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Everything posted by RogueA007

  1. Rockman Neo...absolutely rocks! And so does The Dr. Wily Show....that guy who makes those Mega Man Flash cartoons is awesome. Let's see...my favorite Flash movies, other than those two you already listed I'll list below.Most of these you can find at Newgrounds.com, but the ones you can't I've listed the web addresses for them. The Return of Ganondorf (Heck, anything by LegendaryFrog.) 8-Bit Theater Series Ninjai: The Little Ninja ([url]http://www.ninjai.com[/url] or on the AtomFilms page. Shame that AtomFilms is making them release one episode every two weeks though, as they originally had up to chapter 11 or so up but now it's only up to chapter 5.) Eskimo Bob([url]http://www.eskimobob.com[/url]) Broken Saints([url]http://www.brokensaints.com.[/url]) Sonic X: Chaotic Battle Brutality Other than that I can't think of anymore at the moment.
  2. Um, really, no anime characters that I've seen...but if I must....er....if I unbraid my hair, get some wacky light blueish contacts (Prescription because I have glasses...>_
  3. Er, tough one. Either "Haruka Kanata" from Naruto or the Sonic X theme song by Kageyama Hironobu. *Forgets the name of that song...whee. The same guy who did the Dragon Ball songs did that song.*
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