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Everything posted by Radaghast
[size=1][b]Alas, more Lord of the Rings. Who am I to complain, I'm only a fanatic. I believe you should have had one more option on your poll labled other seeing that there were more main characters than just the ones listed, and Sam is played by Sean Astin, and Gimli is played by John Rhis Davis. Overall, I believe Ian McKellan gives the best performance playing Mithrandir, and Christopher Lee following a close second as Saruman. Third I give to John Rhis Davis as Gimli and Treebeard. He would have been second, but he only had close ups. They had to use a size double so that a six foot plus actor could play a role of a dwarf who is four feet.[/b][/size]
[size=1]OOC: Sorry I'm late Drix. IC:[b] Name: [/b]Turgon [b]Age:[/b] I would think around 500 [b]Race:[/b] Noldor Elves [b]Homeland:[/b] Gondolin [b]Swear fealty to:[/b] Being the king of Gondolin, Turgon answers to no one, save his brother, Fingon, whom is the great general of the Noldor. [b]Lineage:[/b] Son of Fingolfin, descendant of Finwe. [b]Weapons and Armor:[/b] In times of war, Turgon carries into battle his longsword, Glamdring. His longbow is constructed of the finest wood and has prayers of Manwe etched in the wood, and is able to send missles of death at his enemies with pinpoint precision. A war-horn hangs at his side, for when it is blown, his troops are give such courage, and his enemies run in fear for their lives. He wears a cape of mithril which is covered in blue. His scale armor is made of blue and green mithril in the shape of leaves. [b]Magic:[/b] I'm not going to have my character have magic, only the way Elves have over nature. [b]History:[/b] God Drix, not now. I'll do it in the morning, or when I get back. This might even get covered in your first/history post. All the kiddies need to know is that he's the king of the Noldor. [b]Personality:[/b] Decisive. He tries to do what is best for his people, which sometimes he can't. He tries to be patient with all of his endavors. OOC: It's not the best, but then again I'm not really too good at sign-ups. My posts on the actual adventure will be a lot better when I get back on the 5th. Alas, Drix's Sil knowledge is more than mine ten-fold. The trilogy is another thing, though. I'll re-read the book on my trip, so when I get back it will all be fresh in my mind. Edit: I changed the sword to Glamdring, and added a war-horn. I won't use it too often, seeing the effects are drastic.[/size]
[size=1][b]End of Round One Immunity: Dagger IX1 Members Still Alive: Dagger IX1, sweetreyes, Noelle, doukeshi03, G/S/B Master, Dragon Warrior, Baron Samedi Member Voted out: Yet to be decided. Those of you who didn't post are out. Too bad. It's not my fault you didn't post. Keiko and Angelus_Necare are both out by choice. Keiko PM'd me and refer to Angelus' sign-up to see his edit about absence. I await all of your' PMs. I will edit this post with the results, and then the adventure will resume.[/size][/b] Attention! I am going to be gone from the 31st of December until the 5th of January. Until then, Annie has full control of the adventure. I have PMd her instructions and the RP will resume as soon as she posts who is voted out. To you who haven't voted, send your votes to her.
[size=1]OOC: Sorry about that Annie. Thanks for clearing some of that stuff up for me. ____________________ [b]Roger left the room where his agents were getting acclimated with each other. He met #3 in the hall. "Walk with me Austin. We need to talk business." "Yes sir." Austin followed his boss down the hall and into the bathroom. "Sir, may I ask what we're doing in here?" "You may," Roger answered, entering a stall. "Well.....what are we doing in here sir?" "First, grab a stall." Roger waited for the sounds of his protection officer entering the stall to stop. "We are going to talk. We are in the bathroom because I am a busy man, and I have no time to spare." Austin could hear splashing from the other stall. It sounded like it was coming from a height one would gain from standing. [i]He was always homo-phobic[i] he thought. "I need a base of operations set up in London," Roger continued. "Our informants tell us that they are staying there. We even have a rat in the hotel where Brody is staying. He's slightly annoying, but he gets the job done." "Who is he, sir?" Austin heard his boss get out of the stall and starting to wash his hands. Austin followed suit. "That doesn't matter. All I want you to do is get a place as close to this address as you can." Roger gave his man the card with the address after he washed his hands. They left the bathroom. "Don't worry about money, Brian has enough." Roger gestured for Austin to go and make the preparations. Austin looked down at the card, and looked up just in time to see his boss enter a room with one of his secretaries. "Busy man, huh?"[/b][/size]
[size=1]OOC: Since they desperately need one, I will fill in as the host. (Mr. Body, if you wish, Noelle.)His name will be Roger Stephens. IC:[b] There they were, all in a little group. [i]My guinea pigs have come,[/i] Roger thought in his sick mind. He proceeded to walk down the main stairway. No one noticed. [i]Very alert bunch I have here. I don't expect any of them will make it through to midnight, at the most.[/i] Roger was on the main floor, walking over to address his guests. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my humble abode. Before any of you speak, let me tell you why you are here." The startled looks just left the faces of the group. "You are here to win a great amount of money, and all you have to do is stay the night. But, there are a few things I have not told you about." Roger said this as he walked over to a cabinet. He opened it, revealing 13 guns. One for each. "You will get these. If you are wondering why, they are for the money. You see, if all of you make it through the night, you each get a million dollars. If only one: 13 million." Roger passed out the weapons, silver handguns, to the group still pondering this revelation. "Any questions?"[/b] OOC: My character is not a part of the game, and will not go through the voting process. He is my control over this game. If you want, I will use him for your character's death. Also, anyone who doesn't post that hasn't already will get kicked out if they don't post in the next three days. I will send a PM to those who haven't tomorrow, telling them. This needs to progress, folks.[/size]
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Joeykuba wrote on 12-25-2003 08:54 PM: Nevermind. I'm quiting the RP. I went ahead and deleted my post. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annie recieved this post from Bandit Joeykuba not too long ago. Then I requested Annie to foward it to me. Now it appears here. I take it as a official withdrawal from the RP. But you must know that there WILL still be a voting period for round one. But we still await more of the members to post. Until that time, have fun.
[size=1]OOC: Ah, Freedom! IC: [b]Sam stood outside of his former prison. With his schizophrenia gone, he had an excellent idea of where he was. Only he didn't have a way to find Tex. "Yes I do," Sam said under his breath. He made his way to the cockpit. _________________ He felt as if he was home after a long journey when he sat back down in the pilot's seat. He was looking over the control panel when everything he had done came flooding back into his head. "[i]Oh my God, I tried to rape her! Why, why did I do that? I loved her. I wanted her to love me! Now she never will. I fucked up my chance to be with her.[/i]then[i]I will make her learn to love me!"[/i] Now comes a voice from deep inside of his head. [i]"No! That's what you said last time. Look how that turned out. This time it's her choice."[/i] "That is the decision. She most likely will not take me back. After what I did to her..." Sam resigned to the truth. ___________________ Sam scanned over the banks of monitors, trying desperately to find her. "There! In the docking bay." He was about to run over there, but glanced back at the monitor. "Oh, no! She's hurt." Sam sat there, praying that his love will not die. Luckly, someone upstairs was listening, and Tex rose. She was about to follow Trini into the Event Horizon. [i]I won't let her,[/i] Sam thought. He reached for the PA speaker. "Tex, wait!" Looking in the monitor, he saw Tex whip around, a scared look on her face. She turned her head and yelled something to Trini. "Don't be scared, I'm not nuts anymore. I can prove it to you! Just come back to the cockpit. You'll know, because you're the shrink. Just please! I'm begging you!" Tex said something else to Trini, then turned so the camera showed her face. Sam thought she looked confused. "Maybe she does want me back." Sam thought of what he had done earlier. "Fat chance." He dropped his head, and fought back tears.[/b] OOC(again): Does anyone notice that Allen's last name is Chubb? I wrote his name 'Chubbs' as a joke when my character was making fun of his last name. And I think a few times I spaced on the name of the Event Horizon and called it the Black Horizon. oops.[/size]
[size=1][b]"But baby, it hurts," Sam protested to Tex's suggestion. [i]Just do it, I promise everything will be alright.[/i] "Ok,"he groaned. Sam looked at his arm, which was completely translucent. He had noticed another patch of the clearness earlier; around the spot where that asteroid had hit his shoulder. He pushed his hand through the door. It slid through easily. His hand fumbled around on the other side, searching for the door handle. When found, I opened easily. "I thought I was locked in." [i]You were, but you broke the lock. Look.[/i] Sam looked at what was in his hand. The door handle. "I didn't know I was that strong." [color=indigo][i]Insanity does that to you.[/i][/color] "I'm not insane." [color=indigo][i]Think again. Why do you keep on hurting Tex?[/i][/color] There were suddenly two Tex's. [color=indigo][i]The beaten, insanity saying Tex,[/i][/color] and the fair, entrancing Tex. [color=indigo][i]If you keep listening to her, you'll kill me![/i][/color] [i]Who cares, you bitch? We're all going to die anyway, might as well have some fun![/i] [color=indigo][i]No. Sam, listen to me! If you help me, we'll get out of this together.[/i][/color] [i]So what if you live with her? Die with me, baby. Knock me around, have some fun before you keel over.[/i] "No. I want to live with Tex. I choose [color=indigo][i]Tex.[/i][/color] [i]You'll regret this, you bastard![/i] Yelled the fading, evil Tex. "Now Tex, where are you?"[/b][/size]
[size=1]OOC: I take it that I'm locked in a room....again. Next time I get out, let some time pass before you find me. Please? I was planning on doing some stuff. IC: [b]Sam looked around. He was in an empty room. Without Tex. "TEX! Where are you?" Sam was confused, about to cry. [i]Don't worry, I'm out here.[/i] Sam looked out of the door's small window. She was out there. He was in here. Sam's tears began to flow. "Why aren't you in here? I'm scared!" Sam was sobbing. He was hysterical. Maybe if he cried enough, she would come in. "Please baby, I love you." She looked at him sympathetically as if to say there was nothing she could do. Sam sat with his back to the door. He was trying to stifle his cries with his fist, his clenching teeth drawing blood. He fell asleep. ______________________ Sam awoke, feeling a tickling on his back. [i]Tex![/i] he thought. Sam jumped up and looked at the door. She was on the other side, with tham same look on her face. The tickling was still there. He took off his shirt, and looked to the place where his back had felt that pain earlier. Only he couldn't see it. It had turned complete white, except for a slight area of red. Only he wasn't bleeding, he could see the vein throb.[/b][/size]
[b]End of Round:[/b] Sign-Up [b]Immunity:[/b] None, the RP has just begun. [b]Members Still Alive:[/b] All [b]Voted Out:[/b] None, the RP has just begun. Ok people, if you signed up before I closed the signup, you're in. As Annie and I have said, it's going to be fun watching you guys tearing each other to shreds. [size=3][b]Begin Round One[/b][/size]
Ok people, I'm starting the RP. The sign-up is closed. NO EXCEPTIONS. All of you who have posted have been accepted.
First, phattmaster: Please proof-read your posts. I have no idea how someone can make money as a 'chief'. I believe the word you're looking for is 'chef'. I know I'm being picky, but too bad. Second, KOTR: WONDERFUL. That posts pretty much guarantees you a spot. I doubt that anyone can beat that. I love how you obviously showed what the characters truly are. And I like the whole "struggling with his sexuality". I always thought he was kind of a homosexual. I think it was the neckerchief. It's nice to know that other people think like that too. And yes, I think he would be 21.
Hi all, it is I, Radaghast, with another RP for you. This is one is also based somewhat on a TV show. The Downfall of Scooby-Doo: [i]Today's mystery started out as every other, the van got a flat in front of a spooky mansion while we were trying to take a short-cut. So, the gang went inside to see if there was anyone there to help us with our flat. There were, and they told us about strange happenings going on in the town. We decided to help them. We found out what happened, and were thanked gratiously. The owners were so happy that they asked us to stay another. That's when the real mystery began. That when the real monsters came out.[/i] There's the foundation for what will turn into a fight for Scooby and the gang's sanity, and their lives. The RP will start out as every innocent episode of Scooby-Doo does. All of the wacky occurances of the show will occur. Only when the first mystery is over and they stay another night will things get dark and scary. So here is what I need from you: Name: Age: Bio: (I know there aren't set bios on the show, so you can make something up) Appearance: The characters you can be are: Scooby-Doo: Shaggy: Velma: Fred: KnightoftheRose Daphne: Scrappy-Doo: Given the limited characters, I will only accept serious RPers. When there is only one vacancy left, I will take the spot. If you sign up, you are not guaranteed the spot. PM me if you have not seen the show and want to be filled in about all of the details(all the shows are the same thing, only with different people), or you are confused about something else.
[size=1]OOC: By psychological, I think you're trying to say it's the ship that's holding them back. I guess that means my character is becoming a creature of the ship. IC:[b] [i]You almost have me Sam, just a little more[/i] Tex was on the floor now, crawling away from him with a teasing look on her face. Playing hard to get. "Oh no you don't," Sam said playfully as he jumped on top Tex. She was all over him with her hands and feet, scratching and hitting him. "You're bad," Sam moaned as he began to remove her clothes. He could hear people yelling in the backround. [i]Get of of her you sick son of a bitch![/i]and[i]I'm gonna kill you if you don't get off of her![/i] These voices continued as his mouth moved down from her mouth to her neck. He moved his way down to her breast, and began biting like a savage animal. He wasn't doing this for very long when he felt a terrible pain in his back. He looked down the hall and saw two figures, one with a strange rectangular object in his hand. Sam's eyes turned red, as did his vision. He looked back to Tex. [i]You can have me later, but you have to go now.[/i] Sam nodded and jumped back. He ran off toward the airlock, which led to [i]his[/i] home.[/b][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bandit Joeykuba [/i] [B]She always did enjoy the other seasons of Survivor and when she found out there was going to be another that she could enter... Guess what she did? Well... yeah, she did send in an application... [/B][/QUOTE] This is not another season of Survivor. The concept is based off of the show(immunity, voting, etc...). Please refer to my second post for plot information.
Voting Process: The game will divided into rounds. After every round, someone will be voted off. I am expecting every round will be either until everyone posts at least once, or every two days. This is what my round post will look like: [b]End of Round:[/b] Round Number [b]Immunity:[/b] The person who recieves immunity for this voting period. [b]Members Still Alive:[/b] List of members who are still in the game. [b]Voted out:[/b] After all of the voting PMs are in, I will edit this area with the person who will be posting their death. I strongly urge you to vote out the person who you think has the lowest posting quality. When you see a post like this, PM me with your vote. Also, I am going to start the adventure in about two days, so if you're thinking about joining, you better do it quick. I won't accept anyone after I have started it.
[size=1][i]OOC: Ok, KOTR, I'll do my best to keep this thing afloat as long as possible. Also, all my posts now will be kind of wierd, seeing my character is now insane. So if you don't understand some things, or some things don't really seem relevant to some extent, just remember that I am insane. Also, Tex is not really present, she's just like the voice in Sam's head. Think A Beautiful Mind.[/i] IC: [b]Sam was sitting on his bed. It was nice and comforable. Fluffy. Tex was sitting there too, talking to him. She said that he could have her soon, but he had to wait until that bad lady and that mean man outside of his room were gone. Soon enough, they were. Tex went over to Sam, and wispered to him. "There's a lock-pick in your mouth. Use that to get out." Sam went over to the mirror. Looking in, he saw it. But it was stuck in his gums. He started to pull at it. It still wouldn't budge. Tex told him to try hitting it against the bed-post. Maybe that will get it out. She is so smart, it only took two tries to get it out. There was red stuff coming out of it, though. She told him to wash it off. He did. She told him to sharpen it. He did. She told him to use it to pick the lock. He did. He went out into the hallway. Tex ran past him and down the hallway. "Wait, where are you going?" Sam started to cry. She was leaving. [i]I'm not leaving, you just have to keep up, silly.[/i] "Oh, you're so smart. Where are we going?" [i]To find me.[/i][/b][/size]
[size=1][b]Tilion was in the armory, sharpening his weapons. But more than that, he was thinking about the holocaust which was taking place on earth right now. Demons, thousands of them. The mortal priests and half-dragons cannot stem the tide. [i]That's why He is sending me. I am the hunter of rouges and slayer of the defiled. Lucifer is going to rape the earth, and kill all life. Only after he has done that, he will make his war on the heavens. I will not let it come to that bitter end.[/i] Tilion made his way out of the forge, and to the gates of his homeland. Already outside were a small group of angels. [i]This is my army to stop the hordes of Hell?[/i] He walked through the group and turned to speak to them. "We know their target. He is a half-dragon, and our greatest ally on the mortal plane. If they catch him, they will do more than just kill him..." Tilion did not need to finish the sentence. They know well enough. Tilion, walked over to the break in the clouds and looked down. There were even dead at the entrance to heaven. [i]This will no longer continue.[/i] "He is currently engaged with a rouge angel. Artemus, who is also our target. No one betrayes Him." Tilion spread his wings, and began his pursuit of the ally and the rouge.[/b][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Annie [/i] [B][color=indigo][b][size=1]Ah, sweetreyes, your spot is reserved. Hey Radaghast, what exactly are the contestants going to do? Are they going on an adventure? If so, what are they supposed to do, figure out a mystery about the house?[/color][/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] First, everyone is reserved a spot. From the optomistic newbie to the Otaku with 1000+ posts. And about the plot, which I should have done in my first post(oops!): If any of you have seen House on Haunted Hill, the plot is a millionaire holding a contest with a few select people, and the ones who make it out of the mansion in the morning win a million, each. Thing is they're locked in until then. I have only changed two things. The first is the number of winners: One. And what the winner recieves: Being the Survivor. There is no official title such as Otaku Idol, unless this turns really serious and James feels a need, but that is very doubtful. So don't count on it. I believe that's it for right now, so PM me with any questions.
There may only be one survivor. Will it be you? That is your' goal. To be the last standing. The rules are much like the popular television show, only with a few twists. I will outline all of the rules for those of you who haven't seen the show. The basic premise of the show is a group of people are stranded somewhere and they have to be there to win money. The last person still on the island is the winner. There are challenges to win what is called immunity. Immunity makes you....immune to being voted off by the others on the island. It is the same here. [b]Setting-[/b] The setting is very much like the movie House on Haunted Hill. It is set in a mansion with a mental health institution in the basement, where very cruel practices were performed. I decided to change the setting to this for entertainment purposes. Just think how quickly this would have died if it were set on an island. Seeing if it even gets started. [b]Immunity-[/b] Immunity will be determined by posting quality. Myself and Annie will be judges. It is my promise that we will turn a blind eye to user in order to determine the recipient. [b]Voting-[/b] Voting will occur every few days. All of the active members of the adventure will PM ME with their votes. When all have voted, and all votes are tallied, I will post the results. All the PM's need to include will be the topic SURVIVOR VOTE, and the name of whom you are voting off. The person who is voted off will post their death. [b]Challenges-[/b] There will be no official challenges. Your challenge is to not be voted off. Here is what I need from you: [b]Name:[/b] Your character's name [b]Age:[/b] Your character's age(15-50) [b]Description:[/b] Your character's physical appearence. [b]Bio:[/b] A short biography of your character. Now get to surviving. Also, PM me if you need clarification, or have anything I otherwise need to include.
[size=1][b]Race:[/b] Angel [b]Name:[/b] Tilion [b]Age:[/b] Unknown(As of now. How old would Angels be?) [b]Gender:[/b] Tilion is in the form of a male. [b]Appearence:[/b] Tilion is an Angel of great beauty. His handsome face is thin, giving no thought to indulgence of any kind. His nose is small, lips thin, but eyes of great light, as if all the brilliance of heaven in encased within. His blonde hair is long and in intricate braids, which cascades down his back from his strong, golden helmet, which is by far more dazzling than the most noble and rich mortal king. His silver armor is etched with complex designs written in green. The most notable is two leaves on his breastplate falling toward his torso. His armor stops halfway down his thigh, surrendering to spirals of grass weaving that lead down to his sandals. His wings, very large and with some of the same weaving of his sandals, fold out into a span far more brilliant than any eagle. [b]Side:[/b] God [b]Persona:[/b] Chilvaric.(Is that even a proper word?) He does nothing for himself, but serves God, blind to reason. His Honor doesn't let him fail his task. [b]Weapons: [u]Long Bow of Light[/u][/b] A very large Long Bow carried on Tilion's back. He carries no quiver, for when he pulls the string back, an arrow of holy might appears, ready to pierce Tilion's unholy enemy. [u][b]Sword of Truth[/b][/u] The Sword of Truth is a elegant longsword, used with the Shield of Chivalry. It's length is 5 feet, and is light to the touch. The blade cannot be broken, and was made to guide Tilion to only kill those whom have committed the ultimant sin. [u][b]Shield of Chivalry[/b][/u] The Shield that Tilion uses with his sword is one of the strongest metal, made in the forge of heaven. It can withstand any attack, whether it be a demon's, a mortal's, or even a fellow angels'. [b]Biography:[/b] Tilion is the huntsman of the angels. He hunts down those souls who have turned towards satan, or he hunts the demons themselves.[/size] I'n not very happy with my weapons descriptions, but they'll serve their purpose. OOC: FirePheonix, I finally figured out where I put Pheonix of the Fire. It took me a while. And you almost kicked me out of the same adventure where I gave you the Pheonix of the Fire idea.
[size=1][b]Sam took manual control of the ship, and began to guide it to the docking point of the ship. It was getting closer and closer, though it felt like he wanted to get away from it. The alarm had rung a while ago. He had been up the whole night. Too paraniod to leave the ship on auto-pilot without making sure there wasn't another asteroid coming. He heard sounds coming from deep within the ship of it's occupants stirring. "Rise and shine. Especially you, pretty eyes...." He began to turn the ship closer to the docking port. 500 feet. Everyone began to suit up. 400 feet. His thoughts turned to Tex. 300 feet. "You will love me." Now to Ruben. 200 feet. "You'll get yours." His mind went blank. 100 feet. 50 10 5 0 Sam patched himself to the PA: "Welcome to the Event Horizon."[/size][/b] OOC: If I posted the docking too early, KOTR, just PM me and I'll wait for people to post their character getting up.
[size=1][b]Sam clicked off the PA, and continued with the docking plan. His eyes glanced over to what was their destination, what was a small glint was more substantial. He eyed his NavComputer, and began to mumble to himself. [i]I have no patience for your sarcasm....Oh, I don't care about Sam, because he's always in the cockpit....That isin't a good place to screw....I like to get it from everyone else....they're soooo good....yeah pretty eyes, I bet you've done it with the captain, and his little girlfriend....."You like that Tex?"...."Yeah Captain, you feel so great"......[/i] "Pretty eyes." Sam's gazed drifted to the video display on his control panel. There he saw Tex talking to Ruben outside his room. [i]Yeah, you feel so great...[/i] "Fucking him now? Pretty eyes? Rest assured, he'll get his." Sam made an imaginary gun out of his hands, and pretended to shoot it at Ruben as they went into his room. "He'll be gone. They all will. Only when everyone but us is gone I will make you learn to love me." Sam blew the smoke from his imaginary gun. He grinned. "Pretty eyes."[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]Sam had been in the pilot seat all night, drifting in and out of sleep. He kept waking from dreams about his shoulder getting hit, and of Vincent. His dreams of Vincent were terrible, him seizing the controls and driving into that last asteroid. In those he saw the pleasure in the dead man's eyes, probably of not having to die alone. The alarms sound as they come close to the asteroid, indication to their demise. And he wakes up. Only the alarms are still going. Sam sits bolt upright in his chair, ignoring the dull protest from his arm. Looking out the window he sees no asteroids. Nothing. Only now a tiny glint of their destination, which was still hours away. His eyes skipped over to the monitors on his control board. The alarms had stopped, but he still saw the source. The medical bay. Sam ran as fast as he could, holding the emergency gun that was in the cockpit. He was stopped just outside by Allen, Satell and Trini. "Hey, what happened?" Sam asked, catching his breath. "Van had a heart attack." Satell responded. "How'd that happen?" "Satell was about to tell us." Allen responded, prompting Satell to continue.[/b][/size]
With permission from Annie ----------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Roger Stefani [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Group:[/b] The Numbers [b]Appearence:[/b] It is very obvious that Roger has been neglecting his personal gym, prefering to watch certain others use it. If you know what I mean. He watches from a comfortable leather chair as sweat falls from his black hair down in-between his thick eyebrows and his black, beady eyes, drips from his soft, pudgy nose onto his shirt. The fabric of his brown sportsjacket absorbs his sweat greedily. His grey pinstriped pants grow tight, pulling the legs over his dress/casual socks, which protect his surprisingly tiny feet from the uncomfort of his shoes. [b]Weapons:[/b] Roger doesn't see very much action, but he carries a 9mm just in case things get hairy back at base. [b]Biography:[/b] Roger came to America a poor man. He couldn't get a job, a home, or hope. He took to the streets, and mugged people for money. He made friends in that life. He worked and stole into a better life. He ordered those friends to do his dirty work. He got more money by combining their "earinings". Soon, they brought more people in. More money came in, more business opportunities. Soon enough, he had more people than ever working for him. He bought land, bought companies, bought people. One of those people I had bought has disappointed me. He must be eliminated. (Hmm...I don't really like the Bio, but it works. And yes, I am establishing my character as a pervert.)