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Everything posted by dark king
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
dark king replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
the emotion that i would erase would be emptyness. explanation: simply because emptyness is that you are missing a verry important thing in your life. eventually it leads to an uncontrolable greed, and hunger. you wan`t something that badly but you can`t reach it. it`s verry frustrating, i know. -
if i could read it (and i can`t) for me it would probably say: was it as good for you as it was for me? but nicely done good job.
my appolagies for the double posting. a short explanation of the poems. i do give a moral to my poems although they are hard to find sometimes. and on the other hand the moral molds itself to your perceptive, so the poem ought to fit in your way of thingking and reading. but also i would like to thank everyone who posted. the poems that i make, and the stories that i write are things that happen to me and things that i dream. my dreams don`t just occur when i am asleep, they happen everytime i close my eyes, or wander off to them. to make it a bit clearer for you if you are puzzled how i come up to them, my dreams keep me going. dark king another dream i stood somewere i did not know the existence of. i was in a long dark coat some loose jeans and a pair of strong boots. i looked up at the sky, a strange blue, a bit darker than where i fell asleep. i was on a place not far from a beach. i thought i was on an island, but when i decided to climb a tree i saw the land stretched endless. i got out of the tree and there is where i saw the most valuable item i could possibly have.....a sword. it was a long blade with some carvings on them i could not understand, the hilt was strong and the entire sword was light. i tossed it into the sand, but when it left my hand it fell to the ground as if it was a skyscraper thrown on the ground. the ground shaked, i looked like amazing stood in letters in my eyes. i picked it up and i could just lift it with one hand. i was puzzled. i found a ring at my shoulder i placed the sword there. Haldamir : i think these boots are for long walks, so i guess i`ll walk. and so i got on my way. i thought it was too quiet, no birds no nothing. but then in the distance i heard something comming closer. just in case i drawed my sword, i could see now that my action was the right one. there i stood face to face with a monster and behind him even more. it snarled at me i tried to stay calm, but i could not resist. i jumped up in the air swinging my sword down, and thrusted it right in the head of the beast. it fell and bleeded. another two of them jumped in. they made an attack on me, wich i shielded with my sword. i jumped up again over the first one, dropped my sword wich was eager to pluge down because of it`s massive weight. it made the earth tremble and it made the other monsters run. the second was still standing, but i grasped my sword and swung it horizontally cappitating the monster. i asked myself why i was so good with my sword, i never handled one before in my life. then i noticed something particullary, there was no blood on it at all. i put my sword away and took a step when i felt a sharp pain. it appeard one monster took a shot at me, my side was badly injured. i walked on but i kept bleeding it was not long before i fainted. i woke up in a bed i was a bit dazed, but then my eyes started to adjust. next to me sat a young lady, she was pretty. lady: how do you feel? haldamir: am i dead? lady: no but you almost where. haldamir: how long have i slept. lady: exactly ten days haldamir: ten days? i tried to get up but fell back to the bed lady: your not well yet, i suggest you stay in bed for a while longer. i got back under the sheets. haldamir: tell me where am i anyway. lady: your in toga silly. almost i fainted again because i knew toga did not exist where i came from. we talked about that, where i came from and how i was attacked. we where sitting there talking untill the night fell, i tried to stand up again and this time i was strong enough to stay that way. we talked some more about how i might have got in here. then when i told her i went to sleep and woke up on the beach, she was quiet. as if she could see what have happened, the compassion flooded her eyes. she then told me it was the affra, she explained to me that it carried away the ones that dream special. i did not know how or what she meant exactly but after half an hour, she gave me some coffee and we drank it together by the fire. haldamir : so tell me what is your name? lady: my name is alysia mornemen, but you may call me alysia ofcourse, what is yours. haldamir: well my name is haldamir Narmolanya but you can call me haldamir. she looked at me with a glare and i knew that there was something wrong. haldamir: are you ok? alysia: look i finally finnished my coffee she said with a cheered but down voice. haldamir: you don`t like coffee much don`t you. alysia: yes but i drink it with you, and somehow that makes me feel...comfortable. i`m back once or more times, not very often but i`ll try. [color=darkred][b]existance[/b][/color] vision is beyond sight sense is beyond touch thought is beyond the universe as universe is beyond sense and sight universe is a little part of everlasting paradox a contradiction of the receptors showing only physical mentality is beyond the stars as recognition of life death the ultimate as spoken while it is only a phase power only a rythmic flow while thought holds what power is made of a small piece called universe wich is the embodyment of existance existance which gives life and death and beyond the sky where thought lies complexity elemental filled with spirit and soul where multiple are whole paradox wich can be made in a box thought where the greatest of battles are fought power existing in every hour wile existance is eternety [color=darkred][b]the path of truth[/b][/color] when the time is near the ones that hear between sound and sight instincts will show light only those who posses the light will face darkness and might returned from the abbyss within must walk a path so thin only ballance matters or within shatters when the ballance is right one shall be darkness and light the barrier grows thinner breaking in the end and judgement turns shimmer never understood but brings the healing ever born the power of feeling ballance never comes alone a second that bears the strength of stone one that gives the other persistance overcomming every resistance one that gives the other assistance will show the shimmer the meaning of existance [font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Edited double post into one -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font]
ok not convinced it is more a state of: i don`t want to show off someone else his/her work. but it looks indeed a bit bad because that is the fault of my scanner. the white parts are cut out to save space. when i posted this in my former thread i got this note from the moderator to cut them out. but if you are still not convinced than take the second set of drawings. the elfquest drawing shows my wrinkled paper in the upper left corner. also you will see the dots where there is nothing. that`s because the paper came out of a map. i can also tell you how long it took me to draw eac and every one of them. 1. goku, 16 days 2. freeza and goku, 1 week i was ill at the moment so out of boredom i drew it from a small card. 3. elfquest, 5 days that one i made in prison they had those books over there. 4 the girl, 3 days i did it during schooltime the picture was originally from the hanamaru angels at cybermanga.com so if you are still questioning me then ok so be it. but i surely made them myself.
this dream starts here i stood somewere i did not know the existence of. i was in a long dark coat some loose jeans and a pair of strong boots. i looked up at the sky, a strange blue, a bit darker than where i fell asleep. i was on a place not far from a beach. i thought i was on an island, but when i decided to climb a tree i saw the land stretched endless. i got out of the tree and there is where i saw the most valuable item i could possibly have.....a sword. it was a long blade with some carvings on them i could not understand, the hilt was strong and the entire sword was light. i tossed it into the sand, but when it left my hand it fell to the ground as if it was a skyscraper thrown on the ground. the ground shaked, i looked like amazing stood in letters in my eyes. i picked it up and i could just lift it with one hand. i was puzzled. i found a ring at my shoulder i placed the sword there. Haldamir : i think these boots are for long walks, so i guess i`ll walk. and so i got on my way. i thought it was too quiet, no birds no nothing. but then in the distance i heard something comming closer. just in case i drawed my sword, i could see now that my action was the right one. there i stood face to face with a monster and behind him even more. it snarled at me i tried to stay calm, but i could not resist. i jumped up in the air swinging my sword down, and thrusted it right in the head of the beast. it fell and bleeded. another two of them jumped in. they made an attack on me, wich i shielded with my sword. i jumped up again over the first one, dropped my sword wich was eager to pluge down because of it`s massive weight. it made the earth tremble and it made the other monsters run. the second was still standing, but i grasped my sword and swung it horizontally cappitating the monster. i asked myself why i was so good with my sword, i never handled one before in my life. then i noticed something particullary, there was no blood on it at all. i put my sword away and took a step when i felt a sharp pain. it appeard one monster took a shot at me, my side was badly injured. i walked on but i kept bleeding it was not long before i fainted. i woke up in a bed i was a bit dazed, but then my eyes started to adjust. next to me sat a young lady, she was pretty. lady: how do you feel? haldamir: am i dead? lady: no but you almost where. haldamir: how long have i slept. lady: exactly ten days haldamir: ten days? i tried to get up but fell back to the bed lady: your not well yet, i suggest you stay in bed for a while longer. i got back under the sheets. haldamir: tell me where am i anyway. lady: your in toga silly. almost i fainted again because i knew toga did not exist where i came from. we talked about that, where i came from and how i was attacked. we where sitting there talking untill the night fell, i tried to stand up again and this time i was strong enough to stay that way. we talked some more about how i might have got in here. then when i told her i went to sleep and woke up on the beach, she was quiet. as if she could see what have happened, the compassion flooded her eyes. she then told me it was the affra, she explained to me that it carried away the ones that dream special. i did not know how or what she meant exactly but after half an hour, she gave me some coffee and we drank it together by the fire. haldamir : so tell me what is your name? lady: my name is alysia mornemen, but you may call me alysia ofcourse, what is yours. haldamir: well my name is haldamir Narmolanya but you can call me haldamir. she looked at me with a glare and i knew that there was something wrong. haldamir: are you ok? alysia: look i finally finnished my coffee she said with a cheered but down voice. haldamir: you don`t like coffee much don`t you. alysia: yes but i drink it with you, and somehow that makes me feel...comfortable.
Writing The Queen of Theives ((My first poem here))
dark king replied to erinzyger's topic in Creative Works
you got my wallet? damn your good. i like it verry much makes me laugh and understand. keep up the good work and never quit again. -
ok if you tranfer the picture to paint or any program like that. then you can enlarge it better. i think when they are bigger i cannot post them at all. so if it helps a bit here you go. my regards dark king
hello thank you for the compliment, altough the pictures themselfes already exist i draw them again, not copying them by placing a piece of paper over it and so on. but since you liked it i wil show you some more.
for the ones recognizing my name my humble appolagies for making wrong posts in my previous thread. this will not happen again, i will work on it to make it as good as possible for the sake of thread making again my humble appolagies dark king
i`m sorry but the files are quite big so it`s hard to post more at the same time. but ofcourse i will give it a try
well here is another one though, but you may reply aswell.
oh and here is another of goku this time with freeza
they come small but i will be able to post them now. here is one.
i have it the right size now but check it out if it worked this time.
i am working on it i have problems with the type and size
a picture of goku i drawed from a smaller picture.
Writing Quotes:: What is your favorite Quote?
dark king replied to AutoKill's topic in Creative Works
if i cannot bend heaven, i shall move hell. virgil. i never found his first name. i havn`t got many more i guess, i make my own. -
it is good. i see talent, but practice a lot it can only get better. i mean that the poem was good. keep going.
her silver hair withering, by a tear from her eye. a bright white, like a mirror of ice reflecting the bitter cold into your soul. her tormented hart once burning of passion, now resides in cold flame. her flowery expression faded, like the death of summer and the birth of fall. her faith hanging by a thread, hoping someone would come to take her hand. sorrow fierce he looks, but broken he is. eyes dark and defeated, like a void full of sorrow. his hope faded along with the joy, sad his hart lies dorment now. dyingfall has grasped his mind, cold and unbearable. his hair silk yet robust, softened by his tears ever going. it is over, his life ruined, his world collapsed. death is no option, he must carry ruin within him, like a scar in his soul reminding him of it every time he closes his eyes. he must go on. neverwinter as neverwinter goes around, the traveller seeks the sun. he never lands in spring or fall. roaming with swiftness, he must never be late. guiding stars and morninglight, through dew and moist always light, the grass carries the feet of the sunchaser. around the world he moves and moves. dyingfall is always cold, followed by the one sees dark. sun he never looks upon, the moon he hunts in shadow snow. warmth of light he is not aware, through night and shimmer, the snow takes the marks of the moonhunter. the same he does his whole life long. but as a cycle`s end is near, something strange is going on. the crossing of the sun and moon, a spot where two fall into one. the summerchaser and the moonhunter stand, face to face each looking never seen. for dark now sees light and light sees dark. they talk and talk, springstart comes by dyingfall`s end. springfade to neverwinter, and neverwinter crumbles at fall`sbirth. and still they talk. reversed tomorrow dies, today takes it`s place. as sun sets the day begins with silent voices. earlier they where loud thoughts, overwelming eachother making it a understandable blur. one looks into a mirror, seeing nothing but an empty void. he turns away, making the mirror reflect the true nature of his soul. he walks away, hollow and closed. grey the sky is now, it is dawn. the dawn is slow, creeping into whatever place is open. it fills the harts with depression, wich gives them joy. the night falls down the sky, it plunges into the earth. it plunges into the verry soul of everyone. making them lit up like fire. and so tomorrow has died and today will arive. the dream continues cold and bitter desire, pure untouched and growing for it has not been stilled. the cold wind nor the warmth of fire has touched the verry core of feeling. it are the words that reach deep, they stroke the verry nerves that makes one feel uncomfortable. the words, the tales of how it felt teasing the verry cold desire making it filled with greed and uncontrolable hunger. driven almost insane by society that does not know of these feelings, these dreams.... the pure will started arriving, the pure will to reach the dream. years it has taken to arouse it to actually leave this world behind. it is shimmer, the gate opens. the gate.....to midland [b]paths of life[/b] paths of life the road goes ever on. there is no end to where we go. we start only to come back where we started. we go on as do our roads. the paths we take leads us to other paths. we do close roads, but we do not stop because of that. we open old ones, starting with new stones and rebuild it again. we build our own roads to our futures. and so we travel trough our lives, in every weather good or bad. swamp of sagthor they do not know what lies ahead, when sun has faded and moon is dead. evil whispers into the ear. angry spirits causing fear. haunting souls sour plight, poison fumes enchanting lights. hollow nights restless dreams, fire demons piercing screams. death in places where it waits, creeping bugs searching wraiths. it`s not safe to go that way, best to cross there during day people always rushing, some are late. taking no moments, spare no time. hasty legs anxious to move, we cannot sit still. loud we yell, to get to the top. mass rules, quantity over quality. cause quality is silent. time grass grows green but dies shrimpled and dry. flowers flourish and they wither, falling to the ground. we grow and learn, die of old age or ourselfes. time affects everything on earth slowly draining life away. but there is something that time makes grow. the soul untouched by the hand of death. how far a soul may be in darkness, it still grows. either dark, light or grey. never ends the immortal soul where time will stop endless candle luminate the course of mine, i will walk with fire burning. started with the strike of stones, vapour fills the air with sulphor. shining light where i must go, on and and on i will not stop. open lies the road for me, lits up the sings so i can read. trough wind and water, lightning thunder. the flame of light on the candle, flickering by the touch of storms. on and on, on and on. nor lifting nor descend, there is no end. wind rushing over the land the wind blows with something in it. it is strong as the carrier. loudly it flows through every corner, fills empty spaces. that what the wind contains is called spirit. it carries cold and warmth, snow and rain. it doesn`t stop or dies, it goes past it. and when the hand of death finally takes it`s grasp on it. another wind is born, bound to grow and to return to the air. and so it`s spirit is never lost, and the wind keeps on dancing. trying to dance with everything on it`s path. water water flows with force, much or just a little. it covers the earth with purity and makes the soil rich. as it cleanses us and purifies the earth, we forgot the meaning of water. we forgot what water started, and we forgot to take care of water. we negllected to purify water in return. we forgot that water needs us as much as we need water. we forgot water means.....life. earth solid making the foundations of all. it is hard and heavy, but also light and soft. as it is the start of journey, it is at someplaces holy. when life has left us we return to the earth, and then we return to the surface of our soul. cutivated overlayed with stones of civilisation, it remains silent untill we fall back to it and start again. fire destruction, consuming the first words to begin with, cause fire is spoken of that way. but also stands for passion and gentleness. it has it`s gentle destruction, and it`s consuming passion. showing that a rose still has thorns. we condem it we encourage it, and so we try to wield the flame.
Sign Up AssasiN clan recruiting for a demon hunting adventure
dark king replied to Jubei Yagyou's topic in Theater
ok i am in but i do tell more about my charachter if that is ok. name: thalen age: ancient gender: male race:unknown height: 1,90m weight: 75 kilo technique: deathstrike appearance: tall, half long hair to the schoulders, eyes deep grey, a dark cloth wrapped around his schoulders wearing a dark long leather coat underneath, under that a dark shirt. he wears loose pants and strong boots with steel noses. he also wears dark finerless leather gloves. weapons: sword of aege, containing the powers of the universe, the sword never breaks or leaves the hand untill the carrier puts it away, also giving the carrier unlimited stamina. sice he is alive for so long he masters his sword with exelent skill. powers: thalen was made by darkness and light together forging grey powers wich are very powerfull. abillities: orb energy shield, different energy attacks, flight, speed. bio: thalen was made of light and darkness wich were absorbed by mother earth. with the help of the moon and the sun with all the stars they gave him the spirit of soul and the spirit of mind. roaming the earth`s diferrent dimensions he found te sword destined for him alone. he has been a loner existing between mankind untill this verry day, never dying of age. peronality: a closed book silent type and a real loner. side: against whom ever to crosses his path. -
name: thalen age: ancient gender: male race:unknown height: 1,90m weight: 75 kilo technique: deathstrike appearance: tall, half long hair to the schoulders, eyes deep grey, a dark cloth wrapped around his schoulders wearing a dark long leather coat underneath, under that a dark shirt. he wears loose pants and strong boots with steel noses. he also wears dark finerless leather gloves. weapons: sword of aege, containing the powers of the universe, the sword never breaks or leaves the hand untill the carrier puts it away, also giving the carrier unlimited stamina. sice he is alive for so long he masters his sword with exelent skill. powers: thalen was made by darkness and light together forging grey powers wich are very powerfull. bio: thalen was made of light and darkness wich were absorbed by mother earth. with the help of the moon and the sun with all the stars they gave him the spirit of soul and the spirit of mind. roaming the earth`s diferrent dimensions he found te sword destined for him alone. he has been a loner existing between mankind untill this verry day, never dying of age. peronality: a closed book silent type and a real loner. side: against whom ever to cross his path.