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Everything posted by 168_1432310898

  1. ¤I liked Tenchi Universe because it has more action and a better plot out of any of them¤ ¤Tenchi Muyo is my second fave because I liked the plot¤ ¤Personally I hated Tenchi in Tokyo because I thought Sakuwa(sp?) was annoying¤
  2. ¤I would stab relena to me she's a b***h¤ ¤She's a spoiled little brat¤
  3. ¤one word describes you :Jealous¤
  4. ¤I agree with you Mari about all the guys and Duo was my pick too(major hottie). My friend thinks Heero is hot:confused:¤*sigh* oh well¤
  5. I never knew Tenchi was so unpopular :( I thought it would get more posts. well back to the thread......If this was survivor who would you vote off out of all the tenchi characters........ ¤The tribe has spoken.............¤
  6. [COLOR=royalblue]Royal blue[/COLOR] [FONT=century gothic]century[/FONT] [SIZE=3]large[/SIZE] Ok, well any way my friend and I which are both big Gundam Wing fans kept on having this debate over which who is the Hottest gundam pilots on Gundam Wing. Well here's the question. ¤Who's the hottest gundam pilot on GW?¿?¤ :) 1 ¤Heero Yuy 2 ¤Duo Maxwell 3 ¤Quatre Reberba Winner 4 ¤Trowa Barton 5 ¤Chang Wufei
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