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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. [color=666666][size=1][i]This banner is like a perfect 10. I love it. You did this banner really well. Ilike the font used, and I also likehow the border matches the color of the banner. Let alone it is a Linkin Park banner. Well good job cant wait to see your next one.[/color][/size][/i]
  2. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow thats an awsome banner. You might want to add a quote or something like thta. I like how you have the green going around it kinda matrixy. I rate it 10/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  3. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow thats awsome. It lookslike something from Evangelion. Well anyways it looks really good. You have really good artistic talent. Keep it up.[/color][/size][/i]
  4. [color=666666][size=1][i]Banner 4: The banner seems compresed. Fix that and it will look really good. The pic is good though. But fix that compressedness. Banner 5: A good banner just clear up the pic a bit. Its way to blurry. Also fix what Otakukev said. Then they will look even better.[/color][/size][/i]
  5. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well they are visible now. Well your friend is a good banner maker. Also you placed thetext n the best spot. Good job. Now next time lets see some of your work.[/color][/size][/i]
  6. [color=666666][size=1][i]How about Meteora forMod you know that would be good. Yeah I think so. Well anways thats a good avi or banner or whatever it is. The animation is awsome. You did a good job. Oh and think about me for mod. Yeah, that would be nice.[/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=666666][size=1][i]What did you change? Tell me that and I'll tell you if you did a good job. But as of right now your friend has made a really good banner. Ilike the Idea of a Resident Evil Sonic thingy.[/color][/size][/i]
  8. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok I haven't seen movie 10 yet,s o I couldnt tell ya. But Im serious it looked like he exploded. Oh well I'll go with what you said. I cant wait to see movie 10 then.[/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=666666][size=1][i]Well thats cool. My homecomeing isin about 2 weeks. My football team isnt doing so well. It bites big time.We are 0-3, but its still preseason. 2 more games then real season, and by then we will do really good.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok the line up is now : Ohkami (Nisha Strife) Queen Asuka (Alissa Dawn) Angelus_Necare (Kruz Arweather) Jim_Hawking (Yuji Kisaragi) So far these people have had good posts and sign ups. Please if you have put up a sign up and you really want to be in this RP please lengthen your sign ups. That will be all.[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=666666][size=1][i]Whats so funny about that one? I think Happy Tree Friends is funny , so if there is something out there better you have got to tell me what and where. So far you have only told me what. So where can I see this?[/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow thats pretty good. Ilike it. It seems kinda mysterious. You should keep making these and also if you would look in the banner and avi request forum and see if you can make my request.[/color][/size][/i]
  13. [color=666666][size=1][i]Dont argue with the mods just a word of advice. Expecially James. Well anyways yeah she is wierd and it bugs me. Why do you guys think its fun playing mind games, cuz it isn't cool what so ever.[/color][/size][/i]
  14. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yep that was one of the main reasons I joined it. I still have no self control when it comes to anger but im getting better at controling it though. Still thats true about everything you said except the fight thing. Cuz I wasn't there so I cant sayif thats true or not, but I'll go with your word.[/color][/size][/i]
  15. [color=666666][size=1][i]Yeah come along. Sure. I only did it to stop you from whining. LOL J/K. Well you would be cool to be you have a whole bunch of posts so yeah I would like that.[/color][/size][/i]
  16. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow tahst really good. I like how you made the borders of the pics blend into the background. Plus some of the pics were just awsome. I rate it a 10/10. I also love the background its really cool.[/color][/size][/i]
  17. [color=666666][size=1][i]Banner 2: Its ok it doesnt go on my favorites. Reason, because the background is a little wierd, plus the color just doesnt look good on it. Banner 3: I like this banner a lot. It has a good quote, and the coloring and everything is good. Keep doing them like this and you'll be pro in no time at all. Just one more thing be sure to experiment with the program you use so that you will get better.[/color][/size][/i]
  18. [color=666666][size=1][i]YEah when I first watched it I thought it was hilarious. But as I watched it again it got boring. So im watch it from timwe to time. Some of them are just plain funny though.[/color][/size][/i]
  19. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow thats a wonderful song. Well its pretty cool that people have songs that remind them of people. I also have Breaking the Habit. It reminds me of people not listening I have no clue why though.[/color][/size][/i]
  20. [color=666666][size=1][i]*shakes head* She's trying to make a point. Well they are telling the truth Pokemon is kinda violent. But still a 1 year old isnt supposed to watch it let alone I dont even think it knows what T.V. is.[/color][/size][/i]
  21. Meteora


    [color=666666][size=1][i]I dont know who's side to take in this. Also in movie 8 they do kill him because he explodes. I dont know how he comes back again. And they should have put Brolli in the movie with Jenemba, had them team up or something.[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=666666][size=1][i]Ok then will you PM it to me. Thanks. I also remember the episode now. Yeah that episode was pretty sad. But back to topic Pm me with the results. Well I still think gary's going to win.[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=666666][size=1][i]Wow its still a good animation. Also who ever made it did a good job. I like it though. Good job at the animation.[/color][/size][/i]
  24. [color=666666][size=1][i]Are you calling me Poor!!!!. LOL im playing. I can manage. After all these are the best games in the world. So I'll make sure I can afford it.[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=666666][size=1][i]Im the Meteora kid. Yeah I guess I have gotten a lot of respect in a short amount of time. Im sorry if that got you angry. Well I'll be you then if it makes you happy. Well yeah I guess that would be kinda fun. Well laters[/color][/size][/i]
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