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Everything posted by satan665
I think I was 14...with the girl that was to be my first girlfriend. Strangely enough its one of the only times that I knew I was feeling the same way as a girl I liked. That is suprisingly hard to do. It was great and not akward at all thankfully. Luckily for me there have been many more of these incidents to speak of. Weird though that most of my gf's names have started with J, including 2 Jill's....
My all time favorite band, Modest mouse, was on an indie label forever and has a big following. For their last full album they signed to Epic (major label). A lot of people I know were disappointed with them for signing to a big label, and also a lot of people said they didn't like it and it sounded too "produced" rather than their more raw sound. I'm torn on it, they want to be on a major label to reach a bigger audience, but I cringe hearing a clip of one of their songs on a minivan commercial. Its kinda like when there is an album you really like, and a single comes out on the radio and they play it to death and you end up skipping it when you listen to the CD. Of course I solve that one by not listening to the radio much. (Outkast "hey ya" is a good example)
I'm not sure if my subject exactly makes sense, but I think you will all know what I'm talking about. Hearing all of Semjazza's bands he likes (cause I haven't heard of 50% of them) reminded me of me and my friends back in the day. We were all big into music, and buying CD's. The funny thing is that we would try to find bands that no one else had heard of, and somehow that was cool. For example: One of my friends bought a suicide machines CD and played it for us, then a week later one of my friends buys the same CD and gets accused of copying teh other kids music taste. The kid was genuinely pissed off! All of us tried to define our identity with bands, and were really protective about what we listened to. Its really silly now thinking about it, why would I not want other people to enjoy a good band? Does anyone else feel protective about music like this, or used to? Its hard to believe that we had such strong feelings about that sort of thing, I think in the one story I gave above it almost came to a fistfight. What other sorts of things are you protective about if not music?
Ugh, i skateboard but when the board leaves the ground I, in turn usually come closer to it. I'm really tired of extreme sports though, they're great if you are actually doing them but I'm really sick of seeing it all over TV. Contests are cool every once in a while, but its too saturated. And Extreme scooter? Isn't that an oxymoron? It was funny on jackass but thats where I'd leave it.
Looking at the whole economics of prison argument is kinda silly considering its a matter of lifa and death. Who cares how much money it costs to imprison someone? I can trust 12 people to decide whether or not someone has commited a crime for the most part, but deciding on the life of a person is sketchy. I think if only one person is killed unjustly then the death penalty should simply be never used. We pretty much know that it has happened also...some people are dead for no reason! You can't write that off. If we want less crowded prisons we should just have treatment programs for drug addicts instead of tossing them in jail. Our prisons are mostly full of people in for drug-related crimes and not murders.
I was very impressed by this game as was everybody, but I couldn't beat the Omega Pirate after my first 5 or so tries and focused more on Zelda. I really have to get back into playing it but I dread fighting him now with my diminished (rusty) abilities. The biggest problem I had was fast switching between the visor and gun settings. My problem is though that I'm a blaster and i like to stand in one spot and unload on stuff, I have to be more tactical. Maybe this post'll inspire me to play tonight and kick his disappearing arse!
US cartoons have way better christmas episodes! My favorite is the Batman animated X-mas episode, it ends with Batman and commisioner gordon having a cup of coffee in a diner (sort of). Plus clayface disguised as three kids robbing a department store, the joker, etc. Whats more christmas than the Joker?
I always likes Axis and allies better than risk, but theyre basically the same game. Axis just takes even longer to play out. Each territory had a specific number of infantry, tanks, planes, etc. and it took about an hour to set up. Everybody wanted to be the US, too because you were pretty safe from invasion as the USA. The best thing I figured out to do is be Germany and attack Russia on the first turn of the game. You could usually wipe out one of their most heavily armed territories before they reinforced it, and you'd be one place away from Moscow. It usually went back and forth from there, but you had to attack before they fortified even more. The UK was the hardest to use because you have only an island and a few scattered troops in africa. You were basically screwed unless the guy being the USA would send troops over to Africa to help.
Thank the lord they started to show the episodes in one block! I couldn't handle one day a week with three-parter episodes.
I sort of agree with you on the Manson album, I was a little more disappointed with it. I don't think it holds up well against the last two. He moved away from the NIN influence which was a great thing, but now the music is kinda tired, like boring versions of the songs on the last two. I also finally got absolution and was impressed! BRMC also good but not the best. My picks: Serafin: no push collide cool UK band, i actually heard a song from playing Madden 2004. Its got a lot of emotion, kinda like MUSE, but no piano's. Foo Fighters: their new album is great, pretty straight forward and a lot louder than their last few albums where they started playing mainly slower songs. Sorry, two sentences is all I could muster. Really I've been listening to a lot of older stuff thats new to me!
as Andy is the real name, naturally I have been called: "pants" as well as prof. pants. Also andronicus and "hey you!" seems to be the most popular for people I don't know. Oh yeah and "the sock" in some circles. Really though I am blessed to be one of the people who gives nicknames that stick really well and last for years. Some of the best ones that have lasted a long time have been "Ham hands", "weasel", "the old man" and "f-pac" (this guy who religously wears a fanny pack)
They always throw out DBZ and YUgi as covers because they are the most generally popular series' (Have the biggest name recognition for newcomers) But yeah, I was a little worried about GO, but it seems kinda compelling. Manga has really captured the spirit of competition well, with all of the game and sports related manga. I can't wait to see him have the first match!
Transformers and GIJOE, by far! Transformers is pretty simple when you watch it now, but was a great show. It had a lot of action but nobody really ever got hurt permanently in it. It also dealt with the ever pertinent "human hating" issues as well as robot vs. robot rivalry. All in all it is a great tool for learning when watched by youngsters. From a scientific perspective, kids could learn all about the harnessing of energy into "energon cubes" which is the main power source of our time. To help kids be more creative in a literary sense, the writers added lines like, "I wanna cruch those decepti-creeps" and also called them "decepti-bums" and "decepti-fools". You can always count on a good "transform and roll out" too, which is very motivational.
PETA is too extreme, and it tends to blurr out any of the good points they have. I'm vegetarian and big into animal rights myself, but I accept that it is very normal to eat animals. The world will never be full of vegetarians. The problem is that animals are being horribly mistreated in many cases. They are a source of life for us and should be given some respect. That is why i personally am a vegetarian. Animals used in mass food production are treated like non-living things, like 6 chickens in a tiny space are ever going to get along with each other so they get their beaks cut off. If that kind of thing didn't happen and if the animals weren't full of odd growth hormones I would probably eat meat again. Food production is done in a purely economical sense, and thus the animals and environment are not respected at all. Thats why cutting down rainforest in Brazil for cattle land happens, its cheap and they can sell it to the US. Chickens are fed hormones which end up causing arsenic byproducts in their feces. Huge chicken farms are a huge source of arsenic pollution, and some of that is also sold as fertilizer. Food companies get away with this sort of thing because not too many people know about it, we get food from the store all ready for us without having to consider any of these things. Anyway I could go on for a long time about this stuff, basically I say try to understand these issues even if you don't want to be a vegetarian or anything like that. A few people not eating meat is more of a personal decision rather than something that will change the world. People just need to be more educated about the issues so they can make their own decisions.
I used to be back in high school, though i Did always like the more rock-oriented industrial music. The Front bands were good, I was big into Chemlab and Hate Department, KMFDM and some of the obvious bands. My music tastes have changed quite a bit since then, I don't really listen to any of those CD's anymore. I guess I'm more into "indie" rock now. Are there any good newer industrial bands out lately? It was always hard to find new bands because that genre is kinda dead to pop culture.
Oh, man this is the best thing in the universe! I only remembered the first verse of Cold Slither, the song that the Dreadnoks used with subliminal messages to get kids to join Cobra! It is by far one of the best GIJOE episodes ever! I'm going to copy this song to a CD and learn it on my Guitar and Bass, I think I already have the Bass line figured out because its much easier. All Joe fans must go and listen to this at Joeheadquarters.com, they also have the music for the theme songs. [url]http://www.joeheadquarters.com/lyricscoldslither.shtml[/url] The songs are at the bottom of the page!
I say KC loses in the AFC championship game, I think the Patriots might go back this year, or the Titans. I was really hopeful of the Bills this year, but their Offense is a joke. Dallas doesn't have enogh Offense to make it all the way, the Vikings are crashing... I'd like to see Carolina, but its morelikely to bethe Rams or Eagles unless one of them really messes up.
STP has broken up tons of times, mostly because Scott Weiland is a huge crackhead. I don't mind though, they went downhill after their songs stopped starting with "I am". Seriously though, half of the songs on the first two albums (only good ones) started with "I am"
Hey big props! I always wanted to do that to some of the fools back in high school. They're all still in the same town and graduates of community college now, so I think they got just punishment.
Ok, so I'm a fan of the Medal of Honor games on playstation. If you've never played them its just a first person shooter set during WWII. In the newest game, Rising Sun, you play in the war against Japan. I started to think about it because Playstation is Japanese creation, but basically do you think that Japanese people knw about the game? MOH is made by an American developer and I'm almost certain that they will never market the game in Japan, but essentially you are killing "Japs" and could be demonizing the Japanese. I don't think that it was anyones intention to paint the Japanese in a bad light, but they are a classic game enemy in MOH, and could be thought of that way. So if there are Gamers in the states that love imports, could there be Japanese gamers looking to play MOH? Wouldn't it be weird to play a game where the goal is to kill soldiers of your country? I think with all of the PS2 owners there has got to be someone in Japan who will have played this game. Weird idea, but a great game...you can unlock interviews with real WWII vets for each mission, its very touching. What do you all think?, sorry its not just a question about needing in-game help or something.
I grew up in Buffalo, NY and I miss the snow quite a bit. It only rains here in Oregon. Everything else is much better though. Western NY is really depressing, Buffalo and Rochester at least. I will never live there again by choice.
Grr...Stupid army I think I'm gonna need a hug
satan665 replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Hey, on a lighter note did you get the military intelligence line from the Megadeth song Hangar 18? I feel for you though, hopefully things will have calmed down in Iraq a little by then, -
She meant the Hippocratic oath, which all doctors take. Basically just a code of ethics, and if they think you will harm yourself or others then confidentiality can be broken. Suicide is illegal because if it wasn't then police wouldn't be able to stop someone from committing suicide. I don't think you can go to jail for it.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were actually native americans left to spend and celebrate thanksgiving with? Then it would really mean something.