man have i gotta a lot of songs that remind me of ppl like usher-ugot it bad reminds me of my ex radio head creep reminds me of the same person ummmm there are many others but i just dont feel like naming them all lol
i really liked the first movie allthough they could have done more with it in betwwen the mansion the hospital then nemises but w/e it it will b good i will watch it lol
Yo dude i love the dropkick murphys. They just have such a unique style different from so many other bands. Lately the music being played has the same style and i cant even distinguish from other artists. It's just cool to hear music with just a cool style that is just different from all the others. Plus there music is full energy and who doesn't love some loud daring music...with how can you not love a band with bagpipes...thats just plain cool^_^
i love this movie soo much i bought it on dvd and i have surround sound in my house so it sounds so sexy sexy william dafoe plays an amazing detective........