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Cocomi Myojin

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Everything posted by Cocomi Myojin

  1. I'm only 13 and my mom and dad primarily say I can watch it. I also told my father that if you can compare Trigun, Inuyasha, or Rurouni Kenshin to Family Guy, those anime shows would look rated G. LOL :) They reallty think it's good that I am exploring. Right now I am trying to learn as many Japanese words as I can, even though I'm not getting far ^_^x Well, yeah...
  2. Wellie well well, I just think it's cool because I am tired of the fat pudgy sonic who is voiced by Steve Urkel. The old animation sucks. I shouldn't have got my hopes up! Hee Hee! well, thank you friends! This is Dee Coco's friend and I really like Sonic. It is cool and not to be rude or anything but if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Cocomi: Please do not bash me!! This is my friend here! I didn't say anything..that I didn't! [color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post. It is against the rules. Just go back and edit your original post. Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size]
  3. [SIZE=3]Guess What? Sonic is going to have a new show out on fox called Sonic X! A preview is going to be held this Saturday at like, 5 or 6 a.m.[/SIZE] :excited: YAY! I wonder if it will be Anime...well, I guiess we will have to wait and see, hai! :laugh: ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh:love:
  4. I remember around a month ago Cartoon Network brought Inuyasha off of the air. I went on the internet to find out what happened and saw like 200 sites with people that were completely dissapointed. They were speaking their minds in ways I never thought could be expressed. I was mad, too. How could this network take off one of many great shows that actually get your imagination going? AAAAcccckkkkk! It is just not fair... :bawl: well, it was either a rumor or a promise that that crazy network knew they couldn't keep, but I heard that it would be coming back on either the 5th or 25th of August. The 5th, (which I heard of more out of the two,) has passed. I am nervous. Will it come onthe 25th? (Shoot, I can't stay up~! That's my first day of school!) Well, do any of you think it will come back? Well, this is in fate's hands. I'm going to go sulk now. Oh, and if anyone wants to PM me I woul;d appreciate it. Being a newbie for 2 weeks isn't any fun if you don't get to know anyone.:)
  5. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohh, a lot of discussion is taking place! I like that. I agree. Even my little sister could tell the difference between the Anime and the American cartoons. To put it in a courteous way, American cartoons are great, but Anime has a side to it that is actually really appealing. This is why when I get older, I want to move to japan and become an Artist! Excuse me, sessha was getting a tad bit off topic. So, t.s.i.u., I really do not like the combination of the two art styles. Hee!
  6. Hey Mr. James, I hadn't thought about that. I agree on your point. Those speed ramps make everything too easy. My brother can beat Sonic games in a few days, it's just no work for him. So, SonicTeam, or whoever creates the games, should put more of a challenge in. Really! And I'm happy that it doesn't appear that Knuckles will be hunting for emerald shards, It just makes his entire role lame! Why can't he run and complete a stage like sonic? The last time I saw knuckles run and complete a stage without collecting any emerald shards was when Sonic and Knuckles came out. That was a long time ago! :laugh: :(
  7. I agree...or do I? Hmmmmmm who would win? I mean the possibilities are endless but...excuse me I'm just rambling on. Sonic's team looks cool. I am a big Knuckles fan. Tails just plain scares me...mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! But then again Shadow is awesome. I agree, Rouge gets really annoying.
  8. Yeah, the Chaotix are also from the KTE comic series in Archie Comics. I'm not going to go into that, though. My brother has like every Sonic game that ever existed! It's sweet! Well, i saw the ad for SH in the SDX guide. I also found out that Sonic has a chocolate coming out or already out in Belgium? Oro? Nani, that can't be right...or can it?
  9. Hey. Thanks alot! That really does help me. Thank ya 4 being so considerate!
  10. Has anyone heard of Sonic the Hedgehog? Ok, I was scared for a moment there.:nervous: Well on gamecube, they put out SA2 and then SADX. If anyone has played the game, then they know who Shadow and Rouge and all of them are. Whoever really knows sonic as well also knows that the DX version was originally on Dreamcast. That system was totally let down! NEwayz, duz ne1 think there will be a SA3? And if so, will Shadow be alive? :worried: Cocomi Myojin "In life, keep your Friends close, but your Enemies closer... case and point" The godfather:)
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