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Everything posted by Meteora

  1. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]I have no clue what you are talking about. Maybe Krillen has another attack. I dont know much about him so I wouldnt be able to help you, but my best guess is Krillen has a new attack. Or you misheard.[/color][/size][/i]
  2. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Yeah it does suck. I think that if I wait later on she will give it a chance. She has said that she loved me to in many different occasions and it sounded like she ment it. [/color][/size][/i]
  3. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Maybe that saying is true. Because im nice and Im getting no where. It sucks. But I still finish so i can wait.[/color][/size][/i]
  4. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow that's an awsome drawing. I like it a lot. You may say that it looks bad, but I think its great. Keep posting them.[/color][/size][/i]
  5. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]It doen't really matter to me because I only play the games not the cards. Although the cards are cool looking. My brother still plays with the cards, but he's only 8. Im 14 and I'm in the 9th grade.[/color][/size][/i]
  6. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]That reminds me of High School in the very beginning. I was scared at first then I got used to it.[/color][/size][/i]
  7. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Wow thats really cool. I like the simpleness. I got a question is that your first banner, or not. Cuz if it is you have good talent. If it isn't you still have good talent. Anyone who can make a good banner on MS paint is good.[/color][/size][/i]
  8. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]What college do you go to . If you aren't in college what college do you want to go to? Me im not old enough for college Im only 14. But I want to go to San Diego State Universery. Now how about you people?[/color][/size][/i]
  9. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Mine would be The rock or the Undertaker because theyhave been around since forvere. Plus they are some of the best wrestlers out there.[/color][/size][/i]
  10. Meteora


    [color=darkblue][size=1][i]wow thatsreally good. Ilike the red in it a lot. Then the guy standing there adds toit. Its perfect as far as I can see.[/color][/size][/i]
  11. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Yeah thsi game is really cool. I played a demo of it in GameStop. I like how good the graphics are and the combo's are really cool. [/color][/size][/i]
  12. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Ilike Dart because he can turn into the golden Dragoon, and he's so sick. Then his attacks are all powerful. Im serious DArt is like the ultimate character. His combo's also seem really easy to pull off but thats just me.[/color][/size][/i]
  13. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Trust me there are Girl saiyans because I have seen Bardocks company. There are a couple girls. Freeza is a guy because if you noticed he has a bulge where *it* belongs. Yes he may sound like a gilr but thats just Gay old freeza.[/color][/size][/i]
  14. Meteora


    [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Its what I have been saying the whole time he is the best. Brolli is so awsome. I cant wait to get the movie 8. I also said that he was toying with them. I mean come on everyone has to have some fun every once and a while.[/color][/size][/i]
  15. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]-You color youself green and then your freckles a darker green, then glue a tail on, and call yourself Cell. -You do the same thing as above but you try eating people with your tail. -You color ypurself bright pink and say you can turn anything into candy -You actually try -You get a fake monkey tail and stand outside at a full moon expecting to become a golden ozaru. -You succeed Thats all for now.[/color][/size][/i]
  16. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Thats a good banner of Inuyasha. I like the redness of the banner. Its so awsome. I rate it 9/10. You definetly have improved since your first banner.[/color][/size][/i]
  17. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Ok that was funny and stupid at the same time. Just one thing its extremely hard to read with the grammer all messed up and stuff.[/color][/size][/i]
  18. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Well I think they have learned from their mistakes so maybe this movie will be better. SO i'll give this a shot. Im guessing you want me to say I cant wait for it to come out so here I go. I cant wait for it to come out.[/color][/size][/i]
  19. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Thats really cool. It seems blurry but stilllooks good. I like how you incooperated the words with the pic. They work well together. Then you chose the best topic for the banner. Then it also seems like a dream with the blurriness. Good job 10/10.[/color][/size][/i]
  20. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]This is very well drawn. The sand does look really good. The buildings are alright but everyone has their days. I rate this a 10/10. The sand saved you here.[/color][/size][/i]
  21. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Thanks for the comments even though they were bad. Its just my old banner with a little animation. I also found it to be better fast than slow cuz I tried it going slow and it sucked this way it looks a little better.[/color][/size][/i]
  22. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Yeah they are pretty funny I think as well. I also like Lumpy and The Blind Mole I foget was hisname is. But Also Love this. Its just so funny to see them killing each other.[/color][/size][/i]
  23. [color=darkblue][size=1][i] Here is an animated Tidus banner tell me what you think. Also for the matching avi its already up if you feel likeit tell me what you think.[/color][/size][/i]
  24. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]To be quite honest I actually like it. Just something about Light effects and stuff I like I have no clue why.[/color][/size][/i]
  25. [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Well Pop Tarts have fruit filling maybe thats why they eat them before. I sometimes eat Pop Tarts before Football, and I do fine, but candy kills I tell ya.[/color][/size][/i]
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