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Everything posted by Radaghast
[size=1][b]Sam finally reached the cockpit. He buckled himself in and looked out the window, only he couldn't see out of it. The smaller meteors had cracked the windows terribly. Sam patched himself into the PA. "Will someone with a caulk gun please get their ass up here to fix these goddamn windows before they break!?" With the windows being too scraped up, he had to rely on the computer detection and cameras. He checked through all of the cameras very quickly, and didn't like what he saw. An almost solid wall of asteroids. Shit. As they were getting closer, he determined where the largest gap was; which turned out not to be very big. He would have to use some weapons. Soon rock after rock comes hurtling towards the ship. He passes through a thick cluster of jagged rocks that look as if they were meant to tear through the hull of the ship and disembowel it's occupants. As soon as he passed another swirling cloud of rock and death, he sees something that terrifies him. A giant asteroid. Huge, easily ten times the size of the ship. As soon as he tries to get past it, he get a call from Allen: "Sam, Arthur told me to tell you not to use the port thrusters." "I'm sorry Captain, but I have this monster rock just ahead, and I have to." "Fine," He replied into the com, then yelled into the PA: "Everyone, get to starboard!" The captain continued to use the PA to tell command on what was to happen after the engine blows. At that, Sam turned the ship so that when he used the port engine, the explosion that was likely to occur would propel them past the last gargantuan rock. He activated the port. The explosion that occured was more than what Sam had expected. The sirens started again. He was right though, they were going to clear the asteroid. As they were leaving the field, a fragment traveled against the flow of the other asteroids and exploded through the glass and cut completely through Sam's shoulder. Sam screamed. He barely heard himself yell into the PA for a medic. He blacked out.[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]Hubert had been walking for some time in the cold. He wasn't very cold though, for his body was large enough to produce lots of body heat, and he is walking at a brisk pace. The forest he is walking in most of the year is very beautiful, ever since the turning of the seasons, the trees have lost their leaves, along with all of their beauty. When he stepped out of his door earlier, he decided to walk until he couldn't see the cityscape. Now hours and miles away from that point, he didn't care. He didn't care that everyone would worry about him, about how his businesses would collapse or fight over who gets control, or anything. He was in a perfect state of peace. This peace was rudely interupted when he accidentally stepped into a fire. Apparently the occupants had been yelling at him, but in all his peace, he ended up with a burned foot and two cat-like people with weapons pointed at him... Out of Context: Pheonix, when did I give you the idea for Pheonix of the Fire?[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]Sam watched the exchange between the Captain and Ms. Haven. He was watching too closely and forgot it was his turn to introduce himself until someone threw a spork at him. He jumped up immediately and started introducing himself in a perfect parody of a commercial pilot. "Good evening Ladies and Gents, I'm Captain..."Chubb shot him a mean glance,"Pilot Sam Tiller. We are currently cruising at about, hell I don't know, a really fast speed toward a distressed ship. After our meeting I will be allowing all the little kiddies on this flight, that's you all, up to the cockpit to let you grab a hold of the wheel and drive this hunk of metal for a little bit. Of course I will be right behind you with a remote steering mechanism which will override all of your driving commands..." "Sam, sit down and stop being a wise-ass," the Captain half yelled at him. "Yes sir, Captian Chubby sir!" Sam gave a salute, mocking the Captain. "By not being a wise-ass I mean no talking at all." The Captain gestured for the next crew-member to introduce their-self as more snickering spread across the room.[/b][/size]
[size=1][b]"This shower feels good," is this first thought that comes to mind when Sam steps into his shower after what felt like an eternity in that stasis slime. He was one of the first members awake. "Sleepy-heads" he though as he looked at their pods as he was lathering his body and peeling off slime. Except for Chubbs. Man that guy is punctual. First up, and ready to give a pep-talk. Good thing I woke up a little late, or else I would have had to listen to the whole thing. He finished his shower and dried off, putting on his boxers on the way out into the crew quarters. He popped into his room to put on some clothes. He found a black T-shirt and some khakis. He looked forever for his slippers, but finally found them under the bed. Of course. Now time to find out who's awake. So he popped in next door. "Ah! Vince, the gun-man himself is up and at 'em," exclaimed Sam in a loud, happy manner. "Morning Sam," Vincent droned, obviously not ready to be talking to people right after his deep sleep. "How was the jelly this morning? Get everything cleaned out? I have but one place where I can't get it out. It's right up in...." Sam finished his sentence with a very obvious hand gesture. "Get out of here Sam, you sicko." Vincent laughed, finally becoming fully awake. Down the hall, he found another active life-form. It was our shrink/forensics investigator, the lovely Ms. Crandell. "Good morning sunshine" Sam said, testing his luck. She gave him a cold stare. "How you like your room, pretty eyes?" he should probably stop now, so he doesn't get slapped. "It's small," she responded simply. "Some might say it's cozy," Sam said, trying to be a smart-ass, which he was doing very well. She showed a shadow of a smile. "See, I knew I'd get a rise out of you." The smile vanished. Sam ran away. It's not always a good thing to get beaten up. Wait, it's never a good thing. Last, but most definetly not least, was the Chubb-miester. Captain Chubbs-alot. "Mornin' Al-man. What's happening?" Sam was going to have some fun with this guy, mission commander or not. "Go and check on the flight status, Tiller." "How bout we talk first?" "This ship isin't going to fly itself" "Yes it will. It's called Auto-Pilot, c'ptn." "Well I'll override it and we'll all die," Captain Chubb retaliated, not wanting to be messed with, "now go check on the flight status. "Fine. You're no fun." Sam said leaving. He wonder as he was going up to the bridge, what was up his butt. Oh yeah, the stasis gel.[/b][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] Sam Tiller [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Assignment:[/b] Pilot [b]Personality:[/b] Cocky. Loud and boisterous. He's funny at first, then people start to get annoyed with him. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'5, 140 pounds. Sam is shorter than most of the men on the mission. His face has soft features from not having to rough it on the field. He's always had the comfort of being a fly-boy. His blonde hair is in a crew-cut; his long hair from his earlier life wouldn't fit in the helmet. He wears a blue pilot suit over his light build. [b]Bio:[/b]Sam was born in Wisconson. During his education, he was always the class clown. People could'nt resist him. His life picked up even more when he turned 16, and got his first car. He always won races, even did crazy tricks while driving. He was forced to enter the military after school, because his family did not have enough money for him to enter college. He impressed, and annoyed his superiors. His driving skills converted into flying skills when he entered a flight simulator. He eventually went past the simulator, flying missions in all major wars. Shooting down 150 enemies. He was one of the Air Force's first picks when they decided to try the Event Horizion mission again...
I like it, but I have a question: Was that man just a random robber? I think he had something personal against them, to make them eat feces before he kills them and beheads them. Very and scary. It's a nightmare. The worst nightmare I would be able to think of.
I think One Bad Trip just splits people and families apart, and is extremely cruel to their relationships. Though I think MTV picks the person who would experience more nudity and sex than others, just to make things interesting. Hell, every other station is based on the same principle: No clothes=More viewers. Roomraiders is a very strange twist on dating shows. Someone looking through people's stuff to decide who they want to date, all the while the people who occupy said rooms get to hear their peruser's snide comments. Very strange MTV.
Name: Robert Hunt Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearence: He is a average height caucasian male with a light build. He wears a suit to work which he doesn't care if it gets dirty, which always includes: a blue shirt, a gray jacket, black pants with grey pinstripes, a salmon colored next-tie, and a black fadora. Role: Detective (You bet I'm going to do the whole 1930's self narrative) Bio: Robert was born and raised in a suburb of Newhalem. His family had money troubles when he was just entering third grade, so they had to move into the city. It was in his new school where he met Myer and Sara, both in his class. Throughout his entire education, he was friends with Myer and Sara. Those two were highschool sweethearts. It was all a fantasy land for them, but they didn't care. Not until Sara started fooling around. At that time I was a cop, and I knew about Sara and that other man. I was the first man on the scene when Myer did that terrible thing. Time's gone by, I'm not a detective, and some other sicko is starting to do just what Myer, only he isin't doing it in rage.... -Rada
Nate, there are three clefs: Treble, the highest; Tenor, the mid; and bass, is the lowest. There are also different versions of the same clef, which if you deal with the Finale program, you know. There is no alto clef, I believe alto insturments are in treble. And the bass is, along with the drums, what establishes the beat in music. Mostly in jazz, where the bass and drums have to work together to drive the beat. I used to play guitar, then my teacher moved so I stopped playing. So this summer I took up bass guitar for jazz band. I would have to say that guitar is harder, but they (guitar players) have elaborate parts all of the time, and that becomes the norm for them. I enjoy playing bass, though, since everyone depends on me for the beat. In jazz soloing especially. Soloists take the root of the cord which the bass player is walking and use that as a basis for what they're playing so it sounds right.
One thing, pretty much the guitar having the same look as the bass guitar are where most similarities stop. For one thing, the clefs are completely different. Bass is, naturally, in bass clef. Guitar is in treble clef, which is about an octave higher. The strings: You can't judge on how many strings. There are 4 string, 6 string, up to 20 string(which are only played by the best professionals) basses. There are so many different types, it makes my mind hurt. So that's why I'm not going to tell you about all of them, and why I'm taking aspirin right now. So one thing I'm going to tell you. If you want to switch from regular guitar to bass guitar, get ready for a trip, cause the only thing you'll carry over from regular guitar are the callouses. Oh, and any kind of guitar can be amplified.
[size=1][i]"Roland!"he cries. "We've been betrayed! We're outnumbered! Our backs are to the sea! We've got em right where we want em! Shall we charge? Roland understands he is right. If their quest for the Dark Tower is really to end here on Jericho Hill--betrayed by one of their own and then overwhelmed by this barbaric remnant of John Farson's army--then let it end splendidly. "Aye!" he shouts. "Aye, very well. Ye of the castle, to me! Gunslingers, to me! To me, I say!" "As for gunslingers, Roland," Cuthbert says, "I am here. And we are the last." Roland first looks at him, then embraces him under that hideous sky. He can feel Cuthbert's burning body, its suicidal trembling thinness. And yet he's laughing. Bert is still laughing. "All right," Roland says hoarsely, looking around at his few remaining men. "We're going into them. And will accept no quarter." "Nope, no quarter, absolutely none," Cuthbert says. "We will not accept their surrender if offered." "Under no circumstances!" Cuthbert agrees, laughing harder than ever. "Not even should all two thousand lay down their arms." "Then blow that f**king horn." "Cuthbert raises the horn to his bloody lips and blows a great blast, the final blast, for when it drops from his fingers a minute later(or perhaps it's five, or ten; time has no meaning in that final battle), Roland will let it lie in the dust. In his grief and bloodlust he will forget all about Eld's Horn. "And now, my friends--hile!" "Hile!" the last dozen cry beneath that blazing sun. It is the end of them, the end of Gilead, the end of everything, and he no longer cares. The old red fury, dy and maddening, is settling over his mind, drowning all thought. "To me!" cries Roland of Gilead. "Forward! For the Tower!" "The Tower!" Cuthbert cries out beside him, reeling. He hold Eld's Horn up to the sky in one hand, his revolver in the other. "No prisoners!" Roland screams. "NO PRISONERS!" They rush forward and down toward Grissom's blue-faced horde, he and Cuthbert in the lead....[/i][/size] Ka, it is Ka that brought this all. It is ka that killed Jamie, Alain, and Cuthbert. Ka, the thing driving the world, brought you to the final battle on Jericho hill. This is an adventure based on the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I'm sorry for the long excerpt, it's the only way I could describe the back-story to you. This is one of six worlds. Each has two doors which connects that world to others. Connecting the doors are six beams. Where all the beams intersect, is the Dark Tower. The force that is holding the world together. People and objects pass from one world to another, only rarely. There are some similarities between each of them by the carry overs. You are one of the twelve gunslingers left to fight that battle. Out-numbered, you must find a way to escape. You must find their leader, John Farson, and kill him for the destruction of Gilead, your city. Here is what I need from you: Name: (If you want to be Roland of Gilead, PM me with a writing example) Age: Weapon: (If you are a gunslinger, you will have to have a pair of revolvers, which you are very, very good at using) Occupation: (Gunslinger,guard,soldier, etc. I'll mainly want gunslingers.) Description: Bio: NOTE ON USE OF SWEAR WORDS AND SEXUAL SITUATIONS: I will allow this, but if it seems to just be put in there for the hell of it, I won't let that person use it anymore. Swearing and sex are to be used to extend your ability and options for writing. -This is my first attempt at an rp, so PM me if I need to fix anything. Rada
Name: Dillon Ratcliffe Age: 23 Appearence: Middle height, about 5 feet, 9 inches. Light build, not really any good for fighting against someone else in close quarters. His skin is a sickish pale from years of being sick inside. He is prone to getting sick; his immune system has been weak ever since he was born. His hair is short in a style which is very effecient, short blonde hair in a crew cut. Race: Homo sapien Weapons: Hunting rifle and hunting knife. Short Bio: Dillon was born in rural Wyoming. He was raised in a little house in the woods by a father who liked to hunt, and a mother who was deeply concerned with health. It was her nightmare when she gave birth to a sickly son. He was barely alive for most of his infancy. In his adolecent years, however, Dillon became stronger. His father even took him out hunting, which Dillon enjoyed greatly. The number of hunting trips increased dramatically during his teen years, where he became very effecient at the sport to the point where he could live out in the wild with no trouble at all. Personality: Patient. From his years of hunting, he learned how to be silent and wait for the right moment when stalking his prey. Other: He respects what he's hunting. He knows the huntee inside and out. That's his advantage, the ability to read what he's watching. To study the inner workings and tendencies of his prey very quickly, and most of the time, accurately. Though he isin't saying he's always the best to exploit these weaknesses.... Immunity Level: He runs the range of either being Fully Immune, or "something's wrong with this." -Hope this is good. Rada Edit: We can choose to be either immune or not? I'm going to try and make this an interesting RP for me and make myself slightly immune to it, but sometimes he's taken over. By the way people, I don't want to be the only sapien, so we need more of them.
I think there should be nothing to bar gay marriages. It's a life-style that people chose to lead. There should be nothing to stop that. The government should know that things are starting to change a lot, and people are going to be more free about expressing themselves. Example: Just recently I was returning to my house from getting a haircut, when I saw some protestors. So I said to myself "great, more Phelps'(the Phelps are the local anti-gay prostestors), but it was the opposite. There were young people holding signs that said "Honk for Gay Rights." So I smiled, and we honked. I mean, these people were absolutely ESTATIC. One of the women looked like she was at a rock concert ready to flash the performers. It's that kind of excitement in their eyes and how happy they looked. I'm a heterosexual male, but I'm open to others and what they want to do. I don't think I'll ever turn homosexual, but if other people are, then let them. That's what I say.
I like the Inuyasha one. Though the middle picture of him doen't look like the other two. Though you did say it was supposed to look like that, it looks kind of wierd. Maybe just not 'blended' as the others. What does it say in the backround of the zero banner? I guess it might be a fragment of a saying that was cut off from a bigger piece, but I just want to know. Though I've never been a fan of Digimon, I like the one you made. The backround is, to me, the highlite of the banner. Though my favorite is the second gundam one. I think it's a gundam one. My my, I need to keep up with the times.... I like in the backround the same picture, but slight differences in between them, like the changing color. The writing is cool, and the gundam rushing out is also very cool. And the little 'rips' on the sides. -A non-artist's comments. Rada
Hmm, I saw nothing in the recruitment post that said: NO FIREARMS!! And you posted it after I made my sign up, and you still yelled at me like I could know that you were wanting to firearms. I see nothing in your character about needing another character, and I even asked for you to elaborate your explenation the whole "your character needs another". And by gods, man, I was the first person, other than you, to sign up, so I would not have a wide variety of people I would need. So if I don't need another person to go off of, you still needed to elaborate that it was an objective your character had to achieve. Sheesh. And I was trying to put a creative character with your creative story. I was playing a non-physical merchant. I was going away from the whole really strong and can kill alot of stuff stero-type. Any ways, I never really see a gnome in anyplace. So I will change my sign up some other time. Right now, I have to go. No hard feelings, and I won't abandon this for anything. Sorry if I yelled, also. -Rada
Is that the band teacher you told me about the one giving you the crap? Tell a principal, or a counselor. They're there to take you seriously. I don't exactly have a loaded gun in my closet, but I do have sharp model knives that I've pondered when I was depressed for a while when I started high school. The whole thing about my not having any friends, and people treating me like crap. It's that kind of thing that makes you cry yourself to sleep. Hopefully my life will turn into some kind of Cinderella story and I'll have a good group of friends that I actually hang out with. Since I've never had one friend that I can hang out with outside of school. But we all have something that will get us out of our slump. Justin said he found comfort in god. I've never been very religous, so I found comfort in my music. Playing music, for me, zones everything out. There is also that thing about low self-esteem and eating food. I've fallen into that a few times. I feel low, so I ate suff. But I don't think this kind of post that I'm writing right now would be the best for you. I'm(Justin also) are just trying to show you that you're not alone, and we have found ways to get through it. What we need to give you is more of that positive reinforcement that .h4ck gave. So do what he says, and stay with someone who cares deeply for you to help you get back on your feet.
Name: Hubert Darrington Age: 30 Gender: Male Race: Hoathcarn Appearence: Hoathcarns are a large(about 5'5), jolly race. They are people who the men always have full beards and very full bellies. They start balding early, though the balding is only on the top of his head, the hair on the side is white and frizzly. He wears a nice traveling suit. The coat is a dark grey, with a red jacket under. His pinstriped pant lead down to comfortable brown loafers. And his nose, of course, is extremely large. Weapon: Though he usually tries to uses his charismatic way to stay out of trouble, he carries a very fine dagger and a great long-bow, both of which he acquired in trade. Magic: He has no magic, but his voice is so soothing and convincing people usually believe it is magic. Bio: Hubert was convieved and born in the large city of Kontanshu. His parents, William and Maryln, were both wealthy merchants. His race is a well liked one, so Hubert never had any conflicts with anyone but the green-skinned creatures. He took over the family stores when he became old enough to manage them. He worked mostly in the medicine stores, where he picked up the skills of first aid and alchemy. He also quite liked the looks of all the shiny weapons in the weapons shop. He gifted himself with a dagger from that shop, and a fine, high quality bow from the fletchery. He had a fine life, though too easy. He wanted to change that today, when he decided to take a very long walk..... Personality: Bubbly, social butterfly. Though when he's conducting "business", he can act very shifty, looking for what will convince his "associate." In other words, very much like a used car salesman stereo-type. Other: Waiting to find someone to connect to. Possibly a love story? Eh? Any takers? Edit: Changed some elements, but general story remains unchanged. So if there are any more problems, FirePheonix, just PM me and I'll fix them. -Rada
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
Radaghast replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
All you people are worring about the adventure forum(well, some of you). What I'm freaking out about is how many members we're going to lose in the Battle Arena. eek! I like to think that I'm in there somewhere, desperately trying to find a Jaco Pastorius avatar. Hopefully with the look comes the talent. Well Solo, good job. I like it. -
They have been around for a while, have they. Just look at the difference between the Blue Album and Green Album covers. It's like a little, two-page flipbook. And I'm listening to Island in the Sun right now. What CD is it on? It's on a mini disk, so that's why I can't check. Well, and I don't have the CD anymore. I really like the bass part on that song. OH! I just remembered, on the Blue Album: Only in Dreams. Best song they ever did. I forgot about that song. The very end with the two guitars going all out, so cool. Great bass line on that one, too. "There's no way I will crush your pretty toe-nails into a thousand pieces. Only in dreams, you see what it means, reach out our hands, hold onto hers. But when we wait, it's all been erased. And so it seems, only in dreams." I forgot how much I liked that song. Wow, I have to start listening to these guys again.
I don't know all that much about drawing, but I know what I want to see. You might want to give the person a little substance so it doesn't look blurry. I hurt my eyes a little, with the lighter areas in the backround near the picture. Otherwise, I like it.
I agree with Semjaza, I think Pinkerton was their best album. I always thought it was because I had listened to their other CD's so much they were starting to get old. As well as the random song comment. I think I only listened to the single from the Maladriot CD. I forgot the name of it, but in the vidoe they were with the Muppets. The Blue Album had some good tunes: We've already established the Sweater Song, but I also enjoyed My Name is Jonas and Say it Aint So. Pinkerton had Why Bother, Across the Sea, and Butterfly(I think that's the name of the song.) The Green Album, I dont want to think about, and neither Maladriot, even though I did mention Maladriot earlier. I suggest this, if you have too much hard rock and want to round out your collection, you should take a good look at Pinkerton. Good CD, that Pinkerton.
I listened to Weezer for a while, until I decided i needed a heavier rock. They're one of the best Alternative bands I've ever heard. The Sweater Song shows that. These are the CD's of their I recall having: The Blue Album, The Green Album, Pinkerton, and Maladriot. And I think the song you're talking about is off the Pinkerton CD.
Quite amusing, I agree with Sara. I like the whole "just another job" mentality. It reminds of a game a while ago called Grim Fandango. I think that's what the name was. Now what I want to see is what Azrael's antics after he gets really bored.
Dear Daisuke Angel, What I meant by "Elanor Rigby putting up a fight" was a comparison to their later works. In Regards to FirePhoenix's comment about memorizing the songs: With the Red and Blue albums, I've listened to them so much that if I hear a song on the radio that was on one of the two, I start singing the song that comes after it when it ends my habit. Yeah, I was raised on oldies. And your rendition of Help with the smilies was brilliant. I salute you. To Dourocks: I didn't know that they had a before Paul bassist, or that they were called The Quarrymen. A postcard to Queen Asuka: Sgt. Pepper is one of the best CD's...ever. A curiosity directed to Mitch: "Bob Dylan....rock legend". I don't recall Bob Dylan being in the Beatles, so may I ask, what's up?? Note: I haven't yet mastered the quoting of multiple people, so I tried to be creative with the in-experience.
Don't forget about Magical Mystery Tour! It's pretty much where they're on a bus tour, I think. I've forgotten what Help and Hard Days Night is about, but I remember the grandfather in Hard Day's is "Very Clean." What can you say about the Beatles in the later parts of their time together. They were stoners, as were many people in the 70's, like it or not. To me, their best music came out of this time, though putting up a fight is Elanor Rigby. I've you've never been to a Beatles imitator concert, you're missing out (cough,FirePhoenix,cough[hopefully not saying the wrong person]). One thing: many people do not know that Paul McCartney was the band's bassist. And he only took up the bass because the band didn't have one. Last comment: If you haven't picked up a video/dvd Beatles: Anthology, you need to. -Rada