[COLOR=Green]*Points to the Luffy avi* Aww yeeah~!!
I LOUVE One Piece. Everything about it just so awsome!! I wish 4Kids would just choke on a peanut and die. I'm currently buying up as many One Piece Honk Kong subbed box sets as I can.
I haven't seen any of the commercials for the FoxBox version of it yet, but I'm dreading it. I just know that when I see it, I'm gonna cry, but I just have to see how bad it is! Anyway, I don't know how they're going to edit out all the "bad" stuff. There's so much smoking, drinking, and violence... I just don't see it happening unless they just cut out whole chunks of it.
Anywho... *Points at the button* Click it! If you really care about One Piece, you should sign the petition, don't you think? I don't know if it'll make any difference, but it's worth a try, no?
...*Holds up a Zoro flag* ZORO LOVE!![/COLOR]