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dark king

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Everything posted by dark king

  1. i have deja vu`s quite often, it also has the meaning that you have a talent(depending on how often ofcourse) to learn precognition. because that moment that comes to you, not that one with no deja`s can`t do it. for that person it would just take a bit more practice. but they can be real helpfull too, you can change the future by just altering the situation you are in, just walk away or say something else. remember that, it could be helpfull.
  2. i rejoice with guardianstorm, in fact it is such a common sight these days and still disbelieve, a natural reaction of the human brain(frist see then believe) not only do i use these "powers" i have awakened them in many people. just do this little trick: take ten random playcards upside down, and focus on the card, and start "knowing" wich color they are. then go further, start knowing wich card it is, like an ace of spades. just try it, but don`t think you will get it in one time, it takes persitance and practice. but the best trick is to give one energy or to take it from them. did that on teachers and we had quite the free hours because of that. but to give you this, it is as simple as pi hahaha. good luck
  3. my girlfriend does it too, i tried taking sharp stuff away from her, but talking helped much better. she does it again now, and i will not give up on her. it`s like all what is here, your clothes, computer etc started as a thought. then we realized it with our tools. our hands are tools, and we can use these tools in 2 ways: to build and to demolish. i could hit someone with my hands, but i can also shake his hand. with my legs i could kick someone, or i could or kick a ball up in the air to entertain. the mouth is a tool, i could use it to bad mouth someone or to spread gossip, or to tell someone how great he is doing, or to conversate friendly. you use your tools to hurt yourself, is it not better to use your tools to take a pen instead? you can be helped by others to build a bridge but they can only build one side, you must build the other. you can stop, if you feel like cutting take a pen instead, and start writing, or if it comes bad draw a picture on your arm instead of holding the knife. try building you will feel better. and on top of that, if the wounds are healed you can wear t-shirts again. isn`t that a better way to live for yourself. it`s not as easy as i am typing, but it`s not impossible. i hope this was usefull. good luck
  4. his recognition comes subconcious. but all sorts of people indeed have experiences with esp, or psychic gifts. i have a little telepathy and i train to develop it better. or empathic sense, knowing exactly how one feels, but only at close. and a friend of mine has learned how to levitate, real cool. and energy control. taking and giving energy, drawing from sounds to sugar. i made a large energyball with 5 other people(positive energy) and we altered the colors and size an density. those things are possible, because i do them myself. but instead of levitation, i train on psychokinesis then when i master it (with practice and training) i can levitate with psychokinesis, and move thing at the same time. i also know someone who knows how to transport. but that must be real hard to do. but train, study, practice and master!!!:)
  5. hey i just saw your thread and i was reading the poems. one thing i notice(besides they are very good) is that your life is set to words. try writing a book aswel, i have did it aswell only mine was about my dreams. keep up the good work.:)
  6. although he is not my president, i think he is not a good prsisent. he leads people into wars that are really unneccesary. this war is more like his payback. i`m even doubting if it wasn`t him who planned the 11sept attack. but if that is true or not. it happened and it suits him well. but i see some simularity with other maniacs of elder rules. the rule can get with the iron fist, covered under patriotism. millions of dollars to spend on war, the victory will deliver very good benefits to him. but the stupidity he posesses, ohw i won`t even go there. but i think he lacks serious leadership, wich will show after this **** is over, i love democracy.
  7. i make drawings that could be good tattoos (i think) i experiment with a pen on my arm making some nice tribal work and it looks good after the finnishing touch. if i would do them for real it would cost me about $400 so i prefer to stick with the pen. but tattoos are good if hidden a bit like on your schoulder. i practice on my lower arm(left) because that`s easier to reach. but tattoos are cool.
  8. teachers.....i have had bad experiences with them too. always taking the wrong side. so i decide to be a pain in the ***. i got kicked out though. but then you have to go to another school. if not or your parents won`t let you you have the law to stick up their noses. or you just make your homework properly, your exams get your degree and leave them behind with their gossip and go study at a campus, free from home for a good time and you build your future. then you have the papers to get a good job and the age to go live in an appartement. forever free from your parents. this is a long process but maybe the most effective one too. let them choke in their system be camouflaged and go unnoticed by letting no teacher get to you. so you steal their reasons to badmouth you. that way you stand stronger too. i hope this all helps. my regards. ow and your mailbox is full i had to pm you instead.
  9. hellow everybody i`ve been gone for a wile so i looked and came across it again. i have started a tread called "dreams and time" also giving a duration of the dreams we all have. like one night sleep and 3 days of dreaming. i had a dream again being back in midland(a place i go when i sleep) but then the universe of midland and not just a star. i have grown in my paranormal skills and i think i will be back there soon for another long dream. i havn`t said it before in this thread, but my previous long dream lasted 200 years. together with 2 others i had the dream. now i was alone and gone for 3 days(only one night passed) and i must have a mission again, but this time personal. just to share this dream. i was on a field with the sun shining gently an a cool breeze, you know the perfect weather. i saw a figure, a woman half cloacked i could see her eyes. she spoke to me with her eyes. follow me she said. and she dissapeared. but her eyes so....flaming with spirit. a new aege broke due to the destruction of satan and god (in my dream) and their sons. but an universe is a universe and i think some other evil stronger then the former parties is trying to take over midland. the woman is either part of it or she is the sun. i think that is the case because the moon has had a strange glow over it lately. also the earth is building up recovering from the ultimate battle that waged the last time. this means if my dream to come contains the elements i just named, it could mean that i will be gone for a long period that could last like eternity, wile only one night will pass. the ring of twelve has shown it`s marks again. my wrist(upper side) shows my mark again. shown on the picture. (i did not carve it myself i`m against that) the ultimate link from my dream to the flesh. i am growing stronger, i feel it every day. the images come streaming in again. thousands millions at a time and they hurt. all coming by in one second yet i see them all detailed. death flashing by. not mine but of millions of others. here or in my universe? i do not know but they die. but if it is a threat to my creation then i will defend it even if i must give my life. but i shall not die, i will succeed. this concludes what i experience now and what i dream. also the reality factor that is in. i experience my dreams like you are sitting behind your computer reading this. and with the dream to come it becomes more intens. anyway. i will tell you the dream when i had it. and you can expect another book out of it. like my first that is still in the making. you can read that one at the poetry section. dark king the book. i shall keep you informed.
  10. if you can have the principal and the teachers together and call their bluff. it`s risky of believing in you. but you can be cunning. if you can get them to listen then let them give their lies. but the truth can not be hidden if you act correctly. i you monitor your teachers, put up a camera in the class or whear a mic. you can single handed cover them up. you spend much time in your room. you have internet. time and resources that can help you. or to think up ideas to secretly dig their pitt to fall in. if you try those sorts of things, ofcourse make no traces that lead to you. or try this on your teachers. you know tea bags. you open one up by the little staple, add some ingredients that make them real sick. those kinds of things. if legal is ineffective than make sure you are the one to hold your fate. and if i knew you in person, if you where mean to me your eyes would tell me a part of the story. you can`t be a bad person, your not a bad person. i can tell off your writing. your more desperate. again you feel this way because of others. make friends try it at least, it can be a relief and so you gather people around you. and the gossip? **** it. or you could try a trick someone i know did. he had a sortly situation but then only with his stepfather. he faked mental illness, he pretended to be insane. so he was placed out of house. for 2 years untill he was 18 he "recovered" and split and started his life again, with a clean record. and is happy. but that is verry hard to do. but it is an option although you can reject it because you have to act real silly, and you must be able to maintain it. oh and if your parents try to get rid of you again then you can pull the trigger in selfdefence and i mean only in selfdefence. or just point and call the police. just think about those things and learn from them. but hang in there, and never give up life, they may have taken your peace of mind, but not your will and spirit.
  11. i have one resolve for problems although it is temporary. sleeping and hoping i stay that way. i have tried to kill myself poisoning myself with a mixture of all sorts of chemical stuff like amoniac bleach and such things. nothing happend only a fu(ked up taste in my mouth. that`s when i realized i wasn`t done yet living. sometimes you have to take matters in your own hands. like indeed getting out of that place. try child protection, sue them all, take them out legally and you will be free of them. only cure i see is liberation, you feel the way you do because of others. if everyone is blaming you for nothing then who is there really to blame. not you. legally you have better chance to be free from them, so you get a surrogate family who can catch you up and give you what you deserve, a piece of mind and some family love, even if it takes a little wile. also change school. i think that is the best solution. i think when that`s over you will recover strength and will to survive again. i hope it has been of any help. and i don`t really know you, but nobody deserves a life you have right now.
  12. a wile ago i had a dream, the dream wich i thank my name to. what you are about to read is my dream. i started to write and added some things to make it more like a story. but here is my book. still unfinnished and much dialog to add, i bring you..... the tale of the dark king once in an Aera of light and darkness. the one of light was known as god, together with the prince of light. and you had the prince together with lord of the darkness, satan. but the tale was longer than just those four. where two sides are there will be an inbetween. to be more specific, what if you balance darkness and light together in one person and lose track of him. yes that could result in an interresting though fearful... well it happened a long time ago, in the times long before swords and shields, honor and pride. no living or undead being could have been prepared for this. the endless battle for earth has left darkness behind. as well as light left it`s marks. the two powers wanderd around and finaly earth absorbed it an molded a human shape and gave it`s power such as wind, water, earth and fire. then it returned it to the earth`s surface and let it grow into a man. that is how he came in existance, not born but created by mother earth. but then something happened what the earth had not forseen. the moon, the sun and the stars reacted on the birth of earth`s child. the stars gave they`re power to the sun, and the moon gave power on it`s own. the sun then made the spirit of soul and the moon the spirit of mind. the spirits then came to earth and got to the earth`s child and forged with him into one being. but that was not all... the universe stirred and awakend, and created with it`s might, age and knowledge the sword of Aeges that the universe placed in the hidden realm of Aege. the battle still is waging and the sword still to be found. the hidden realm lies a hairlength away, but is millions of miles beyond reach. let us take a look at the stars and let the moon guide us into the rest of this legend. .............................................................. chapter 1 companions earth has changed, the old are the new but still the names remain. people still live here, through the streets walks a man clothed in dark, watched by every passing soul wile he walks with thougts no one can enter. with his half steel boots and steel plated shoulder pieces on his long cloth as a dark blanket hanging around his upper-arms covering his back and a large piece of his front, where his dark throusers hang wide over his legs. he is different, he lives alone at a distance of the rest of the other villagers. though it is a some what crouded village where a rouse between people is quickly made, he doesn`t have a sword or any other weapon at his side, but then again nobody has ever attacked him. affraid of his appearance they walk away from the door as he enters the local tavern called the wanderer`s haven. he walks to the bar and orders a pint and then goes to a table. it was the last one empty, then a roudy group of men armed to the teeth walked in ordering pints and they saw there wasn`t a table left anymore. he you move my men want to sit down, sayd the leader of the group, a giant that looked quite strong but rude as a bandit as he probably was. well then sit down, the man in cloth sayd. are you being smart with me, i don`t like that in a person. you better go our boss here is known for his bad temper. that`s right, as the man already taking out his sword. suddenly a voice said: leave him alone! that man was armadeus a brave and strong man, tall and honorfull. oh i can let you feel my sword aswell if you like, the bandit said. then the man in dark stood up but he did not walk away, but walked to the giant, grabbing the man his sword and squeezing the tip of it, the blade bent. the giant stumbled dropped the sword an attacked. the dark man hit the giant and he flew trough the air like he was nothing. everybody looked amazed at the dark man and then laughed at the roudy group who left for saver ground. then armadeus walked to him and asked to come with him. man that was some move, now i know why you don`t have a sword. but tell me what is your name. i have aquired many names in my life. so name a few or something or do you wish to speak somewhere else. yes we go to my place. alright, let`s go. another thing why is your house at distance. because nobody cries for me as a neighbour and it is for another purpose. you will see it when we get there. and so they get to his house and when they entered armadeus could not believe his eyes. it was a room the size of 40 square meters and 5 yards from the door there was a large mirror with inscriptions not understandable. in the middle of the room was what have appeard to look like a dark throne. the rest of the room was just a little dimmed and there where some doors and quite some paintings on the walls. the rest of the room was decorated with all kinds of weapons and some candeliers with halfway burned candels that where shining somewhat strange and some where giving sparks of light. so you like my little hideout? oh yes certainly, how is all this possible? i will tell you everything. from the beginning of time there where 2 beings of great power god and satan, both got a child the prince of darkness and light those four battled for might. they harvest souls, people for they`re own use so that when they have enough souls they can strike. but alas that fight will never end, and mother earth had grown tired of the constant battle waged over her. in the mean time with they`re fighting some darkness and light, powerfull might and energy where gone unnoticed by the four of light and darkness, and the powers roamed around untill mother earth isolated those two intens powers. she molded that into a person of light and darkness. then the sun the moon and the stars reacted on this event and agreed with mother earth and added they`re power to it aswell. it formed the spirit of soul and the spirit of mind, and they forged together with the other power. that power formed a man already grown up with the knowledge of the moon, the spirit of the sun and stars, and the strength of the earth. armadeus that person am i. what the hell, that`s kind of erm... can you explain again, i could not follow all of it. and so after a long period of explaining armadeus understood all. listen armadeus i need your help this day has finally come, you must join me as a companion. you posess a great power aswell. what power do i posses, i am a forgotten king, what could i possibly do. you posses the spirit of truth armadeus, i must unlock it inside you and then you can only see the truth, and the rest of your normal vision ofcourse. now come with me to the mirror over there tell me what you see. i see...nothing special...but...what is that over there...i...feel....sleeeepp..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. sweet dreams and know the truth, see you in the morning. and so he lays him in a bed and then he returns to the room again with thoughts... he sits back in his throne and falls asleep. dreams, caught in paradox not knowing of sleep or wakefullness .......................................................... chapter 2 the journey begins next morning armadeus awakens from a slumber, looking left...looking right and scares of a bright light, black, blue and gold flowing trough eachother. suddenly it stops and the colors grow a solid form. a voice, armadeus don`t be frightend by my appearance it`s just me. so that is what you realy look like. yes but here eat this first and then put this on it protects you from light and darkness for the most part. explain. we must find the others. others? the apocalips will start not too long from this time period, you are the first companion i found. there are five others all with unique powers like you, together we must stop the apocalips or mankind will be destroyed asweel as the earth. we have much to do and since you have not many to leave behind as a honorable king. yes but kingdoms faded away but i was always fair. ofcourse, that is why you hold the spirit of truth, let`s go and look at the mirror from a new point of view. i see...a man he looks different from us, a street filled with peopl..he they are standing still,as if they are frozen...the man walks further...what does this mean? it`s our new best friend, and that he looks different is because he is an mirrir. he was a thief but realized he had no need for a life like that, and he lives between time and it seems he discoverd his power a long time ago. i could never reach him because he is in another dimension and if i tried then i would get stuck between dimensons because i cannot see the path that is true. and i can i see say ehrm...now that i think about it you never told me your name. again i have many names but call me thalen. now another thing about the mirror, it`s a different one and not realy a mirror but a gate. it is the gate to luidra, to dimension. but now let us go now this is just the start of our journey. gate open thy doors into thy luidra. the gate glows and they make a step into a blueish chamber stretching miles and miles away. look for the true path my friend. ah i see a door down? how is that? dimensions go all directions, there is no direction whitout dimension. we are there we must drop ourselves in there i presume. yes, he what is that. there, yes i see, it`s a person he glows lightly...he is gone. another traveler i presume, let us move on. they drop themselves in the door down and they land in a strange enviroment gigantic and so they walk untill the night falls. here let`s rest for today it is almost dark. yes i want to sleep too and i am hungry can we get something to eat here? ofcourse, you saw that group of trees? yes, what about them? we can get some food of them. wait a minute how do you know? some things are the same in every dimension, like earth is my mother, darkness and light are darkness and light, all those things stay the same. so what is that with the trees then? the trees are like my nephews and aunts, and then the spirit of forest is my brother. hahahaha, true but funny how you say it, hahahaha. then a sudden noise breaks armadeu`s laughter. what was that? thalen look at those trees there is a light coming from behind them. what? are you sure i cannot see it. it is gone now, but what if those where demons or angels or hostile people. how can i defend myself if they surround us? you can call for your weapon, here i will show you. stand up raise your arm or just stretch it downwards then speak your sword his name. like this, aerensar! a long blade appears with a solid handle you can only call your own sword. but what is the name of mine? search with truth in your hart. minutes pass and armadeus stands up stretches his arm. therean!!! a flash fills the sky and a shape forms in the hand of armadeus. the light stops and the sword appears. a long sword with a sharp lemmet and a firm handle with on the tip and beginning the symbol of truth. therean means the sword of truth in ancient words. wow it`s long but i can even handle it with one hand, you would think you needed four. it`s light for you but another person or being could not lift it from the ground. aswell that one who toutches it will be shown in his true form. i feel no tyredness in me anymore. that is because you have completed your search of yourself. you are now connected with my mother giving you strength. the light is back! he there is something underway...my sword, i can see it with my sword...dark creatures. demons no we must stand or hide. no we stand like warriors. yes don`t let them bite you if one did tell me. hyyyyaaarrgg!!!! they`re comming. surrounded by demons now one jumps forwards losing his head by the sword thalen called for. armadeus found himself eager to slay some demons aswell. as the demons lost their lives by the blows and strikes of the swords of thalen and armadeus, armadeus was now surrounded by five demons they struck but armadeus planted is sword in one of them descending to dust. the other four backed of a bit but then one attacked again, he blocked his attack and saw an open spot to kill two others with an combinated strike. then he turned arround and pierced his sword trough the other demon, and then in an upward slash he killed the last of the group. thalen had it buysy too, he had already taken out seven demons. armadeus joined him and together they covered eachothers backs and soon the demons where defeated. they sat down, this was fun armadeus said. yes with two is more fun, but we must move on. yes to the trees because i might be stronger now, but still hungry. the dew on the short grass already appeared because it was alreasy getting dawn. they arrived at the trees and thalen placed his hand on a tree. a long deep sound very loud but not painfull to hear. it was the tree that woke up. who disturbes the forest spirits. it is i thalen, child of earth. ah thalen the tree said with it`s deep voice. what is it what the forest can do for thyne brother. my friend and i are hungry, we came to ask thee for thyne permission to take some food of the forest. hmmmm, only if thee does not interrupt the growth of my children, then thee can always take something to still thyne hunger, my brother. thank you and i always will guard thee my brother. thank you and have a save journey. the tree returned to it`s slumber, the comapanions searched for food and ate untill the hunger was stilled, they stored some of the food. now we have to go where i saw the light. yes, but we have to hurry before they find out they`re scouts in this area are gone. yes indeed, there is the light again, it`s another door, hurry! they stand at the door and enter it. so many dimensions, wich is the right one ...................................................... chapter 3 light temple the companions end up in a piece of forest that mounds out on a field with a huge building about 20 meters high. they stumble when they hear a deep voice. hello again brother, i thought you would come here. yes i may be a tree, but i am connected to mother aswell as to the other trees in the world. that monstrocity over there is a temple. they have cut down my kind and built that to praise the lord of light. but i cannot act i cannot move, so i am asking thyne help brother. i can tear the place down and plant seeds if thee would give me some. but later is the time for planting, i will help thee now brother. and so they walk over the field to the entrance. we must be on our guard for angels, they try to lure you into they`re arms and so they gain your soul. they walk trough a large luminating gate covered with white stones and big kristals and diamonds. as they walk into a large hallway with statues of angels and with many windows, they reach an open door leading to the main chamber, it is high and broad. the same statues and an big alter for god. suddenly a song together with the apearance of 7 angels. watch it don`t get enchanted by they`re singing. i`am not, for i can see the true form of these creatures. the singing stops. come with us, it is the best thing to do. we will save you from evil. you are as evil as those from hell! you don`t fool us with your sharade! then feel our wrath!!! the seven angels melt together into an large angel. therean!, aerensar! with our swords we shall destroy you vultures. the angel forms an ball of light, and just when it was large enough to throw a light appeared and a person in white clothing jumped out and with it`s sword it slashed the angel in half returning it from where it came from. the person walked over to thalen and armadeus. that was quick. hi there, i am mordea i followed you trough dimension after dimension. and stumbled upon you now and that..angel. you are luidra. how do you know that. women of luidra are verry quick. but you hold the spirit of luidra. yes i know my quest because i folowed you. but something is not right, show your sword. she grabs her sword and shows it. no it does not show as something as the sword of luidra. or wait a minute luidra is not the complete name. luidramo..no..luidra luidra luidra....min, that`s it luidramin. try it. raise your hand and call your weapon. mordea stands and raises her arm and shouts. luidramin! a shining light appears. but not in her hands, a door appears. what is that a door instead of a sword? i see...i think that`s your way to gain your weapon for the first time. if that is what you see armadeus than i will have no other choice. mordea steps into the door. she faces her weapon but it`s not a sword, but a long stick of metal and a broad lemmet. and a shield with te mark of dimension on it. she returns from the door with her weapon and shield. so you have a shield, why don`t we have shields aswell. maybe because yours lie in another dimension, mordea answers. i think we will come upon them in time. first i have to do something thalen says. get outside, armadeus show her the way to my brother. i see we will go. what is with thalen he has a strange glaze in his eyes. remember he is earth`s child, so think of the rage against god for the slaying of his brother`s kind. mordea and armadeus reach thalen`s brother. then they hear a rumble to the delight to the forest spirits. the temple collapses and the foundations disappear, the temple is destroyed. then thalen comes out of the smoke. there is thalen. suddenly they hear deep voices comming from everywhere. don`t worry it are the forest spirits who give they`re gratitude, for brother has stopped the threat of more deaths of our kind. thalen my brother here are the seeds you needed. yes we will plant them for victory. and so the three companions planted the seeds from the afternoon untill the next morning. they went back to brother tree and recieved their thanks and blessings. there is our door we must travel through there. and so they stept through. trees are the earth`s knowledge trough all times. ............................................ chapter 4 power of purity they land in a forest mounding out in a sea with a few islands. wow it`s a beautifull place. unfortunatly two islands ahead is a fight. armadeus what do you see else. it`s between angels and demons, it appears that there are two stronger beings. maybe they`re leaders. let`s get them. excuse me but do you want to swim it will take hours to get there? we fly. fly? we can`t fly. yes you can, only because you never did it, doesn`t mean that you are not able to. well then, how do i fly! just relax and think of flying. like..what the...i...i fly. yes me to. well since you discovered it come with me. they fly like rookies but with speed to the third island where the fight is. a woman tries to sneak away from the angels and demons who appearantly have eye for only eachother. the three arrive the two parties stumbled at the arrival of the companions. therean!, luidramin!, aerensar! mordea starts of immediatly at a few angels, wich cry as they are struck by her weapon, then she is surrounded by two demons, she holds out her hand creates a portal and jumps in wile striking the first down coming out a second portal at a distance from where she stood before, and slashes the second down. armadeus already finished off three demons and five angels and was getting on to the next. with his sword he jumped in an upward slash killing his sixth angel and as he lands he plants his sword downwards into a demon. thalen got in battle with the two leaders of both groups. they fly up in the air as the remaining angels and demons get slayed. the demon leader shows his sword as well as the angel. they strike intensively but not one gets trough they`re moves are swift and hard to predict by the audience down below, yet thalen seems to have no trouble at all. then the demon and angel stand back for a break, thalen then opens his arms holding his arms next to his body, a ball now surrounds thalen and it starts to show flames. a raw scream comes out of thalen and the flames come so intens that the two enemies drop they`re guard, and on that same moment thalen stretches his arms and the flames go to his hands and form two rays of fire, setting the demon and angel in flame, and when the fire burns out they turn to ash and float away on the wind. thalen returns to earth. what was that? as the earth`s child i have control over the four elements of earth, consisting out of earth, wind, water, and fire, so i can use it in my advantage. now where is the woman. here she is. leave me alone, what do you want from me? your companionship if i am right. what are you talking about? i mean are you the holder of the spirit of purity? yes how do you know that. a demon still alive lies behind armadeus, and he sees a chance to bite him. aahhh, armadeus turned around and punctured his sword into the demon who finaly died. armadeus! what happened? i got bitten oooh it hurts. here let me. safaras! a beautyfull sword appears a broad lemmet on a firm handle with two points at the bottom of it, the tip of the lemmet was a piece out to hook onto someting at wish. she held the lemmet against armadeus who`s wound quickly recovered. he will be healed at the end of the day. now you tell me what it is you want from me and in the mean time you can take a bath, a well earned diner and a good sleep. i live five islands away from here, i was on patrol for the maintenance of the islands and that`s where i met demons a second later out of nowhere angels appeared and then you came. first come with me then we talk more about you three. and so they fly to the house of the woman. is that boat yours? yes what about it? we will fly. i can`t fly. i`ll carry you now, i`ll teach you later. they wash up eat, and then thalen explained his quest for the sword of Aege. rashira as her name was, listened with great care that she heard she was crucial for the completion of thalens quest. but why didn`t you fight back, you have the sword the strength. they where with too many at the same time and because they were fighting with eachother i found chance to hide away. but why here? the light and darkness want us dead. you do realize that you cannot stay here. will you join us? i would like a second girl in the group so we are with two. well alright then, i will. they talked furter and practiced on some blade skills, and rashira learned how to fly. hey it`s getting late, we better go to sleep now. and so a companion richer they go to sleep, and the morning is in full purity. good morning, did you all have good shut eye. yes we did, now let`s eat something. after they`re breakfast they searched the horizon, armadeus saw the true door because mordea could open several. it was a high door and so they flew trough it on the way for they`re quest. the purity of soul is the purity of existance ......................................................... chapter 5 door to time coming out of the door the four companions land behind a town. thalen knows who they will encounter, for he recognizes the village. ah look mirri. what? mirrir, a race of people known for they`re harvesting and strength. here we will find the spirit of time, i`m sure. it is true i can see the person he is heading his way to the mountain. suddenly they hear a cry. it is a demon. and then a cry of many demons. armadeus can you see something? yes there must be a hundred of demons there, we must hurry to the mountain and reach the spirit of time before they do, and at the mountain we have better defence. then let`s hurry! they fly trough the town low to stay out of sight. they reach the mountain and fly to the top where they find a person. he stumbles. who are you people? listen explaination later fighting first. there are about hundred of demons comming this way. rashira create a barrier of purity around the top with an entrance here. therean! luidramin! safaras!, aerensar! the barrier is created and the demons get close to the entrance. get ready for battle! few demons get through the entrance and get slain directly, wile many die at the barrier because they`re spirits are not pure and so they cannot stand purity. thalen slayed a few demons with some exelent sword handeling and making use of his elemental powers. mordea slays many with her weapon and skill to strike from anywhere, she slays demons with her blade wile she stays untouchable. armadeus kills the demons with a true hart and that gives him advantage seeing trough the magic and lies of his enemies. can you hold out? sure, let them come thalen, let us fight like kings hahaha!!!! half an hour later the battle is almost over, and not many demons are left, rashira lowers the barrier and mingles in battle where her sword stays clean and pure, wile many demons faced their death by that very sword. then thalen attacks with a energy ball, a demon catches it and dies. a large demon comes up behind thalen. but before the demon can sink it`s teeth in thalen the event stops. it is the mirrir that stopped time but it did not affect the companions, who pleased with this discovery took their chance and killed the other demons. then time continues the demons are defeated. thalen comes forward to the mirrir. thank you for that move mirrir, what is your name? gildahn, strange you look so familiar, who are you and why do i feel so good? calm down we will explain. and thus again they explain their quest. so that is why god and satan want us dead. if they could just harvest the soul of one of us one side will be dramaticly stronger. so i ask you to join us, as the spirit of time. i don`t know i have everything here, a house, a piece of land where i grow my food. i just, give me one good reason why i should come with you? i already anticipated that you where not so easy to convince. ok then, if you join us you get company by friends, you have a weapon of your own with it`s own power, a shield, further you will keep this where you want to stay for. if you don`t eventualy demons, angels and higher forms will get to you killing you or harvest you, your world and a few others will be destroyed and the quest fails and earth will lose and die. i don`t want to push you but what do you find a better choice? wow..eh...i think i would want to try the first concidering the alternative. ok then. if you look in your hart wich word will you come across. i have to think about that for a wile. i will stop time so we will keep day for a wile. hours pass...more hours pass.....finaly gildahn stands up saying
  13. you see, time difference in dreams seems to be with more individuals. the intensity is diffrent because of interrests, lifestyle, and quantity of other things you do in a day. the one is more talented than the other. but there is another thing i have encountered in this dream of 200 years. i was accompanied by 2 others i always spend my time with doing all sorts of paranormal stuff, from cursing (not destructive) to levitating. they had the same dream, or more or less we had the dream together. i think because it`s a bond or mutuality of mind. we think the same. but that gives you another point. is it one universe or a combinated one? i waited with this untill i got some positive reactions. but it`s all positive and well but still the question remains about the paradox i reffered to in my last post. if we all would think about it maybe we get some good results. sorry for the double post but i will mend it the moment i get a reply on the subject, so i ask of the moderator not to close this thread. the reason i post is because of the subject that i wish to see more thought over by anyone who wants to read it. about this paradox and the experience people get from their dreams and how long they last. we can only speculate but to talk it over is definetly worth talking about. one dreams 1 minute, another dreams 5000 years, yet they sleep 8 hours. the surroundings and enviroments you encounter, the play of your story, your experience of life within your dreams, these are subjects anyone could talk about. a dream of fear, reflection of the subconcious mind, real funny dreams, too much tv at some times. i want to share these experiences, this knowledge and who doesn`t? why? because we do not know everything, we wish to know all yet when such knowledge is gained our vision upon life changes. i do not know all but the things that i know are clear to me and i wish to share my oppinion, my knowledge and experience. all are welcome we are the same yet unique. the real works of dreams. please make this item of discussion not forgotten.
  14. sixth sense is biological beacause we only use about 30% of our brain. people with a handicap, bad sight, deaf, blind, are missing a tool to absorb the enviroment they are in. as a result of the missing part the innactive part(s) of the brain start to function as a compromise. i have bad sight to one eye and i experience that "sixth sense" by better smell, better touch, better hearing and so on. touch is my most enhanced, because when someone sneaks up on me i feel a change in the aircurrent on my skin, or the pressure inmy ear increase or decreases, or i simply hear the sneaky bastard. if you have premonitions and gut feeling that is because of when you come across something, your memory stashes it but forgets it later. while the subcouncious is like an infinite storage tank reminding you: he you forgot something, but because not everybody just has direct contact to their subconcious they don`t know what or have a feeling of he i think i`m forgetting something. it`s all in the subcouncious. while some have from their birth others can learn with training how to be alligned with their subconcious mind. a little trick for the ones who lose things or want to study good. if you read something 3 times in a row your mind remembers it. like this: i have to study this sentence. read it 3 times and you will know it. i hope this was of some help for everybody.
  15. the same place must be your universe right? like i have midland my universe then so do you i think. but did you conciously created that place? if so then there could be 6 billion universes in this universe, so within every individual would be a universe. and rising the question: are we part of a universe of someone or something else? that would be a double paradox, or a continuous one asking: then who`s or what`s universe is existing in who`s or what`s universe and so on. and to make it even more complicated: is this dreaming or are we awake, are the boundries of our power a result of sleeping or a result of wakefullness? now that ought to be the most important thing to find out in your life. so does this give us a new meaning of life? like we are on the human life mission to find out if all of this is true. or that paradox is simply the creation of the human brain. either way this is a very interresting subject. but on to what you wrote white akita. so you control other peoples dreams? that means you must be telepathic or subconcious telepathic. about that i know more than dreams because i am a little of a telepath myself. i downloaded something called brainwave generator. it produces the low and high frequency tones where you can tune in to reach alpha beta theta and gamma states of mind. wich enhance your brain to be more active. train with it and become very intelligent and awaken those powers like telepathy and phycokinesis. on the last i trained without help and it`s tough to do. offcourse my mission in life is to awaken those things, the full potential of the human brain. to experiene that and to pass it on genetically to my offsprings. and to pass it on to society. that would be the most hardest task because of religion, disbelief, sceptics and so on. life is not yet discovered so keep going and find it.
  16. yes indeed the concept itself sets yourself in a paradox. like if the time would be included i am like 218 years old. but then you have another thing. my dreams look like i am experiencing life right now. i know this i am not dreaming now or i would be a friggin god right now. but how to explain it? time, reallity factor, subconcious, paradox. it`s strange but a good way to reduce stress (when you are in control of your dreams) or to go if you feel miserable. but the first reaction was perfect. keep sending.
  17. hollow i want to sleep my life is hollow i miss my world my place where i am god life and death time and universe mind and embodiement flowing through my veins disorder and reason flowing through my mind chaos and ruin i only want to sleep only want to be the universe thats a part of me but i am awake i shall sleep when i am awake paradox is only my mind as simple as pi rocking my soul i shall see what comes in past cause the future is clear to me i will rise from my wakefullness and let the world look trough my hollow eyes rage violence is what i locked away what you unleashed now terrrible rage you better run cause the fun is over i am sober but blinded my wrath unmistakable accurate to the cell fading you away seeking to destroy stamina unlimited never stopping til my goal is reached mind full of hate fist full of rage you pissed me of you should have changed your fate
  18. have you ever heard of dreams that last longer, and you really slept only one night? i have it frequently, you sleep 9 hours but you dream like 3 days. and then the place where i go when i`m out longer. i called it midland, and i go there very often. it`s cool because there i am like a third god between god and the devil. but the longest time i`ve been there was 200 years!!!!! exact to the second. but when i woke up only one night had past by. strange or not? anyway i wanted to know and share experiences with everybody who will react on this.
  19. in my dreams i sometimes am a god, and i can do what i want. does your book say anything about dreams where you are in control of, cause many of my dreams i can control and i am untouchable. (i must say that those are coolest dreams because i dream in full collor)
  20. well dreams can be dangerous too, like this one. i was on a battlefield and i stood on a hill with a M-16. then i heard a wistle and i jumped down off the hill, an explosion followed, i was safe but i cut my arm on a sharp stone. there was a 5 inch cut on my left arm. i wenty back up the hill and i was shooting like a madman. then i was hit in the chest and i woke up. my chest was hurting like hell and there was still the cut on my left arm. and i have nothing in the area of my room where i sleep that could have created those injuries. and another weird thing happened it was 10 minutes action where it all happened but i slept a whole night. and then for the real looking things. i dream all my dreams as i would live normaly. full collor i like to call it. and so dreams can be warnings and precognitions. or they are fears of real life that come back as a dream. to face them is to face your fears. but be warned always stay one step ahead of your experiences, trust te senses that you never used before. it can help you in your dream, like this: if you believe you can fly in your dream, you can fly!!
  21. ok i am followed by images wile walking on a landscape. the immiges come with millions at a time, showing nothing but death scenarios of alien sort of creatures on humans. then it stops and a sort of pod falls down right beside me. i look inside of it when it opens, and directly starts a 3d holographic image talking a strange language and then it says in english to me: you are the chosen one. then out of a container comes a pill. the hologram says: this makes your sensory block go away. after taking this, train and come back in this pod. the hologram stops. i hesitate but i take the pill. then i get more images through and i pass out. i wake up either there or in my bed. there it continues. i start to instinctively walk to a big rock, and i smash it into gravel. then i walk to dead tree and blow against it, the tree starts to flourish and live again, i am filled with joy and then i wake up.
  22. this thread is for people who want to shre thei`re dreams with the rest of the board. i made this thread because i dream a lot, long, strange, beatifull, scary and wile i am awake. so you know this is more then just dreaming wile asleep. for instance, an odd one. more dreams of mine lasted longer then the original time i slept. the longest lasted for 200 years, and when i woke up, only a night passed. all sorts of strange things like that i want to discuss with everybody who wants to. so send in those dreams.
  23. yes but without consience you would have no breaks in bad thing you might do, because your conscience tells you not to kill someone or something else that is bad. and love i wouldn`t erase that, in fact i couldn`t because without love i feel hollow.
  24. Jalousy is what i would erase. If that one stops to exist there would'nt be so much people that keep horrassing eachother. If anyone cares to discuss this with me you may contact me by email. Greets Saint or Satan
  25. i talk to myself frequently, i took a roman candle, sort of cannon that you have to anchor to the ground it is 2 m high and carries 4 magnesium cannonballs, well we layed it down and shot a house down that was almost completed. i got away with it. uhm....i also stripped on school camp, made some bombs harmless only the bang matters, went out at night in a city in denmark in my pyjamas, got the keys of school and went in at night and made full use of the gym and all it`s neat things. scared the hell ot of people with a dark robe broke in at classmates and waited forthem to go to bed(boo) had verry good sex on a roof that was at the crouded shopping street and to conclude with the fact that i drank 60 cups of coffee a day and that for a whole year, and i must say that i slept like a rose.
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