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Everything posted by satan665

  1. I actually haven't finished it yet, but I'd like to comment on a few things you said (Charles). I actually did use the combat knife a few times pretty well. As long as the villiagers didn't have weapons you can aim low and slash at the knees to knock them down, then kick/suplex or just cut them up when they hit the ground. It works pretty well in easier situations when you want to save ammo. Also the first section with the villiage with the ladders and climbing through the window was really amazing. The rest of the game is a little bit of a letdown after it though. They never really match it in terms of enemy AI, there just isn't the right kind of level design fort the enemies to do much more then sneak up from behind on you. The game doesn't suffer at all from it, but it makes me want to play that section again because it was one of the most fun parts of the game so far.
  2. [QUOTE=doukeshi03][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]If you've read the Official Comic Thread in the Anthology it becomes obvious that I collect comics. I used to collect Tudor Mint Dragons when I was younger but I have gone off those for quite a few years now. I am also starting a Converse, Chuck Taylor, shoe collection but that is in its early stages so far.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I have Red, Black and Blue and Maroon purple Chucks that are made in the USA, and a pair of pink ones that are sweatshop specials. Since the original company went under they have a ton of different colors out, but I kind of don't like them anymore because of the whole sweatshop thing.
  3. Comics, including a lot of manga graphic novels, batman, Blade of the Immortal, Ultimate Spiderman, Powers, 100 Bullets, etc etc. I'm also a HUGE action figure nut, I have a ton of Transformers old and new. I've got a bazillion little capsule figures from my trip to Japan, a nearly complete Dragonball Z collection which I stopped a few years ago. I've got a lot of Final Fantasy stuff, resident evil, Reboot, Batman toys from the animated series and Justice League. I've got most of the new He-Man stuff that came out too. I guess I'm a toy collector but to my credit I don't leave anything in the package, I like to show them off and fool around with scenes. I do have a Stinkor (He-man villian) in the package from the 80's to preserve his hippy stink. I've also got a decent game collection, and CD's but they don't really count.
  4. [quote name='Shen Kusanagi][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=deepskyblue]From what I've been reading about in Advent Children, is that after Cloud kills Bamahut he see's Sephiroth walking away with his Masamune in his hand. Another note that person in the wheel chair, here's a clue Reno called him President. So for those who get it right will now know who this person is, on the other hand Cloud has a little flashback or memory relapse of him and Areith remembering their little past together. Strange yet odd enough people thought Lucrecia was the in that wheel chair *Pushes up glasses* I have alot of info on the movie, people in Italy got the see the movie or should I say part of it I do have the orginal yet best site to find all of this information out. Sephiroth is most deadlist yet the best character in the moive though people said he looks like Marlyin Manson with alot of make-up on. *Chuckles.*[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Care to share this super good website with us?
  5. I have a gamecube, and love it but I do still think that the game library is garbage. They have a decent variety, but the best games are still very few and far between. If you go into a videogame store and look at the Gamecube titles, then go back three months later its like looking at the same shelf. Zelda, Metroid, Mario and Resident Evil Keep it afloat, but in between the really big games there is very little. The Nintendo Power magazine reviews the same games month to month, while PSM has to cram in reviews because so much comes out. You can easily only have PS2 and have more than enough games to keep you happy and spending money. Gamecube doesn't stand up well on its own, so its a good thing that its dirt cheap. No way is it a disappointment, but it would be an awesome system if they had some more games on it instead of just a marginal one. I really don't know anything about XBOX though, there's only so many systems you can have and PS2 + Gamecube pretty much covers any game you caould ever want.
  6. I was kind of disappointed by the end of KungFU for the NES. Thomas goes through all this trouble to save Sylvia (the love of his life) and beat the snot out of Mr. X and his goons only to let her get captured again. This time the bad guys are faster and harder to beat but what does Sylvia do to reward you for saving her twice...More hearts!!! Aww, man I hope that it means double the lovin' or something because she gets captured yet again afterward, seemingly in mere moments. Really id Thomas were smart he would have just stayed on the fifth floor of the tower and saved himself the trouble of having to keep walking up there and saving her. It would also help the stickfighter to have some pride, because he goes down easy every time. Of course if you've beaten it more than 4 times through maybe something different happens...
  7. Dreamcast should have kept going, it would have been very cool especially because of all the weird titles it had that sort of defy normal games (Shenmue, Seaman). The graphics were just as good as PS2. I think people expected it to fail so didn't buy it, thus causing it to fail. My biggest disappointment though it the PS2 HDD. I buy the thing with Final Fantasy 11, then after a couple of months I realize I'm wasting my time with FF11 because its so dull to constantly level up. I figured that the HDD would at least be useful but the only thing it does is give you Halftime highlights in ESPN NFL 2K5 and basically serve as a big *** memory card backup.
  8. Oops, I don't know where I got Rebecca. I just got to a cool target practice minigame where teh merchant runs a Hogan's Alley like shooting gallery, and you can win bottle caps which are basically mini-figurines. The first two I got were [Spoiler] Luis and Ada Wong [/Spoiler]. Its kinda nice because the whole game is pretty treacherous and you need to be on your toes. I like that there are a lot of different handgun options, I've stuck with the Punisher because its pretty useful to be able to plug bullets through more than one baddie, even if it sacrifices a little bit in power. Even a weak shot to the knees is pretty effective though if you have time to run up and blast their heads til they explode. I've also come across a rather vicious bad guy in the castle [Spoiler] prison there is a really freaky guy with his eyes sewn shut that springs to life when you get close. He's really tough and doesn't get pushed back by shotgun blasts. There were two bells in that room two but I don't know what they did or if they can work against him at all. Maybe he fights by hearing you? [/Spoiler]
  9. I've actually gotten pretty far into the game, and it is consistently cool. It took me a couple of times to get through the first big section of the game, mostly getting the hang of things. I really wanted to go into the buildings and use them as a defense position but I really found that the villiagers are much more dangerous in the houses compared to outside. [Spoiler] When you get Rebecca the game really changes a lot. She is a pretty big liabilty especially if she gets hurt because she soaks up your healing items which are in pretty short supply. When the goons grab her its actually pretty easy to protect her, but you really can't leave her too far away [/Spoiler] I've gotten pretty far, not without my own fair share of death. I've gotten as far as the weapons upgrade, got the riot gun and the magnum which I haven't tried out yet but am reaally excited to explode some heads. I got rid of the rifle because I never used it much, but as soon as I got to the castle I really wish i had it back.
  10. Seeing the character covered up by the cape leads me to two guesses. I think him being sephiroth might be too obvious, and really not that great to make a new movie and just reinvent the same villian. I think that it might be Rufus, based on him being with the turks in one of the trailers or that it may just be one of the numbered clones. The clone thing only comes to mind because he looks just like one of them, covered in the cape and all. There was always the guy with the number 2 in the midgar slums that you couldn't ever do anything with in FF7. Well anyway you can only speculate so much, I'm just hoping that they will finally put a release date out for AC...I can't stand waiting after seeing the really awesome trailers.
  11. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]Oh wow, I hear ya--one of the most annoying cliches about video games is that they defy logic and and are never humanly realistic. :rolleyes: Y'know, logic takes the fun out of video games, unless the deisgner WANTS it to be realistic.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Are you serious? Think before you speak (type). Games are fantasy and do not have to be logical, and I never implied that they should be. That being said, good games use clever ideas to create a believable world surrounding you character whether its wacky like Spyro the dragon or realistic like Metal Gear. In Final Fantasy VIII they did away with the weird system of monsters all carrying a unified currency by having Squall actually get paid periodically. Things like that sometimes work better than others, but I think that creativity in designing a game world makes it more fun more times than not. RPG's get lazy and fall into the formula that killing a monster gives you X number of experience points and X number of "gold". I think they just do it because its easy and then don't have to come up with anything new. I think a cool addition to a RPG would be gaining experience based on how you defeat a monster. For example if there's a monster with good armor, you could just beat away at it with small hits until it dies, or use magic (say exp times 2), or use some trick to remove the armor (exp times 3). Have higher expectations, and reward creators who make clever games and hopefully we will see more of them.
  12. I really really really hat it when characters cannot swim, you fall into a pit filled with water and instantly drown. That is so Super Mario Brothers old, and I think GTA has just finally allowed you to swim in the game. I also really think its dumb when you get items from monsters and they make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why was the L6 attack squirrel carrying a bag of gold anyhow? Birds have potions, all kinds of weird stuff. Only a few games come up with clever ways to avoid this cliche, like Ratchet and Clank has the enemies drop bolts, which can make sense 90% of the time in that game.
  13. I don't ever want to meet any of you, in my mind you are all 45 year old fat comic book guys who are trying to get me to tell you where I live and when my parents will be out of town. yeah, each and every one of you! The interweb is a scary place. Seriously though, I don't think that people should meet from the internet...especially on anime boards because we're all ugly as sin and thats why we can't see each others real faces. You don't want to ruin the fantasy. Sorry I just can't take this thread seriously, but I'll stop and spare you my bad jokes.
  14. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude] Playstation 2 may be the worst console, but i has had a good influence in the fact that it has most of the best games. Also, ot has proven that if a consol is released earlier it will sell more. This has influenced companies to release products faster. QUOTE] It is definitely not proven that releasing early will help sell a console, which SEGA can easily attest. Mostly PS1 dictated the sales of PS2 I would think. Anyway, Nintendo is without a doubt the biggest influence on modern gaming, but if you look at recent developments I would say that Rockstar games has had the biggest influence on the direction of gaming. GTA and a few other rockstar games has more or less set the bar for games targeted towards adults by using mature themes. Also the thing that might be even bigger is the open ended gameplay idea. If GTA wasn't the first to do it, they definitely were the most successful in poularizing it. So many other games copy the idea because GTA sold so very well. Its hard to look at games that come out recently and not see a little bit of GTA influence, from obvious ones like Spiderman to Jak and Daxter. So yeah recent game influence has to go to Rockstar in my opinion.
  15. I agree with Siren about the Kaufman like hype, its one of the things that happens with these big name sequels. People who hadn't already played it saying that it is going to be the best game ever, and taking the info we had about the camo and survival stuff and just got way too excited about it. Its probably half the fault of gamers and reviewers and half the fault of Konami hypemasters. That being said, I'm pretty happy with everything they did in the game and it is myfavorite game this year. It would have been cool if in extreme mode you lost the camo index. maybe also if you select the items needed to heal you would have to go through an animation on the screen so that you needed to take time and find a safe spot to bandage up. I've plenty of times in the game healed 4 injuries while running from bullets and guards. There's always improvements, maybe the new Metal gear game will blow us all away with these ideas.
  16. Yeah one thing that I'm really glad about the last two Batman movies is that they didn't touch the scarecrow. I have such a great image of him from the animated series that I'm glad they didn't put forth a garbage version of him like they did for the Riddler, 2-face, Mr. Freeze, Bane and Poison Ivy. I can't beleive how moronic they were with those last two, they were like "well this movie will be much better if we just add 3 villians instead of 1 or 2." I have high hopes for this new movie, but in the back of my mind I just know it is going to suck. I really hope that I am wrong.
  17. You make pretty valid points with everything you describe, but while the experience isn't dramatic or revolutionary it is still the top of the line. The cure menu is still like using items, but its much better than being mysteriously healed by food or just grabbing a glowing first aid kit. I think if you had to be really deliberate about healing by wrapping bandages etc. then it would take too much away from the gameplay (take too much time to do). Its pretty much a difference of opinion at this point, but it seems like your expectations are just unrealistically high. Really who is making better games at this point?
  18. Seriously, the percentage on the camo index doesn't really help you that much. The safest bet in the game is to stear clear of the bad guys, which is hard if your impatient. If you've played the game I'm sure anyone would agree that it feels very natural and realistic. After all is said and done its still a videogame, and if you need to be super realistic than you can go play paintball or something. They even make fun of the videogame aspects of the game, if you grab a glowing mushroom and call para-medic you get a pretty funny conversation about batteries. By far the funniest one though is if you get in the cardboard box and call Sigint. getting Tom to go off about James Bond was a pretty good one too though. I've always liked the incentives they give you to play through multiple times too. I've beaten it, but am currently playing through again to beat the bosses by running out their stamina to get their camo/items. I was trying to not kill anyone, but I accidentaly slit a guards throat while interrogating him. :(
  19. Well I guess that there isn't too bad of a majority of the wee little ones. You know you're young when you include 1/2 in your age thats for sure. I used to post here a lot more but now pretty much relegate myself to the videogames forum. I'm 24 and well I guess I mostly use Myotaku rather than visit the boards because I've found a good niche group of people who post here. I only have like 6 people on my frind list but they are all good posters/people.
  20. Wow, I'm very hopeful that this was all just bad reporting. It makes me feel a lot better.
  21. I love football games, and this is really disheartening. I have Madden up to 2004 for PS2, and just this year ESPN had equalled if not surpassed Madden in quality. Selling the brand new game for $20 pulled me in even though I was a big Madden fan, plus the review from PSM recommended ESPN. This is really a stupid move for the NFL I think, EA must have thrown a ton of money at them. Its bad enough that Monday Night Football last year had in game shots used to talk about real football games. Does this mean that we are going back to the days of the unlicensed sports games where you can play as S.F. but not the 49ers? Maybe ESPN can use the online support to give updates to ESPN 2K5 rosters, and let the players fill in the names of the rookies that get signed? I'm soooo not happy about this.
  22. I played the first metal gear a few weeks ago (for the first time in a couple of years) and really like it. Its truly a lot like the first MGS where you run behind guards and pop in and out of the levels to reset the guards when you mess up. It was really clever for its time, having parts where you get yourself captured, and where they put the tranciever/bomb in your equipment when you recover it. rescuing hostages, all sorts of fun stuff. Even though the second one was kind of ******, they still had cool developments like the spotlights and truth serum to get information out of officers you interrogate. My biggest problem was the pit traps in Metal Gear. The one spot near the end with a dark room full of nearly unavoidable pits is one of the cruelest things in a NES game.
  23. I think I'm about 2/3 of the way through MGS3 and seriously it blows the other two out of the water storywise and for the feel of the game. I'm not going to give anything away but its just amazingly great. Kojima is my videogame hero of all time for blessing me with such a great game. Camo is just the tip of the iceberg.
  24. [quote name='DarkSesshoumaru][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I would have to agree with you all, that The Venture Brothers is a great show. I think my favorite episode is when Dr. Venture has the yard sale, [spoiler]and one of The Monarch's henchmen buys a lightsaber created by the doc. When all hell breaks loose, the henchman stands before Brock ready for battle with his new weapon, only to find out that it doesn't actually cut through anything. :D [/spoiler] There are so many good episodes, I don't think I've seen a bad one. Can't say the same for Sealab 2021, I think the quality went downhill after the 2nd season. The Venture Brothers is the highlight of my Adultswim viewing, Family Guy is a close second in favoritism. [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote] Yeah Sealab was really great in the beginning, but then I think it got really annoying. Some episodes were really funny but most were just weird for the sake of weird. Then I picked up on Aqua teen, which was kinda crappy the first few episodes but really started to hit stride. I'm a huge ATHF fan, but its kinda tapering off (my love for it). Venture brothers fills in the gap and is probably funnier than any of the Adult Swim shows.
  25. Wow this is a ridiculously good show. I really hope it gets picked up for a new season, though the last episode sort fo makes me question whether or not that is going to happen. They somehow balance movie and cartoon parody with really wacky situations, but its tied together with really good writing. The villian may be dressed as a monarch butterfly, but they show them kinda realistically. The Monarch is like some guy trying to be an evil supervillian, and has all of the gear and henchmen but half the time speaks like a normal guy. I really like the part when he [Spoiler] captures the venture brothers and then starts getting attached to them and fathering them. That and the repeat that was on last night where Brock starts a killing spree in the cocoon just so that they have something to do[/Spoiler].
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