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Everything posted by Radaghast

  1. I got the CD today, and I'm actually listening to it right now. The sound pretty much stays the same; to me is usually sounded slightly muted, and I like that. But I'm hearing some more electronic sounds, rather than their more acoustic(sp?) sound in Is This It. About 12:51: I've never heard the single before, so it's all new to me. You know how you get a CD after hearing the single, and you listen that one song so many times that you get sick of it? Well, it probly won't happen since I've never heard it before. Maybe I've lost my faith that MTV would play rock or alternative during the day a long, long time ago.
  2. "Duck," Greg said to Kris. He did so quickly, and Greg gave the man two in the head. "It won't kill them," Kris said, Greg nodded. "We have to get back to the others, even thought that one guy is being a real jack*ss." Greg tossed his smaller gun to the kid. "This time you don't have to ask, or rip it from my hands." Kris caught it with as smile on his face. Once they got back to the kid, he seemed to have cooled down a bit. He was carrying the girl in his arms. His face lit up when he saw Kris, but the only thing in Kris's face was dread. Kryu hadn't seen what was behind him.
  3. Name: Sue Damon Age: 46 Race: Tuulian Gender: Male(Don't worry, see Bio) Appearence: Dark Blue full body robe. Shoulder length brown hair. Black Steel toe boots. Under the robe is a no-color, thin sweater and faded jeans. Bio: (Pretty much from the Johnny Cash song, The Boy Named Sue, for those wondering) His father named him Sue for a reason. To be tough. Getting teased at school, picked on everywhere. He learned to deal with it. He got stronger. Quicker and with more power, he overcame his bullies, and got mean. He built up hatred for his father. One day, he and his good buddy, Michael, who is Conrad's father, sought out the man who named him Sue, and killed him. Michael wasn't as fortunate as Sue was, and was gunned down before Sue's bullet hit his dad's chest. Weapon: Two Six-Shooters
  4. Greg watched as the kid ran off with his gun. "Ungrateful little bastard," he said as he took the small caliber pistol out of his sock. As he was running after the kids, he saw as a woman knocked the girl down and began to struggle with her. Her companions were only watching in disbelief. "Get her off!" Greg yelled at the two boys. They both grabbed at the woman's arms, which were chocking the life out of the girl, and slammed her agains the car, one of them wipping out the gun that he took and shoving it onto her neck. The woman shrieked a high pitched inhuman scream which made the two boys cover their ears and make Greg's eyes water. Greg saw his chance. He shot at the woman, which only seemed to piss her off more. She shoved the albino kid out of the way and rushed toward him. She grabbed his shoulders and gave him a quick headbut. Greg staggered away, clutching his forehead. She stabbed her sharp fingernails into his substantial belly. Greg fell to the ground, surrendering himself to the beating he would have to endure. He fought the darkness long enouch to see the tanned kid tackle her.
  5. Gregory woke up in a puddle of his own drool. He lives in the gas station now, ever since he couldn't keep up with payments for his house. He usually sleeps in a cot in the store room, but as of last night, it was a splintered mess. Greg tried standing up. The world began to spin and he fell backwards. He could already feel the headache coming on. There must be some cure for hangovers. He stood up slowly this time, careful not to fall on the hard concrete of the store room. He hobbled out into the store, his legs sore from whatever the hell he did last night. He looked around for the aspirin to try and help his headache, which was only going to get worse. He found it, struggled with the child safety cap for a moment, and popped two or three pills more that he needed. "Now", he thought to himself, "I need something to wash it down." He reached for a six pack, went to the counter, and drained only one before he heard a tap on the door. He reached for his gun under the counter and put it into his back pocket. Can't be too careful. It was a kid at the door. He look scared. Greg went over to the door, turned the closed sign around so it said open, and unlocked the door. The kid was frantic. He was screaming at Greg, who finally noticed that he was bleeding. He told the kid to stay there, and Greg went outside. A school bus had caused a mess out in the street. It had stopped when it hit a large tree. There were a few damaged cars, and kids were streaming out of the back of the bus. Only one ran toward it and went inside. Greg trotted along with his stiff leg sending bolts of pain that went right toward his migrane. Greg was at the door to the bus, looking in. The bus driver was twisting some poor kids arm. And another was in a seat nearby, nursing a wound. The bus driver had a piece of glass in his chest, and Greg wondered how he could still be alive. Greg wipped out his handgun and yelled at the driver to let go of the kid. The man didn't hear him, or the gun as it fired a bullet at his chest.
  6. I love this show. I can't see how my dad can watch cops, he can't see how I can watch this. Garcia is the best. I love the one were he and his partner are just messing with people, and when he gets attacked by the same guy. Did you see the one with the illegal fireworks? I love the part where the stoner guy gets maced. Hehe, he said she looked like Shirley Hempel. Silly guy selling fireworks.
  7. Name: Gregory Dearson Age: 31 Job: Gas Station Attendant Blood Type: AB (thanks GuardianStorm for filling me in) Appearence: Blue eyes, long, shaggy black hair. Short, almost 5 1/2 feet. A little overweight, 250 pounds. Wears mostly blue jeans and a torn up jean-jacket. Bio: Born and raised in a local trailer park, Gregory grew up in Harvest Moon all his life. His father owned the local gas station, so when he was sixteen, he got a job there. One day when the store was being robbed, he was frightened so badly, he developed a second, and very violent, personalty, that which is no stranger to holding a gun.
  8. Has anyone ever made a wierd 'connection' with people. Kinda like linking them together? This would be really easy in a small town, but in a small city where I live, it's a little harder. Here's mine: The choir teacher at my old Middle School's daughter is my brother's new trumpet teacher. His old trumpet teacher married my orchestra teacher from my old Middle School, who's cousin is my private cello teacher, and her husband designed a new pool where I swim at. Follow? So if you have one of these wierd connections, put them here. Edit: Mods, I just saw the Coincidences thread? Would this go under it perhaps? Edit Part Deux: I guess not.
  9. [i]Philip had been the only one sleeping. His father came to him in a dream, telling to seek out the remnant. He said they were whole save one, the one he had to seek... Standing up, Philip rubbed his eyes. Everyone else was talking to each other. Only one, the ranger by the name of Dragomir, seemed to notice him leave the camp, his figure fading as he left the light of the fire. Philip walked for what seemed to be an hour. He eventually reached the town of Tayli. He turned the a corner to face a tavern, his feet leading him like he's been there since he was born. Inside of the tavern was crowded and noisy. Men drinking, gambling, and fighting. All but one. The one he wanted. He was sharpening his broad sword in the corner, a mug of untouched beer in front of him. His eyes followed Philip's movement. Soon, Philip was in front of him.[/i] Philip: "Hello Van."
  10. "...you a question first, Answer it." Philip has been hiding in a nearby bush, listening to the entire conversation, the whole time fighting with his other self. Philip: "I think I'll go out and talk to them. " [i][size=1]No you won't, you fool, never talk to people. They are untrustworthy.[/size][/i] "I won't listen to you this time!!" [i][size=1]They are the ones who killed your father and mother, don't you recognize them?[/size][/i] "I wasn't there that night, I was at my friends house". [i][size=1]You have no friends, remember?[/size][/i] "All I know is that you aren't a friend." Philip rose and approached the two strangers. The man who was kneeling down by the water stood very quickly, drawing his sword. Philip: Hello, who are you?
  11. Radaghast


    Name: Alex James Bency Age: 14 (15 in August) Hair color: Dirty-blonde Eye color: Dark Blue Height: I think somewhere around 5'10 Wardrobe: A "funny" shrit with a plaid shirt of matching color open over it. Long khakis, and comfortable, almost loafer style shoes. And of course, my office-max hat. Personality: Really quiet. People are suprised to find out I'm not mute. Hair Style: Flat Favorite Music Type: Rock Favorite Bands: Tool, Ozzy, Metallica, and some GreenDay Hobbies: Cello, electric bass, reading, observing people(in a non-perverted or serial-killer kind of way).
  12. Name: Philip Hammond Race: Human Class: Ranger Weapons: Long Bow, Pair of Daggers, Blessed Saber Desc: Philip's sea blue eyes are framed by an extremely ragged and dirty face. His long brown hair often has a twig or leaves caught in it's tangles. His slender head is connected to his body by a long neck, which is mounted to a slim, tall body. From years of eating off the land, his torso is extremely thin, hardly any fat on his body. He is clothed in a forest green robe, stained with dirt. He has leather armor concealed under the robe, which he made himself. Bio: The son a priest, Philip grew up in a slightly sheltered environment. Everyone was concerned with the well-being of the local priest and his family. Though one night, a wondering theif, suspected to be a Vagabond Knight, robbed his home, killing his father and mother. He was an orphan from then on, living off the land. He luckily found his father's saber, which he used to kill any demon who came through. With that in hand, he traveled, training and taking odd-jobs from townspeople. 15 years later, now sporting a crude long bow, two sharpened kitchen knives, and his a rusty but effective saber, he hunts the man who killed his family.
  13. Well, I don't know as much as some of you guys know about it, but I really liked the music. But let me get this straight, Disney is taking part in a movie that has "oozes,drips, flows, gushes and splatters. At least it isin't hidden porn. I have to see it, even though I am only 14 and can't get in by my self. Ah, the life of a minor.
  14. I was never really into jazz very much, until I joined jazz band. Huh, if I never really listened to it very much, why did I join a school jazz band. I have no idea. I really like slow jazz, it's just so relaxing. Slow jazz is pretty much an alto sax soloing, which as I say, is relaxing. Regular jazz, I haven't really gotten into. I only have two cd's, weather report and word of mouth. But i must say, Jaco Pastorious is argueably(sp?) the best bass player, dead or alive(unfortunately, he's the dead part).
  15. Saruman was killed in the shire by his former servant, Wormtounge. And for Mitch's question about the thread, it can be about Tolkein's other works concerning Lord of the Rings, but this is a Lord of the Rings trivia....place. Q. What is the name of the new friend Pippin makes in Minas Tirith?
  16. I'ts Smaug the Golden. Yeah, I agree, you guys are coming up with some really hard questions, one's that are barely in the reach of my mind without having to look in the book, and alot of the times i do. So I agree with Drix, lets tone down the difficulty of the questions somewhat to let it be more acessible to more than three. Lets see the levels of questions we can do: Q: Who is Galadriel's husband? (Drix and Youkai, try to wait a while to let someone else answer. If it's been a while, go ahead and post. Thanks)
  17. hey, that not fair. it's my turn. who begged Curumo to take Aiwendil along with him on his mission to middle earth? there, i did check my pm.
  18. I'm not sure, but was is Ar-Pharazon? PM me if I'm right, and I'll edit this post w/my question.
  19. Answer:1304-1405 Question: Who are the carriers of the Elven rings of power? If you can, try to name the rings too.
  20. Name: Peter Banbury Age: 22 Nationality: Great Britain Force: SAS Position: Mechanic/Pilot(Land Vehicles) Pref. Weapon: Pistols; Semi-Automatic Rifles (sorry, I'm not big on gun names...) Appearance: Medium build, slight tan. Blonde hair cut into a slightly shaggy military style crew-cut. Scars and burns scattered in few places on his arms from his early mechanic training. Bio: Peter grew up in a slum neighborhood in London. He was lucky enough to finish high-school before he had to start work to support his large family. His family managed to scrape up enough money to buy him a car to get him to his far-away work. In that moment, his fascination grew. He started racing, and earning more and more money. By the time he was 19, he was reaching a god-like status in street racing. When he got tired of the streets, he joined the military.He soon leaped through the ranks to Luitennant(sp?). By his twenty-first birthday, the ATT approached him, and now he finds himself ready to leave for the middle-east on his first mission.
  21. Name- Radagast the Brown Age- Unknown Weapons- Wooden staff Armor- Brown Robe Bio- After Sauraman was cast down, Radagast re-surfaced from his exile to finish his mission in helping cast down Sauron. Friend of birds and beasts of the forest, he speaks with many animals and is aided by them. Occupation- One of the five cheif Istari Location- Greenwood(Mirkwood) Race- Maiar(Wizard) Reason for joining- I'm a Lord of the Rings freak, what more do you need?
  22. Close, it's the Hurons. They are the servants of the ents.(I PM'd Drix to confirm the right answer.) My question. What were the ships called that Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli arrived in at the Battle of Plennor Fields?
  23. I don't really have very many buddies, but I'll put 'em anyways. SilpheedPilot- My good friend. I knew him before I joined the OB, in fact he had me join. He's, well....I cant say much about him. Very mysterious. Well...not mysterious. I'm getting off track... Hells Fire- My first friend on here. He trys to stump me with easy Lord of the Rings questions, good luck buddy. Drix D'Zanth- Now this guy knows his stuff. LOTR expert, he probly knows more than me(we'll see). Artemis- I don't know her that well. I've just started talking to her. She doesn't get on very much. Those are my buddies. Again, I don't have very many. I don't know, maybe I drive them away? Hopefully not.
  24. Alright, it's Lord of the Rings trivia time!!!! This is for you hard-core Tolkein readers, who read the books a lot, and some of his other books, like the Silmarillion and such. FIRST QUESTION: How many Valar are were there in the beginning of the world? There that wasn't too hard. It'll get harder when it starts going. I don't really know how we'll do this, maybe PM the person who stated the question with the answer, and they'll tell you if it's right or wrong, then you can post if it's right. So, YOU MUST KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR OWN QUESTION!In you answering post, make sure to ask another question. Alright, let's get this going.
  25. They do that in Germany? Hm, i guess people there are getting tired of it by now, and want our way of doing commercials. Has anyone ever noticed that when a station runs commercials about themselves, that the show is about to come on. I noticed that a while ago, and wondered if anyone else saw that. Maybe I watch too much tv.
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