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Everything posted by satan665

  1. There was once a time when I really hated being late to a movie because I always wanted to see the previews. Now they kinda irritate me. 1) commercials: The only movie theatre where I live that doesn't show TV commercials before the previews is the little independent movie theatre. Really it is starting to get silly the amount of commercials before the previews. I am getting used to an average of five commercials before the previews start! 2) bad previews: Almost every movie seems to have the same two guys narrating the preview, those guys must be rich. But worse than that is the super-fast editing technique, where they cut between scenes super fast so everything looks exciting. That is the number 1 thing that makes me want to see a movie less and less every time I see the preview. Also have you seen movies that looked horrible when you see the preview, but end up watching it sometime anyway and they're actually good. Signs and Unbreakable are two good examples for me. 3)Good previews: The 28 days later one was excellent (just showed some of the opening scene) What do you all think? Still love the previews? Hate em? show up late to avoid them? And what do you think are some of the cooloest previews? (sorry about all the ranting)
  2. They actually wrap up the end of the first movie in this weird montage in the FF1 DVD. It doesn't have Vin in it though. I'm a huge fan of these movies, even though they are a little cheesy. I though the second movie had way better driving scenes. The previews made it look stupid with all of the CG parts, but they didn't look nearly as akward in the flow of the movie.
  3. This really is an important topic, but I think that a lot of what is being said boils down to angsty, cheap remarks. You really can't justify human-caused extinctions of animals so easily. It is a moral issue that probably doesn't need to have religion play a part specifically. Problem is that a large number of species are killed for no good reason. Under-intelligent people in asia kill tigers because they think they can harvest some aphrodesiac from them? Is there really any good reason for people to get ivory by killing elephants? Some of the things we do is plain foolish. Why its not OK to lose species like they are nothing is called biological diversity. It truly is important for the human existence. Population is a problem, albeit locally. The US doesn't worry too much about overpopulation, nor do a lot of economically well off areas. It is pretty much proven that poorer and less educated people have more children. It creates a cycle in nations that are not well off (Ethiopia, etc.). Not to mention that people are settled in areas with little agricultural resources. Our government sends food aid, and they become dependent on it. Thats a problem as well except who could sit back and watch them starve if we have tons of food to share. Basically there are no easy answers, but I would start with education. (oh and Drix's survival of the fittest ideas are really really foolish, just to be catty)
  4. Yes by far the best manga ever is Blade of the Immortal. Lately it is getting even more gruesome, but the storyline and characters are fantastic. It has the best art style of any manga or american comic I read. I just think its leagues above other manga. Ok, I'll stop gushing. GTO is second best, and then there are whole lot of manga that are close. Ranma 1/2, S-cry-ed, Naruto and Iron wok Jan are some of my favorites. I'm turing into a real manga freak lately, but I also read a lot of american comics. Powers, 100 bullets and the new transformers comics I highly reccommend!
  5. Hey by any chance does anyone know a level in Mutation which is good for finding piney apples? I have such a hard time finding them. Thanks!
  6. You guys know that these cards are out now right? I just bought two packs at walmart. I don't follow the cards too closely but I had no idea what "union" monsters were. Luckily I got two matching sets of them instead of having one useless card. I've been trying to curb my buying so I didn't get too many cards / any secret cards.
  7. I think that all the things in Big O that they steal from Batman are very intentional. The creator was a big fan of batman and superman US animated series'. There's even reporters in the one episode that look exactly like Lois and Jimmy from superman. You are supposed to notice these things. I thought it was cheesy at first since I love Batman, but I kinda think its funny now. Roger = Bruce Wayne
  8. satan665


    I like it (average) but the plot comes really slowly. It takes a while to make sense of it which makes it less watchable inbetween action scenes. I still like it though, its got me hooked after seeing an episode with an old Russian who committed genocide but eventually turned into a nice old man with a cat. That was a great episode!
  9. Sure music has meaning on its own, but I grew up with rock music, not classical. Lyrics add depth. I think both are important because I like to listen to music actively and not casually. I guess different people listen to music for different reasons, but some sytles of music would be nothing without lyrical content. Rap is all about content, and would be really pointless for the most part if you couldn't understand it. Great bands like Radiohead sound great musically, but are truly amazing because of their lyrics. I guess in pop music the lyrics are usually all cliche or meaningless, so I can understand pop music fans liking J-pop. (this is so of topic)
  10. I think maybe you are just so caught up with the idea of him, that you are losing focus. Basically you are thinking too much about him and not nearly enough about whats going on around you. It understandable but I think it is just making you clumsy. I do believe in Bad luck and Karma a little, but I don't think that you have it in this case!
  11. I agree a little, I think there are way too many revival shows and not nearly enough new ideas. Its hard to find good non-anime cartoons though so I'll take what I can get.
  12. I don't have the third game yet, and am playing through mutation now. What i am noticing is that they really should have made .Hack one game or maybe two at best. They aren't really that long even if you play through thouroghly, and there aren't any big in game differences. Remember Final fantasy on PS1? They had four disc games! I think having .Hack as four games is half concept and half marketing.
  13. This is for all of the He-Man fans! Are there any He-Man fans? He-Man is one of my favorite shows from my childhood, and also one of the best re-make cartoons of the 80's liscences. There is going to be finally some new episodes coming of the new show on CN, and I'm really excited about it. By far my favorite episode of the new show was the introduction of Stink-OR, the villian who has no powers except that he smells bad. It is a really fantastic episode. I still have an original toy of stinkor and I think it may be the only action figure to have a smell. It still smells pretty strongly to this day. Every time I open the box he is in I get a wave of his stink. Anybody else a fan of the new or old He-man cartoons? I don't remember too much about the old ahow anymore. Favorite episodes? Anyone have the toys for the new show?
  14. How can you really get into the music without being able to understand what they are saying? I assume that most of us cannot understand a lot of Japanese, am I wrong? I can only appreciate Japanese music a little when i watch the super-silly music videos on International channel. There was this one song where they used the music from ghostbusters though, it was pretty fantastic. I would like to have that music if just for the novelty of it.
  15. satan665


    Name: Andy Age:22 (darn, not the oldest) (still a pretty big loser) Hair: Red Beard, Brown Hair, now is blonde because of a series of events that were very frustrating Eyes: Blue/Grey Height: 5' 11'' (just too short!! just need one more inch, but sadly I'm more likely to start shrinking) Wardrobe: A confused mass of colorful clothes including way too many T-shirts and absolutely no dress clothes. I do have a bright orange suit jacket though.... Personality: umm...I like to give people a lot of sass, and used to be shy but not no more Hair style: Had long hair for like seven years (reverse mullet) until a couple of weeks ago. Now a short home-cut hack job. Music: "indie" rock such as modest mouse, Serafin, Radiohead, ..and you will know us by the trail of dead, Jets to brazil, Jeff Buckley, At the drive in, Pete Yorn, Muse, mogwai, cub country..... Hobbies: Transformers, action figures, comics and manga comics, TV, Guitar (and Bass), Mad video games and mountain biking (except mine got stolen)
  16. Hey, can one of you fortunate who caught the episode give me a rundown of what happened in a post with spoiler tags or on a PM? I am so pissed that I missed it, and they started showing smallville beginnings on Sunday!!! If you do I will be your best friend forever!!
  17. It will probably come out on the same timetable as the PS2 harddrive (saracasm). Really, though this thing is coming out and there's the N-gage but I really like the simplicity of the Game boy. I don't really want a videogame/cell phone/DVD player.
  18. I'm a huge fan of the show, and I was waiting for it to come on but had a brain lapse and missed the first 25 minutes! Are they replaying it on sunday like they used to? Does anybody know? I'm so pissed that I missed it.
  19. Sorry Babygirl, I am a chemist, not a photographer. The photo school there is really cool though. Really the whole art program at RIT is the schools saving grace because the art students are primarily the only interesting people to make friends with. The thing is though that the president of RIT wants to get rid of the art programs and focus on engineering and sciences. He's such a fool!
  20. When you dream about you and Kenshin, are you yourself or are you an animated version of yourself? Or do you make kenshin a real human in your dreams? I'm just curious because it sounds weird to be side by side with a 2D character.
  21. It should never be a problem if you are surrounded by people that aren't interested in anime, just don't talk about TV. Anime is great and all, but if you are watching TV, talking about TV, thinking about TV characters that crazy glowing box is going to dominate your personality. Basically there should be plenty of other things to talk about and if all you want to talk about is anime then you are pretty obsessed. Also if someone only watched anime on CN, they still can be considered pretty knowledgable about anime since CN has gotten tons of shows in the past few years.
  22. Cool, I tried twice and have both times gotten a noble grunty. Impressive enough that it has one of the silliest voices in the game so far. This game really has some strange voices. Anyway, is it worth doing? Do you get anything cool if you give Elk aromatic grass?
  23. Hey does anybody know about how to get aromatic grass? Elk and Mia always ramble on and on about it. Is there a level that has it in .Hack/Sign?
  24. I've got a question for you all. In the near beginning of the game you come across the man with #2 on his arm, presumably the second clone. He has a tiny little house and I remember that Aeris tells you to help heal him. Is there anything that happens with this character? They make it seem kinda important, like you are supposed to do something but can't. Is this just a dead end?
  25. Oh the University of Oregon I am at presently, and I graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology a year ago. UO has a lot more school spirit, everyone in this little town (eugene, OR) is a UO-ducks fan. Its kinda wacky. I don't really feel like a part of the school so much because I am in grad school. Its a whole different experience which is much more like having a job. At least i don't have a nagging boss though.
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