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Everything posted by satan665

  1. This is sort of a rating and expression of disappointment with the new Gamecube Final Fantasy game. I new it would be very different from the traditional FF games on playstation, but I didn't know hoe not fun it would be. I wish I had some gaming friends to try the multiplayer, maybe its more fun that way but there are still some serious problems with this game. Gameplay: The gameplay is very much like the Mana series' (legend of Mana). Its super simplistic, and you have a charge up attack and some simple 3-move combos. Its real time so you have to run up yourself and hack away at bad guys. It feels really primitive. I end up doing a hit and run strategy with just about every enemy. The magic system is boring on 1P, and it usually takes too long to charge up a spell to be convenient. It seems like they put next to no effort in this at all. Story: What story? All you do is collect water from special trees. There is no character personality in the playable characters. A few cut-scene things happened that were funny or a little interesting but not much. Graphics: plain, nothing great. Garbage compared to Zelda or Metroid I don't know how they made this, but from now on I'm going to avoid the hype and rent games more often. I still havent found a good magazine or source of reviews for GCN games, which is a problem. [COLOR=Red]What do you all think? It seems like more of a kid-friendly game. Have you played the multiplayer?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo]Sort of off topic, but Anime downloading would become much more unnecessary if anime were just more available. A lot of Japanese series' are hard to get in the US (getting much better) and the only mainstream methods are buying or waiting for cartoon network to pick up a show I'm a personal proponent of renting. I'm lucky to have a comic store that has tons of anime rentals for $1.50 (obscure stuff too) so I use that and Netflix to get anime for the most part. Anime network sounds cool, but it also seems to me that almost nobody can get it even if they bought expensive digital cable.[/COLOR]
  3. I'm curious as to who and how many people you guys play YUgioh cards with. Do you play with friends only or with strangers, in comic stores, in tournaments? Also do you play the GB Advance game with people too? I have only ever played with my girlfriend, and by myself on the first YUGIOH GBA game. I kinda wish I had more people to play with, but I feel old and too embarrassed to play with a 12 yr old at Toys R US or something like that. I still have a lot of fun though. Has anyone ever played in the Konami tournaments for the card game ir the video games?
  4. satan665

    Phantom Planet

    I ran into them coming out of this bad vegan restaurant once when they played in Eugene, but since I don't know them at all I didn't talk to them or anything. Other than that I've heard California, and seen their drummer in Rushmore with the delightful Bill Murray.
  5. Someone want to explain chaos monsters to me? I have zero knowledge of the Japanese game. (soory its off topic)
  6. Did he say anything at all about environmental protection? Its so ridiculous to have a president that doesn't ever talk about environmental issues except when he's against them. I liked it better before we banded together with this dumbass in a patriotic sense. He used to have horrible approval ratings back when he rejected the Kyoto treaty even though that may not have had much to do with it. Ugh, the clapping...its all so fake!!!
  7. satan665


    I rock out to a slayer mix CD in the Lab at least once a week, my favorite song is War Support. I don't know what else to say about SLayer except they are pretty great, but mostly for non-serious listening. I don't really wish for death and destruction like i used to.
  8. I'm a big Madden freak, but I haven't made it online yet. One of these days I'll fish out money for a fast internet connection and get the adapter. I hope that I might be good at Madden online, I'm playing on the All-Madden difficulty setting and winning 90% of my games. I wish I was still at RIT with my free ethernet!
  9. Catholics seem to think that it is a sin to have sex without trying to have a baby. Thats why they tend to be against birth control. They're just really outdated though, thinking that the "rhythm" method of contraception will really work. Besides, not all cultures even get married, so should they not have sex? Or maybe wait for someone to convert them? So yeah I do know some stuff, being old has to come with some perks!
  10. Yeah this is a little crude, but If you only have sex after marriage, how are you going to be any good at it? Sex and marriage are only tied together because christianity veiws sex as a sin. Its fun, we have lots of different contraceptives and you should be able to experiment a little. I still think sex is very meaningful, but it should be fun and not too serious. Especially after the first time with a person.
  11. satan665


    If only they would do a US tour! After getting the UK releases from ebay I've basically been trying to listen to the CD's less so that I don't get sick of them...but its hard! I know they would put on a great live show, their music is so emotional and the singer "wails" a lot. I got showbiz about the same time I bought the first CD from Ours. I think Ours has a similar singing style, and they're a great band except that they put out a second CD and it was awful. Sad really.
  12. Being only 14, you might later on think that maybe it wasn't such a great idea, but whats done is done. In general I'd say late high school at the earliest, but its pretty common to have sex earlier. I think I went for it a little to early, I was with a more experienced girl. I think that is kinda common too.
  13. Once when I was a kid (this is so dumb of me), me and my brother tossed one of my friends (MIke) nintendo games down the stairs a bunch of times. It was Zelda, and we chipped off a bunch of the gold paint in doing so. So when he came back over, we told him that it was this other kid who did it, Adam. Then, as revenge we went with the kid with Mike and broke into Adams house and stole a couple of his games. (The door was unlocked, but it was still breaking and entering) So we wrecked the games and got found out for it somehow I don't remember. The Cops came to my house one day and just me and my brother were home alone so we peeked to see who it was but just didn't answer the door. Turns out the cops never came back, but my friend Mike got busted and had to repay him for half the $. I basically played my friends against each other for something Me and my bro did senslessly. I told my parents and all, but its embarrassingly stupid.
  14. It does sound like a scam, and if it is then you would seem to be in the clear.
  15. Seek comfort in the fact that with your gaming skills, you can probably attract 95% of all hardcore gaming boys. If you then just weed out the smelly ones and the ones who are too scared to talk to girls and there has to be some great material there. I always feel bad about playing too many games in front of my GF, but if we could both play it would be awesome! I don't like monopolizing the TV and usually just wait til she goes to bed.
  16. I don't really want to go into too much depth about this show just yet because I think that not too many people have watched it. Really I'd like to discuss favorite episodes and their Live show in NYCity. Have you guys heard of UCB? I'm pretty sure its from the creators (some of at least) of MTV's "the State". But Its just a fantastic sketch comedy show that was on Comedy central for three seasons.
  17. They do have a song on Madden, its the current single. I personally haven't really liked 182, they were just way too much pop for me. I watched some crap special on MTV about them recording the album over a long time and how it was different from their previous style. It sounded pretty good, and I bought it a little while ago. I was pretty disappointed by it, I like it somewhat but its way too polished. It sounds weird, but the type of sound they were going for I think they would do well to have produced it themselves or just not made it so "clean" sounding. Basically it starts to sound completely orchestrated rather than intuitive. "They tried too hard" and spent way too much time analyzing their songs and it shows. Now that I've passed beyond being super-redundant, I still plan to listen to it a bunch more to see if I like it better.
  18. Horrible movie! I thought so at least. I think it was direct to video or just a bad cable B movie. I never made it through the whole thing though, so maybe I missed something but I don't think so. No offense, its just BAD so I don't reccommend people go out and waste three bucks renting it.
  19. Final Fantasy was what i had in mind starting this thread to begin with, mostly because the character design is fantastic. Not all games can or should spend lots of time and money on design like FF does, but it really pays off when they do. Mantis from Metal gear was great! The whole controller switching and memory card/ mind reading part was so original, I don't think anyone has done anything like that before or since.
  20. I saw them live a while back and it was pretty great, I've got two albums but really I think their first was their best. His voice got a little weirder later on, but I like it. Sorry but this post will probably fail miserably...young crowd.
  21. This show is the worst insult to transformers that ever existed! 1. The animation is cheaper than the original show from the 80's. Just watch an episode, the transformers barely move except their mouths. This also helps to make the fight scenes extremely boring. 2. The voice acting is weak, they got great voice actors from Beast Wars to do optimus and Megs, but they don't even work together and have no input on the lines. The vices improve a bit later in the show but are crap compared to Beast wars, where they acted neqarly the same characters. 3. Story? Is there a story? The minicons don't even have real voices. They totally wasted unicron, he was brainless. I never thought that robots in disguise would be better than this show until I watched it. I can't beleive that anyone likes it at all. I know that energon is going to be just as bad too. Beast machines was only good if you had seen all of beast wars, because most of the character development happened in BW. Its an excellent show though, but it needs to be seen in order too, because the storyline in continual.
  22. I borrowed one of their CD's from a friend, I think it was the Aeroplane one. I though it was OK, I liked it a little better after a couple of listens. It was definitely a little too folk, sort of christian rockish? Basically I wouldn't buy it myself because of the guy's voice. I wasn't really a big fan, especially on the first few songs of that particular CD. overall 5 out of 10 I'd give it (not that you asked)
  23. Yeah I liked him from the American show, he's a fun villian, I kinda rooted for him against Kaiba and Yugi. The cheesy snobbish voice actually works well in the show too I think. Also the fact that he's devoted to cartoons, I can relate to that in a less psychopathic way. Tragic villians are always better, I'm glad they told his back story about Cynthia. I bet Yugi would have let him use the millenium item Pegasus was genuine. Mr. Freeze is still the best tragic villian ever though...
  24. I second that! Chick comics are hilarious! There are so many classic strips in there. I have a couple at home, one where it ends with Jesus throwing somebody into a pit of flames. Y'know Jesus really wasn't all about forgiveness, there was a bit of pro-wrestling in him as well. Check out the link for his comics on the first post if you haven't already. Crazy can equal funny.
  25. hmmm. the junkmail filter on Hotmail actually works pretty well for me, After I set it high just about every email I get gets put into junkmail, but it lets you pick the ones from people you know and never sends them to junk again. The only problem there is that you have to look in the junkmail folder to make sure something good didn't get blocked.
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