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Everything posted by Radaghast

  1. Let's try it in Verdana font, with about five seconds each slide. I don't really want any time between the slides; I just want it to be a quick change between the two.
  2. [size=2]I don't know if the title is justified, for I know nothing of animating banners. But for this I just want two....slides....if that's what they're called.[/size] [size=2][/size] [b][size=2]Slide 1[/size][/b] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Black backround. Large bold white letters saying: "Nobody likes you...."[/size] [size=2][b]Slide 2[/b][/size] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [size=2]Again a black backround. This time smaller font, but still bolded letters saying "......but me"[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I don't want the quotes around the text, of course, but do include the many periods.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size]
  3. I'm glad to see there are other DT fans here. I, like Shinmaru, think Wolves of the Calla is the best yet. I loved King's little cameo when they find a copy of.....what book did they find of his again? Oh well. Also, the flashback to Jericho Hill gave me chills. That's how well he wrote that. I'm a little worried at how fast King is coming out with the last two. I know I don't want to wait another 10 years (King started the series in the 70s), but this feels a little bit rushed, so I'm worried about the quality. Do you guys/girls ever try to explain anything about the major plot/setting is to people who haven't read the books? Unless you're very a very charismatic person, you just can't! For goodness sakes, it took until book 5 to find out what the Dark Tower really is! And the rose. The rose is the truth. I also used to be apart of a Dark Tower forum. You would not believe how many threads went up, showing connections between the books and the Lord of the Rings. Roland is Aragorn, the Crimson King is Sauron, Tick Tock is Saruman, etc....
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Garamond]I've been playing the cello for a little over half my life. That would make around eight years. I started in the third grade, and now I'm a freshman in High School. I'd say I'm pretty good at cello, though I'm not bragging. I like to be over-expressive with my playing. For competition (which is in April) I will be playing Faure's [I]Elegie[/I]. I'm a part of the local youth Symphony programs; I'm proud to say I'm fourth chair of the advanced orchestra (beating out many seniors, mind you). I'm also playing electric bass for my school's jazz band. Over the summer I will be learning to play the double bass, which will boost our competition scores. I used to play guitar. Who didn't? I'm going to need to learn piano for theory in college. I'm planning to get a music therapy degree at Kansas University, who is one of the leading schools for that field. I'll be studying under the great Edward Laut, the cello professor. I know theory, but I couldn't tell you the dominant 7th of the D Major scale.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE=Boo][color=gray] What I really thought was the best thing of the Hindu lessons was the part of the enlightment or something. When your karma is totally cleaned, you can see the real world instead of the fakish world we live in (something like that). The matrix is based on that cause the creator was a hindu aswell. But before we (the class) knew that, everyone began talking about the matrix all of a sudden lol. [/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Garamond]Is the goal of Hinduism enlightenment? I thought that was only Buddhism. Do we have any Hindu members that could confirm? Though I don't think your' karma has any direct effect of reaching enlightenment other than how you are reincarnated. Meditation is how you reach enlightenment. As well as seeing the illusion that the world is, you see how pointless the suffering that we cause is when you reach enlightenment. I thought there was something similar when I watched the Matrix movies between the flick and Buddhism. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]My idea on reincarnation: First off, I don't believe you have the choice of what you come back as. You have made the choice in your' previous life. Thinking of karma being the action and reaction already stated here. You steal in your' previous life, your' new life will be poor. You used to lie, now you will be lied to. The lowest thing you can go to is an animal. Being an animal may be a sort of equivelant to hell, yourself being a creature that cannot advance its spirituality and therefore improving its karma. Reincarnation doesn't have to be the whole 'soul attaches to the sperm which fertilizes the egg,' which is a very good theory (in fact, a great one with a lot of logic). It could also be that you are taking control and therefore making the body you inhabit yours just as it is being delivered. Though this brings up the questoin: Does a baby have any thought or emotion while in the womb? About the Hindu reincarnation. Don't they have the caste system? If so, hell could be interprited as being an untouchable and then moving up the caste, highest I believe is being a religous leader. So it isin't a wealth thing. You could be a homeless person and still have better karma than a high-ranking member of society (money-wise high ranking). Also, Shinken: three posts back you said someting about the choice to go back to the world or remain in Nirvana. On the first page of the thread, you said Nirvana was a state of mind, not a place. So, I guess you could say that one who achieves Nirvana, who then becomes a buddha, can choose to stop going on with the cycle of reincarnation and remain in a place such as heaven. So, being a good person would let you become a human able to continue their spiritual path towards buddhahood. Oh, and by the way, I am the 50/50 Buddhist/Christian that Shinken is. (I didn't read the entire thread, so forgive me if I said someting that was already covered.)[/font][/size][/color]
  7. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Like oh my God, do you people ever SHUT UP?" Lenthal yelled at the crowd and returned to her cell phone. "Daddy? Are you still there?" "Yes honey." Crackled the voice at the end of the line. "Why do I have to do this stupid game again? I would have more fun at the island beach-house." "Because, you have to stop making us buy you new cars after you wreck your's. I'll tell you what; you win that new porsche, I'll buy your' next car." "Really Daddy? Thank you. Can you hold on a sec?" Lenthal put her father on hold before a response could be heard. She stepped over what looked like an overweight cat with a coat on and positioned in front of a crowd of photographers. She assumed flirtatious positions as they happily clicked their hearts away. All of a sudden, she was hit in the head by something. She looked at what it was. A pen. She looked past the pen at a crowd of people rushing towards her. Lenthal went back to her cell phone. "Daddy, I have to go."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I've just now thought of how the Frenchman represents Italy. Mussolini hid himself inside of the Vatican. The allies would never bomb the holy city because they would lose a lot of support for attacking a holy site. So that's the umbrella stopping the rain. And Mussolini is the Frenchman, just waltzing around.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I can't believe they're trying to ban these timeless books (some timeless) books from public libraries. But the public school ban list I've known about for a while. Though the choice is up to the school district. The reason for these is the public relations people are trying not to get sued for carrying books that people consider to have racism inside. Like the rest of the people in this discussion have said, it's how it was back then. I agree with Mitch's statement about language. It's much more effective to use some kind of taboo words to convey your' feelings than some subdued "Golly gee, that smarts" language.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][FONT=Book Antiqua]Well, now. I don't really think that social hierarchy part is necessary, so I'll just do the social niche. I guess you can say I'm the gentlemanly musician of my school. I'm the one walking around in dress/casual shoes and a suede jacket, just minding his own business. In his cd player Mistlav Rostropovich might be playing. Or Jacquelin du Pre, so he can listen to his cello solo for regionals competition. Yes, the cello. A smart little instrument neatly near the middle of the octaves. Neutral enough that he can double between two things. That's my personality too. I can be crazy, or subdued. I prefer subdued. But the only thing I would like to do is give a certain little lady my jacket when she's cold. That's me in the 'real world'. Here I'm somewhat the same. Only, no jacket for the little lady.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]At first, I was puzzled about the fist in the air. Then, when I finished the part about the mushroom, I figured out that you were comparing the shape of a mushroom cloud to those objects. Though when the mushroom example is given, I think that ends the description of the cloud. It's a good time to end it too, the mushroom is a very obvious description of an atomic blast. The ballerina, the frenchman, and the muscle-man all could be describing the axis powers: The ballerina falling is the Japanese navy feeling the repurcussions of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the muscle-man getting one last rep before stopping is the military of Nazi Germany during the Battle of the Bulge, and the frenchman somehow applies to Italy, though I don't know how. The cloud passage totally loses me. Then the next passage talks about the beginning of the arms-race. Then the different references of different events to the dropping of the bombs is pretty self-explanitory. I especially like the Newton reference, which the apple is the origin of this. The second to last passage is great, talking about the ruins and the survivors dying of the radioactivity. I remember reading some published diary of a survivor, and she talked about some of the survivors drinking some water and dying soon after. There was also another book that talked about the charred sides of buildings having outlines of people going about their lives when the bombs hit, evidence to how unprepared they were. The last passage's cocoon statement was a wonderful end. Saying that wars and acts are sometimes a necessary evil in the world. In all, a very nice poem. I enjoyed reading it very much. Even more so finding out what it means to me. I hope my analyzation of it is what you were thinking of while writing it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reminds me a little of that song: The Devil went Down to Georgia. Actually, I think you might have referenced it when the line "Now, they say the Devil played the fiddle, Or so the story goes, But this man wasn’t carryin any music, or carryin a bow." came up. I am very interested in seeing how this story continues. Though it seems to be set in the Wild West (the words 'dusty saloon') so I don't know how the dealer is going to win in a game of chess. The most complex thing I would think they had out there would be checkers. It is your' story, though, so you may have some tricks up your' sleeve.[/color][/size][/font]
  13. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Any change?" "No sir, his condition-" "I don't give a rats *** about his condition. I mean what he is doing." The man looked down at the scared little private. "Well, he's been pretty much the same, Mr. Wylde. All he's been doing is rocking back and forth muttering to himself." "Do we know what language it is?" "Well sir, most of it is stuff we've never even heard before. But there was a part that the computer knew. It turned out to be Latin." The private clicked his mouse a few times, then turned the monitor to face Nicholas. [I]Save yourselves from hell,[/I] he muttered under his breath. Interesting. Just like before.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/lenthal.JPG[/IMG] [size=1][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Lenthal Gender: Female Abilities: Flips, Kicks, Punches, Fire from her Mouth Weapons: Fire, Daggers Bio: Believe it or not, she’s the prettiest girl of her race. Though, I’m not too sure what she is. She likes all the attention of males and often flirts. If she’s not flirting, she’s either acting very preppy and wanting this and that or she’s slicing someone’s throat for spilling wine on her skirt. Talk about drama queen. Your Name: Radaghast Prize: A New Porsche Favorite Terrain: (Other than a shopping mall) A big city.[/color][/font] OOC: Good god, I'm role playing the type of person I can't stand. But, to hate something, you must know it. Expect the phrase "Like, oh my god" to come into play a lot.[/size]
  15. [FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Would someone please make me an avatar using this picture: [url]http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~san/faure.jpg[/url] And for the banner, I would like the words: Elegie (In Large font) Opus 24 (In Small font) For Cello and Piano (In Small font) I would like the words centered and bold. The Opus 24 will be right under Elegie, but leave some space after Opus 24 before putting For Cello and Piano. Just that, I would like the white to match the screen of the OB with no border so it seems attached to the page. I would not like to have my name on it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [size=1]Hm...Valentines. I thought we were due for a holiday.... My plans are: Wake up. Take a shower. Eat. Dress in formal attire. Go out and do serenades for an orchestra fundraiser. That will last until four o'clock. At that time I will proceed to go to a cello lesson. I will finish out the day by going over to my friends house and game with a whole bunch of people. That reminds me, I have to go and practice those pieces....[/size]
  17. [size=1]"Holy shit, that thing's a monster." Ralph stumbled out of the room that held the thing that used to be Sam Tiller. "Tell me about it. Your shift just end?" "Yeah." Ralph started to take his shirt off. On his face was a look of extreme disgust as he pulled the blood-soaked uniform off of his body. "Damnit, they're going to take that out of my paycheck." He continued to strip himself of clothing, but stopped when he got to his boxers. "Hey, Fred. Can you turn around? You know how homo-phobic I am." "No problem man." Fred turned his back, but continued to talk. "You know that feeling you get when you look at him? Even when he's sleeping. It feels like he knows all your secrets, your fears, everything. Pure evil." Fred raised his voice as his friend turned the shower on. "Why haven't we killed him yet? He's a hazard. Those things coming out of him get bigger day by day." "What, you don't think we've tried to kill him yet? It doesn't work. One of his old friends did it. I can't remember the name; it was something about being fat. Chubby, or something." "His name is Chubb. Honestly, don't you watch the news? He's practically a legend. I think there was this whole video scandal. Someone from the service was reviewing the tapes from the mission and found some....very adult moments. He posted them on the internet." "Yeah? How was it." "Man," Fred lowered his voice as his friend stepped out of the shower and started to put his clothes back on, "they were really going at it. Terrible lighting though." He heard his friend laugh. "They don't know who she was. There wasn't any record of her on the mission. They didn't find her in an escape pod, but they did find an empty pod. Anyways, she was really, really into it. Hell, I would pass up my wife for a chance with her." Fred laughed. "But don't tell Lucy that, OK?." Fred waited for his friends' reply, but only heard a soft grinding sound. "Ralph?" Fred turned around. Ralph's dead eyes looked up a Fred. They were cold, accusing. "What the hell?" Fred looked down his friends naked body. Or what was left of it. One of the creatures had been silently devouring his friend while he talked. "Shit!" Fred reached for his gun, and shot off one of the monsters multiple legs. As blue blood spurted from the stump of the leg, the monster advanced. Almost too quick for the eye, the spider-like demon climbed up the bank of lockers as Fred shot at the spot where the spider used to be. The thing lept onto his chest and began to tear the skin open with its legs. As soft gurgle came from Fred's throat as he fell to the floor. An alarm sounded.[/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1]In the end, James went in and changed the password and told me the new one, so I could get in and then change it to whatever I want. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Would he possibly be willing to go through that hassle for me? And cloricus, I wasn't refering to the auto-complete feature that you can set your computer to perform. I used the user option to automatically log me in when I signed on to the internet. I've also been running through possible passwords in my head. None of them have worked, though. I must have been stupid enough to use an inside joke or something from the moment as my password. But not any more, I have a password I always use.[/size]
  19. [size=1]I have recently had a problem with changing my password. Here's what my problem is: I hooked up my new computer to the internet. It has all the same sites on it, but when I go back to those sites, I'm logged out. So I put in my passwords for the sites, but I forgot my password for the OB. I go to the 'forgot your password' link, type in my e-mail address, but I never get the e-mail. I run the OB through Internet Explorer, because AOL alone won't let me on the this site for some wierd reason. Could the reason be that I'm typing in my AOL address when I'm in Internet Explorer? I always used the "auto-log in" option, so I never had to type in my password. And for those of you who are thinking "How are you posting this right now?" I'm running on my old computer.[/size]
  20. [size=1]From the diary of Sam Tiller: [b]June 10th, 2116 AD[/b] [i]I killed another one of them today. As I write the blood from the wound is drying. The opening has already sealed itself. They're starting to get bigger. More than the just the smaller spider things. After I kill them I throw the corpses into the bathtub, so just in case they aren't dead, they'll drown. I haven't taken a shower for weeks. I'm not eating. I think that if I nourish myself, they'll get bigger and stronger. I won't be able to stop them. I might not be able to stop them if I get too weak. I've lost about 40 pounds. I don't sleep anymore. So I'm awake all night, either writing in this diary, or thinking about the mission. I think about Tex too. I wonder where she is. I gave her so much hell during the mission. Attacking her. I was even driven to insanity because of her. But this....this is worse.[/i] [b]July 12th, 2116 AD[/b] Entry by Allen Chubb [i]I've been reading through my old friends' journal for a few days now. It's something to do while he's locked in that room, howling in pain. I can't believe how much he's gone through. I didn't know half of what happened to him. But now I know it all after reading this journal. It's insane. Now he's in that room, covered in his own filth. His hair, which used to be blonde and short, is now dark and stringy from lack of washing it. Everyone is afraid of him. They look into his eyes and they see everything wrong in this world. I can only wonder what he sees when he looks at us. But we can do something about him now. We're going to kill him. It sounds may sound cruel, but it is for the good of the earth....and him. A man came to me today and told me of the mission...and...we are going to take him back to the portal and see what we can do. I just don't know if it will work. But I hope---[/i] The rest of this entry is almost illegible, due to the marks of tears making the ink of the pen run. OOC: I hope that works. I wanted to go away from the traditional sign-up. If not I will edit it with a proper sign-up.[/size]
  21. [size=1][b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Sara [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] James [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] Dragon Warrior [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] Poison Tongue, [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years:[/b] James [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Arcadia [b]Best Oldie:[/b] James [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member:[/b] Dagger IX1, [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] Kill Adam [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] How the James Stole Christmas [b][u]Random Awards[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall):[/b]James [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b] Charles [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] Charles [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Charles/Japan_86 [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] James [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] Mitch [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Solo Tremaine [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] OB: Enter the Net [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Annie [b]RPG of the Year:[/b] Black Horizon [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] Dragon Warrior [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] James [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] Sara [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Dragonballzman [/size]
  22. [size=1][b]For the most part I believe that all tattoos are defilements of the skin. They are usually gotten when younger people make hasty decisions and don't think how they'll dislike their tattoos later in their life. I believe it is a very hard process to get them removed, too. I have no problems with piercings, unless they are in extremely strange places. I'm fine with nose, ear, and eyebrow piercings. Some belly rings I'm like, but everything else is basically a turn-off.[/b][/size]
  23. [size=1]IC: [b]Name:[/b] Phillip Newberry [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Phillip stands about six feet tall, being slightly large at 250 pounds. He is mostly muscle, his occupation requiring lots of physical labor. He has short brown hair that caps his fairly large head, so large that his forehead makes him look like Neanderthal man. He usually wears khaki pants and a slate-gray turtleneck sweater. [b]Personality:[/b] Phillip is somewhat of a block-head. He was never very smart, only good at performing the tasks that require physical labor. Under his un-intelligence, he has incredibly complex emotions. Since he is never able to convey his feelings through words, he must bottle everything up inside of him. [b]Your Past:[/b] Phillip was born in one of the poor burrows of New York. (You'll have to excuse me on that one, I don't know very much about New York, I'm a farm-boy.) He had three brothers, and a mother and father, who would have to struggle valiantly with multiple jobs to make ends meet. Because of this, Phillip was left in charge of his younger siblings. He attended a public school, and after graduating from college he moved to Maine. There he went to a technical college to learn to fish. It was there he met his wife, who was a fellow student. They eventually bought a boat together, named the Mary after his wife. They also had four kids, three girls, and the youngest, a boy. [b]Love Life:[/b] Never very good with women, but now has a good marriage with his wife Mary. [b]Occupation:[/b] Local Fisherman [b]Information:[/b] He is an upper-middle class person. His wife works with him on his fishing boat. His eldest daughter of twelve attends a local junior high. His second eldest, Rebecca, is ten years old and is still in elementary school. His youngest two, Susan and Ben (the twins), attend the second grade together. His son Ben swears his dad is a super-hero.... OOC: I didn't quite know what to put for the Information part, so I put down stuff about his family. *smacks himself for not making Sinarescence*[/size]
  24. [size=1]Turgon glanced over his steed, spying his army of great spendor. His kindred are the hope of Beleriand; his brother, the hope of Middle Earth. Fingon, general of the Noldor, son of Fingolfin shall be the one to save the Noldor! _____________________ His troop we passing south, through a forest of trees the Grey-elves would call Brethil. His men were hunting boars as they passed through the undergrowth of the forest, effortlesly weaving between vines and ferns. Turgon looked towards the setting sun. He had hoped to be at the council of Thingol by the rise of Tilion. He again turned to look at his brothers. They were following with the blind faith and trust they had for their king. And suddenly there was a great thundering of horns being sounded. These were not of Thingol kin, they were of orcs.[/size]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The_Ghost [/i] [B]What do you mean, jazz band is another story? I don't know if that's positive or negative, but I love jazz band! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][b]That would be a positive statement. Jazz band is a much smaller ensemble so you get the know the people in it a lot better. Also, I usually [i]hate[/i] blues improv on the bass. It's incredibly boring. What you do, well on traditional blues, is play one note for a while, then stroll on to another note, and so on. I also have a 'band camp' moment, though it happened at a general music camp. Ok, here goes: One time, at band camp, we tied this guy up with duct tape and flogged hims with a yellow wet floor sign. Yeah, he was the same guy who later shaved his head and eyebrows. Yeah, I know, stupid.[/b][/size]
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