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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow I love this one. Forit being pinkit looks awsome. It looks a lot better then the angelic Vision thing. I thinks its because this one has color. Well anyways I like this and im rateing it a 10/10. Well keep up the good work.[/color][/size][/i]
  2. Meteora

    The Core

    [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah I guess you could say that. But I dont think they found a giant [spoiler]Geod[/spoiler] on the asteriod. Or did it fill up with [spoiler]Liquid Hot Magma[/spoiler](A little Austin Powers for you there). Wel anyways I liked it. The bird part I thought was scary. Just to let you all know.[/color][/size][/i]
  3. [color=666666][size=1][i]You want us to find a golden bobble head in all of that. Then you are crazy. My eyes hurt just looking at it. You are very good at this stuff then. Well I give you credit I don think that it was easy so i'll rate it pretty high like a 8/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  4. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats pretty good. Now for the girl did you draw her from scratch? If so you did a good job on her. The background goes good with the dra3wing of the girl. I rate it a 9/10. Also it has a overall Mysterious effect.[/color][/size][/i]
  5. [color=666666][size=1][i]I dont know the exact date. All I know is that my friend got it about a week ago. He said that it had just comeout. So im guessing they dubbed it recently.[/color][/size][/i]
  6. [color=666666][size=5]Prelude[/size] [size=1][i][center] Ancient evil threatens the elves. For the Ellcrys-the tree created by long-lost Elven magic-is dying, loosing the Speel of Forbidding that bars the hordes of vengeful Demons from the Race of Man. Allanon, legendary guardian of the Earth, summons Wil Ohmsford to guard the Elven girl Amberle on a perilous quest as she carries a seed from the Ellcrys to the mysterious Bloodfire, there to be quickened into a new Ellcrys. Ravening behind them comes the Reaper, most fearsome of all Demons. Against it, Will has only the Elfstones of Shannara-and he has lost all power to control them. Helplessly, he watches the shadow of the reaper appear on the trail before him...[/center] -------------------------------------------- [center]This happened a little over 500 years ago. Well the bad news is that the Ellcrys is dying again. The forbidding is failing and the Stronger Demons are excaping through. They are the Dagda Mor, Reaper, and The Changeling. The Ellcrys has chosen a girl to carry the seed to the Bllodfire. The only problem is that all records of the sacred Bloodfire, and where it is has been lost. That is where Bremen, the Son of the legendary Druid Allanon, comes in. He has gone to the Druids Keep in Paranor to look in the old Druid records. He has found that the Bloodfire is in the place called Safehold. This place safehold is in the Wilderun. Allanon has gotten Shea Ohmsford, who posses the Legendary Elfstones, to protect the Eleven girl, Eowen, on her journey to take the seed of the Ellcrys to the Bloodfire. Behind them is the same Demon that tried to kill Shea's great great great great grandfather, Wil, on his quest to take Amberle to the Bloodfire, the Reaper. Its a race against the clock to reborn the Elcrys before the forbidding breaks completely and the city of Arborlon is under attack. The Elves are the only force protecting the Westland from the Demons, they are the only thing protecting the world of the four lands to be protected. Some Demons are already out of the forbidding tracking Bremen. So Shea and Eowen must watch out for them as well.[/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok here is what I need. Name: Shea Ohmsford Age: 25 Race(Trolls, Dwarves, Elves, Man, Druid, Demon): Half elf, half man Description: [url=http://www.bluedivide.it/covers/pietre.jpg]Shea is the one with the blue in his hand. Eowen is the girl.[/url] Bio(only if made up character): Weapon: Elfstones _________________________________ Rules 1.No Magic cept if you are a Druid or Shea. I am Shea so noone gets him 2. We need someone to be Eowen, Bremen, The Elven King(Make up a name), Dogda Mor, Reaper, Changeling. 3. Anyone who is a Demon will die at the end. Same with Eowen. She dies because of what happens. 4.No godmodding 5.People who are going to be the people I named in number 2 have to give me a reason to be able to be that person. 6.I will lead the stroyline as well. I will lead it everywhere it goes. 7. If you have any question on what any of this is PM me to find out. 8. Whoever the king is his last name has to be the same as Ohkami's Here is a map of the Four Lands. [url]http://mypage.direct.ca/s/slogan/map.jpg[/url][/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=666666][size=1][i]That was good. I like the end the best. Because he spends a zillion dollars on a penny. That was random. Then they are fighting a Koala. When does the funnyness end. Well good job. I rate it a 10/10. I cant wait for the next one.[/color][/size][/i]
  8. [color=666666][size=1][i]I answered this once. Yes they will. I will be the judge of that. If they are already at max spell. Then obviously it cant be upgraded. [/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=666666][size=1][i]Bad banner thsi time. The font is hard to read and th pic isnt exactly good quality. You should also spend more time on your banners. Well fix this one, and it will hopefully be good. Well I rate it a 3/10. Its pretty bad.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. [color=666666][size=1][i]I hate tracing as well. Its so stupid. Well here is the second drawing. I took the pic of them both side by side so you can tell me which one yopu like the best.[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats very clever. Ilike how you added the pic then off to the sid ethere is the Shinobi is the coolest member. Thats cool. You also have some great humor to do that. I would have never thought of it. Well good job i'll rate it a 10/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=666666][size=1][i]My dad played on the Raiders a long time ago. But he hurt his knee before he actually saw the field. He was there on the team though.[/color][/size][/i]
  13. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]So would that include banned members? Because theyhaven't posted in a whiel and they wont be able to. SO would they count?[/color][/size][/i]
  14. [color=666666][size=1][i]Papercut-linkin Park reminds me of being paranoid because thats what it says a lot. Its a scary song if you listen to it.[/color][/size][/i]
  15. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thats a great drawing. You make me look bad.*cries* Well anyways, i like the drawing. You are an awsome shadr. Then the cartoon dogs are adorable. It seems as if they are telling jokes to each other, because it looks like they are having a good time together. Well I'll rate it a 10/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  16. [color=666666][size=1][i]Later if people keep posting on this thread I'll show you the second drawing I did of him. I think it looks better, but thats my opinion. Also thanks Kenshin_K for the compliments. I also found out how to shrink the drawing. I take a picture with it. So its farther away. But you can still see it.[/color][/size][/i]
  17. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wait I found out who I want to be now. I want to be Meteora he is so cool. I mean he finally got to 500 posts and he's so cute. LOL yeah right like thats ever going to happen. Well seriously I would be a lot of people. Anyone with respect, with alot of posts, Friends, and mod capabilities. Anyone with just one of these would be awsome to be.[/color][/size][/i]
  18. [color=666666][size=1][i]I remember the backstreet boys. Wel while we are on that topic the Call by them reminds me of being left behind without a clue of whats going on. P.S. 500th post Yay.[/color][/size][/i]
  19. [color=666666][size=1][i]My Way Or The Highway-Limp Bisket reminds me of arguing because of the lyrics. Just think qabout it and you will get it.[/color][/size][/i]
  20. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah the hide and go seek one was pretty cool. It was funny because of the end. I love lumpy he is so funny. I like the one with the merry-go-round. That was funny what happened. Then the randomness at the end was the best.[/color][/size][/i]
  21. [color=666666][size=1][i]Thanks Dragon Warrior. I really appretiate it. I didnt even know I could do that good until I tried. I will say though the hardest part was the eye's, because if the eyes aren't good. Then the whole drawing is off balanced.[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok since noone changed their sign ups cept Angelus_Necare. You are all in. Thats all. I have to say. I will start this tommarrow or with in the next 3-4 days.[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=666666][size=1][i]Major Blueness. Thats cool, I like how you people fade things. I also like how you have the effect of it looking watery in the letters. Thats pretty cool. You made an awsome background. Well I would like to see more, but untill then later.[/color][/size][/i]
  24. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah obviously. Plus it was dark so I kinda had to add the light like I said. If I had a scanner I would have already scanned a few drawings already.[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well here is a picture of SSJ4 Gogeta I drew. I used the light effects to try and brighten it, but it didnt work like I expected. Well here it is tell me what you think. Also I dont have a scanner so I have it as a picture. Hope you like. It is also my first drawing of it.[/color][/size][/i]
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