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Everything posted by satan665

  1. Really, character differences aside the show really was running out of ideas how to make new and stronger villians. I think Baby in GT is just like Buu also, besides a few differences in personality. By that time DB is REALLY running out of ideas. I mean if you can absorb other fighters and regenerate if you're destroyed what else do you really need? Cell and Buu are pretty much the same idea made for different characters.
  2. What kind of Manga/anime is it? is it about teenagers lives, robots, powered up humans? Maybe I should just read it in the bookstore to check it out.
  3. That is one really cool movie. It would have been so much more popular, but it happened to be about gun violence right about the time that one of the big school shooting happened. My friend Brian had seen it and wanted to buy a copy and it was nearly impossible to find (this was a couple of years ago) because the only place that sold it was blockbuster. It was like the movie was blacklisted or something. Its not even about kids shooting each other. The Irish are always angry, they should know to leave movies alone. Anyway the movie is great and the scene with the toilet is priceless. There really were some good shootout movies out around that time. Have you ever seen Ghostdog?
  4. satan665


    Theres a part where the da dresses up as Lupin also that is pretty funny. I think Gainax really likes to have projects that push boundaries a little or a lot. Especially story-wise. The best part was the confusing end to Evangelion, then they did the movie ending because so many people complained and wanted to know what was going on. I watched it and was still so confused with the adam/Ayanami stuff and the Lance and all that weird crap. I still don't get it but I liked it anyway. Thats Gainax!
  5. If you're in high school you pretty much are guaranteed to be depressed, I think that it is just normal that way. It seems lonely because most people who have problems or are depressed don't show it outwardly to everyone. This kinda makes it hard to relate even though chances are that most of the people you know get sad about stuff pretty consistently. Then what you have to do is go to college where you can pretty much find only people you are compatable with and make good friends. When you are dating, or single you will no doubt get depressed about girls or boys but its totally normal. Thats my experience anyway. Things look better no matter what at 22 compared to 17 years old. Its all about perspective and realizing that your situation is not permanent, things are always changing in your life and will get better eventually. Girls are always greif, but they can make you damn happy too...that idea works for a lot of situations.
  6. Clerks was such a great cartoon. They were actually showing it on comedy central a couple of months ago. The show was so completely doomed to fail though. They showed two episodes out of order. The one that they showed of them locked in the freezer was full of flashbacks to another episode before it which of course never aired. If that wasn't bad enough it was aired on ABc which was disney owned. The scene where they showed the Korean animators being whipped by a huge mouse didn't go over too well (as was the rumor). A fine couple of episodes though.
  7. satan665

    Madden 2004

    I just bought it yesterday and played some preseason games. The game is really good. I had gotten really used to madden 03, and this one is a worthwhile improvement. You can be the owner of your team and hire assistants and coaches and set the prices for concessions and all kinds of crazy details. In the last madden I was playing at all-pro level in the end and winning, but on pro in this game I throw a lot of interceptions. I think I need to find a new playbook.....anyway its really good and as addicting as ever. There are also a lot more character animations so the tackles look a lot better than before.
  8. Has anyone seen this last episode? It was so very bizarre...and then they made it seem like not only was the last episode all acted, but the bunch of takes with Ozzy trying to say the line to Jack. Was the whole show all made up? It made me feel stupid for watching it myself. What do you think of the season finale? was the whole show all staged to mess with us? I'm not sure that it could be, but I am really confused about it.
  9. satan665

    The OC

    I think that show should be on in the morning with the other soap operas. I don't mind watching really trashy television, but I couldn't handle this one. There has to be some redeeming value. Uck!
  10. I think that the older style animation at this point really sets it apart. It fits in so well with the goofiness of the show. It is also really well translated. I still worry when new shows come out that are comedies that it will end up with lines like the ones out of dragonball z. Man though, did you guys see the episode with the women at the spring who tried to turn them into old men? I cant believe they showed so many boobies in that one. Adult swim for sure.
  11. Don't the Final fantasy actual pairings always kinda frustrate you? I always want to be able to have some say in which characters get together in those games. Maybe FF12 will allow us to chose those paths.... Ok howabout Jet and Faye from Bebop? That would be so whacky. she is older than him technically.
  12. hey does anybody here read Blade? It is by far my favorite comic ever and it got me started into reading manga and watching more anime. It is about a ronin who was "cursed" to be immortal, which he says he will be able to die after killing 1000 evil men. He winds up protecting a young girl (Rin) who is not a particularly strong swordswoman who is seeking revenge against the man who slaughtered her family. Its B/W comic which is amazingly and realistically drawn. There ar also some really brutal battles, since the main character (Manji) cannot be killed even if limbs are chopped off. If you can handle mad violence it is the best comic. Its not pointless killing either, the story and characters are great. If any of you are reading blade already, do you think that Rin and Anotsu are going to fight soon? It seems to be what its building to. I just want to find some Blade fans to chat with. If you're interested check out my page (satan665)
  13. Is it possible that this could be solved, and in a non-violent way with stinkbombs? Borrowing CD's will become sooooo not worth it if it results in a stink-bombing
  14. I've only seen the first DVD of the english release, but I've also heard that it gets way better (the anime)
  15. Hey is anybody out there reading the sCRYed manga or watching the anime? I have just become a huge fan of the manga. Its slightly X-men like, with humans born with super powers (alters) and has really cool character designs. The anime is a lot cheesier than the manga so personally I would suggest reading it first and not buying the anime. There are three volumes out now so far and I'm just itching for more. What do you guys think of it? and are there other series' that you really like the manga better than the anime? Satan665
  16. The first episode came in the last issue of Newtype (with evangelion on the cover) I liked it and it was pretty funny, but not really exceptional enough to actually go out and buy it. Maybe if there's nothing else on your plate. I am really lucky enough to have anime rentals at my comic store for $1.50. I think its the only good thing about moving to Eugene, OR.
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