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dark king

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Everything posted by dark king

  1. that one did just roll of the tongue about the insurance but it`s a funny one. if i where dead i would be layed on a stack of wood with dry mos on it upon a hill before the forest and burn, turn to ash and drift into the woods and reform myself and continue to live. at least that would seem nice to me. but can you post one from the category: heaven and hell? sounds nice to me:P so keep posting i`m interrested in black humor as certain that a guillotine is sharp. abayo
  2. ok i admit this was a hard one but not something totally unsolvable, though the rest of the riddles where more with simple logic, mine was more with a more inner view, but i have seen many bright people here on otakuboards who could have had a simmilair answer, well hope your guess was like it. riddle: Two sides that still remain, even after years of strain, as bad luck covered by my vanity, in me dwells insanity. answer: Reflection of the mind, as my two sides state my charismatic and treacherous face, mirroring eyes wich when looked upon shine with such intensity, it will deform your reality, only to return to it and not being able to tell where you are anymore, lost between a one shot decision, of wich way it`s safe to stay and you dare not make it and inside the mirror dwells insanity that is you. just pm me if you want more of these.
  3. well there are two sides ofcourse in how extreme someone experiences himself as different from the rest, and how others tell you that you are different. i was talking about both being mental and having a style of your own. not that i`m taking back what i said or anything but it is just human nature to shield oneself from outer anomalies that oneself is not accustomed to. then in rather plain language it comes down that those shielding people either hate you for being different or just are are affraid of you and avoid talking to you or sharing space together. in one case i know of someone who looked different (as in gothic) and got beat into a wheelchair with an iron bar by a bunch of nazi wannabeez who didn`t like that he had his hair straight up we call it a hanekam in dutch don`t know the english word. he got crippled and his parents made fun of him all his life for being different and when he was cripple they made even more fun of him and he hung himself for that in the end. he was a good friend of a good friend of mine and i learned of this not long after i met him, and because i am different and am very clear in how i am and he trusted me very quiqly and i trust him. the bottom line is that people go far pretending and that they go far in protecting their square, and that by simple honesty you can gain much more if you just dare. people can be so ******ing stupid, plain stupid and don`t grasp what is beyond their own noses as in a lot of cases that is how far they are willing to look and act. it just can get sooooo p*ssed off about that. then there is the factor if someone is mental beyond just being different to say it clearly. if someone recognizes they need help because their behaviour damages themselves outside society`s lines that they cannot procces their thoughts and emotions and they get stuck with it, then it`s not society`s fault, in fact it is in most cases nobody`s fault. wether the damage is done by someone then that someone is not society. but the person that has caused that damage to you will in your eyes be never forgiven or you hate that person, i speak with knowledge out of experience and the person that did damage was a real bastard and i do not particularly hate him for the dammage he has done to me, but the dammage he did to my mother and my older brother. we hate him but he is not society, and we all realize that not all people are like that person you hate. or when you are born with what society calls a disorder, then it`s nobody`s fault either. but it is there and you know it, but most of the time you have stupid people within the help organisations of society and these people won`t really help you because you feel and know that they don`t listen or don`t like you those things you feel in your guts and you know it. then find someone who will listen to you not so that the helping person can gain a personal bonus of any kind just for the sake of another`s well being. every person is able to function the degree in how well or in what context makes people say you ain`t right in tha head, and it`s wrong. but still when you either know or don`t there is still a soul in that body and a reason for your train of thought, something will eventually set you in motion to sort of participate in society and you will become strong knowing that you gain by daring not fearing and nobody will be able to tear you down. if other people just become violent, or act against society for no reason then you don`t do it out of a reason that resembles truth, then you only want attention. if you want to make a point that resembles truth then there are lots of ways to make it. don`t go blocking the streets and protest like a madman for no reason. it`s like going to an oil reserve to protest for a better nature while you come with you entire club wich together is a car park of bmw`s and such. you want to impress someone with that? come by bike all the way. what i try to say is i don`t need to get violent, i never fight and nobody fights me, i don`t need to make a big commotion i just present myself and that`s it and the way i present myself in my overzeas jeans and long black leather jacket with spikes or my more slobby jacket and i am just there. just be there, be yourself and if people then say you are strange then sorry but they are stupid for even waisting their time over such an insignificant thing. if people weren`t so affraid and uptight then society may have been not so hard to live in, and hey it could be worse. be glad with yourself and don`t change yourself because others say so because even when you do you will still be on the bench waiting for something to happen. but i must say saying all this does relieve me a lot just to say ***** it and make a point that resembles truth.
  4. well these self proclaimed titles are fun and i have seen a few that are a bit remarkable and one that comes close to my nickname. but i also have another one for you. self-proclaimed the REAL lord of the rings (since i hold not one but many on my fingers) self-proclaimed atlas of the ways of torture. (since i actually devised a lot of torure methods and devices, they will be built some day for nasty tax collectors and such annoying people heck might even get me a discount) and the last for now my favorite: [COLOR=Sienna][B]self-proclaimed tormentor of society [/B] [/COLOR] (simply because i do nothing to participate in society but to an individual) so i like the titles that are already there i hope you like mine, and i defenitly hope we will see more of them. well that`s it for now abayo
  5. i don`t really hear what people find attractive about me but i always end up with a girl somehow. maybe because i`m insane, maybe because when it comes to aiding people that i do listen to them and comfort them by having a good conversation. but i can be very serious at times. and my eyes well they always stand half open so one girl said it gave her something calming, because when my eyes are full open i just seem to scare people. also because i look different then most people around the part where i live. but i do know that it could have something to do with that i never lie. i don`t like lying since i follow truth and lying is just a way to reject truth so. in that i am very serious. as for the rest of my exterior i really can`t see anything really attractive or ordinary that stands out as a plus or a minus so i don`t mind actually, not that i`m a standard type of guy. there should be a picture of me in the frapr thingy 2nd in holland.
  6. so i was wondering after seeing a bleach episode with shiba ganju introducing himself with self proclaimed titles. so i came up with a few myself and added some mystery into it so they sound a lot better then just something you say oh i`m good at that. so here are my self proclaimed titles self proclaimed master of the 12 apostles of death self proclaimed holder of the sacred dragons self proclaimed creator of the forbidden illusions self proclaimed wielder of animae self proclaimed keeper of the fallen stars self proclaimed lord of the towers of sun and moon self proclaimed kin spirit of gaia self proclaimed artist of power self proclaimed incarnate of death self proclaimed descendant of the devil self proclaimed taicho no reikon and known as self proclaimed manager of code these sounded nice for my jutsu making wich i do for fun. well i hope you have dozens of self proclaimed titles of your own.
  7. there goes a little story that a shaman cursed the presidents of the usa. every president that is elected on a round number of a year like 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 is cursed to do bad. ofcourse it`s just a story but one that could explain why those presidents got killed soon or did stupid stuff. so believe it or not it`s up to you.
  8. here is one that might challenge you for a bit, it`s not just a simple answer but it`s not impossible or anything so i hope you have fun unraveling it. Two sides that still remain, even after years of strain, as bad luck covered by my vanity, in me dwells insanity.
  9. funny you brought up the box thing since i notice it here in my country aswell. people also say i`m not right in the head just because i dare to explore things of how life should be and what is really there and not what other people don`t want to be there. notice that society is a group and a group can only function when everybody acts their role, their given role and not what they could have instead. there is a saying: step out of the square. i find it true since there is more then just a square only people feel safe living in that square. so when you are out of that square you are different and since you are out of it and the rest is in it they see you as a danger of their square collapsing and so people act to remain safe. they stick you in the nut house, they look at you strange as if you are not a person, they exclude you because most of the time you look different, they try to make you feel ridiculous, they try. feeling these formless things and not being able to take shape, or to addapt your shape to be a shapeless shapeshifter. i stick out in any group, any location because my mind works different, it is etched into your soul that you are different because you don`t accept a square of lies. i don`t accept lies, i accept truth, and if it`s the truth that i am different then i accept it and i am not affraid of it, i am not affraid of the square and i`m not affraid of what is outside of that square, it fears me or it doesn`t but i won`t live in fear of what other people label me. not that i`m reckless, but i do not fear. fear is useless, nothing can be born from it. and that is a truth, people in this square live in fear, fine let them if i can pull someone out of it doesn`t work, the mind of that other needs to be different not affraid, and then you become a shape and not just some shape, but a shape worthy of remembrance. all this makes me look insane right? but is accepting the truth being insane? is living without fear insane? is thinking for yourself insane? ask yourself such questions and then begin to understand that you must be insane to live in that square. so for everybody that feels different who knows they are different. don`t be affraid of being different. at least you taste life as it should be, at least you can say i am myself in every aspect in my very soul in my very essence of existance. that just leaves the square to be very small and cramped, sorry but i need some space to live and seek what is true.
  10. well i am already searching and i have already found a lot of it but there is still plenty out there to learn. i`m talking about truth, i search for it every day and my sacrifice? well i`m not sure if i`m actually sacrificing anything, only being able to accept that what you find is something you have to keep in mind. i`m not going to enlist every truth i found so far or anything but i think it is a noble thing to do and by accepting it after trialing it to be the truth is being open minded and it has a sense of honor to it, just plain simple truth or the most complex truth i want to find them all and accept them and fusing them with my own self and gaining. you only gain from the truth same as i would never lie because we invented that just to reject truth. it`s worth it and that`s a truth.
  11. i don`t think that love makes you immortal in any way since love may be a great emotion nowadays no one actually love someone their whole life. it sounds grimm and harsh but it is a truth. and on that truth you could gain more immortality that anything else. to be someone who brings truth to people or seeks the very truth of life itself once you achieve that then you gain immortality by thought, your body decays your spirit moves on and all that remains is a memmory of how much you pursued the truth and how far you got melting that truth together with your lifestyle. indivivuality is something that is our own, and is always there but how far it sticks out is how much you stand out. people around you will recognize you as cool, dumb, weird, dangerous etc. it is just in wich way you choose to be. so when you are in love and it`s great, people indeed will see it in you depending on how much they see. and when your partner sees it it should be enough for it is a small part of your individuality but a part that must be filled some point in your life. and individuality is actually something personal the way you are and not the way people want you to be. some people always want love, others want sex to a point where it starts to bore them and they seek love too, it`s our privilege of feeling love in such a complicated way. yet that complexity of it can also drive us apart from our partner, the only thing that can stop you from exiting that complexity is your persistance in it, and that makes you seeking truth because in the end you seek confirmation if your partner still loves you and by saying i love you you mostly ask your partner to say the same as a confirmation. again it sounds harsh but still it`s a truth and to add that how much can you melt that truth in your individuality, lifestyle and train of thought. it is also true that doing this with truth is also complex and also it depends on how you are as an individual as to how far you can go into that complexity. and that is also a truth the point is it can go on forever, and as for your love, enjoy it and i wish you both the best of luck in harsh conditions and may you be together long after these words. then you may not have found your immortality but at least you have experienced a piece of life.
  12. well i had this one for a while, but the linguistic rhymes i like aswell since it proves a challenge to come up with words that are not used that much, as is a bit of my trademark for having different words and expressions. i also tend to write with music on the background wich put me in a state of mental vagueness. also late at night when i get tired i tend to write since that is he point where i get the most strangest things out of my head on screen and in relatively understandable spelling or i revise the spelling the next day since that is one of my weak points. so basicly i get weird as inspiration to some sort of filing method for my questions that get answered during the next time i read it myself, so it`s mystery on paper that attracts the open minded and then i get the response of: hey i understand what you mean. so thank you. i will be editing new stuff later on.
  13. the tension valves of my mind are finally loosening up, as these words and thoughts of mine are read and leave my mind untill i read them back again. call me insane, call me what you like, i am feeling good. feel free to comment and rate, and yes my spelling isn`t my strongest side ^_^' [COLOR=Navy][B]Random Thoughts[/B][/COLOR] spinning words, alteration of my soul holding eternity feeling shaken, the pain taken course off my path to stray away where lights cross, shadows move about time, the end line say no more, no ancore apreciation, desintegration solution found, in every sound hearing all that is hidden to the eye colors mixing, argument fixing glass of water in the rain feel no pain, by lightning strain in the train above the rails, i`m sailing my life across the moon between the sun, the ocean mountain, my time has never come to pass away, into the next phase of my existance everytime i cross the line i`ll be fine, secure the sign to reach my knowledge in the stars, across the plains and through the scars on my face, that is hidden to the rest of the croud around me suround me lesson learned, a page has turned collapsed peace and agony society, monstrocity harbors all the illness a person made to write and sing a song to get along, don`t get me wrong i found a light, inside the darkness that leads me to the depths of my perception strange conception, about my misery that keeps the rivalry, to get me to the place to be a menace through the street, get on your feet that`s what you need a mouth to feed with the pain fed by the spoon, that is soon, to be replaced by tons of hours, that grow you old stone, cold life, accepted by madness and brings sadness to the sane of mind that are forsaken by coruption, obstruction in every way possible to stay keen on our soul inherriting the same old, song keep us strong and illuminated asociated, with the righteousness covered up, by silences like the storm has yet to come illusion, dellusion, confusion into what is real time to feel your achilles heel so you won`t forget how fragile you are, compared to the star closest to this rock behind the lock is a system of thought ,when you have sought the answers to the riddles and problems that are near, yet a thousand miles away, so you can pay the billions of souls your condolances and wishes you have never made and then you fade along the billion others, in the stream of death and neglect with the defect of souls where you resumed, to get consumed by madness and insanity, optimally lost at the cost of your doing, with what you where brewing inside the shell of flesh, that`s now a mesh of parts and bits and nothing fits the living skin at the begin of your doom, where no light can beat the gloom it`s not the darkness, but darker than that from where i sat and looked in your eye, there was no lie only the intent to kill, not even a thrill was involved and now you have solved, the puzzle of the ancient ones and your will becomes complete and you are ready to defeat the lingering feeling of hate, only to be risen by fate and unravel the path that was chosen now walk that path and claim what is your`s [COLOR=Navy][B]The Life[/B][/COLOR] the wise percieve the dead believe the strong achieve the plain recieve the wrong send the few decend the right mend the many ascend the helpfull stray the people pay the trees say the weak sway the talented strive the wills drive the elders jive all pursue life
  14. what i found weird is the fact is that you get punched in the first place(playfull). i mean i`m from holland and a weirdo amongst all groups and subcultures of the dutch population, it might be that it might be nothing. but i never got hit but other impulses and signals wich to i respond with other signals in return to sort of finding out what a person wants from me. still i do understand it and indeed if you have questions about girls you should ask a girl, that is what i do you just have to be carefull if you ask a girl or as celoctopus discribed a b*tch. find that out first and just talk. i know a few things by myself because that is instinct and i tend to play on that instinct to a girl to find out what she wants, or we just have sex. it`s all your choice in what kind of girls you want to attract: serious relation - girl, just some playtime and on to the next and the next - b*tch. only then is that after a while people get to know you as either the lover or the sex mungering type. to make it short: you decide your choice. just be honest. hope it helps^_^
  15. i would have a sword a big one about 1,90m as tall as myself and a blade that is 20 cm broad and name it kaion, kaion means clear sound as the blade would make a pure clear sound as it is slashed through you and even after that fatal blow you would hear a clear sound while you are dying, if you like me adding an abillity to it it would be that the clear sound is so serene and pure that it would heal injuries when tapping it gently, and cause terrible destruction as the sound is so clear that the sound is so sharp it would cut you by just hearing the sound when it is swung at a distance.
  16. hi i heard about it here in holland, but indeed i was startled by the fact that a newspaper would do such a thing. i am not religious actually i am a bit against it, but i restpect it and leave it be. i have a very good friend wich i visit in denmark whenever i can and we spoke about it. he doesn`t care about religion at all, but he replied with: it doesn`t matter if it was religious or non religious, it is wrong to depict people in a way that is not true. i have muslim friends that asked me why can a person say that about another person why does somebody depict a pioneer of an understanding that brings hope and union. i had some sort of answer: because some people are just plain stupid, and that happens all around the world, this is just pure attention screaming only that person did not think of the concequences for the danish people and the muslims. indeed that fundamentalism occurs everywhere and because of people with wrong faith and interrests and solutions to gain that interrest not one person or a group of people get the evil eye on them but their entire nation their entire belief gets the blame. i really like denmark and it`s people my experiences there are unforgetable, but unforgivable the person or persons responsible for that cartoon for embarassing not only the proud inhabbitants of denmark but formost the humilliation of honest people who try to live their lives to their utmost perfection. so my respect for those honest people and (with exeption of the responsible people) the people of denmark tak
  17. I will once again write down the thoughts and experiences that keep forming in my head all the time. I am one weird dude that`s for sure. Please feel free to comment it or ask questions about it since this might be difficult to understand as it is difficult for myself aswell but in the end i am sure you can manage. I hope you like it. [COLOR=Navy][B]Mirror[/B][/COLOR] one stands in front of a mirror not being able to tell on wich side one stands an endless void consuming one`s eyes a reflection beyond meassure across oneself sees oneself unable to seperate oneself as two divide into one mind unable to realize reason one lost to sense one lost to thought one lost to another not being able to tell time not being able to tell reality one stepping through one dissapearing one stays one one wonders one seeing a wall written in reflected thoughts one reflects one`s soul seeing written laws one being halted unable to tell motion not knowing standing still but feeling real one warming up tension evaporates as one understand of many reflections one percieves that all are one as one wakes up from this dream one feeling more free then before as one senses one has yet to understand more Ok that was the intro of many that has yet to come. Here is the full story with another poem and later adds to the story wich make my insane riddles. It`s quite a lot so i hope you like reading it and once again please comment or ask whatever you have to ask and i will be glad to reply on it. [COLOR=Navy][B]Insane Riddles[/B][/COLOR] Across the mirror where one stands reflected opposite of one`s self one thinks the same not able to tell wich side is the reflection Shutting one`s eyes seeing motion. Not able to tell if one`s body moves or one`s eyes stand still. Floating in one`s mind experiencing fantasy. Not able to tell if fantasy is one`s real world or just the opposite. Writing on my walls as i deal with these daily problems. One day i saw myself in the mirror and as i looked i turned away from the other side of the mirror and walked of into my reflected room. I could not read what was on the walls that was there before, so i took a little pocket mirror and looked in it to read what was on the wall. So i read: Two sides that still remain, even after years of strain, as bad luck covered by my vanity, in me dwells insanity. I looked with a semi-suprised face as i started to understand the riddle. So i said to the riddle: Reflection of the mind, as my two sides state my charismatic and treacherous face, mirroring eyes wich when looked upon shine with such intensity, it will deform your reality, only to return to it and not being able to tell where you are anymore, lost between a one shot decision, of wich way it`s safe to stay and you dare not make it and inside the mirror dwells insanity that is you. I return to the mirror and my room, when i look on my walls there is one blank space knowing i am one step closer to sanity ... i ...think ... SHRINK!!! I hate that word, makes me remember those people that could not even solve one simple riddle. I`m not really insane, but just challenged by these riddles that keep haunting me untill i solve them...i hope...hahaha ofcourse it is to learn. Things that they don`t teach you at school. So it`s been 2 days after that riddle and i have one blank space on my wall. To be honest i don`t remember writing it all down. Like i was there forever, that would be sad. Even though sadness continues to struggle with my other emotions, wich are constantly fighting for time to occur, some still clinging to eachother making it a very unpredictable mix of either this or that, with those and these, wich quite frankly can be very devastating to my way of thinking. So i return to one of the four written walls and close my eyes as i know my instinct will show me the way to a start and the consecutive will to solve it, remind myself to re-open my eyes to read: I come in many integreties, as i can break or i can budge, i will stand fierce so in time you can break through and the differences that lie between twilight and dusk, between night and sleep, as the moon affects with color and mood, it changes one gradually instead of once. Choose the correct hallway or you have lost yourself completely. I was suprised because this sounded more like an answer but it felt wrong. I tried to come up with a solution but it was not directed at me to recieve an idea, i read it again and suddenly i see it but i will keep it a secret for now. When did i make all this, did i even do it, there is no memmory of it in my troubled head. I walk out of the door and sat down on a rock in front of my house. It`s been a while since i sat here, the last time i was sad and angry, so the rock got damaged by my nails, those marks turned black by now as i threw my rage at it, wich was quite huge and thus alas too much for the stone to handle. I basicly killed it so to speak, i guess it`s angry at me so i drew a happy face on it, wich made me laugh real loud. I was relieved and i noticed another blank space on the wall, but i was not around to solve it, but there was no other around who might could have done it. I heard a faint noise, it came out of my head so it seemed, like there was music on but there was nothing, and it was no music either. I put on some cd of music wich made me feel strange, yet very comfortable and happy. As one sees none, in a tone all is one, one will do some, not to be un-done, as a line is spun, by 3 others will be meaningless and no fun, like one that feels the sun, enjoying to it`s essence cause essence too sees none. I seem to have written this while i knew the answers, yet of the many riddles that exist on these walls, the answers are obscure to me. I can see the light from the sun that shines through the boarded windows and i try to look outside. I see nothing but bright white and the sun`s core burning my incompetence, that is clearly written in my eyes. I look away seeing nothing, for the brightness keeps me from seeing. I stumble around and i trip over a pillow that lies on the floor. Here i lie unable to see, but then i hear that faint noise again, it`s intensity finally echoing loudly in my ears. It hurts but then i start to endure the pain and in the blazing sound i hear my own voice speaking earlier, when i had been writing on the walls. I quite quickly addapt and the sound becomes more clear as i close my eyes. Even if you cannot see, even when you cannot touch, even when you choose not to believe, you can still feel, you can still undo your choice, you can still experience, when you speak of essence you cannot hope to measure it by eyes that cannot see all, or measure with a mind that cannot percieve the truth, or measure with a choice that is not pure. of all three examples, of all three weaknesses, of all three strengths, there is only one thruth so enjoy the essence of truth, if you are not aware of it then you must choose... I open my eyes and i sit with an empty head, when i start to enjoy the warmth of the sun, it seems i have already chosen for truth. Do you remember the riddle before this one? If you can, then what was your answer to it? Even if the answers are the same, the truth of it should not fit your own riddle, as we are different minds. Still i will tell you the answer: As one is driven by thoughts, so is one driven by emotions, one that is driven by emotions not in order, is driven by one`s will wich if the endurance of it is strong enough, that it might budge or bend, as long as it is not broken, one will never be completely lost. How many days have come to pass since i first came here i wonder. I choose not to know, it does not matter, i step loose from the concept of time wich we daily follow, not to be late and to categorize your daily activities and space between darkness and light. What does it matter, because i enjoy my seperation of time as i float between many a paradox, that will keep me from ever knowing the real meaning of time as it is meant to be unknown for us. As time flows, we are caught in a one way stream, unable to get back to our starting point, because the current is so overwhelmingly strong and our two hands unable to withstand the weakness of the mind, wich is formed by others around oneself, a mass manipulation where we are all unable to return to the universal flow itself, wich would make us ageless. No stress, wich our concept of time does give. Written in invisible rules of wich the essence flows around and through us, wich connect us to eachother and the universe, yet we are unable to enjoy that essence, but when we finally can we will be immortal, then we are free from the decay of time. I feel exausted and can barely keep my eyes open, my mind turns on an activity i never experienced before and gently humming thoughts comfort me, as i close my eyes and enjoy the essence of well deserved rest, not knowing when i will wake up, only knowing that i will wake up. The truth fills me, as i understand this and i drift away along the colors and sounds, that soothe me in a way i never experienced before. And i slowly shift into a dream, but different, in a gentle light it smoothly shifts me into a wakefull dream, instead of the darkness taking me to fight to survive and to save my soul from the most fearsome thoughts that drains my will. I enjoy a dream of peace, as i start to understand more and more about the truth of myself and that around me..
  18. [COLOR=Navy][B]Of Giveth and Taketh[/B][/COLOR] Of when one smells, what they cannot see Giveth one`s smell, taketh one`s sight Of what one can taste, what they cannot hear Giveth one`s taste, taketh one`s hearing Of what one can move, what one cannot lift Taketh thy strength, giveth thy sense Of showing by gestures, what cannot be said Giveth thee motion, taketh thou voice Of what can be touched, what cannot be slain Giveth thy feeling, taketh thy disbelief For limmitations are giveth, and then taketh away [COLOR=Navy][B]Insomnia[/B][/COLOR] Sleep my child all is gone There is nothing left to stay awake Wakefullness don`t dwell too long Or darkened eyes remain by day Warn me fairly when i will sleep And if i do make way Cause when i wake up afterwards My demon wells up inside Alone and targeted every day Of hatred flows within my veins My dusted heart is empty And my concience numbed I have no fear exept to die When all my effort will end These dark marks in my face Shall keep my foes at bay Sacrificed and left to cry My tears in even me won`t dry For all the sand that covers me Has made me weak emotionally But i will find my days to rest In peace and leave what i detest My soul will open and i will protect Instead of cause fear and be defect I`m strong and need to kill But in the end it will fade And all my rage shall turn away Exept to those that that i dismay And feel free and sleep forever [COLOR=Navy][B]of my[/B][/COLOR] motion in my soul motion in my mind reflection of my hate reflection of my rage detention of my strength detention of my game comprehension of my hunger comprehension of my shame redemption of my anxiety redemption of my trust salvation of my energy salvation of my lust aprehension of my thoughts aprehension of my words apreciation of my comfort apreciation of my pain adaptation of my being adaptation of my sense abomination of my entity abomination of my must organisation of my workings organisation of my torture animation of my concience animation of my life contamination of my intentions contamination of my flames
  19. This is a genjutsu i made wich has the properties of the Mangekyou Sharingan`s Tsukiyomi. this is a very cruel, tormentous sick genjutsu. The Tsukiyomi refers to 72 hours yet in the series the secuence of one second lasted for 30 seconds so altogeher calculated you end up being stuck in it for 114 days. You wake up in a hospital bed, totally confused. Everything looks normal at first, but... You see a bloodred light from outside, the sky is filled with penetrating fear. You see the wallls move like thick fluid and that the room is gloomy darkened as you get out of bed. You hear dampened screams in your bed wile you are still messed up in your head. You enter the door and you find yourself in a bloodmisted hall wich is filled with bodies dismembered and mutilated. Suddenly you feel that you are watched and hunted. You start to run as you see a monster like shadow, but as you run you only move slowly. Wile running there are 2 things that can happen: you didn`t make it to the door and the shadow starts to eat you and at the point of death you can start reading this from the start again. Or you make it to the door and you are safe for the monster. Now you stand in front of a mirror and you see your reflection, it is not really you because the reflection looks evil and it starts to move on it`s own. Then it steps out of the mirror and grabs you, and your eyes go dark and you see the massacre in the hospital hall, how your reflection slaughtered them. Then you see a bright light and it turns away and you see a mirror on the ceiling and you see yourself lying on a surgery bed with your reflection with some surgery tools. You cannot move but you feel the pain as he slowly scrapes away your skin and put salt on you body to increase the pain. Then when he is done he removes your eyelids so you cannot close you eyes so you will see the full horror of what is happening to you. Then he starts on your lips and removes them from nose till chin. then he cuts open your cheeks and scrapes a layer off your tongue and flushes a salt solution through your mouth wich burns like hell. Then hooks are set into your muscles and stretch up your muscles close from ripping them appart. Then with a dull blade he makes cuts into them. Then he removes your genitals and puts acid on the spot where they used to be. Then he will part muscle from bone and starts to saw your bones in halfway through because of the nerves that run through your bones will cause great pain. Then he will cut open your head and cut little pieces out of your brain, only leaving you alive because of the insignificant parts are taken. Then he takes 30 cm long spikes heats them up and drives them into your feet into a part of the leg and starts moving the spikes. Then he takes more spikes and heats them and pierces them through your chest untill they stick out at the back, and from the front of your arms and legs you feel yourself spiked to the bed. Then he gets the chains and attatch them through your wrists and your back and then attaches the hooks on a rig and he hoists you face-down with the bed on your back pressing it`s weight down on you and the spikes. Then he removes the spikes in your body and you bleed to death. Then you see a flash and you can start reading from the top again. all this torture wile a soulless voice counts down the time with this sentence: In this realm of pain i control you and your pain, every pain is a new one, every second takes a life age, time remaining: 113 days, 23 hours and 30 seconds.
  20. Well here is my charackter. Name: Ijin Kaishi Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: 1,90m, red shoulder length hair, small beard, old grey eyes, black stripe across his left eye Personality: open minded, dreamer, determined, tendency to kill. Abilities: Spirit analyzer, spends most of his time on graveyards, knows some ancient shaman rites. Motive: Want`s immortality to continue his quest for power. Country of Origin: Holland Weapon(s): Scythe that can be shift in size, blowpipe with darts with a core of death. Spirit Guide Name: Thantanos Age: Millenia, but looks like 26 Gender: Male Appearance: to his upper leg long white hair, black robes with ornamental lightning, black eyes with blue iris with a black circle with some space between the pupils. Personality: Dark figure, determination, tendency to kill. Abilities: Ancient shaman rites, death, thunder. Species: Human/Lightning elemental spirit.
  21. well i drink in the weekend mainly, so i am a weekend alcoholic, i drink anything with alcohol in it, but my fave is still beer. aswell when i go out to my local pub and sometimes during the mid-week. having a beer, smoking a sigaret, talking to friends. so i need my alcohol in the weekend, if i don`t have money i drink at home :animesigh oh well i don`t mind, not even the following days because i never have a hangover :animesmil and i get drunk, yes i get drunk many times, but not that i get violent or anything. but i live 3 minutes from my pub on the way to the pub so i walk, it only takes me 15 to 30 minutes on the way back home. :animesmil i even have been sleeping when i was walking home waking up at the door, hahaha. well i am a designated drinker, and no one minds, i only talk too much :animeswea
  22. well when the previous pope died and the funeral and all those public rituals had come by i said to 2 of my friends: what if the new pope was a nazi figure. and what does rise on the pope`s seat???? Benedictus, the name itself got me thinking, and yes he had served with the hitler jugend and the wehrmacht wich he deserted. but indeed almost any arian boy was eager to join in, they didn`t know better, they where decieved. but the fact that he doesn`t know better, can you imagine something wrong with it in a later proffesion?? if he is liberal i see it down the drain, like: we will bring all the people to the church. ein volk, ein reich, ein vaticaan. sorry for the cruelty, but if he is really good, wich i hope, then i will consider him a good pope. but to think of it going wrong and that evil eyed face seizes control over all those who believe, and decieve you with good faith, because deception has been a great part on every day life for most germans in those times. student might become master. but enough about that. the rules about homosexuality and abortion, for instance: you are not allowed to use condoms, if you get pregnant you may not have your child removed, you will have that child, but in the bible it was allowed to leave your children in a basket floating on a river, heilig oder unheilig. homosexuality? with the cardinals priests and high priests being all guys in most cases devoted to the church, what the hell you think what remains???? i have nothing against homosexual people, nothing. but they say gay is bad, but in the mean while here in holland at least 80% of the catholic followers in a position in the church, is gay, and on top of that another 30% is pedofile. i don`t know of the statistics in other countries but here it is true to these figures. having faith? nothing wrong with it, but faith should be in your own heart. you and god no one else no brick and concrete, statues or depictions. church is a no-go for me. so if they would just cut the bs, but hey it`s only my opinion...
  23. well when i make a name i set myself a word i like really much, or in case of your kitten, if it has a set charackter you could name it after that, then you take the name, playfull for instance and browse a japanese dictionary untill you find the right sounding japanese name, and it will automaticly have a meaning. well tha`s it for my advice. [URL=http://www.trussel.com/f_nih.htm][B]good dictionary[/B][/URL]
  24. when i write as i just finnished a post where i spent several hours on, i use a lot of detail, i myself find it great and allows you to get more out of something. well i made a naruto like story, i made the village, the country, the kage, 12 jounins with some more background comming up, and their skills, and i made the moves that you can find in the country. you can find all this at [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47314][B]shinobi battles[/B][/URL] the point is i also posted something big wich you can get to via my signature and i get some views but no replies, not even if it`s bad or anything. so i wonder am i too detailed?
  25. This is yet another of my posts relating to Naruto standards. I wanted to create a spar/story with a little edge. It can go into much detail wich i like in a story and even more in a battle. So i ask of either one or more shinobi to enter in this venture of spectacular battles and catching storyline. And to give it even more freedom i allow you to make new villages besides the normal ones. As i will state below. But be aware as you will read in my sign up form (wich is quite roomy) every battle will be a hard one. The info i post on my charackter is long and the statistics of my charackter are high, but telling you almost all of my skills will help countering them, so i expect great things. Well here is the form, just simple a name a background, appearance and village. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am ujino kaikou the kiseikage. My appearance: I am 1,90m tall, I have shoulder length red hair, a small beard wich is also red. My shirt is thin and comfy it has markings on it wich are pure ornamental, it`s color is light with black symbols. My pants are wide and black. I wear a lot of chains wich i can also use with kugutsu (pupeteering), my boots have skulls on them attached to the laces, they are really heavy but that is part of my training, when i de-summon the extra weights during battle i move faster. I wear a pair of gauntlets wich i desinged and made myself. It holds a blade in each gauntlet, with these gauntlets i am capable of guarding from a sword attack or even grabbing the blade of my opponent, and the special finger system allows me to smash through stone with my fingers without crushing my own fingers. It also has an energy system built in the ornamented outside wich is actually a seal that was made from a demonic prison jutsu, the system on the gauntlet is called the 13 verses of doom when this is released there is danger. In all my clothes are little devices of energy wich guard me from physical and deflect energy attacks on my body, i have a high rate of survival with these clothes, but there is more to it. CHACKRA I have a high amount of energy wich i recycle. Minniscule devices of energy wich i designed refreshen my energy and makes it flow stronger. The recycling of energy is efficient because the energy moves fast and on it`s own generates kinetic energy (movement energy) wich i store and recycle again so i won`t run out of energy to support my heavy jutsu`s and my medical practice. HEALING Besides my high rate of surviving i have a variety of healing jutsu`s, the simplest are the creation of healing energy on my hands and start healing by holding it on the injured area. The most difficult i use when someone is at critical danger to seconds from death. I also have a simple range of defence jutsu`s. I have some shielding techniques wich use kugutsu to hold any object in front of me only rendering one hand occupied. STEALTH I also have a lot stealth justu`s. Here i use elemental jutsu`s or a specified jutsu that blends me with any object or i simply dissapear in it by fusing with the material. There are many way`s with this and the walls can have eyes and ears indeed. I also develloped a jutsu wich i called gost mode, it allows my body to vannish completely and my energy dissapears with it, so i`m like an advanced ghost. It shows like i do not even exist while i am there in full glory, i cannot attack during gost mode but i can get close enough to de-gost and kill in silence. BOOST My boost jutsu`s and potions are quite good too. I have a wide variety of potions and jutsu`s wich can be used in seperate states of being, so boosting the body is one thing but i boost the mind aswell. OFFENCE My offensive jutsu`s are wide and even too much for a short review. I use attack in combination with more attack jutsu`s or other combinations of offensive and defensive moves and even combine or counter with my opponent. To keep it short i keep thinking up jutsu`s and theories that mostly will work. I have a few "a" ranks on my account wich are also very powerfull. Although i have a strong asrenal of sword and jutsu skills these are nothing without tact and knowledge, i study a lot in my little library and info node device. One note to my offensive side is that i can use a wide variety of death involved jutsu`s. SEALS I have an advanced lvl of seal making, i make difficult seals in short time and they have various effects, on my palms are summon/recall seals, i can draw a seal and store it in my recall part of the seal and then i can summon with the summon part at any time. I can make a seal for the smallest of things and for the biggest of things. My body holds a series of tattoos wich i use for my powerfull jutsu`s. They are designed by myself and hold complex seals and symbols wich alow me to cause great damage. All together i have a high rate of succes and specialisation in offensive, deffensive, boost, heal and sealing abilities. ------------------------------------------------------my settings This is the country of mirrage, village of illusion. (Kuni no shinkirou, mura madoigakure) It`s a centre of mixed arts and abillities. I the Kiseikage reside here. I am also very old, however i never seem to age because i look like i am 25, worthy of a illusion Kage. Although gifted with death and being very powerfull i am a kind man to my villagers, i live in a normal house, i only use the main building in the center of the village as an office and a central meeting point for the people. I founded this village between the mountains and the 2 forests where it is hardly seen, and that is kept up with the mirrage that is the village This village was at war because other countries and missing nin organizations wanted the sectrets of the forbidden scroll of death. The millitary force of the madoigakure is at a good lvl and full of talent. There is also quite some ANBU personel, and they guard the vicinity and train along their missions. The Jounin of this time are 12 skilled people, who have been past fun and tragedy, and their devellopment has proved them to be worthy Shinobi. These are their names and teams: [B]Matajiro Shiba[/B] (m) genjutsu, Mitsugan bloodline limmit, darkblue shoulder length hair, 1,89m, sportive person, quite cheerfull. [B]Kuniharu Saito[/B] (m) taijutsu genius, all styles, dark short hair, 1,89m, strict, tempered. [B]Hiromichi Shinjiro[/B] (m) ninjutsu genius, spiked hair light blue,1,90m, layed back. [B]Ujino Hisayo[/B] (f) genjutsu bloodline limmit desugan lvl1 mirage`s finest, white long hair, jumpy happy person, scary when mad, 1,78m. [B]Ujino Usami[/B] (f) genjutsu bloodline limmit desugan lvl1 mirage`s finest, white long hair, easy going happy person, scary when mad, 1,78m [B]Mogami Sano[/B] (f) medical ninjutsu genius, a bit shy, 1,75m, pitch black hair upper leg length. [B]Sadae Kira[/B] (f) kuchiyose genius, nin, blueish hair lower back length, 1,87m, smartass, practical joker, honest. [B]Shigo Kuroda[/B] (f) ninjutsu jouka (sacred fire) bloodline limmit, fire jutsu`s, red hair wild shoulder length, wild type, passionate, energetic. [B]Katsura Yoshime[/B] (f) taijutsu, nin, tiger hawk mix style, black hair short, 1,80m, direct type big mouth, a bit of the bat. [B]Utsu Yasumichi[/B] (m)taijutsu,nin,gen,earth types, hair blond, neck length, 1,96, perverted type, womanizer, comedian. [B]Tsuneyuki Asai[/B] (m) seals genius, gen, nin, white hair shoulder length,a scar from neck to temple, 1,92m, a bit of a distant person. [B]Hirokata Imai[/B] (m) medical ninjutsu genius, dark hair mid back length, 1,86m, energetic, explosive, always ready to go. Teams: Ujino Hisayo(f), Ujino usami(f), Hiromichi Shinjiro(m) Mogami Sano(f), Utsu Yasumichi(m), Katsura Yoshime(f) Shigo Kuroda(f), Tsuneyuki Asai(m), Matajiro Shiba(m) Hirokata Imai(m), Sadae Kira(f), Kuniharo Saito(m) I am especially involved with the devellopment of the Ujino twins, these are my grand daughters, wich also carry my bloodline limmit the Desugan. I know the dangers and i aid them in their growth. But they are fine, only their youth carries them away sometimes. And they have become fine Shinobi. I have appointed the 12 Jounins to raise fine Shinobi. Each will take 3 Genin under their wings. Wich will increase our forces dramatically if they would all make it to Jounin. ------------------------------------------------- well that`s my charackter and my background. i have done it very detailed and i could go on for a while. but i have now created the hidden village of illusion with 36 spots open for people to enter, if they are not filled then the remaining shinobi teams can do other things. but i govern the 12 shinobi for now. you wont have to do it as detailed as this and you are free to choose another village as you please. well good luck.
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