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Everything posted by hiroaugust

  1. well if i had one humen emotion to take away i guess it would be ...Love! well i hate that fact when someone likes you or want to be with me i tend to break their hearts but eh, it is just me ! But eh, this is just me! and i think i am the only one in this world that feels this way. i guess i am too into looks opr something ? but if i have gotten rid of love my life would be so much easier. And no i am the guy that stays with the girl( sad to say). i wish i wasn't so-ho-o Dandy!
  2. well i love anime alot and i too have changed. At first i always loved to hear Rap and do thingz outside my biulding and be with friends( because i live in the projects). and now i watch it and i love it alot and draw them too!
  3. yeah you guys are right and i sometimes find it funny... but when it comes to a point when it hurts others i get mad at my self. but i geuss this is what makes the world go round right? but i tend to say to my self ,"what i would do if i was in that person's shoes?" well i'll think i can't do anything but be my self and chile out because that is what the other person wants you to do is get mad. and that is all i wanted to say^ ^-
  4. okay i remember that i have post up this kof/street fighter crosscover , but now i have the full scoop.these are the names of the fighters you can chose from and also one more thing, you have to know is that you can't pick a char that someone has already... it just wouldn't be fair.But if you have a char you have already made you can place them here. well these are the names: kings of fighters. Kyo(well i have already picked him. he is also from kof) Ryo King benimaru(he is aready taken... sorry i foregot your name.but he is from kof) Kim Joe Andy Goenitz Robert Iori Terry Rock Rugal Geese Billy Maxima K' Yuri Mai Angel Mary Kula Foxy K9999 Street fighter Ryu Ken Cammy Chun-Li Guile Dhalsim Bison Akuma Vega Sagat Balrog Zangief Fei-Long Yun Yang Alex Ibuki Juli Juni Sakura Karin Guy Charlie Gulity Gear Sol Ky Chipp Jam Axl I-no Johnny May Testament Dizzy Zappa Bridget Slayer Faust Baiken Anji Millia Zato (Eddie) Venom "That Man" Potemkin Kliff Justice Robo-Ky ummm... yeah this is about it and all you guys need to do is post your char or pm me to get this thing going.And all we can do is have fun and make this real fun... thank you :D
  5. Well i would like to start a group that loves fighting. Yeah the old street fighting role plays that people like and i geuss maybe some of the people here like it too right? Well you can pick of anybody that you choose like Kyo,Ryo,Ryu,King, Cammy, Rock,Terry,Geese or whatever just pick. And if we want to do this we can but the fighting can be taken place anywhere and there can be any storylines that you can make up. well i wanted to just point that out and post if you want to get in. And remember that YOU make the storylines and there are countless amouts of fighters so go ahead. But by the way i am Ryu!! yeah right just kidding! Kyo from kings of fighters and that is my fighter... Well is this thing on or what!?:nervous: yeah i don't know how to start a group so please have mercy on me!
  6. I have gotten this game 1 mouth ago and i have beaten it(and by the way i am talking Tomb Raider for the ps2). but that is not the case here... i don't belive that there are people out there that like the game at all. but in my personal oppion i guess i would give it a 7out of 10.why? the game has it's balance graphics but very slugish controls... and the hidden moves are not as good as i thought they would be... take tr2 for example, you could do the moves on the fly but you have to press this button and the other. But i am not saying it is a bad game but all in all the people inter action is a plus and Kertis( i think that is his name and if the spelling is wrong pleasetell me.) But he too is a great addition to the series. But do you know those games when you have done almost everything and you think the ending would be cool and all? but not this one, she just picks up a weapon( which is Kertis) and walks away! well i hope the game chages in the secong installment.oh, yeah if this is not a good review,don't complain because , then who else would reviwe them righ? so just take or leave it . But give your input on the game as well and if you have any problems just post them for any body or pm me so i could tell you, and thank you :)
  7. well i see that there is alot of rock heads:eek: but that is okay:) but i just wanted to know is there any hip hopers that are into , Jay -z, Camron or whatever! But i just wanted to know from you guys? well just post if you guys are out there
  8. :o yeah i am a Hellsing fan! the series is so kool and all, but i just wanted to know is there anybody out there that have a fav char? Well mines is Anderson,yeah the wicked prist that doen't like any body that is a vampire(Alucard)but that is just me , how about you? Oh, yeah for the long run you know that Hellsing Two is comming out right? and i have the trailer and it is awsome!! :tasty: well i can't wait for it , bye!
  9. yeah that is right is there? it would be great if there was any in this site and i mean the ones that love to make up thier own or the ones that pick the ones that is already out like , Cloud, Alacurd,sonic, sailor moon you guys get the pic. but yeah is there? and you guys know what iam talking about right,ROLE PLAYS! If there is any can we form some kind of new group or something?!
  10. :bawl:Okay , okay, i give up please let me in this ! or is this just okay i would be the mech.... piolite name: Hiayo Ryu Ran Age: 21 description:Black hair, averge hieght(6'0)blue t- shirt and blue jeans with three belts on his left leg. Has black long gloves on his forearms with studs on them .And old western like boots but with out the point at the end.Lastly a chokka on his neck with a pic of his mother. Mech:Delt Star weapon:12 neculear bombs in the breast.A plasma sword which is on his left arm and a huge laser gun on the back.Exra plasma sword on the right leg. side:(Earth rebilleon) Favor: speed, skill and power defense. Okay this is it hope i am in^_^
  11. well me too... big fat legs and the body is sort of out of portion... but you have done a great job though and i king of like it so keeo up the good job okay?^_^
  12. well i saw the game on gsamespot and i kind of loves the game just like that! well i guess it is because i have played the second game and i have loved it^_^. but do you guys think that residentevil is better??? i kind of think so but both are the same to me ... and is the game play as "fuzzy" as the second and the puzzles too?
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