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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. Wow thats a good one I'll take doukeshi's attempts. Just one thing umm could you put my name on them please? And Who am I thanks for the attempts. Yours is good too.
  2. Meteora


    Well of course your going to get bored and you'll be able to guess the plot because Jack can't lose. I think thats been established. I mean he's died how many times in the past seasons plus this one?Yet he always finds a way to beat the bad guys. I never saw the first or second seasons. I really need to.
  3. Umm... I cant see it. Can I get another link? Is your photo bucket not working?
  4. Ok if you have seen Gladiotor with Russel Crowe you'll know what I am talking about. So if you can please make me a Gladiator banner. I want my name on it and for it to say" Win the crowd & you'll win your freedom". If you could do this thanks.
  5. Meteora


    Just a side note: Hey everyone I'm back for a little bit. Well anyways, does anyone watch the TV show on Fox, 24? If so what did you think of this season. Did you like it, hate it or just what did you think? Also do you think that there will be another season? In my opinion its the all time best TV show. The finally was, so good. I wont say nothing about it though. I'm hoping that there will be a new season, but after seeing the end of this season there might not be one.
  6. [Color=red][size=1][i]I would like a Linkin Park Banner. If anyone could make one I would geatly appreciate it. I would like it to have my name on it. And for it to say,"Forgotten,but not lost..." If you could do that thanks.[/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=red][size=1][i]Yeah I think that this album is going to be awesome. The only songs I have heard are Encore and another one obviously, but I can't remember the name. Overall I think this is a good idea, Reason 1. Its been a while since Linkin Park has put anything out. Its about time they have. Reason 2. Linkin Park is my favorite Band also, so i've been waiting for something new. [/color][/size][/i]
  8. [color=red][size=1][i]Mmmm... Wrestling... I loved to watch this. I used to watch it all the time back in the day. My favorite Wrestlers have always been The Rock and The Undertaker. Then there was always the greats like Andre(the Giant), Hulk Hogen, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. I really like Shawn Micheals As well. So as you can tell I have a variety of favorites. I love The Rock just because he's in my favorite Movie's, Scorpion King and The Mummy Returns, Plus he is also an awsome wrestler. He's got the most electrifying Moves in Sports Entertainment. Plus that Tatoo he has the new one is Awsome. I like UnderTaker Because he is just a Bad Arse, Pardon My language. But its the truth. He is also someone who has been around for a long time. He knows what he is doing, plus some of the stuff they have him doing is awsome as well. I haven't watched it recent enough to tell you anything new about him. I think the most recent Thing I watched was Wrestlemania. So as you can tell Im a little behind on recent events.[/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=red][size=1][i]Hello OB I was wondering if anyone out there can make me a Denver Broncos Banner and Avi. I wanted them both to have my name on them, and on the banner I wanted it to say "Try and stop me..." If anyone could do that for me that would be awsome. Well Later.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well I did it. I used this chip called elec ball. Well when Protoman hit the ball it made the damage the ball does go up so it went to 999 so when it hit Protoman it did that much then I got three Protoman chips in a row and I killed him S rank. Now Im trying to beat Knightman S rank can you help me with that?[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well I think it is. Although at first I didnt think it was that cool of a game. But as I see more and more reviews and commercials. It actually looks pretty good. Well thats all I have to say for now.[/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well I dont know what it is called. All I know is that, this song is probably one of the best songs I have ever heard. It was really amazing. When I heard it I fell in love with it. It has that melody that is very mysterious. I dont know its hard to explain.[/color][/size][/i]
  13. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok in Megaman Battle Network 2 how do you beat Protoman with a ranking of S? I have been trying and trying, but the best I can do is beat him with a ranking of 9. Can someone here help me with this.[/color][/size][/i]
  14. [color=666666][size=1][i]I haven't gotten that far but my friend has told me. I think that this game was pretty interesting, so far at least. I think it has an ok storyline. It's no where near better than 7, so as for now its alright. Also I can't wait till I get to the part with Ragnorock. THats will be so awsome. I also will say that the FMV are really good in this.[/color][/size][/i]
  15. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow thats pretty cool. I like the overall Idea. It seems cheery. Well I rate it a 9/10. Keep it up. You do good job at these.[/color][/size][/i]
  16. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well thats good for you Pheonix. But we aren't talking about yoru skull. We are talking about Concussions. Yes Drix I meant Concussions. I wasnt sure how to spell it, thanks for telling me though. Thatsw also a very interesting story there as well. When I got mine I just couldn't focus my eyes so it looked like I was on Crack. It was wierd. Hells Fire I hate to be you. I would not want to get that many. How long where you out for? I mean like each time how long. Well anyways thats sucks how you got them. Ayokano thats just plain out wierd. I dont know any kid besides her that likes getting concussions. Thats a little crazy. Well you are right though little kids are funny sometimes. As for my Concussion it started in the first quarter when I went heads up against the corner and got hit in the jaw by his helmet. That rattled me for a while. SO I just blew it off not saying anything. So as the game progressed I kept getting hit and hitting him(helmet to helmet). So by the forth quarter I was stabding there and my Dad walked by(He's the coach) and saw me shaking my head with my eyes closed. I was trying to shake it off because I didnt think it was that major. So he asked me what was wrong and all I could do was just point to my head and tap it. He understood and told me to go see the trainer. Instead I went and got water and then went onto the feild again. He saw me and told the offensive coach to take me out so her did. I went to the trainer because my dad yelled at me for not listening. AT first it was just a headache, but then when it was 5th quarter(A quarter where the people who didnt get to play, play.) My mom asked what was wrong and it went full blown. It hurt so much. SO he checked my out again and it turns out it waited then went into effect. It hurt a lot. It was crazy. The best part was I got to ride in the go cart on the way back up to the locker rooms. The next day I didnt evbben remember who won the game. I had to ask. Right now I cant even tell you what the score was. During that day I was walking around during our break and the bell rung while I was under the speaker. It knocked my headache from the night before into full blown again. So I went home and went to the doctor. Because of that the concussion got worse, and he said I cant do PE or participate in any of the practices, I also cant play in the game. Sp thats my story of how I got my Concussion. Now please people explain how you got your concussions thanks that will be all. -Meteora.[/color][/size][/i]
  17. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yet another creative thing. I like it. Just one thing what happened to your actuall sig? Is that it. Well anyways I rate this a 10/10. Just for the creativity.[/color][/size][/i]
  18. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats a good avi. As Pheonix said you did time the frames well. Keep it up on the animation and you'll be awsome. I rate this a 9/10. Good job for a first animation.[/color][/size][/i]
  19. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats a really good banner. Its much better than the Pheonix one. You are getting better at this. Just try not to clutter the banners with to much images. DO that and it would look even better.[/color][/size][/i]
  20. [color=666666][size=1][i]Im with Brolli on this one. I think that would have been better. It also sounds funnier and as if he is a crazed Pychopath. Well Im glad to see people actually have seen the moie and liked it.[/color][/size][/i]
  21. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok of what I have heard and things I support the decision. 1 Mainly because if a mod decides to ban someone he did it for a good reason. I dont think a Mod would ban someone just for the heck of it. 2 It seems like she caused trouble or just was palin out rude. 3 James said that he gave her a chance, so all that is left is why wasnt this closed yet?[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=666666][size=1][i]Your in as well. We need people to be The Elven King, Bremen, Dogda Mor, Reaper. Please people be them. I need them to be filled so that I can start this.[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=666666][size=1][i]In a way it is and in a way it isn't. I think it is because Ki is like energy, and you can channel your Ki, you can also do this with your energy. Like in Karate you can channel your energy to break a brick that was on the bottom of a stack, but not break any in between. But then its not real in the way that you can shoot it, and things like that.[/color][/size][/i]
  24. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats a good banner. The picture quality is awsome and overall its realy good. It could use a border, and maybe your name or some sort of text. Well anyways I rate it a 8/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats a good Avi. I can see the picture fine. Keep it up and you will be one of the best. Well anyways I rate it a 9/10. I like the theme of the Avi is why I rated it so high.[/color][/size][/i]
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