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Everything posted by Meteora
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Inoticed that after Football practice if you eat an Orange you get an extra burst of energy. Its wierd. This will never be decided. Which is better or gives more energy. Mwhahahahaha.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Who here has ever seen these extremely funny things, skits, whatever you would call them. I have, and I got a DVD for my b-day with a whole bunch of episodes on it. They are all so funny. Tell me what you guys think.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]I own this movie. I love it. What type of name is Barf????. I have always wondered why his parents named him that. I love this movie and thats all I got to say. It was pretty funny though how they used the movie space balls to find where they were at. Then when he said for them to comb the desert they actually combed it.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Youknow you have watched too much DB/Z/GT when... -you grow your hair out and dye your hair blonde and call yourself a Super saiyan. -You glue red monkey hair to your body and dye your hair black and call yourself a SSJ4 Goku -You try to channel your Ki so you can fly. -You bye a golden monkey at the store and call him a Goldan Ozaru. I have more.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Well thanks for that vote of confidence rich. Well anyone else going through the same thing and so on and so forth?.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow Lan you have a really good talent on writing stories of any kind. You should seriously post more of your story I would like to read more. SO far the story is well thought out and written.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]I have read them all. I am currently rereading the Elfstones of Shannara. This book is awsome. It has a great storyline, and there is a lot of action. My favorite is the Elfstones. Since that is the first one I read plus I know that book front and Back. The other books are great as well. Like the Sword of Shannara. This one starts off slow in the begining as Visser said, and then turns into an awsome book. I think Allanon is cool. This is the book where he really gets explained in the others he is just a mystery. The wishsong Im kinda blurry on cuz I only read it once, and that was a long time ago. But it was really good. Sorry I dont have that much info on this one, as I do the others. The First King, is like the prequel of all the books. It introduces the entire world of the Four Lands. It starts off with Bremen, Allanon's father, He needs to defeat the worlock lord with the sword of shannara. Its really good if you want to learn of the past of shannara. The others like Scions, Druid, Elfqueen, Talismans, of Shannara are all the same thing except the Scions is what starts the three other books. This book tells about three humans who are descendents or something like that of Jerle Shannara. They have to restore the peace of the four lands. Allanon is back, and he tells one person to find the elfs and bring them back to the four lands, when supposably they are gone forever. Then the Elfqueen of Shannara is just about her journey to restore the elves. He tells another person that he has to restore the druids keep in Paranor. And restore the druids. Plus he has to find the black elfstones to help him restore the druids keep. The hard part is the fact that the elfstones were supposably lost from the four lands.The Druids of Shannara is about his journey going around trying to restore the druids keep and trying to find the Black Elfstones, so that they can aid him on his task. Then he tells the last person to find the Sword of Shannara and thats all I can remember about that. The Talismans of Shannara is about him doing the task that Allanon has befallen him. Now throughout these books all the journeys are all going on. Like every chapter it shifts to a different journey. They are all really good books and if you havent read them yous hould definetly check them out. Now thats all I got to say about that.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]You are good. You are right the Komodo does look like he wants to kill me. Well anyways, you did a good job and I think the next drawing you do you should post.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Well when she does she'll be sure to give you an A. Oh i thought he was like meditating or something. Oh well. But its still a good work of art.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Yeah that is kinda wierd. Its good that you put the time into making this, because im sure if you hadnt it probably would have been just another drawing not a masterpiece.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Yet another awsome drawing. If I was your art teacher I would give you staright A's. I like how he seems almost human. The shading again is really good. And again I will rate it a 10/10. This Komodo seems like he could kick somemajor butt. I have one question how do you do that?[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]This one is good as well. I like the setting it looks mysterious to me. You have got some real talent. Your art teacher must be drooling over these drawings. I also rate this a 10/10. Oh one thing it seems like he is floating on the water and thats cool.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow thats amazing. You should post up you drawing a lot more. They are great. Ilove this one espcially. The shading is all perfect as well. I rate it a 10/10. Keep up the good work.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow thats a good picture you drew of Yami. The shading is like perfect. Then I also think that you did a good job of the thing on his forehead. I rate it a 10/10. One for being one of my favorite characters 2 for being an awsome drawing.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Oh ok. Thansk for cleaing that up for me. Well if anyone else wants to join please do we need some more people.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow thats cool. I bet she is really strong then. I cant wait. I hope that its good and that it follows the good rep of the first three.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]They were walking when Absol almost ran into a bike. Meteora: Watch out. The girl on the bike swerved away from Absol but crashed. Her Larvitar was shot from the basket and Absol caught the Pokemon. Meteora: Are you ok? ????: Yeah, but is my larvitar alright. Meteora: Yeah he is Absol Caught him. ????: Ok, tell your Absol I said thanks. Meteora: Ok I will by the way what is your name? ????: My name is Starlight but you can call me Starr everyone does. Meteora: Thats cool. My name is David, but everyone calls me Meteora. Starr: Ok. Meteora: Absol come here. Absol walks over to Meteora with Larvitar in its mouth. Meteora: Starr says thank you, now give her back her pokemon. Absol walks over to Starr and gives her, her pokemon. Starr: Thanks She pats him on the head. Starr: By the way you owe me a new bike. Meteora: WHAT!!! I just saved your Pokemons life and you wnaty me to buy you a new bike. Starr: It was your pokemon who saved my pokemon, and plus he was the one who ruined the bike, so you have to. Meteora thinks about it. Meteora: Fine when I get the money I will. Untill then I guess we have to travel together till I do. Starr: Fine.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow thats pretty good. I like the color, and then the lines make it look better I dont know how, but they just do. You're very talented. Keep up the good work. I rate this a 10/10.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]I love the sport. I myself, is going to buy a car, so I can Street Race when Im older. If I dont street race then I will just get the car anyways, and make it look all spiffy-like. Otherwise I'll race. [/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]I think they are all obtainable except Jarachi(sp?). Their names are Alakazam, Wigglytuff, Croconaw, Shuckle, Larvitar, Togetic, Skarmory, Weepinbell(sp?), Ratatta, Bellosom, Seaking, and Golem. I'll wait untill Boo confirms if im right or not.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]While he was sitting there he was thinking of what would happen if he won the gym leader challenge and became the new gym leader of Sootopolis City Gym. He starts to dream of Wallace giving him the right to run his gym. Meteora: That would be great. He gets up. Meteora: Hey Absol want to walk with me outside the pokeball. Absol looks up and nods. Meteora: Ok. They start to walk. Meteora: Hey absol I bet I can beat you to that tree up there. He gets set Meteora: 1...2...thr Absol takes off. Meteora: Hey you little cheater. He catches up to him. Meteora: HA. Absol speeds up. Meteora: No... Absol beats him to the tree. Meteora: You have gotten faster. Absol: Sol sol Meteora: Lets take a rest again. Im tired. Couple hours later. Meteora: Let go. He gets up and they start walking to pewter city. In about 15 minutes they see buildings. Meteora: We're almost there buddy. Absol: Ab-sol.[/color][/size][/i]
Art What do I call this? "A banner I made for a friend"? ...Yeah, that'll work
Meteora replied to Katana's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Its cool and all the background and the pics, but i cant even read what it says. Otherwise it would be awsome. So i have to rate it a 7/10. Sorry but clear up the text and it will be even better.[/color][/size][/i] -
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]I think its kinda plain as well. But its got good pictures. They are very clear. It could use a quote though. I rate it a 7.5/10.[/color][/size][/i]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]First one is funny. Random but funny. Plus some of the things in it are just extremely funny like the beginning. I'll rate that one 9/10. Now the second one is just wierd. Evil caper dude, thats definetly original. Well anyways, its funny because they die of fright, and he gets mad. You did a good job on this one. I also like how at the end, How it says The End thats some cool animation for that part. I give this a rating of....I like green eggs and ham....9/10.[/color][/size][/i]