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Everything posted by moogle

  1. [COLOR=Green]*Points to the Luffy avi* Aww yeeah~!! I LOUVE One Piece. Everything about it just so awsome!! I wish 4Kids would just choke on a peanut and die. I'm currently buying up as many One Piece Honk Kong subbed box sets as I can. I haven't seen any of the commercials for the FoxBox version of it yet, but I'm dreading it. I just know that when I see it, I'm gonna cry, but I just have to see how bad it is! Anyway, I don't know how they're going to edit out all the "bad" stuff. There's so much smoking, drinking, and violence... I just don't see it happening unless they just cut out whole chunks of it. Anywho... *Points at the button* Click it! If you really care about One Piece, you should sign the petition, don't you think? I don't know if it'll make any difference, but it's worth a try, no? ...*Holds up a Zoro flag* ZORO LOVE!![/COLOR] [URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/60mu60mu/petition.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v97/tsunade-sama/sop.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  2. As some of you may know, 4Kids has licensed One Piece. As some of you may also know, 4Kids is affiliated with satan. I love One Piece and I can't stand to see another wonderful anime be turned to crap by 4Kids. I at least want to see a second version of One Piece translated in a way that does justice to the original Japanese epeisodes. So anyway, if you want to help, it would be great if you'd sign this petition. Thanks! [URL=http://www.petitiononline.com/60mu60mu/petition.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v97/tsunade-sama/sop.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. I usually like to just watch both. There are some anime's that I like better in Japanese, and some I like better in English. Fruits Basket, for example, I like both ways, but I think it's funnier in English. Then there's Chobits ehich I can't stand in English. A lot has to do with the company that licences it. Some are good, while others are horribly bad and make you want to stab your self in the face repeatedly with a fork *cough4kidscough*
  4. [color=indigo]I've been hearing a lot about Saiyuki recently, and I wanted to dl some episodes of it. The only problem is there seems to be a second series (I think) and I don't know which one is the first. So, I was hoping somepne could tell me which is the first series, so I can watch and be content. Thanks![/color] [color=#4b0082][color=#503f86][size=1][b]I deleted your second post- it's against the rules to double-post on the boards. Just be patient, heh. I'm sure someone'll be able to answer your question. I also merged your thread with the original Saiyuki one, to save on congestion. -Solo[/size][/color][/b][/color]
  5. Yeesh! I wanted to write one of these thingies earlier, and because I'm so stupid, I didn't realize that I needed to sign up or whatever. So now I have to write this all over again...well here I go! Okay, when I was younger I did a lot of stupid things(I do even now). But I think one of the oddest was "the bathtub dance." When my sister and I were little we used to get nekked and rub our butt cheeks together before we took a bath...we were strange children.
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