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Everything posted by Radaghast

  1. Of course the movie sucked, it was a movie based off a Stephen King novel. They all suck, exept for Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile. The book was awesome. It's one of my fav's of his. But right now now I'm eargely waiting for Dark Tower V: Wolves of Calla. But that's going off track there. I think it's genious how King wrote the parts with Jonesy inside of his own mind. And what about that one "mentally challenged" guy who saw the "line", or whatever. In my mind I thought he looked like Carrot Top. Hmm....I didn't see the movie, so I wonder what they made him look like.....
  2. I love the movie. I personally think it's the best movie they made from a Stephen King novel. I think I remember the guy's last name was anderson, but I'm not sure, I'll have to watch it again. Great family movie..lol.......not really, lots of swearing kiddies.
  3. I think reality shows are starting to go away, but are slowly being replaced by cop-shows......why, why must they ruin cop shows?
  4. I think radio comercials are some of the best and least annoying type of commercials, but only if they're for a rock or alt-rock station(in my opinion, anyway). I specifically*sp?* remember one that was the FBI interrogating Santa Clause about him possibly being a terrorist. And I too hate the kids and the clown dressing up as elvis in the micky-d's commercial. They're insulting impersonators everywhere.
  5. Eomer is Eowyn's brother; their uncle is Theoden, king of Rohan. I would really like to see some fan-fiction about the War of Jewels era, with Melkor.(If you don't know who Melkor is, he makes Sauron look like a carebear.) And I too would like to see more about Sauron, BEFORE the war of the ring. Tolkein does seem to rhyme names now that I think about it, but I read in one of the source-books that he goes alot deeper than that, like going into different versions of english and other languages, connecting the names to other people in the book, or something about the character..
  6. My favorite commercial is the comedy central one that parodies reality tv shows. The Vault. But I do think we could do with less commercials and more of the shows. They could set it up so they show the show you're watching in it's entirety, then have a block of comercials. That works so you could do something for the ten minutes inbetween the shows, like play a game, or practice and instrument. Do homework perhaps?
  7. Makiru looked at this young woman curiously. How could she have become a sorceress at such a young age? It had taken him nearly 15 years to master his holy magic. Makiru:"Lady Hikomi, can you help me send my master on to the next world?" He could barely say these words without breaking down. Hikomi:"I would be glad to." Makiru:"It would be easiest to put him in the fire. Help me pick him up." She nodded, and went over to the other side of the dead man, and they picked him up. As they were walking toward the fires, Makiru started to murmer a prayer as the tears began to stream again."Goodbye, Sonoma." He wispered as they lay him in the fire. "Take me to the villagers, I must complete the task were sent to do.
  8. I love the Simpsons. My favorite episode would have the be the one where bart skips school and goes to freddy quimby's birthday. I love the part where skinner finds the gum."Doublemint gum, eh bart. Trying to double your fun are you? Well I'll double your detention. I wish someone was around to hear that."
  9. They came to the town a few hours after they left. Fires still raged, as if noone had tried to stop them. Makiru:"Sonoma, I find it strange. There are no wounded in sight, and no one trying to put the fires out." Sonoma:"Yes, I agree, i suspect this is was no accident."Just then, a strange beast came out of a fire, and lept on Sonoma, tearing away skin as he devoured him. Makiru:"MASTER!!!!NOO!!!"Makiru rushed toward the beast, striking it's spiked back with his staff. His staff tore through the beast with ease. This was not an animal of the natural earth. It was a demon. Sonoma:"Quickly, Makiru, heal me, I am slipping fast." Makiru tried to pull the beast off of his dying mentor, but he couldn't. Makiru:"I cant lift it, I'm not strong enough." Sonoma:"It's ok, maybe this was meant to be." Makiru:"No, I won't leave you behind" Makiru took his teacher in his arms, and began to cry."Goodbye, master." With that, Sonoma passed.
  10. "Makiru, wake up, Makiru" a familiar voice called for him. Makiru: "What? I don't want to wake up now." "But you have to, there have been fires in local villages, we have to go and help them." The voice was of his teacher, Sonamo. Makiru: "Fine fine, I will be up in a second." And with that, his teacher left. Makiru rose from his bed, got dressed, and grabbed his staff as he went outside. Sonamo: "Well about time, sleepy-head." Makiru: "I wish you would stop treating me like a child, Sonamo, I'm old and have grown since you first found me" Sonamo: "Yes it has, and you have grown strong and wise. Now, we must depart to help heal the villagers." And with that, they left the temple for the last time.
  11. There have been sooooo many attempts to make this movie, and finally someone gets it right, Kudos to Peter Jackson. Though I'm kinda mad that they ended the movie un-true(tell me if I'm wrong, i might be, haven't read it in a few months)but doesn't the second book end a little later, like(desperately trying not to spoil anything) Frodo, Sam, and Smeagol getting seperated??Anywho, I really want to see how they pull off the battle of Plennor fields, i think it will look completely awesome. Anywho, I still think the movies a great!!! I'm hopeing they'll do the stuff in the Shire and then going to the Undying Lands at the very end.
  12. Name: Makiru Toyama Age: 37 Weapons: Staff Bio: Makiru was orphaned at a very early age, and was taken in and raised by a monk in a temple. His teacher at the temple told him the ancient legend of the Matsudaria War, and from that time on, he trained to fight, just in case the legend was true. After 30 years of training, the evil re-surfaced, and Makiru went to help send it back to where it had come. Description: A simple monk, Makiru is clad in a simple yellow monks robe. His sash supporting his robe is orange, the color which his bald head is. Carrying the staff as a weapon of battle and a insturment of healing, he banishes the demons and heals the living.
  13. I have 23 CD's, but what I usually do is borrow my friend's CDs and copy them onto mini-discs. Each mini disc can hold usually a maximum of 400 minutes of music.
  14. I chose mine from Lord of the Rings backstory. Radaghst the Brown, a member of the Istari; which is a group of five demi-gods, also known as Maiar. They are only five, but there are a good number of other Maiar. The other two I know of are Saurman the White, and Gandalf the Grey. He now lives in the forest of Greenwood, now known as Mirkwood. And I believe he was present at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, during the War of the Jewels, but I'm not entirely sure.
  15. Radaghast


    I don't think this is an actual phobia, or me just being paranoid, but I just freak out about eyes when I can't see who they belong to. Just floating in the air. I think it started when I was watching about ghosts on the discovery channel. They were doing a story about some chick having a slumber party and going down to get some more popcorn when she looked down a dark hallway and saw two red eyes floating there. The picture they made for it messed me up so bad. I had a fishtank in my room that had a heater which a red light would come on when it was doing something. From the angle where I slept, the glass reflected it so the light was spaced out like a pair of eyes and I woke up looking at it. So now I don't like eyes, at all; peirod.
  16. Radaghast


    Nallen and Melinda emerged from the catacombs to a town in flames. There were screams of pain coming from the town, and sounds of battle from the east. "My god," Melinda said softly. "What do we do?" "We got to where the fighting is and try to find out what happened." Nallen replied. "Then we go back to the town." "Alright," Melinda answered confidently as they started off toward the battle.
  17. Name: Azumi Age: 23 Rank: Chuunin Country: Lightning Weapon: Quarterstaff Looks: Small build; very fast. Shoulder length blonde hair. Simple white robes with a yellow edging. Carries his quarterstaff as a walking stick while traveling. Bio: As with all of the lightning clan, he has always been fascinated with the beauty and power of lightning. From an early age, he was trained by his father to wield this power, and has taken to it very easily. Right after his elementary training was finished, his father had to leave to fight in the clan wars. He instead recieved expert training from his uncle, who has long since passed away as of this moment. Azumi now searches for his father, who he hopes will come with him in his part in the fight against the shadow. Attitude: Azumi is light-hearted, and enjoys laughter. He takes everything that comes to him with great care. Attacks and Abilities: Staff Charge: Thrusts his staff into the air and uses it as a lightning rod, electrifing his staff. Flash: Flash on lightning that blinds all around him. Bolt: A single bolt of lightning comes from the heavens and strikes the target . Barrier: An electical barrier enfulges Azumi, protecting him from attacks for a short time.
  18. Radaghast


    Nallen walked through the doorway, expecting more undead, but instead he had entered an elegant bedroom. Tapestries hung on the wall, the floor covered with rugs of complex design. In the center of the floor, there lay a bed of lush pillows, with it's occupant asleep. Nallen walked around the bed, getting a better look at the owner. She was a woman of great beauty, her long brown hair reaching her waist, her skin lightly tanned. Slowly, her eyes opened, their piercing green staring into the cold grey of his own. "Who are you?" She asked. "My name is Nallen Foulblade, m'lady. May I ask of your own?" "Mine is Melinda," she replied while gracefully getting to her feet and grabbing a staff that lay on a chair."I am a cleric, so give me one good reason why I should not banish you back to the grave."My eyes connected with hers as I started to explain. "I have not yet been to a grave, for I was a paladin cursed into this body while fighting an evil necromancer." Her eyes widened in sudden understanding. "Oh, I deeply apologise. I had no idea. So you are searching for this man, in hope of returning to your true body." "Yes." I realised that I will not return to the paladin, but my body at home. That thought made me want to run all over the continent right at this very moment in search of the man who can send me home. " I must leave now, for I must continue my journey." Nallen started out the door, but she grabbed his arm. "Please, let me come with you. I can help." "Fine, follow me." And with that, they left the catacombs.
  19. Radaghast


    Nallen woke up, collected his equipment, and headed out the door of the inn. Walking down the street, he let his mind wonder to how he had been teleported into his game. That night, around a week ago, he had somehow come to exist in his game. He forced the subject out of his mind, for it was useless to even think about it. He was here for good. He finally came to his destination. It was a catacomb which the local villagers had been having trouble with. Said it had been infested with the undead. He studied the entry-way, which was dark and forboding, just how I like it. He walked inside. It was very cold, and crawling with undead. He drew his long-sword, and readied for battle. Moving forward, slashing and parrying at the moaning zombies and the sword wielding skeletons. He moved from room to room, cutting down anything that posed a threat. Finally, he reached a locked door. Tired and bleeding, he kicked the door in...
  20. I guess I'm late to the punch, but i think there's still time to join. Lore Persona ------------ Name: Nallen Foulblade Age: Undead Race: Undead Class: Death Knight Description: Black armor, black sword, black everything Real Life Persona ----------------- Name: Rex Langley Age: 17 Description: A tall lankey nerd, rex wears thick rimmed glasses and a stained Star Trek T-shirt. Bio: Rex joined lore so he could lose himself in a world of strong people and adventures, leaving behind his nerdy life-style. When his computer sucked him into the game, his wildest dream had come true.
  21. Name: Koris Orcbane Appearance: Short with braided brown hair. Like all men of the dwarves, he has rough skin from being around furnaces of molten rock all of the time. Race: Dwarves Weapons: A wide assortment of axes, generaly one battle axe and two throwing axes for each soldier. Specialties: Immune to all types of fire from working in furnaces. Number of men: 75
  22. Name: Thomas Harland Age: 30 Description: Brown hair with jet-blue eyes. Tall and slim, he is the stereo-type of a man who gets high on battle. He has scars from many years of battle on his body, the lashings on his arms the easiest to see. He wears a dark red jumpsuit. Bio: Always looking for a good fight, Thomas joined up with the Federal Division when he was of age. He is always alone, with an expression of deep thought on his face, but when it comes to battle, he lets out all of his emotions during a high that only adrenaline will give. Rank: ? Position: Infantry Suit: Standard Soldier Model
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