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Everything posted by IloveBebop

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alastor [/i] [B]None could introduce better than the games themselves. Beause almost all cartoons, movies, and comics based on games turn out o just plain suck. Example: Final Fantasy the Spirits Within. It had very little to do with the final fantasy games. No summons, or Aeons it was a whole different thing. [/B][/QUOTE] I know that this is off topic, but in case you haven't noticed, no Final Fantasy game has anything to do with another (except FFX2). I just thought that I should clear that up. I agree that a better way to introduce games to non-gamers is through a movie, but the non- gamers would probably avpid the movie since they haven't heard of the games. Some people have exceptions, and want to try something new, but some don't like video games at all and wouldn't see the movie for it. Then again, even though it wasn't originally a video game,I would say that the LOTR movies are a great success, although most people probably haven't read the books. I have no idea where I'm going with this.
  2. That makes me think that it would be funny if Ash's mom becomes a biker chick again. It's sort of ironic that Ash's mom was a biker chick, though. That kind of change happens with a lot of cartoon/anime mothers. I have no idea what happened to Ash's father. It makes me wonder. I don't really remember any of the early episodes, since I recorded over all of my Pokemon tapes. I think things would be [b]way[/b] too weird if Prof. Oak were Ash's father. The situation would have been like this, "Say 'hello' to your uncle, Ash, Gary!" "AAAAHH!" "AAAAHH!" That would probably be it. So, I highly doubt that theory. I don't like the idea of going out to train, having a child with someone, and then abandoning your family to training some more. It sounds like there would be a lot of divorces if that happened. The timeloop theory would probably fall someday, but I wouldn't know that. I don't have any more comments.
  3. I like Pokemon, and my friends want Pokemon to die. They used to be crazy about it, too. I'm in seventh grade, and I said who cares, because I don't give a crap about what other people say. It's their opinion, not mine. Yesterday, I read all of my newest Pokemon cards. I hope that that answers the question of how much I like them. I haven't bought a pack of cards for about six months, but I still like them. I just don't have the money to buy the cards. By the way, I wish that they'll make another TCG, especially since my copy of the original doesn't work. I love the games! I play them like crazy, although I can only get the GB games. I have three games that aren't lost and still work. I kow that that sounds pathetic, but I lost my Pokemon Yellow, and my sister's Pokemon Blue doesn't work. I sort of like the show, but every episode is the same thing. Ash is walking along with his friends, then Team Rocket comes. They steal a pokemon, but their plans are always thwarted by Ash. Then, Pikachu thunderbolts them and the episode ends. That's it.
  4. I don't thik this will go well with the mods, but I like to make things last, while they're here. So, I wish you luck.
  5. IloveBebop


    That sounds like Trigun. Knives was sort of banished (though not really banished, as he sort of banished humans), and started the Gung Ho Guns. Vash got slightly more attention from Rem, but I think that she favored both of them, because she loved them both like sons. I wouldn't know, I've never read the Bible.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Demon Babe:) [/i] [B]WHAT'S..........WRONG..........WITH...YOU..PEOPLE.? Sesshomaru IS NOT CUTE OR REMOTLY HANSOME WHAT DO ALL OF YOU PEOPLE HAVE HOLES FOR EYES?!!!!!! AM I THE ONLY SANE PERSON HERE,I MEAN THE SO-CALLED MAN WEARS MAKE-UP FOR HEAVEN SAKES HE'S A FRUIT.....A FRUIT I TELL YOU A FRUIT AND HE WOULDN'T GO OUT WITH ANY OF YOU BECAUSE HE ISN'T KIND,HE ISN'T CARING,AND MOST OF ALL HE HATES HUMANS(ecipt Rin) I hate to bother you with my ranting(ok mabe I don't) but I was outraged by the idiosety of more than half of you!! Don't even get me started on Koga and its spelled K-o-g-a not K-o-u-g-a idiots [/B][/QUOTE] Um... That's your opinion. some people find him attractive (including myself), and some people don't. That's that, and we don't need to argue about it. How do you know if Sesshomaru's gay? Do you have any facts to back that up? So what if he wears make-up? Every celebrity wears make-up! They do that to make them look good on camera! You have to work to get to Sesshomaru's kind and caring side. You just don't try hard enough to see that. The people who actually do would most likely want to date Sesshomaru (if that person sways that way). Do you have a problem with that? You [b]could[/b] try to spell better before you rant about how stupid people are. A subtle hint, try to look smart when telling people if they're stupid or not. Not that anyone is stupid, anyway. Everyone is smart in their own way. I'm done here.
  7. Yeah, you can only leave Olympus Colleseum through that huge door. You can't miss it. My suggestion for beating Cerberus is going to Deep Jungle and training there before going back to beat Cercerus, you're a bit stronger if you do that...
  8. I forgot when exactly I got the game, but I've had it for a while. One of my friends is borrowing it right now. It's an okay game, but it can be amazingly funny at times. Did you know that you can get Sesshomaru to say "What is this paper?" I'm having trouble understanding what that's supposed to mean... It's really easy, but it took me almost half an hour to win with Shippo. It's all because he's too short and weak to fight people. What would he transform into in the mini games? I had trouble collecting the pictures, but that's because I was unaware of the color change thing. As soon as I get it back, I will get all of the pictures! My friend and I want to put a particular Sesshomaru picture on a t-shirt and say something funny...
  9. I know that this won't be funny, but here it goes... Honda: I hate you, Serenity. I'm leaving you for Dukey! Deblin: I love you, Honda! Honda: I love you too, Dukey! Serenity: Figures... *sigh* Bakura: Now, it's time to clean the ravine! Malik: Oh my! Look at all this garbage! Bakura: It's just, plain horrible! Malik: Don't cry, Bakura. Bakura: *cries* Don't people care about the environment!? Jonouchi: I'm a loser. I can't do anything... Yugi: It took you that long to realize it? No wonder you're so stupid... Jonouchi: *cries* Serenity: Loser... Grandpa: YUGI!? *has a heart attack* Yugi: Crap... Seto: Oh no! Are you all right!? Yugi: Kaiba, he has a heart attack every day. Don't worry about it... Seto: LIVE! LIVE! LIVE! Yugi: Get back over here, you sexy thing! Seto: LIVE! LIVE! YOU'VE GOT TO LIVE!
  10. Sorry. I got hyper because of the revival of penguins. I think that he was a bit overly obsessed. Afterall, before he became obsessed with penguins, all he did was count things. True, it is the thing an accountant would do (although he was probably unaware of becoming an accountant at the time), but that's just sad...
  11. Yeah, I think all it did was tell the future. That is, [spoiler]before it lost its power. She then gave it to Yugi to somewhat help him.[/spoiler] That's all that I know.
  12. I don't know how he can be so obsessed with penguins. I also don't understand how someon's two loves can be penguins and numbers... That [b]was[/b] extremely funny, though. I kept yelling "Penguins!" By the way, how do you think an all penguin theme park would turn out? It just seems so interesting...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Naru [/i] [B]Which anime character would I date?? 2)Sora from Kingdom Hearts-He's so caring,sweet,fun,cute,& he's got the KEYBLADE! I love the keyblade =^^= ~Koneko Naru =^^= [/B][/QUOTE] Sora? I know that it seems a little opinionated, but my friends think that he's evil. Then again, a weird one to date would be Riku. Did you know that he wears pants over his pants? That's just weird. On top of that, [spoiler]he fell for Maleficent's and Ansem's tricks. He needs to learn how evil people think. They use people for their dirty work.[/spoiler] That's just me, though.
  14. Woah! Sasuke and Naruto kiss? I never saw that one coming. Then again, I've only read a little manga from a Shonen Jump magazine. What would I know? To get on topic, I'm sure CN would ruin these animes with their S.W.A.T. team of editors so that they're "appropriate for children." It would be hazardous for them as I would prepare a boycott of CN if they do that.
  15. All of this information makes me wish that I had all of those tapes that I recorded anime on. I have to tell my dad to have me go to the storage locker and raid the place for my tapes. Poor Ayame, Kouga fell in love with another girl after her... Men... I honestly have no clue as to the ending to the series. It all depends on how it gets near the end... I have no idea what's going on with this Shinintai crap, so I'll just leave that alone...
  16. Hm. This is another thread where we keep saying the same thing over and over again... I hope that there is another point to make here. I've probably said this before, but these adults are growing up on violence, and now they're suing people for it? Stupid people...
  17. Just comic relief? I think Kouga's there just to complicate things for Kagome. ;) Maybe he's also there for some more competition for Inuyasha, and to give him someone else to argue with. I highly doubt it, though.
  18. That reminded me, what happened between the real Marik and Ishizu? What did he ask her to do?
  19. Hm. I never thought of that... I guess they wouldn't kill each other, considering all that applies to their past (not to mention Kagome).I think they'd rather kill Naraku (for their own reasons) than each other.
  20. This isn't that hard. Although it may seem sad, I've been dreaming of dating anime characters for a long time... Anyway, on with the list! 1. If you know me well enough (which I suspect you don't), My number 1 guy is Sesshomaru! If you can see deep down, you'd know that he's really a nice guy underneath his cold exterior. He cares about the things that he loves. Plus, he's [b]hot[/b] with a sword! 2. My number 2 guy is (and I know that this is a little sad) Seto Kaiba! He cares about his little brother, and he's really sensitive about what happens between the two of them. Who doesn't love a guy like that? I'm sure he would be very committed to the one that he loves. 3. Next down the list is Sanosuke! He fights for what he believes in and tries to undo the wrong. I could fall for someone like that any day! He also has the symbol for evil on his back, which is very cool for a good guy, and his pointy hair can be dangerous! 4. My next down would have to be evil. So this one is Marik Ishtar! He has a horrible past, and actually cares about people! Surprising to hear this about a villain, isn't it? I'm thinking that [spoiler]once he gets his body back[/spoiler], he'd become a good guy! I just fall for evil people, although he really is good. 5. My list ends here, with Spike Speigal! Although I hate people who smoke, I'd like to date him at least once! He's committed to his love, and he's a great fighter! I don't know who wouldn't want that. He also knows how to make a good sarcastic comment, like me! He also sleeps a lot, which is nothing unusual for me. That's only my top 5! I would have put Hiei up there, but he's not quite there...
  21. How do you know? For all I know, Koga may be planning some death plots right now. Who knows, Inuyasha may be planning Koga's death. I'm sure that they want each other as good as dead.
  22. IloveBebop


    That flashback is actually from an earlier episode. I think everyone just assumes that because [spoiler]he's standing next to his bed, with his shirt off, while Millie's sleeping on his bed.[/spoiler] We're talking about religious symbols, right now. I wish that there were people who actually read all of the posts in a topic. By the way, no double-posting.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Snodin [/i] [B]And as for Yami, it's possible that Yugi is a descendant of him, which would explain why he's the most worthy of all to possess the Millennium Puzzle. This is all speculation from me, so I may be wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] I think that Yugi is Yami's reincarnation.That might explain why the show is surrounded by "destiny" and Yugi's interesting conversations with Yami. That also may explain why Yugi is the smartest out of his friends (except for the Kaiba brothers).
  24. I can see why you said that. It's really hard to talk about one pokemon for an entire week. Anyway, Torchic isn't that good of a choice for a starter. The fact that it changes from fire(Torchic) to fighting (Blazeken), It wouldn't last against those really hard battles, like the Elite Four. Mudkip is my choice, considering that it can learn a variety of attacks.
  25. IloveBebop


    If you look back on the article, it says that the red apple that Knives eats represents the fall of man and that the green apple that Chapel carries represents the redemption of man. At least, that what I found.
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