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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Yeah I wish I could control it, but I cant. I look at it as it will help me someday or I have the problem for a reason.[/color][/size][/i]
  2. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Yeah Brolli was a pychopath. He had no consionce(sp) what so ever. Well anyways I think that he is the best and that he is the legendary Super Saiyan.[/color][/size][/i]
  3. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Well this one is from all my favorite banner makers. It has pics from different things. Well here it is....Oh wait yes it may look cluttered but thats the way I wanted it.[/color][/size][/i]
  4. [color=blood red][size=1][i]I would like Dragonball/Z/Gt pics the most and then any other anime you seem fit. Well here is my newest banner. The many faces of brolli. To send the pics send them to [email]Meteora123@netzero.com[/email][/color][/size][/i]
  5. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Oh no im not down I was saying thanks for it. Oh, and can you guys send me pics that I can turn into banners. I dont have access to google or anything. So it would be really appretiated if you could do that.[/color][/size][/i]
  6. [color=blood red][size=1][i]I cant think of it off the top of my head. I also like Rayquaza. He may be a pain in the butt to catch, but when you get him its the best. I just love the way he looks. Plus he is incredibally strong.[/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Brolli was having fun. He was under the mind control thing, so he never got any fun, so im guessing he was having his fun there. Otherwise he would have killed them in a snap.[/color][/size][/i]
  8. Meteora


    [color=blood red][size=1][i]Well by that time they would have already been sent off of the planet. Because as you said or someone said they sent him off the planet, because he was too strong.[/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=blood red][size=1][i]I would say Lan, but I hang out with him almost everyday so....yeah. I would have to pick Ohkami or Juuthena, because they are just so nice, and when you are talking to them online you can almost get the same feeling as if they are there with you.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Well thanks for the compliments, and constructive critisism. I like the font though, for the second one. The first one is stupid. The font I mean. I am experimenting with the different things in it, so in a while I'll have it down.[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Here is my newest banner. Its not all that special, but here it is. Tell me what you think.[/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Wow they are all good. I actually like the, what would you call it,ummmmmm..... the way it like fades of or iono I just like it. I like the bottom one the most though, the one you are using as your banner.[/color][/size]][/i]
  13. [color=blood red][size=1][i]%Thats a really good drawing. I like everything about it. I'll rate this a 10/10. Keepup the good work.[/color][/size]][/i]
  14. [color=blood red][size=1][i]I like both banners. The first one the only problem is that the font is misplaced and like Juna said you should bump it up a bit. The second is really good. I like the pics and everything. Cept this time the font (yet again) is hard to read. Well anyways the banners are really good. I will rate them 1st banner: 8/10 2nd banner: 9/10. There you go hope you make more banners.[/color][/size]][/i]
  15. Meteora


    [color=blood red][size=1][i]How did he turn super saiyan? I dont even know that. All I know is that if they hadnt beat him they would have all died, and that he would have taken over earth, and so on and, so forth.[/color][/size]][/i]
  16. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Trust me its a bad habit. It is one, because you can get sick from it. The germs under your nails is what gets you sick. So I would think its a bad habit.[/color][/size]][/i]
  17. Meteora

    Par Ninkil

    [color=blood red][size=1][i]Soahc woke up in a startle. Soahc: Who won? What happened? Why am I in here? I need to get backout there. Tursi: No you need to rest. Soahc: No my best friend is out there, and we need to fight side by side. Its a warriors Honor to do that! Tursi: I understand, but I cant let you go. Soahc: Well I am the commanding officer, and what I say is done, so I am going out there to fight. Tursi: Yes sir.... Soahc gets up and starts to walk out of the tent. He remembers that he needed to thank Tursi for healing him. He walks up to tursi, and kisses her on the cheek. Soahc: Thank You I would have surely died. Soahc then takes off out of the tent. He whips out his twin swords, and fights his way to Theondell. Soahc: How dare you people stike me with an arrow. He kills 3 people in one blow. He fights and fights. Then he reaches Linwe and Theondell. He pulls out his bow and starts shooting along side Theondell. Soahc: Thought I was gone huh.....[/color][/size]][/i]
  18. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Yeah see this is what I mean explqain the pokemon. I also like Seviper and Zangoose. I like these two cuz they are rivals. They are always after each other.(It says so in the pokedex description of them.) Plus they look extremely cool. Oh and on the twins with solrock and whatever the other one was. I beat them with my Blaziken and Seviper.[/color][/size]][/i]
  19. [color=blood red][size=1][i]Wow I didnt know we had so many soccer players. I play that with the kid across the street. I need to go paintballing someday. It sounds like fun.[/color][/size]][/i]
  20. [color=blood red][size=1][i]No thats enough. Ravenstorture you have a lot of bad habits. I wouldn't consider correcting people's grammer bad though. I do it all the time. I also call people the wrong name. [/color][/size]][/i]
  21. [color=Blood Red][size=1][i]Ok Im confused. I asked this because on your first post you said Meteora you dont have you digmon yet. Thats what you meant?[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=Blood Red][size=1][i]Are those swords actually sharp? I have always wondered that. Plus it would be pretty cool to do that. I think soccer is alright. I think its ok, but its not something I prefer to do.[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=Blood Red][size=1][i]I had that problem for a long time. I did that, and Blurting out things in class. I couldnt help it, but all thats changed I dont do it anymore.^^ >< >
  24. Meteora

    Par Ninkil

    [color=Blood Red][size=1][i]Soahc and Linwe showed up just in time to see the battle starting. Soahc: There are Legionand Theondell commanding the armies. Linwe: I see. Soahc: Well lets get in there. They chrged into battle with swords clashingand armor clanging. The First thing on Soahc's mind was to get to Theondell. As he was on his way fighting through the crowd. He was struck by an Arrow. Theondell saw Soahc get hit and imeadiattlly went after him. Soahc: I'm back Theondell. Theondell: Yeah I know. He was fighting hard to get to Soahc, so that his best friends wouldnot die. Theondell: Hold on I'll be there in a minute. Soahc was now unconscious. Theondell was finally there. He picked up Soahc, and brought him inside the base to the Medical Center. Quickly he hurried back outside to get back into battle. Now he was in a state of mind to kill, and nothing would change him out of it. He reached the battle field, and ......[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=Blood Red][size=1][i]Yeah Lan you are right. Then I can beat you in Basketball with you at your prime.*snickers* lol j/k Well Im not sure, but can you call running a sport cuz I run. And Im pretty good at it also.[/color][/size][/i]
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