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Everything posted by satan665

  1. [QUOTE] The Hulk and Hellboy are pretty much the same type of character(other then him being red and the Hulk green) and will probably do just as well as the Hulk did in the theater. [/QUOTE] No way! Hellboy is nothing like the hulk except that he's big and colored. He's actually pretty funny in the comics. he reminds me of a tough, crotchety old man and is super honest and straightforward. I liked the Hulk movie but basically he's just good for smashing stuff (even though in the comics he talked and I think was even a security guard). I'm going to see this movie because I love the comics so much, but I'm definitely skeptical about it being any good. I don't think it will do very well in the theatres, but I hope it does.
  2. [QUOTE]Now, here's a question: is there currently a Batmn comic that chronicals his adventures, yet doesn't crss over to the other titles? I'd like to read up on 'em, but I simply can't afford to buy all these titles.[/QUOTE] The classic Batman comic doesn't really cross over into other titles, Detective follows the same continuity, but they pretty much stand alone. When they did Bruce Wayne: Murderer there was a zillion crossovers but not really since then. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight is completely stand alone. I like LOTDK, but honestly the older comics are better. The first 30 or so issues were really cool, I got them really cheap because nobody really wants them. Pretty much every Batman/Superman battle I've seen ended up being in favor of Bats. The whole kryptonite weakness is hard to get past. I'd guess that if Batman had no green rocks, that he'd be lucky to escape. If that were the case though he'd probably not confront Superman anyway. [QUOTE]But there are just so many good dialogue scenes between him and Dick or between Alfred and Dick (or even between Tim and Dick) that I'm afraid an important part of the Batman universe would be missing.[/QUOTE] I agree here a little, but for the cartoon they might just do it similar to how the old animated series did and introduce Robin later. (I think they had to in the old show because Fox pressured them to appeal more to young'uns.) I wonder if they are going to do origin episodes for all of the classic villians or just have them come in assuming we know them. I'm not sure which I think is better. [IMG]http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/news/images/0402/batcrouch.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [QUOTE]I LOVE batman! Have you heard of the new Batman coming to The WB? i love batman, but hasnt there been enough shows already? Also, If they make more batman cartoons like they are doing now, the makers have to really careful how they do the storys. The storys cant be out of sync with the other batman shows.[/QUOTE] I'd say they really should be out of sync with the other shows. The best stories usually come out when you stop trying to be pinned down to some old continuity. I think I remember hearing that the new show is supposed to take place in year 3 or so of Batman's career, where he would be younger than the previous Bruce Timm Batman. Oh, and I mentioned the new show just two posts up. :)
  4. [QUOTE]I thought RPGs reached their limit with FF3 and that there was no hope for the genre.[/QUOTE] Really? I think in general the RPG scene is getting thinned out, but am still really happy with the Final Fantasy series. Even though the successive games are very similar, they still are the best turn-based RPG games to come out. Suikoden III is pretty average, but I like the shear amount of characters you can get. I'm kinda hoping that IV is a lot more innovative, the game could use some new ideas for gameplay or story progression. I wish i had some ideas of what that would be, but then I'd be coming up with that stuff. Definitely going to have to wait for some reviews on the new Suikoden. They don't really have much competition though.
  5. I've slowly fell into being a big Batman fan. Have you guys seen the previews for the new Batman animated series? I was crying for years for more episodes of Batman after they switched to the newer drawing style (new Scarecrow was amazing). This is going to be a lot different as a show, but I'm pretty sure a few of the old animated series folks are producing it. Two saturdays ago they played a sneak peek on the WB, saying its coming out this fall. The designs for the Joker are a lot different than before, he looks like an evil jester. I'm really excited about it, it looks dark and the animation seems great!! Comics-wise I really like Batman black and white, and Batman/Grendel. Those are some cool stories if you can track them down. Currently I'm not too excited about Legends of the Dark knight or detective comics, and I'm sad that the run of Azzarelo, Risso is over on Batman. I think their style suits him perfectly.
  6. It didn't really look to apealing to me, but I haven't played it. It kind of seems like the idea was to come up with a twisted and violent game, and they came up with this. It doesn't really add anything to the video game world, and I'm not a huge fan of the type of game/style. I might get Manhunt before this one, but I wasn't really feeling that game anyway. I still need to finish Fatal Frame II so I plan on leaving it at that when I need a scary/disturbing game. Whats the gameplay like? Do you sneak around, or is it more like weapons combat? I imagine it to be a lot like Resident evil, where you have weapons but are somewhat outmatched by the monsters and have to be real careful? Or is it more like a splatterfest?
  7. Man, I've been working onm beating this game, and the rate limiting step is me being less of a coward. I think I may be about halfway through, but I haven't played it in a while because its too scary. It really captures the scariness of the resident evil games, but is much much creepier. Having only the camera makes you feel very helpless sometimes. You don't feel safe at any time playing this game unless you're in the menu screen. If you play it, just wait to run into broken neck woman. Thats some scary gaming!
  8. satan665

    Gradius V

    I'm glad its going to be 2p coop too. There aren't too many good games where you can play on the same side with a pal. Konami used to be the king of those games on NES. I just hope its played a little different whether you are playing by yourself or with 2p. I played Lifeforce a few days ago and I got stomped pretty bad. Me and my brother used to get pretty far without the extra lives code.
  9. I own it, mostly because it has anime directed by Shinichiro Watanabe (Bebop). I was really impressed, almost all of the short movies are really good. The history of the world one is disturbing, with the riot scenes w/ robots being destroyed.
  10. satan665

    Gradius V

    My personal favorite was Gradius for super nintendo. I don't have it anymore, but the board with the bubbles was excellent. I used to use the little trick where you have full options you can expand them out to reach farther + the options the revolve around you + the energy beam and was almost untouchable. It was such a great game, I liked how many versions of the option you could pick. I'm almost definitely going to but Gradius for PS2. I just know its going to be crazy.
  11. I pretty much live my life one impulse purchase at a time. Thats what grad school and loan deferments are all about. Its nice to finally get paid to go to school. I'll scope out that site, I usually read magazines at Borders or something without buying them (besides PSM), I guess this "internet" thing could be useful though.
  12. I guess from here on in I should look a little deeper into games I buy, but so far I haven't been disappointed in many of the impulse buys I've had. I read one of the Nintendo power preview/reviews of crystal chronicles and it sounded cool, but I missed the part of little storyline if it was there. Judging by the responses I've gotten from you all, the biggest part of my disappointment is just my gaming preference, rather than fair criticism of the game (you guys seem to like it). I'll maybe say to my last dying breath that its fair to compare to Final fantasy games no matter how different the game is, by comparing in terms of quality. That comparison is too subjective when you start talking overall gaming quality though I guess. My problem with gamecube kinda goes back to what I mentioned way earlier. Playstation games I pretty much know what I'm getting into really well because PSM magazine is really good and they have great reviewers. I don't really like Gamepro or Nin. Power because I never feel I'm getting much out of them. My gamecube library is small but mostly I have can't misses like Zelda, Metroid and Res. Evil games. I need to fall back more on the rental system or something.
  13. I watched the last show, and the winner I have never seen in an ad or anything. Was she really America's next top model if she isn't anywhere in photo's?
  14. Ugh, are you kidding me! I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE VERY DIFFERENT than final fantasy X. I read about the game, I knew about the multiplayer aspects and I was interested in a more Zelda/Legend of Mana like feel to it. You CAN compare this game to any other final fantasy game, I know its very different gameplay. You can compare it just like you can compare any two playstation games. They don't have to be similar in very many aspect at all to think and consider the differences between them. You can compare FFX to square's The Bouncer and say how they didn't try too hard on gameplay in the bouncer. Why shouldn't you be able to compare two games that have the same title? I think you (Desbreko) have your own preconception about what I'm thinking about this game. Pretty much everything you are saying is fair, but do you really have no expectations when a final fantasy game or a metal gear or zelda comes out. Every FF game has had more story than this one. If playing with friends is enough to sell the game, then thats a sad state of videogaming. I know I probably sound kinda pissed, but FF aside, its more about the fact that you'd probably understand me better if this was a real conversation rather than a typed back and forth.
  15. I'm going in June for pure vacationizing, and personally I would be disappointed if I don't end up somewhere where monkeys try to steal my food. Basically I want to cruise around in Tokyo and buy random japanese transformers stuff. I have little advice, because I haven't been there yet. Maybe you can post your experience when you get back?
  16. I understand that its a different genre! I knew that when I was buying it, but why do you make a game and call it final fantasy when its nothing like any of the other Final Fantasy games. Its like having a Twisted Metal racing game. Its a crappy marketing ploy because Gamecube wanted an exclusive final fantasy title. Anyway wouldn't naming the game Final Fantasy make it fair to compare it to other Final Fantasy games? Gameplay aside they have the same name! Videogames are all about name recognition, and sequels of popular games sell easier than new games with new characters. So they take a fun multiplayer game with a dull single player, and guarantee that it sells well by calling it Final Fantasy's return to the Nintendo system. Don't I have a right to be annoyed by the marketing that I fell for? Either that or I'm all wrong because it compares really well with the original gameboy final fantasy games. Final Note; I think I'm just really annoyed because I wasted 50 bones on a game that I'm not interested in playing. But wasn't that obvious anyway. Good back and forth discussion though. :D
  17. Well, I'm glad most of you are pretty happy with this game, I'm probably just a bigger fan of the turn based RPG's. I'm still sticking to my dislike of the graphics and animations, but there's not much argument left there. Anyway, to me Final Fantasy games are about cool characters and big storylines. Obviously not all FF games are like that (FF:tactics) but really most of them are. I look to the Traditional FF games to puch the limits of graphics in cool cut scenes and crazy summons. Its a big lull for me with 11 being all online and This game dashing my expactations. I don't play online, and I don't have to time to commit to FF11 even if I did. Maybe I'll go back and play FF7 and be nostalgic.
  18. Think of casting spells in most final fantasy games, then compare those graphics from FFX to crystal chronicles and its weak. At the end of each year you see a singing and dancing scene that cycles through, and thats weak too. The backgrounds and levels are pretty good, but not pushing any boundaries. I expect a lot more from something with the final fantasy tag on it.
  19. Ugh, i saw them live once and that was it, but I hated every minute of it. I was with a flaky girlfriend at the time, and she really liked them. They bore me to tears personally. Its definitely an opinion, so I 'm not saying they're horrible because they can play music well, I just happen to hate it.
  20. satan665


    I need to keep in touch better, I heard about this but didn't know anything about it being released. When did it come out? All of this retro/nostalgia music is starting to be a bit much, but this definitely sounds cool. Grohl is one of the last people of the 90's rock scene that is still interesting. Ah, remember when Pearl Jam was good?
  21. There are so many different comics out there its silly. Companies put out a lot of different, non traditional comics all the time but they don't sell. Its not that the company is unwilling to try new things, its just that all the things they try fail. The comic book scene is small, and dominated by the people who primarily like Batman, Superman, Xmen and Spiderman and will buy any title with their tag on it. It sucks, because a lot of good comics get cancelled after a few issues or fail to be published. The comic scene is just too small, most people don't go into comic stores and comics aren't sold in big stores much anymore (used to see them in grocery stores). There is no advertising for comics whatsoever. There still manage to be a few great titles like Powers, 100 Bullets and Hellboy, but really they are few and far between. I think American comics stack up really well with any of the manga that has come to the states. Most of the Manga that gets here follows basic formula's and are repetitive too. There are a lot more good titles though, Blade of the Immortal is the best comic ever, GTO, Naruto, Love Hina and Initial D are some of my favorites (and Iron Wok Jan). I think Manga is bigger because it usually ties into anime, and both are more a part of Japanese culture than cartoons or comics are here.
  22. I suspected that it would be more fun multiplayer, but how can they give up on the 1P game? It seems like gamecube is really starting to focus its games on multiplayer and gameboy connectivity. It stinks because I love playing with friends, but since I moved to the West coast, none of my friends out here are game nerds like I am. Even with a fun multiplayer, there should still be a better story. There's no excuse for having no story in a game. Prince of Persia is a good example. The gameplay is fantastic, but I'm not as interested in playing it all the time because its not compelling, and so it starts to become repetetive. Oh, well..I'm glad someone's enjoying CC. Oh and Nintendo Power is a horrible gaming magazine, and is completely biased because the company that reviews the games owns the console and wants to see them sell.
  23. These are some really powerful cards for sure, not like in Mag. Force when Dark Magician Girl somehow made it as an unattainably rare card. Its funny because I have so many cards, but these new boosters come out and I can't resist them. I just hope to snag one of the chaos monsters somehow, hopefully luck will be on my side without emptying my wallet too much. Off topic, does anyone know yet what cards are in the new English Yugi and Kaiba starter decks?
  24. Dates are worthless, the best girls I have ever met I didn't go on any dates with for a while. Going out on a date with someone you don't know well is uncomfortable and you spend too much time thinking about things to say and trying to make yourself interesting. My best plans were: 1. Hang out with a bunch of friends, bring a potential girlfriend along to hang out with 2. Just talk, if she doesn't have to leave to go home or something then she probably likes you and you can move on from there. 3. What landed me my girlfriend was hanging out as friends then going on a roadtrip across the country alone together. I can't say that this would be an easy one! :smirk:
  25. satan665


    Maybe I should listen to it again, i listened once and was all set to bash it. Whereas I used to be a big fan of industrial music, I don't really listen to any of those bands now. Error definitely sounded different that anything else coming out nowadays, but I wasn't really impressed. I didn't really like the vocals and the music annoyed me a little while I was working at my computer. I guess those aren't the best criticisms, but the music was hard to get a good grasp on. I really didn't like some of the bands that are my favorites now the first listen, so its good logic to listen again.
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