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Vash's girl

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Everything posted by Vash's girl

  1. Yeah, my bad. It wasn't a completly horrible saga. You should check it out. The guy who was afraid of clowns- the best
  2. This is an easy one! The most complex is the dude who was scared of clowns in G gundam! I mean, being kidnapped by clowns and them massacreing a circus? How could that not screw someone up?
  3. Hmm... gundam s.d...... what can we say.... Uh, it stinks? Where are the sexy pilots? Where's the blood shed? My little sister like it. She likes play house disney and nick jr. Why in the world did the people in toonami even give that show a passing glance? I have to admit, i love hamtaro! I could sing the theme song all day! *sorry to get off topic*
  4. I like quatre. He's so cute! I loved it when him and the dude with the wierd hair (haze's avi) played those instruments. I love guys who operate heavy machinery and play the flute. *sigh.... no actually, quatre is so kind hearted and proably one of the more skilled pilots. His fighting skills may not be the best, but he has strategy and he keeps his cool in freaky situations. His is really hot though.
  5. I do believe in this magic stuff the wiccans believe in. Being a Christian, I do not believe it is right. It said in the Bible that Saul (or at least I think it's him) got a gypsy to bring back the ghost of Moses. The gypsy did it! But... God was not happy. Basically, magic stuff like that is from satan. But that's just my belief. Don't post messages saying "well, i disagree", ok. The Bible was written by God. He told the people what to write and they wrote it. People need proof that God created the world? Just look around you! What else could have created this? The only reason this world is turning to poo is because God gave us free will. And drix- ya got the right idea! : )
  6. I totally agree with craig. Did you ever think, what did she grow up on? What exactly is her perfect tv show? Tom and Jerry and Bugs bunny? What does she think of them. They tried to kill each other!
  7. Don't be offended or anything, but I just don't understand how ya'll can believe a little cell evolved and created all this very complex stuff. I know the Bible is only a book and that's not enough proof for some of ya. But, a cell evolved and created the world? Yeah.... There is no proof of the big bang theory or anything. Don't put a post saying I offened you because you're putting posts against what I believe. So don't get mad *cough cough * transic nerve**cough
  8. Transic, buddy, didn't mean to offend ya. My apologies. I believe what I want to and you can believe what you want to. That's cool, I didn't come to get all you people to become christians. I'm not trying to shove my opinons down your throat. OK, so chill out, love ya ;)
  9. christianity and evolution are two very different things. There is no way that evolution can agree with christianity
  10. Don't bring up religion? For me, evolution can't be brought up without evolution. Evolution is stupid and it does not exist. I don't wanna start fight or a debate. There is basically no proof of evolution. It's all circular reasoning. God created all things and that's the way it is! End of subject.
  11. If I could be someone, it would be probably queen asuka cause she got plenty of people who respect her or (for a guy) I'd be syk3. He's cool, and he sounds smarter than me. LOL
  12. Me and a group of friends are dressing up as christmas characters and protesting haloween. We're making signs and everything. We're going to pace the neighborhood. I think I'm going to dress up as rudolph. Me in a brown body suit..... hm.... that's gonna be interesting.....
  13. Shoot, 50 episodes?! Well, if it's not that good, then i don't have to worry about buying alot. I hope the american anime wil be better than expected. I think marmalade boy would make a good live movie. I'm gonna get some of my friends from school to read it. I think they would like it. I read last the fourth book. I gotta get a job so I get the rest. 10 dollars a book is expensive for me! LOL
  14. My friends always call me a dork when I bring it up. Sometimes I'll be stupid and pretend like I'm Vash th stampede during class. LOL My friends are like what are you doing?! Nah, I'm not that stupid, but I've done it once. I brought a manga to school one time and someone stole it and passed it around the homeroom. Everyone was like who's is this? I just got up and took it back. I think everyone would like it if they gave it a chance. My friends just think I'm a dork, but hey, I get tons of laughs with my vash killing the teacher impression!
  15. Like the queen, i can't stand repition (ex. DBZ). I love a complicated plot. The stories with characters going through some sort of personal conflict is great. I can't stand shows with bad animation. That's one of my big turn offs of reign. I also love it when characters got some big ol' guns or swords!
  16. I have no idea if there is a thread for this, if there is, don't hate me! I looked and didn't see anything. OK, i just wanted to know how do you become a junior member? Is it the length of time you've been a member or the number of posts? I'm just confused about the whole process. Oh yeah, i feel silly for asking this, but, what's an "otaku"?
  17. I love rap, I first saw it on BET like 6 months ago. It's way over played but I like it. There's better songs but i can't stop myself from singing the chorus. Oh god, now it's stuck in my head. gosh dog it!
  18. I love that clint eastwood song! Thats my jam! I can quote the whole song! Noddle's a girl?! Whoah! I loved it when daft punk and the gorillaz were on cartoon network. I love daft punk too. I loved the music video of the gorillaz when they were driving on a freeway or something and a moose hit them. LOL
  19. It was a great movie. I think (of mel brooks films) that blazing saddles and high anxiety were better. But I'm a huge star wars geek so I loved space balls! Dark helmet...cracks me up every time
  20. Vash's girl

    Cabin Fever

    From the previews, it looks good. Sean from boy meets world is in it! It won't come to the theatre here so i gotta wait till paper view or block buster. I'm not all up for naked chicks though...maybe guys but...
  21. That show is a disgrace to anime! Why can't they wear pants! No pants! Where's the pants? The fights were good, except no one was wearing pants. I love history, I thought it would be cool.... no... never again.... Oh, plus the animation was horrible
  22. thats ridiculous! if they're not happy with their work then quit! They pay you not us to do it right. Gollee...some people in this world..... I hate people who complain
  23. This old old couple were coming up on their 60th anniversary. They seemed to be the perfect couple; they never fought and always got along. There was one rule with the wife, though. She said never look in her "special" box. She had that rule even before they were married. Eventually, the old lady got very sick and it was only a matter of time before she died. The old man decided that he should look in the box since it doesn't really matter anymore. He grabbed the box and peeked in side. He saw thousands of dollars. Just wads of cash and 2 oven mits. He went to his wife and confessed to opening the box. He asked to be forgiven but wanted to know about the money and oven mits. The wife said that before she got married, she asked her mom what to do if they fought. Her mom said that she should knit oven mits every time she got mad. Well, the old man thought, that's pretty good if she only got 2 mits. But the old man still wanted to know about the money. The old woman replied that she got that money from selling all her oven mits.
  24. I live in Louisiana (the boonies). I live in a fairly large city but all of my family live in the deep redneck south. I've seen the confedy flag plenty. The people here don't look at it and think of slavery or a failed war. They think of heritage, they think of their ancestors who were lost at war and respect them by waving the flag. I respect flag. My triple or double or whatever great grandparents died fighting for it, it was a cause. Somebody said that the people in the south were poor. They were not! Living in louisiana, i got a lot of history lessons. Cotton and tobacco were a pretty good way to make money. Where do you think everyone got clothes from? They provided the north with their crops too, they were making money like crazy. I've been to plantations, and those things weren't cheap! Slaves weren't either. Most good respectful white people took pretty good care of their slaves. But any way, I repect the confedy flag. It started as a good cause. Don't freak out of the slave issue cause slaves were working in the factories in the north. Northerners were selling slaves in the south. Whatever, everyone's guilty of some sort of crap. Oh, we're not all rednecks down here. Go Louisiana! I love it here!
  25. I love marmalade boy! That's my favorite manga! I was just going to make a thread about it! I can relate to Miki so much with her romantic life and crazy family. I can't wait till it comes on DVD!
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