension from the skull, they kinda start from behind the ear. 2nd picture: Good perspective with the box. *Could never get that right until like.....this year in Color and Design.* Limbs are pretty good, the hands are a bit weird looking. *Knows that you're working on them though.* The neck's a bit thin. Just think of how the neck is the only thing holding our 8 pound skulls up. >_> 3rd Picture: You're pretty good at faces. You may want to lower the stuff inside the face (eyes nose, mouth) and the ears just a tad. Or adjust the jawbone a bit lower down, I can't really pinpoint what's making it look a bit off. I do like them though, don't get me wrong, just giving C&C so you can improve...and....stuff....:lecture: :D
  8. Yay....time for some random Naruto fanart. I was merely having fun with my Wacom tablet. First one, Kakashi ready to attack perhaps.....maybe this wasn't a "random" picture. It started off as one but I decided to evolve it a bit further with the horribly done 3D background that I made in Bryce 4 *Needs to relearn how to use it properly again. It's supposed to be a bridge for those of you who want an explaination.:laugh:* and the lighting/filter effects for his "charging chakra" in Photoshop. I could have made him lean forward a bit further,as I think his arm is a tad too long. Kakashi is hard to draw anyways for me. [url]http://home.comcast.net/~roguea007/kakashirogue1.jpg[/url] Next... *cough* 30 min randomness. I was too lazy to finish the rest of his body. Maybe that's why Naruto's so mad. [url]http://home.comcast.net/~roguea007/narutonandattebayo.jpg[/url]
  9. Happy Hardcore CDs aren't bad. I've listened to some of them a long time ago, but the only one I own myself is the last one they made, which has some pretty evil stuff on it compared to earlier volumes.:therock:. Definition of a Badboy is pretty good on the last one though, at least the beat is halfway decent. Too many light tracks on the last one outdrown the good tracks I think.
  10. Yes, it's made by ADV, so it would be on "On Demand Comcast" for those of us who are lucky enough to have it. "The Anime Channel" to be exact. *Doesn't have it, just for the record....not like I'm too keen on ADV stuff.* I have seen a little of Golden Boy though. I think it's a bit too perverted for me that even if it were made by another company I still probably wouldn't watch it.*
  11. Sorry to say, but I like none of those as my "favorite games". EA's NHL series and Activision's Tony Hawk Pro Skater Series/Tony Hawk's Underground tie for my favorite games on PSX/PS2. I love hockey, so of course I play EA's games as they are normally the best of them all (Although Sega's ESPN Hockey Night series gave EA a run for their money this year as they had less bugs with online play unlike EA.). Then playing Tony Hawk's Underground online is wicked along with every other feature in THUG with the exception of the too short story mode. Being able to download parks and characters from other players is another plus too in THUG.
  12. I was born in Billings, MT. Lived there until I was two (So don't remember anything from there, dur!) and then moved to a small college town named Amherst in Massachusetts where my mom had to finish up her doctrate and my grandmother/family could be closer to her. Great place, New England seafood (Fried clams....yum....and NOT the dinky strips either.), public buses were free (With the exception of a bus to Northhampton and Springfield, which were like .50 to Northhampton and 1.50 or so to Springfield which was like 15-20 minutes away.), they didn't pile snow from cleaning the roads onto the street in knee-deep piles, and not that spread out. State capital was only 2 hours away so the school district I went to could take "field trips" in an entire day if you left early enough. Nice scenery too, the Berkshire Mountain range changing colors like fireworks in the fall and the still, shimmering, and calm Connecticut River with the forest river banks in the summer......*Could :babble: about MA forever.* But anyways, about 3 years ago, I moved here. Don't really like it here. Like I said, they don't clean the roads that well, public transportation is screwy here (It's a buck each way and they're thinking of cutting off the route I use to get to school and downtown off anyways in July, so there goes my quick and easy ride next year until I get mesa driver's license. -_-), and all the fun things are FARR away compared to where I used to live. Evergreen trees are only so interesting the first couple of weeks you see them, like a Christmas tree you can get tired of them. And the capital/any major cities like Seattle are like what....4 hours away? It is invitable that I am not going to college here or anywhere in WA state for that matter. Getting out of here as soon as possible. Meh.
  13. Well, there's a program called Apprentice that you can use to play MTG online for free. It doesn't have the pictures of the cards though, just a graphic interface with the information on templates. It was once endorsed by Wizards of the Coast too somehow. I somewhat play, but my deck isn't that great. I can't spend money on cards really when there's other things to buy and only so much fundage.:drunk:
  14. RogueA007

    Sonic X

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy English dubs. If they're well translated, edited, and have a proper cast that fits the characters. Rare combination there. Now, I don't like Ultimate Muscle....well....because 4Kids hacked at the original storyline too much for me. I had known Ultimate Muscle as "Kinnikuman: Second Generations" or "Kinnikuman Nisei" back when it was on Toriyama's World's scanlation lineup. Read that manga (Not telling you how you can get it as it's been licensed now but not released in print...) then go watch 4Kids' version adaptation of the anime. :flaming: Their voice cast is subpar as well. They use the same actors over and over again or they borrow actors from other studios with the same type subpar actors such as Funimation (Like Sean Schemmel, who did Goku in DBZ is Amidamaru/Ryu aka Rio in the dub.). You can tell that like such and such character was Yugi from YGO or something quite easily, which isn't supposed to happen in character acting. As well as you're supposed to have a VA that actually sounds simlar to the Japanese Seiyuu.:confused: And I'm 15,without a job also, and I can afford anime DVDs. Save up for them. Tis not that hard if you have patience.
  15. I'm certainly crazy about Disney movies. Well, the ones prior to before Frank Wells died and Michael Eisner screwed up everything at Disney.... to the point we're at today where they shut down the Tokyo, Paris, and Florida animation studios, and 2D animation is gone from Disney's lineup with the exception of the "Direct to Video" lineup of cheapquels ( I mean, does every property have to have a "2" movie and I hope there won't be a "Lion King 1/4th" or something next....) and movies like "Teacher's Pet" that are made by Disney's TV animation unit in Australia. Uh huh. Roy and Stanley Gold had good reason to quit Disney as that's only the tip of the iceberg. I really don't consider animated movies to be totally kid directed either. There are some themes in them that everybody can relate to, that will touch everybody. And when they do, well that's what makes a hit animation movie most of the time. There's always that "remembrance" factor too that makes you think of your youth whenever an animated movie comes on as well. My favorite movies: An American Tale: Fieval Goes West- The very first movie I saw. ^^ Robin Hood- Erm...just do. Like the buzzards (Nutsy and forget the other one's name.) The Jungle Book- The music I just love. The Lion King-The movie that made me want to pursue animation as the career I'm planning to study in college and go into....yup....and also had made me want to work one day at Walt Disney Feature Animation until a couple of years ago....*grumble grumble.*. Who Framed Roger Rabbit- The combination of live action and animation of course. Space Jam-ditto to above, but with Warner Bros characters. Way better than Looney Tunes: Back in Action. Toy Story- The movie that opened up the field of 3D animation as something possible to do as a feature film. Shrek- The nice storyline that isn't just for the kids, but for everybody (Donkey!). Brilliant work from the minds of those who used to work at Walt Disney such as Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chris Miller,etc., and like Pixar, shows that you need story to back up nice animation too. (As in not what Disney's been doing lately because the creativity there has been clamped shut by layoffs and upper management acting stupid.)
  16. RogueA007

    Sonic X

    Like all 4Kids dubs, the English version is horrible. Not so much the editing this time around, because Sega is overviewing somewhat how this is dubbed, but the voice cast (As usual.). But yet, the Japanese version of any Sonic anime I do not really enjoy too much either. I grew up on the American cartoons, like the original "Sonic the Hedgehog" series that came on ABC on the weekends (Otherwise known as SatAM to you fans familar with the Sonic internet community.) 1993-1995,and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog that came on ABC and USA. They were the first big cartoons I got obsessed about, not Mario, not TMNT, but Sonic. The storylines and especially the voices just aren't the same in the anime versions compared to the US cartoon. Jaleel White *cough Urkel from Family Matters*cough* had that high pitched and bragging voice I would expect a spiny, yet cute pincushion to have. Not an idiot with a weird accent that screams "Brit wannabe" like in the ADV OAV dubs or this guy who I consider to be overdoing the ego of Sonic a tad too much... I'd say if you want well done Sonic that's not related to the games? Go read the comic book by Archie which is so much better.
  17. I really don't like cars that much either.I prefer sport style motorcycles more. More specifically, a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R, ZX-12R, or a Yamaha YZF-R1. All that preform relatively well on the road.....but thinking realistically.....me, drive motorcycles anytime soon?*Still has to get her car driver's license, THEN I can worry about the motorcycle license. And then I have to explain why I want to drive one to my picky mother... :therock:*
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue] Over all, this is an excellent anime and manga. I enjoy it very much. It is very funny indeed. I found myself laughing on countless occasions. heh... I also got to play a couple parts in my friend's dubbing of the show. She plays the voice of Naruto. I got to play a couple girls in the first episode. It was fun. If you do not know where to get Naruto episodes, feel free to PM me. I'll tell you where to go. Naruto is just plain awesome![/FONT][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Shh. And I'm still not done with it, not like I'm getting much support for it anyway. Dubs are hard to make.:sleep: And Naruto is good. Although there are way too many people subbing it currently *Sticks by Toriyama World even if they take forever.* I did see a few episodes where [spoiler]Jiraiya appears and Naruto is trained by him in preparation for the final Chuunin round.[/spoiler] that were done by Anbu_Aone but they are having problems subbing lately too. I also read the latest manga, even if it is licensed in the US, I want to know the latest stuff that's going on because the US will always be behind Japan by a good 80 or so chapters.
  19. Whoo, nice picture. The artwork is pretty good, gets the message across. You need to work on composition of panels more though....it's a bit linear you could say. Maybe work on details a bit more too, but this is coming from me, keep in mind. If you do stuff like this long enough you'll always do better. I haven't drawn a comic in awhile so if I ever do we could always have some sort of comic contest or something......>__>......just for fun of course, no prizes or bets.:blah:
  20. *Appears out of hiding for a moment.* Whee, very interesting poem Neo. Not what I'd expect out of you and stuff.....but oh well. >_> Probably since I haven't read any of your other poems and only your stuff in "The Book"..... Laterz, see youz in a bit too.:naughty: Kakarotto.
  21. I have to choose just one?? Er...... Who: Sakuragi Hanamichi Show: Slam Dunk Why: Because he's a crazy guy who's like Yusuke, but plays basketball. He thinks's he's the greatest thing alive since sliced bread,which I think is pretty funny along with his funny faces:D.That and Takeshi Kusao makes Sakaragi so....cool sounding...(Takeshi Kusao- Trunks from DBZ, yay!) Role in Show: He's the main character who is on the Shohoku High School Basketball team, working with his teammates to achieve the goal of winning the national championship. He's not the best basketball player in the world and often screws up, but he's got what looks like boundless energy that he uses to pull off pretty good plays from time to time.
  22. *Makes sure not to drop any food on the kitchen floor in his apartment as the ants will then come storming out of their fortress in the floorboards to bring *Insert sheep from Retarded Animal Babies* DOOM TO YOU ALL!. Well, mostly me and my mom, but you get the picture.* I also had three nights where I couldn't get any sleep because a gigantic moth had gotten into my room...and kept on landing on my face....O__O. That, and it just HAD TO DIE IN ONE OF MY ART BOOKS...*Hasn't touched it since, waiting for the microscopic mites to finish eating the dead body or I'm just too freaked out to touch it since I opened up the book on animation one day and saw this black dead thing laying on the page about anticipation...@_@*
  23. Fortune cookies....brought to you by the conglorate companies in the US who created it just to make Chinese-American food more "magical".:rolleyes: It's ironic that TV always makes fortune cookies bad, but I've never had a bad one in my life. Not even at this one place up the street where I live that I always get other bad fortunes by getting sick from their Chinese food. (Stupid MSGs!) Of course...the weird stuff I'm saying about fortune cookies doesn't mean that they don't taste good...they are food after all.:p
  24. That's how Haku really is....@_@.....he's a guy.....ya know, the bishie type. I normally use colored pencils, or I just do black and white, but I was bored so I decided to use markers instead.
  25. Blagh, since I'm a bit new around here, I think I will further introduce myself and try to fit in around here by posting up some artwork that I've done recently. I put links up to them....well....because they're kinda big. That is partially my fault for not scanning them correctly, and partially my scanner's fault for making the images really bad looking if they're not scanned at a certain size. They are also what I would call "boredom pics", meaning that they probably will look a bit bland looking compared to other drawings I've done (But you haven't seen any of those drawings unless you know me IRL, which is only one or two people here, so yah...) [URL=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/roguea007/kakashimarkers.jpg]Kakashi-sensei from Naruto.[/URL] This one was done with er....Pentel Markers and Micron Pens for the inking. Just seeing which markers worked or not, and trying to imagine what Kakashi-sensei would look like without that mask of his off. [URL=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/roguea007/hakunaruto.jpg]Haku and Naruto (Although no pairing involved really!)[/URL] And this would be me trying to see if I could get a semi-realistic style out of all that studying I've been doing of human anatomy...starting out on those faces.... I still need to study those books and practice more....:sweat:. Probably why I didn't try drawing the bodies realistic,I think my brain was too confuzzled to really care about the realisticness anymore as I drew those little figure images last. I also need to work on my pencil techniques.... There might be more drawings I'll post up later, so if this place turns into an image dump...:rolleyes:. C&C, if you have any, is certainly appreciated! *Goes to take one last look at Toriyama's World forums then goes to sleep. :sleep: *
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