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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thank you Ohkami I really appretaited that. I get what you mean for the pic and things. Also you are in the RPG. Maybe a few more people then we will start this.[/color][/size][/i]
  2. [color=666666][size=1][i]That wqas a smart Idea. I like the creativity. You are really good at this. I love the idea's you come up with. Well good job I rate it a 9/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  3. [color=666666][size=1][i]Has anyone ever had one. I did for the first time on THursday. It was during a Football game against Ramona. I just took one to many shots to the head. Well anyways tell me you experiences with Cuncussions.[/color][/size][/i]
  4. [color=666666][size=1][i]I like these. I like them mainly because of the Idea then the color red is like the coolest color in the world. Plus Pheonixes are awsome. Good job on the banner and avi. Keep up the good work. I rate these 9/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  5. Well you two are in I just wish people would join because this is going to be a good RPG.
  6. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thanks for the compliments and critisim. I wasnt really trying on tjis banner much. But hey I posted it so I wanted this to happen. Well I will try to improve it. [/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=666666][size=1][i]I like it a lot. I like how you singled out the pic of sora. You are getting better and better at this everytime you make one. Keep it up your doing fine. Also I think the font looks ok. I like it. It goes well with the banner. Just make it a little bigger. I rate it a 9/10. -Meteora[/color][/size][/i]
  8. [color=666666][size=1][i]I just finished reading a book called First King of Shannara. Its one of the best books of all time. Its really good. Its by Terry Brooks and he puts a lot of detail into this book. It also tells the background for the rest of the Shannara books. I remember Flowers for Algernon. It was a sad book. I was happy though at the fact that he finally had a chance to become smart. It sucks though cuz you cant change what happenes in stories.[/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=666666][size=1][i]Here is a banner i just made. Hope you like it. I just put it together in a few minutes so it isnt that great. Well tell me what you think.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. [color=666666][size=1][i]I like them both, did you make them if so... Wow. You did a good job on them both . If not oh well it still looks good. I rate them both 10/10. I lovehe way the red and th grey blends thats the best part.[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=666666][size=1][i]My questions are does the Eye's look right because I have the hardest part on the eyes. Well anyways thanks for the copliments. I really appretiated them all. [/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=666666][size=1][i]I told you to tell me what you thought. So im perfectly fine with it. I'll slow down the one so you guys can see it. hanks for being honest. Well here is another one hope this one is alright.[/color][/size][/i]
  13. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]I see well then in that case they wont do it. If they do it won't be for a long time. Well since I got my facts straightened. This thread is useless, so I request you close it. I should have done this over Pm.*Shakes head* *Slams head into door*[/color][/size][/i]
  14. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah I thought the same thing too. I wish it would show more. Well here is another. Yeah I know, but I have tons of these.[/color][/size][/i]
  15. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah I played it. I was good at it too. But I dont know what happened to my cards after that. They just dissappered. My deck was Fire and Grass. My favorite elements, yeah its an awsome game and if you haven't tried it you should just to do something new.[/color][/size][/i]
  16. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]That is obvious Of course he is the bomb. I dont know maybe you are right about him and the energy Field. Well anyways if he did survive I wonder what happened to him. [/color][/size][/i]
  17. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow that is well drawn. I like the guys eye's. It lookslike he's thinking helpme. I have no clue why I think that but thats me. Well the overall quality is awsome. It is drawn well I rate it a 9/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  18. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats pretty good and all but you could clear the pic up a bit. Also add some sort of text to it. It would be more appealing. Well as for putting the banner together you did a good job. I rate it a 8/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  19. [color=666666][size=1][i]I actually put more time into the second one. Thats why his chin looks better. Well anyways thanks for the compliments and critisism. Also I didnt trace them what so ever.[/color][/size][/i]
  20. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok it could be either or. Well anyways I have better one's with better quality like this next one.Tell me what you think.[/color][/size][/i]
  21. [color=666666][size=1][i]What is it and when is it on. Cuz I have heard things about it from my friends, but they never told me when it was on, or what it is. I can tell by you guys that it is extremely cool, So please tell me where to find it.[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=666666][size=1][i]Why would you make someone or something all powerful. Then there would be no oint to the show. The only thing Ihave a problem with Akira Toriyama is the fact that he is stopping a legecy. All we are going to see now are Re-runs. Nooooo,*runs and hides*[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=666666][size=1][i]This time I tried to make his mouth visible. Becauselast time I barely put a line for the mouth. The second one I did. The in the second one the chin looks different because it was done the right way this time. Last time I messed up on the chin see he seemed fat. Well I like these drawings a lot. What about my shading did I do a good job on that? I shaded the second pic a little differently this time.[/color][/size][/i]
  24. [color=666666][size=1][i]I dont know howor where. But I did see the episode and you dont need to PM me anymore. Thanks anyways. Well it was a good match is al;l I got to say. Hpe you see it soon Zanarkand Abes.[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wouldn't it also lower your post count? Because when you delete a post you post count lowers, so Im guessing it would do it for that as well.[/color][/size][/i]
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