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Everything posted by satan665

  1. [QUOTE=Silpheed][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Personally, I'd rather not see them merge because I'm an avid fan of EB (And friends with the whole crew here in our EB), and our GameStop here is over-priced and the staff is just plain dumb about games, honestly, I mean, I hate to admit a videogame store staff being stupid but they are. The staff at *our* GameStop has no clue what a videogame is, not literally but you know what I mean. Whenever I go in there and ask questions about videogames, more just to see if they've improved than anything else, I get retarded responses pointing me towards getting rather horrible games, but when I go to EB I get competent responses and they tell me what I need to hear rather than what I want to hear, besides, EB just has better customer base. That just my personal opinion. ~Silpheed, gamer for life.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] The gamestop I've been to locally really stinks, I wonder if they make a habit of hiring non-informed staff. EB games always has a good game nerd to tell you about the game you're buying and talk intelligently about it. Maybe Gamestop just hires any old teenager who might not even play games much. Who knows? I've always liked EB games, its been around a long time and is usually the best store to go to for slightly more rare games. I avoid Walmart and Best Buy if I can, I have irrational hatred towards them.
  2. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom] On the Green Day note, yes I've had to sit through the album, and I'm sorry, but it truly annoys me. Then again, this is coming an avid guitar player who's favorite bands are Children of Bodom and In Flames, where mind-boggling instrument skill and musical ability is the focus - so naturally, I wouldn't like a band like Green Day. Hey, they're all just opinions anyway! Like I said at the beginning of my post, I was being an opinionated a**hole. [/QUOTE] Good to see someone else that knows of Children of Bodom. I just started listening to them recently, but I'm suprised that they aren't more well known. My friend who turned me on to them saw them open for a couple of Metal acts and people really hated them. Yet they liked Fear Factory? That qualifys as underrated I suppose. Ugh, I mentioned Bodom in my post (#12), but that was quite a few back
  3. I think it was described more as Gamestop was buying EB games. Its probably not a good thing per se for us. I don't imagine a drastic change, but less competition ususally lends itself to higher prices. I could only see that affecting used games though. They are pretty much mall franchises too, so if any malls have both of them (I know of one) some people are likely to lose jobs.
  4. [QUOTE=Charles] And, satan665, all the levels from Twisted Metal: Head On aren't new. From what I've heard many are remade versions of Twisted Metal 2 levels.[/QUOTE] Well, I've played a lot of Twisted Metal 2, and I can say that the levels in head on are pretty much brand new. There are a few levels that are similar, but not that much. I've only played through the game with one character so far (in head on) and none of the levels are recognizable. I may have missed one or two levels from when they give you the choice between two, but that wouldn't mean much. If they're remade versions of TM2 levels, then they are completely remade, and the graphic look more like TM: Black. The game actually plays a lot like TM2 with regards to car control and ramming, but less sloppy spiral turns in mid air. So if you like Twisted Metal games, this feels like a sequel more than a remake. The levels really are new, and there are some new cars too.
  5. Samurai Champloo will be coming to Adult swim in May, along with Scryed and a few others.
  6. I'm not sure how those games are really educational, maybe just historical? In that sense maybe puzzle games could be considered educational, since they teach problem solving? I think there should be more truly educational games (spelling, math games). What better way could there be to convince parents to get videogames for their kids. "Now Timmy, you have to play 1 hour of Spelling Armageddon for every half hour of GTA you can play!"
  7. [quote name='triforcelad][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]The PSP has better graphics, but that is the only thing it has over DS. The music and movies thing is coming to the clamshell. In Japan, there is something called Play-Yan that will act as a music and movie player. The ds has better control, games, (Castlevania DS?) and will soon be wi-fi internet capable FREE.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Well neither one of them has a whole lot of games out right now, and I would say PSP is going to have just as many good games as DS by looking at projected releases. PSP has better graphics, which will allow some games that are not usually hand held type games to look and play well on the PSP. Nintendo DS is going to have more innovative games with the touch screen. Its all personal preference since both systems are really cool, but for different reasons. There's no sense in having some kind of vendetta against PSP, just enjoy your DS.
  8. [quote name='Krycifer']This has to be the best Gamecube game so far!This game is incredible.Another good thing is the inventory system.Its better being able to carry more things.Buying weapons from the merchant is also fun in a way.Me and my friend are currently trying to beat the giant ogre.But if antone can give me a tip on an easy way to beat him it would really help.Me and my friend use the TMP and sniper rifle.Is this a good strategy or a bit stupid.But putting all that aside this is a great game I recomend playing this game if your a Resident Evil fan.But why put it only for Gamecube if it's coming out for the Playstation 2?[/quote] If you haven't managed it already, the shotgun is a better option than the TMP. Actually just don't bother with the TMP at all. If you can do it, aim for the ogre's head for every shot. You will beat it a lot easier that way. Use the rifle when you are far away and the shotgun when close. Handgun if you run out of ammo.
  9. Thinks I have said (paraphrase) 1. The PSP is waaaay too expensive, especially with the games going for $40. Spending $250 is silly for a hand held. 2. I don't really play hand held games very much, so there's no sense in me picking up a DS or PSP if I'm only going to play it on airplane rides. Things I have done: Bought a PSP on Saturday, along with Lumines and Twisted Metal: Head on (Metal Gear Acid is sold out everywhere except online). I don't really know what I was thinking, but when I got to play around with the PSP in Circuit City (they let you check it out at customer service) it was so slick I needed it. The screen is utterly fantastic, looks better than my TV except that its small. Its actually pretty decent sized as far as screens go for hand held games. I absolutely love it. The interface for the PSP is really cool, its exactly like a computer from the future that you see in movies. The games come in shrunken down DVD cases, and the actual games themselves are tiny discs in a case that you pop in the PSP. Lumines is a cool game, pretty analogous to Tetris in gameplay and addictiveness. It plays crazy electronic music and words and images flash on the screen on certain levels (skins). Twisted Metal plays really well on the PSP, with graphics pretty close to the PS2 version. It has a couple of new cars and a bunch of classics, and all of the levels are new. The levels are really huge too, which feels odd in a handheld game. For these two games at least the load times are fine, nothing better or worse than any other console system. Really I don't know why I bough the thing, but I'm really happy I did. Hey, money is meant to be spent, right?
  10. [quote name='Bloodseeker']Fully upgrading Tidus' legendary weapon is FFX. That chocobo race was easily the most frustrating videogame experience that I've ever had. And its the reason why won't try to collect everything in that game again.[/quote] Seriously. I tried and tried and never managed to win that race to get the weapon upgrades. I was going to say personally that dodging 100 lightning bolt blasts in a row on the Thunder Plains was the most evil thing I ever did. I think that they were jusy trying to make the most impossible challenges in FFX as extras so that the RPG freaks couldn't get 100% completion very easily. Why did I go so far as to even do that sort of thing I ask myself now?
  11. Does anyone know anything more about the story than the basic rival factions spielyousee on the website? I guess the game is pretty close to actually coming out, so I can wait, but I'm awful curious. Also, whats the deal with the bonus "controller armor" thing? What is controller armor, some sort of stylish cover?
  12. This game seems to be right up my alley. It looks like it has the same style and similar gameplay as Nocturne based on the screens. I'm all about demons and devouring too, can't get enough of that stuff. I'm going to have to try and finish up Devil May Cry 3 so I can get this one up and going. I'm glad that it is going to be more character focused than Nocturne. I really liked the way Nocturne played, but I still like the older Final Fantasy stlye games with parties of characters to interact with. It should be a nice touch for this series overall.
  13. [QUOTE=Meggido]well I only recently got Soul Calibur 2 on GCN of course as it has Link and think it is a great game. Anyway if they do release a third it's disapointing that it's not on multiple systems as it means they won't be having special characters again. Is it just me or does that bottom left pic in the scan look like Lulu from FFX? If they are going to include one or more FF characters in soul Calibur 3 it would be awesome.[/QUOTE] It would have to be a mexican-fiesta version of lulu, and she would probably be the worst character to include just because she is a terrible fighter. The special characters included in the games are always cool, especially since the big lisence games which have cool characters tend to stink (DBZ Budokai). If they make the create-a-character thing really well you can make ripoff's of favorite FF characters or something? really creating a fighting game character would be cool, but hard to make unless you just copy one of the in-game fighting styles. Its a tough balance between making it too hard to make your own fighting style or just copying someone elses. Create a weapon would be even more fun; don't worry about the fighter but to be able to make cool weapons would be excellent. Guitar shaped axe!!!
  14. Thats really retarded, Soul Calibur 2 was a great game, and the series is one of the most fun fighting games. The only disappointment about it was the PS2 version that had a lame Tekken character when they could have snagged someone really cool like a FFX Auron or something. That being said I'm definitely excited about 3, the characters and weapons are always cool, and if they seem to think that they need to step it up in terms of innovation then more than likely the game will be pretty cool. The lady in green is pretty naked too and that will never hurt.
  15. I started one out of pure curiosity, and didn't really figure anyone would read it and I would just have a type of rambling journal. Strangely enough people seem to read what I write there and comment which is strangely gratifying. Its nice to have a pseudo-community from otakuboards so that you can get people randomly checking out your site. I try to keep my friends list on MyO down to very very few people and just read and post on their sites as often as possible. Otakuboards is a nice filter where you can pretty much judge by someones posts whether or not you should bother with checking their blog. It is super easy to do as well, I have my own webspace and it takes a ton of time and effort to get going with. You can personalize MyO sites without much effort, and get people to check it out sometimes just by posting on their blogs. Usually if someone drops a comment I'll head over to their sites. Also on my personal website I would like to make a blog out of it, but aren't too savvy with the technology so it might be a long time coming. You can compare the two sites and see that I post on MyO a lot more. I like the style of my site better though and the ability to alter it in any way I want except its limited by what I'm capable of. [URL=http://uoregon.edu/~arobak]My site[/URL] [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/users/satan665/]MyOtaku site[/URL]
  16. I think that I'm probably in the minority (on these boards at least) in saying that I liked the cartoony wind waker style better than the "realistic" style. Maybe its because I never owned a N64 and didn't play much of those games? They all have the childish aspects to them, but I thought that the visuals for WW were perfect for Zelda, and I hope that they make another game in that style some day. I don't dislike the way the new one looks, but I'm not too excited about it either. The only thing that I know it will have that will be better than the Wind Waker is going to be the world to wander around in. My only problem with WW was that there weren't any big islands to explore. It was fun to go island hopping, but it would have been even better to have at least a little more land. Also I hope the new game gets away from the Ganon, save Zelda formula. It doesn't necessarily need to have a brand new villian, but it would be nice if it were a little different than the same old magic swords and silver arrows. We'll see I guess.
  17. I'mnot really familiar with the genre name, but to add to it I have heard of Children of Bodom, which is a great band. They don't use classical instruments or anything, but have keyboard/organ music backing upsomre pretty great guitar and cookie monster vocals. Do you mean that they play with a real Symphony backing them?
  18. It was Suikoden that has the 108 playable characters, though mostly the challenge is in finding and recruiting them. I think that when they start adding more than 4 or 5 characters to a RPG, its ok as long as they make an effort to let you use all of them. I hate it when I like all of the characters, but have a hard time keeping all of them in the game. Final Fantasy 7 was like that for me. Even though the characters you didn't use still leveled, you didn't get their limit breaks and they were less useful. FFX was much better since they let you switch on the fly. I think that if you get a ton of characters you should be able to divide up into more than one party. That would be fun, to be able to send one party to the dungeon and the other to wait outside and guard, or secure an escape route. Play with the timeline a little.
  19. satan665


    Beck always seems to be a low priority for me, and thus I fall into the category of having heard all of the singles but never own an album. Beck always seemed a little too goofy to get into, but that might be a bad impression of his sound (I don't know). I probably should look into Beck some more, I might just like it. Whats a good album to use as a starting point?
  20. Anime series' in America seem to be doing pretty well, if solely the work of adult swim. Fox and the WB have a big problem since they take kids shows from Japan and bring them over here to be kids shows. Kids in Japan watch more interesting stuff though, and its not super-protected and conservative. I think the Japanese kids shows probably are watched by kids 7-18+ too, and don't translate well into our standards for childrens TV. They really do get some goofy voices, its tough to watch. Cartoon Network is great since every couple of months they pull out a new show or two which have been getting better and better. FullMetal is pretty good, along with new episodes of the staples like Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho. The other networks I either can't get (Anime Network) or would have to pay too much for (G4). My biggest problem is that its hard to find new Anime series' that aren't on TV. There's not really a good source for information on Japanese shows, and I'm not really into the download scene. Newtype is pretty useless since they stopped giving DVD's out because they will tell you every single show coming out is great. I don't know, maybe you guys know a good source?
  21. This game is excellent. I never played the second due to the bad reviews, but own the first game which I was moderately happy with. The new DMC 3 blows it away so far though. Personally I find it to be a pretty tough game. I have to fight every natural urge I have to just run up and start pounding away on the bosses until they die. It really forces you to figure out good ways to beat them (clever ways). Also what I think is a big improvement is that when you are up against the regular enemies there is always more than 3 or 4 of them. It adds a sense of chaos where you need to keep moving and not get complacent. Even with the amount of times I have died in the game its just as fun to blast through the enemies leading up to the bosses. Also you now have the ability to switch between guns with just pressing L2, and switch between main weapons with R2. You get more orbs and health items if you build up style points while fighting (from not repeating combos and not getting hit) and one of the best ways I've found to do that is switch weapons on the fly. Even without much trouble you can knock someone up in the air with the sword, float him up there some more with ebony and ivory, then let him fall and finish him off before he hits the ground with the nunchaku. Its not really even a difficult move to pull off. If you like action games you have to at least rent this one.
  22. This is definitely one of my favorite animes. I bought the collection on the cheap from Hong Kong. It truly does go by very slowly, the pacing is pretty non-traditional for anime. I just thought that is was very touching and cute. There is a lot of character development, and if you stick through it you are rewarded greatly. If you can find a place to rent the discs its probably a safer move since its surely not for everyone. I'd say the second half of the series is some of the best anime I've seen. Its kind of like an art-house film but definitely give it a shot.
  23. Hmm, didn't really know this thread existed. I recently got into a couple of new series', the intimates, Invincible. Love of the walking dead got me to try out Invincible since its Kirkman and I'm pretty glad I did. Its only up to #20 so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up. I've also been on a Mike Allred kick ever since I picked up a couple of Red Rocket 7 books. It makes sense to, being that he lives in town and goes to the comic book store I bought them from. I popped on eBay and won the full run of Allred X-Force through X-Statix for cheap. I have a few X-statix issues but its hard to get into one at a time and much more rewarding to read the trades. I love Batman, but the art hasn't been too good lately and I dropped all but Batman, which I hope picks up. The Azzarello,Risso run spoiled me as far as Batman goes. Anyone read Blade of the Immortal? Its my absolute favorite comic for art and story. It would be hard to jump in now near issue 100, but it keeps getting better and better. Highest recommendations.
  24. [QUOTE=Charles][CENTER][IMG]http://img173.exs.cx/img173/5572/shup1tg.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] I honestly don't mind when he references class lessons if he thinks it's going to flesh out his argument more. lol I'd say that it's even more silly to post a disrespectful jab at those who are putting major effort into having a deep discussion even if you don't agree with the tactics being used. If everyone adopted your philosophy, there wouldn't be a need for a forum in the first place because we would all be just playing the games instead of discussing them. And, really, the most enjoyable part about seeing a film or movie is discussing it after it's over. If you want to apply the knowledge you've acquired through class (if it's relevant to the discussion) then I don't see a problem. It's certainly not garbage either. [/QUOTE] Sure mine was pretty much a brainless post, but the arguement about this game or RE in general isn't going anywhere. It seems like everyone likes the game, but its getting really nitpicky. Azurewolf played RE4 with a different style than Siren and they never were going to agree about the knife and that was fine. I just think that something so subjective being argued for so long is getting pointless. Also looking back on the first resident evil is going to be biased because they made us so sick of running around looking for keys etc by putting it in four games without much change. The first game was atmospheric and scary at the time, maybe mostly because nobody had done anythig like that. Graphics and sound were never good enough on console games to make anything scary before the PS1 era systems. Only after RE2 were we all sick of the crappy control, jump out scares and weird camera because it never improved. It was good while it lasted. Yeah, and you smell!
  25. Holy overanalysis Batman! Its good to see posts about good games last this long, but do you really think about all this garbage you learned in some class every time you play RE4 or other videogames? Have fun and play.
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