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Vash's girl

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Everything posted by Vash's girl

  1. I go with New Type. It's rather expensive, but worth it. You can get them at Suncoast and Sam Goody, bookstores, and video game stores.
  2. I got a promo poster of Samaraui X from suncoast like 3 years ago. I rented the first movie of the series and loved it! It was great! I never watch RK and was shocked when I found out they were somehow related. I noticed the characters look alike (slighty) but what's deal between the 2 shows. I've wondering this for like a year, just never bothered to ask.
  3. I love the animaniacs! They're the best! I can still sing every word in the theme song! I love the one with the hat. I think his name is Wacko. I remember the president's song they made. That was neat. They need to bring back the show! It would be such a big hit. It'd be better than Spongebob!
  4. My parents interrogate me and my friend, it's even worse with a boy! My curfew changes, depending on my psycho parents mood. If it's a school night, be in by 6:00-8:00, friday be by 9:00-11:00, saturday - 9:00-10:00. They're are super wierd about this stuff since my sister did something naughty one time.
  5. shoot, I quit pokemon in... 6th grade, I guess. That was 4 years ago. I was into everything. The cards, the video games, the merchandise, I was such a dork. Wow, I miss the gameboy game. It's the best. Don't tell anyone I said that! I still watch the cartoon on catoon network, though.
  6. We don't have a football team at my school so we do basketball homecoming. We don't have it till January. I went last year with a group of girls and our dates. I had a blast. We went to Burger King for our romantic dinner because the catering sucked. I had the prettiest dress... I'm so worried about getting a date this year. I have a cruch on this totally hot guy. I was so excited when I got to sit behind him in Geometry. I talked to him a whole lot (He's very outgoing). I tried to flirt with him as much as I could but it ends up he's a total dork. He's so lame, I was in shock. He has a fine car and nice looks but I still want to go to H.C. with him (mainly for the picture). Is that shallow? Oh well. I just wanted to know, guys. Is it cool for a girl to ask a guy? I didn't want to seem like I'm desperate cause I'm not. I'm not bad looking and I got other guys, just not as cute... But I really want to go with him, but everyone tells me not ask him, let the guy ask me. *sigh he's such a dork I don't think he gets i think he's hot...
  7. Who's Al capone?Oh OH, I can call a bluff, ready... *man I'm good* ... Olga the dwarf! Yes, nothing gets past me! Mandy Moore is dating my husband, Andy Roddick. I think she's cheating on you!
  8. I think the best thing you could do right now is show him you care about him. If you print out the paper, then you'de make the decision -his life (maybe if he gets help) or his friendship. Because in the long run, if you can get him help and save his life, he should be gratefull. But if you don't want to tell anyone, just make sure he knows you're there for him and be very kind, I would act as if nothing happened. Or he could be just a jerk who wants to pretend they have problems when in reality there's nothing wrong. You may wanna check up with his friends to find out how serious this is.
  9. Yep, I've gotten commercials timed in my brain. Like Radaghast said, the channel advertises themselves before the show, and I always get to the chanel just as that commercial is ending. It's scary sometimes with how good I am timing commercials. I love the Buddy Lee commercials. "Come on, Buddy Lee, let's make like a tree and go" LOL! I've come to a conclusion that if on a commercial, they advertise a product to but for $19.95, it won't work! Get's me on my next subject, I hate with a passion the commercial for Marvin's Magic Drawing Board! I wanted to cause myself serious pain whenever that commercial came on! Ahhh...! I can still see. The Blo Marker commercial! I hate it! Stop the horror! To many bad memories. *twitching uncontrollably
  10. I love Outkast. They're new CD is awesome, I strongly recomend it. Andre 3000's song is great. What about the other guy? His single is good too! Gosh dog, I can't remeber his name. Oh well, I love the're new thang. Heh heh, yeah...
  11. I watched the 90's xmen a few times. I was still really young, so I don't remeber a whole lot ezcept I thought Scott was sexy. Xmen evo is good. I'm realy confused sometimes, cause I'm not a hard core fan. I don't get it... I'm reall confused. I just wanted to post I like Xmen! Oh, someone was posting the gundam wing voices in x men. Inyuyasha's voice (Richard Cox) is quik silver. I hope no one posted that yet
  12. SpongeBob is all right. I'm not nuts for it, but I'll sit and watch it if it's the only thing on. I'm 15 and still watch Nickelodeon, I just can't escape. I'd much prefer to watch Fairly Odd Parents or Invader Zim. I love Gir! But, Spong Bob is aimmed for a younger audience, I think. Some people just don't grow up, LOL. The older shows were the best. I love the episode when spong takes squidward on a jelly fishing trip and he's in a wheel chair and falls off the cliff and blows up! I laugh every time! Oh, and when sponge bob comes out and sings "sweet victory" that was a classic show. If I saw a guy walking in the mall with a sponge bob shirt, I would proably call him a douche bag. I have to admit, I bought the sponge bob sound track. It was on sale!
  13. The second Matrix gives me headaches! Too much thinking! The first was all right. The third, I think I will wait to rent unless everyone is delirious about how good it is. Keauno (I guess that's how you spell it) is hot... gotta give the movie that.
  14. I love Family Guy. Stewie drives me crazy! The little baby always making death threats to his mother and stuff. It's classic! Who ever developed Stewie is a genus! Not more than me, but a genus none the less. I saw Seth Green does a voice in Family Guy, who is he? But the Simpsons are awesome too, just so many reruns.
  15. Hmmm.. well, since I'm a hard core Matchbox fan.... I guess I'll go with Matchbox 20!
  16. Lion King! I remember the first time I saw it, I was in the first grade. I fell in love with it! I had the simba shirt, every action figure of the characters, all the burger king toys, all the play sets, and more. Lion King was a huge influence in my life. It helped me get a better grasp on death, I think. Plus, that was made back when Jonathon Taylor Thomas was hot (I was even boy crazy in first grade) so it was a must see for all the girls. You know, whatever happened to JTT?
  17. I went to my friends house and we watched the premeire. I've never watched the show before but it was pretty good. The guy with the black hair is so HOT! It's a good show, I'll be hooked pretty soon.
  18. I've never noticed a similarity. I guess 3 doors down is OK, i like that song kryptonite. I think Matchbox 20 has more of a folk type of sound. I've never listened to a 3dd CD so I can't really say how they are similar. I can say Rob Thomas is way hotter than 3 doors down!
  19. I love Matchbox 20! I'm addicted, really. They're practically the only CD I listen to! I love their new single (I can't remeber what it's called). MC20 is just so talented. I would do anything to see them in concert. I've been an obsessed fan for about 4 years!
  20. [QUOTEOriginally posted by XxmagentaxX [B]Yay! I love David Bowie! Its all because of labyrinth and that bloody bulge in his pants! [/QUOTE] OMG! I thought I was the only one who thought like that! LOL Any way, I love Bowie. My mom is obsessed with him so we got all the albums and cd's. I grew up on him, I guess.
  21. I'm related to Robert E. Lee on my mom's side. My great grandmuma tracked him down and I'm like directly related to him. My whole family's middle name is Lee because of him. Curse the name Lee! I hat my middle name. No offense to anyone out there with the mid name Lee and like's it. But I don't! :flaming:
  22. that's awesome! It's great that we're getting more religious freedom in school. I just hope the kids who do this won't be picked on or anything. It could start some controversy. Well, we'll see!
  23. I love Jazz. Living in LA, I've grown up on jazz. I play the tenor and alto sax so I play as much swing and jazz as I can. I love slow sax jazz. It puts me in such a good mood. I love cartoons that play jazz. It gives me a warm feeling inside. *sigh* gonna go listen to some jazz now*
  24. I love mcdonalds french fries! best stuff in the world. Tacos! I love tacos that are smothered in chesse. taco - cheese = bad taco I can cook cereal, eggo's, hot pockets, and can cut an apple! I'm so talented when it comes to cooking!
  25. It's a pretty good anime mag. It's a little over my price range but it's cool whenever you got some extra money. You can get them mainly at Suncoast, Sam Goody, here they have them at some video games stores. Check it out, it's pretty good
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